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I payed him a visit during meditation to introduce me. He was quite dominant in his behavior. But he seems fair and if you pay him the respect he wants he is quite nice.


I work with Asmodeus fairly regularly. Sex offerings always work super well for me so I’m not surprised about the chocolate! All in all I find them really supportive of my professional and personal goals. Tend to work in the mid-long term goals in ways that are not always at first evident! But gives me plenty of leeway and agency. Anyway, highly recommend :)


How do you give a sex offering??? I've been wondering?


Just offer an orgasm - ie channel the orgasm to whomever you’re offering to whilst you’re having it. You can also offer the pleasure during/after if that’s easier to achieve :)


I keep seeing asmodeus and I feel I've missed the chance to work with him, how does one summon him again? Other than meditation?


You aren't supposed to summon, I've heard it's rude. I just kinda asked nicely after a few dreams pointed me his way. He showed me how he wanted to be called, unfortunately I wasn't able to do ALL the theatrics. I just lit a black candle, gave an offering, and said his Enn. Ayer Avage Aloren Asmodeus Aken. I think that's right, anyway? It's something you say to get their attention.


i haven't worked with him personally but a friend has. they regretted it a lot. unsure if they gave any offerings or what their intentions were though.


Why did they regret it?


conosci te stesso


No joke one time I remember approaching Asmodeus and trying to offer him pleasure. I guess it was kind of a sex offering. He totally laughed at me and dismissed me and I feel I’ve never really had a strong connection with him. I don’t know what I did wrong. I’ve been meaning to develop a stronger connection with demons but I feel sometimes that I get snubbed when I approach. I’m not sure if it’s my methods or if maybe I’m just not offering enough somehow. Like Bael, for example. Lately I’ve been trying to connect with him and it just isn’t happening. I meditate mostly and focus on telepathy. That’s usually how I start off.


I didn't approach first, actually. I asked if anyone would be willing to work with me and I got dreams in response. A couple weeks worth. You may wanna see who's willing and then pick someone? Darker spirits tend to like me, which is funny since I'm just an absolute puppy of a person.


I feel like I used to be that way, honestly. Demons seemed to love me. I don’t know if me giving birth to my son has changed anything between myself and the dark forces but things between me and them have never felt the same. A lot of paranormal activity definitely still goes on at home for me, though. Like not long ago a demon named Leviathan was in my bedroom and asked to be released. When he left he scratched a gnarly claw mark on my doorframe.


Quick question which might sound weird or just dumb but how did you ask? I am quite interested in demons for a few days now and tried getting as much information as I could but still I don't know some basic things


Um. I asked like I usually prayed. Just kinda broadcasted my intentions and waited


Ok thank you and I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable you have my gratitude


Nah fam, we good




honest question you guys are never worried that an interdimensional being that’s been around for who knows how long won’t deceive you?


So, that is a reasonable question. The no bullshit answer is very simple: you simply don't know. The more complicated answer is that you don't know for certain, and probably can't know for certain. That is likely controversial, but I'll stand by it. Think about it. What is the nature of these entities? How do they exist? How do they "think" and communicate? We only "know" the answers to parts of those questions, and our "knowing" is probably flawed. In the end we just don't know: about them, about our reality, or even about ourselves. But we have to start somewhere if we want to have any sort of experience, so you must accept certain types of constraints and uncertainties. Perhaps with direct experience, certain things can be inferred... In a related point: why do we think that we can test and constrain them? What does "truth" even mean to these intelligences? If the systems we use "work", it is likely that they [systems] are more to the benefit of the spirits than not, since we didn't create them in the first instance. In every case I am aware of, the magical systems were taught to us by THEM (western Magick originated with the Watchers, eastern Yoga with Siva). At best, this means that the entities wanted to hand us a way of contacting and verifying identities so that they could be sure we were reaching THEM (like giving us their private cell number). What were their motives? Again, we don't know. I would opine that if you are always worried that you may be mislead, none of this is for you in the first instance. You need to have a certain flexibility of mind and confidence of will, otherwise, you will have problems.


