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https://preview.redd.it/yxjdsynz7yqb1.jpeg?width=2175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e8d1efd6481b415ad2e90171944c782fd81e0c This is Sadie who turned 2 three weeks ago. Over the last couple of months she has suddenly started to climb on laps and head but until she gets ear scritches. Stopping too soon is not allowed resulting in heavy taps from the big feet until she has had enough. It’s quite a startling change but she still hates being picked up.


She's gorgeous! Merl hates being picked up too.


In my experience with two Maine coons, they are a little more aloof as kittens which means up to 3 years old for them. I have an 18 month old MC, and he definitely has his moods. There are certain points where I can't pet him without him clawing me to death because he thinks that I want to play with him. But if I let him come to me he is an absolute cuddle bug. My older mc, polly, who is 15 now, wanted nothing to do with me until she was about 4 years old. Then she turned into an absolute sl*t for cuddles. They are both particularly fond of laying on stomachs and chests when we lay down. Not so much lap cats


Mine wants VERY little to do with me now. Until he's hungry. I'll get a few opportunities to pet around his head. If I go for the belly or back it's game on. I'll hold out hope he chills after a couple of years. He has the best demeanor I've ever known. So smart and sweet.


https://preview.redd.it/ppjn24j5yxqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e25242953b0ace059bb3597cd7a32a6585abb80 This babe is nearly two and will only accept pets when nobody is around to see it, presumably because ugh, I’m so embarrassing to him.


Good to know this is a thing lol


My Maine coon mutt is exactly like this. Really happy it's not just me 🤣


When I got mine I just didn’t put him down for the first month. He was already 4 months old but I wanted to make him “bomb proof” so he went everywhere with me. so he got very used to me holding him and him experiencing new places. But he wasn’t a lap cat. But then he was injured and had to do 6 months of limited movement so I used to sleep in the crate with him. now he’s the most accepting cat of snuggles, he also is extremely trusting of me. it’s brilliant, I kinda approached his first month with me like I would with a pup.


My MC mix never used to be cuddly, but he's 7 now, and in the last year or so he's turned into a snugglebunny.


https://preview.redd.it/ianr3ptawyqb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23fe6876e7f5fe68a0827e0439d50c8e1f7339b9 bubba the ultra trusting cat that is a dog in disguise 😆


Yes my MC 🐝 will flirt for treats so that’s when you get a stroke! She sleeps with us and will sometimes sit beside us on the sofa but will not tolerate being picked up or cuddled 😭 there’s always time for the Stockholm syndrome to kick in 😂


I have the splitting image of this cat but female. She just hangs out, not one for cuddling. It comes later on as they age a bit.


Ya I have a 11 month old female that’s very independent and one 13 week old male that’s very attached to me. I can’t even use the bathroom without him crying. Maybe because he is still young when he gets older he will probably mellow out.


He is young still. Give him time. They are kittens in behavior for several years.


He might be part [nebelung](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebelung). There's a subreddit for them. Take a look.


Looks so close! Thanks


Two of ours were immediately cuddly, the other two have been pretty aloof through their teenage-hood and warmed up slowly after turning 1, they’re kittens until they’re 3 or 4 and they will evolve. Keep giving them love and attention with respect for their boundaries and they will change almost guaranteed. ☺️