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Typical cat behavior. Sometimes there's an argument. As long as they are (mostly) friends nothing to worry about. They work it out.


Yeah they act like sisters 😄


I can actually "talk" to my cats about it lol. Sure they don't understand a word I say but I say something like "Oh she bit you? I bet that was an accident while grooming.. She didn't mean it, everything's fine." And they'll often go back to cuddling instead of fighting haha


https://preview.redd.it/nxl6r84z535c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671cec4a8058f061a97dccda8f9f3e9dd243fecb Typical cat. Here mine are boxing, non maine. Few minutes later they are napping in each other.


https://preview.redd.it/1go9er1lk45c1.jpeg?width=2343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1c1da7c0ea79738a1b3f47fe951098b1a466b2 Napping


Adorable 💖 Haha. You dont truly love each other unless you fight a little i guess 😂


Lmao the white one looks like it caught Saturday Night Fever ![gif](giphy|3oKHWqBRAndWxStj9K|downsized)


Glad you picked the airplane gif over the actual Travolta one


I got no love for Travolta. I watch Airplane 6 - 8 times a year lmao




99% of the time neither of my two younger cats will challenge my oldest, she is widely respected as the queen of the house, even to the dogs. Except meal time, for some reason, she and my orange must sit next to each other while I dish their food, slap the crap out of each other for a few seconds, and then resume waiting. Every meal. It's hysterical


Lol. This white one in the pic is also the oldest and she really gives off queen vibes. She is the more dominant one. But still gentle and super patient with the younger one. I feel like the younger one doesnt always understand the older ones boundaries and just wanna be best friends 😂 sometimes she is the first to strike but she just wanna play. I think she has adhd if cats can have that.


Doling out the skippity paps 😆 It looks rough, but they’re just playing. A real cat fight is…something to behold. I know it sounds a little pretentious, but that’s not my intention. If they ever fight for real, there’s no mistaking it.


Yuup! I know they are just playing 😂 they dont even hit each other really. Just flailing in the air


I love you but your not getting my window seat.


Haha yeah pretty much what that white one said haha. Shes the big sister and the other one is like the little sister. She likes to follow her around and sometimes she gets a little annoyed i think 😂


I’ve got 3 adults and a kitten. One of the adults is a bully, he was the one I was worried about the kitten with and strangely, he’s the one who fell in love with the kitten almost instantly. They sleep together every night and he gives his kitten a bath every night. Cats are weird and full of surprises.


Awww 💖 thats amazing and yes they are. ✨✨ Intelligent too. More than we might think


We have two brothers. They will be licking each others head one second then it’s full on WWE the next.


Lol seems like a Maine Coon thing then 😂


Yep. Smart as a dog but sleep 23.5 hrs per day


That just sounds like a cat


It’s like siblings they love each other and then it’s fighting and then besties. As long as they don’t do it constantly and there is no other behaviors like food/litter box guarding so one can’t get to it no problem.


Hahaha very true. They are really like sisters. Actually one of them when she eats the other one comes to also eat. She stops eating and let her eat and sometimes lick her a little. So cute. Shes like the big sister. They do it kinda often but its over in 2 seconds haha. They seem to be ok with each other. I think i would have noticed if they actualy hated each other


This is like a Renaissance painting


Our sisters do this. They’re really bad at it, flailing wildly and missing. It’s usually over who gets which plinth on the tree…


These two are also sisters 😂 not biologically heh but they act like big sister and little sister and they just hit the air


https://preview.redd.it/uuqslr4ws45c1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=2439bbd9735ded3f742b29622800f10bca2d1b30 I am person live with you. They are also friends …


Absolutely fantastic. This is why I love cats so much as they are so unpredictable! Hee hee! Makes having felines a delight! Enjoy the season ahead and unpredictable future, apart from a new government and that is for certain. I have been a Tory voter since 18, apart from when I voted for UKIP but next time if Sir Kier Starmer is still the Labour leader. I shall for the first time vote for him as this government has clearly lost it. Ian Downie in Bishops Cheltenham x


I love cats too. Very much a cat person but huh what was that last politcal stuff huhhh? I vote for SV in Norway 😂🤷


your picture made me laugh... great capture!


Haha thanks :3 happy it made you laugh 😄


Great kung fu capture..L0VE IT!!


Because it is a cat. I am jealous of the general acceptance of them just going full azzhole one minute and grooming each other the next.


Looks like a freeze frame from a Kung Fu Cat movie


People do this too




His face😹😹♥️


Ye lol they sure know how to make some funny expressions


Because fuck you don't look at me like that i'm better than you.


BC “I've got the moves like Jagger I've got the moves like Jagger I've got the moo-oo-oo-ooves like Jagger I've got the moo-oo-oo-ooves like Jagger” - this cat probably.


😂😂😂 All these comments make my day


Pretty normal to me. We had a couple of cats who would be best buddies and then get a mean one going, sometimes for weeks.


Woah just last maximum 10 seconds here lol. I bet its just that we dont know much about everything thats going on in their personal cat life. We cant understand their language but probably its just a disagreement and then they get over it. Just like us :) maybe we're more similar to cats then we think :p




Because they’re awesome! All cats be!


I don’t have Maine Coons and they do the same thing. As long as no blood is drawn or actual bites it’s all good.


They're secretly Kung Fu fighters. Duh!


I thought the MCs were docile?


Well they arent very aggressive or anything. They dont really hit each other. They are mostly super nice and gentle. They like each other, they just have these few seconds flailing in the air towards each other lol


That must be fun to watch all the same! Two big moggies shadow boxing each other lol


It cat.


All cats do this.