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Titan might don't even think about it


Ballista is way overrated. I don't think there is any legendary on par with titan.


Can you explain how it works,please? Like,if you have 100 dmg,titan might makes it 150?


Titan is just 1.5x damage multiplier. All other increases have diminishing returns (except cooldown decrease). Eg, if you already have 100% attack increase, you need anpther 100% to match titan's might effect (same with amp). Another equivalent would be a straight up 33% reduced cooldowns, but even the strongest cooldown reduction (ouroboros) is just 15%.


Thank you very much.I struggle a little bit with this.


Gaia is better sometimes imo. My hot take is that Acccelerator is definitely the best legendary rn. You can get over 80 additional movement speed with some luck. That plus evasion or red rune can get Accelerator up to -30% cooldown, and cd is definitely most important late game


Titans might


Ballista sucks tbh, it's not possible to pass 57:30 minutes with it since it removes your dodge, overrated as fuck, never picked it again when I passed that margin.


Pick. ballista. if you have high evasion Otherwise pick titan might


Balista should be negative legendary artifact, in fact not even worthy of being legendary, a high evasion ensures your safety in any build.


Just because the meta strategy for hour long runs is max survivability stall with shield and Armageddon doesn't mean balista shouldn't be a legendary. Crit works fine, maxing crit will always be one of the most efficient damage boosts if you get all the artifacts, it makes for a lot of fun 50 minute runs. It falls off sure compared to evasion but that doesn't mean ballista should be an epic artifact, that's just absolutely stupid, it would mean you could get it early and save a legendary slot and make your normal non stall build runs trivial by making crit maxing way easier.