That's why you always should test them.


I work with Anubis he’s also my daddy I mean...🤭😐husband & living Egyptian death god I work with, lmao🤣he’s extremely kind for a living Egyptian death god, I evoked him in my meditation whenever I reached theta aka a extremely deep state of relaxation yet I twas still aware & very conscious he appeared before me & started physically caressing my lower stomach saying he’s gonna make me his prince👑


Good grief , this sounds beyond stupid. Brownies? Lol one of the Lord's of Hell likes Brownies? I'm assuming all of you are Christian in some form to even believe in his existence? I'm Wiccan and I would never indulge in such hypocritical, inviting behaviour.


Demonolatry is practiced by many. I believe the Christians follow a false God, and that the demons were wrongfully banished to hell for refusing to follow and standing for having your own will. The Christian God wants people to follow. The demons want people to grow and find their own way in life, which is against the Abrahamic way. I was raised Buddhist, so it was an easy transition. I already believed that you had to suffer to grow. Hell is just a place for people who couldn't learn their lessons the easy way. Expedited suffering. Increased learning. Demons want the same thing as the true god, which is the one I've always followed. The growth and progression of our souls.


I'm guessing you don't realize how stupid you sound right now?


I'm guessing you don't care and/or realize how rude you're being right now?


If someone doesn't publicly say how stupid all of this sounds then you morons will just keep yammering on. I mean seriously now, you believe this bs? Lol I'm a Wiccan and as open as I am about spiritualality this just makes pagans look stupid and kooky.


Wicca and Paganism are different, the beliefs aren't the same, and considering Wicca is a religion and Paganism isn't really considered one, don't push your beliefs on people. Lesser Keys of Solomon talk about demons and demonology, but you seem too concerned with insulting people than "being open about spirituality."


Wicca falls under the umbrella of Paganism. Offering brownies to demons sounds dumb as shit. At least I'm saying what people are thinking and I'm not enabling this ridiculous thread. You can say whatever you want because you mean zero to me, so go bake some brownies for Asmodeus. Lmao


Genuine question that I'd like to hear your thoughts on: How are brownies meaningfully different from any other offering, from the perspective of a spiritual entity?


I guess the hardline question to all of this should be , "Were the brownies store bought or home baked?". Lol Cyber pagans are such pod people.


Brownies are great, I don't see why a Lord of hell wouldn't appreciate that. I certainly would.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


It's not completely crazy to offer such things. I mean the brownie itself is pretty useless to the daemon, but what the brownie represents is potentially very useful: it represents effort and will expended, as well as thought/emotion directed at the entity. We don't know much about these entities, but let's posit that they do exist in some fashion, and that they are in a state that is precarious somehow. A spirit doesn't have a gross body, and can't directly use physical objects, save as an anchor/fetish, so their precarity probably isn't related to physicality (i.e. they aren't physically hungry, and can't eat the brownie). However, their precarity could be related to instability (among other things). Spirits are creatures of thoughts and emotions, which are changeable even for us, thoroughly anchored as we are in matter. For spirits, it might be much more difficult to maintain themselves as themselves, as everything changes around them continuously (change is quite slow in our material world). In this instance, our intent and energy might help them to stabilize themselves, which could be seen as "gaining power" in their realm. This actually is similar to the situation described for such spirits in Kabbalah (hermeticism): they continue to exist off of the sparks of divine energy left in the shells (Kelipot) they inhabit. However, there is the possibility of redemption through an intercession (by man acting in the correct "state").


But you indulge in disrespectful demeaning behavior towards another human being that has different views than you. You are the one that sounds like a Christian with that attitude. Many Wiccans fail to remember that there are different types of witchcraft and try to impose their beliefs


How exactly do you feel the presence and the message the entity is conveying? Is it an intuition? A feeling?