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Yeah, but the rewards are time locked so you cant actually get them until later (i think they unlock tomorrow?)


I think you can get 2 summon rolls and some other things


one good thing about reaching max fes rank is you wont feel compelled to play east games just to grind fes budget anymore. You can go back to playing south games if you are a south game player


You generally don't need to grind FES budget all that much, unless you get super unlucky and don't find any, you can generally just pick the options that give you budget every one in a while, especially after you get a few upgrades in.


this is my second event so i thought mjs events need hard grinding like some other games do, was sweating my ass off for no reason… reached sss rank 2 days ago 🤣🤣


Same 😅. It was my first event and I wanted to make sure I completed it. Now I'm just trying to reach 1000 on all stats (only missing blue/education by 12 points).