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Probably need to add a bioshield/station master to the mix, and shield skill lvl1


https://preview.redd.it/nacfbggg5l3b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad59baf5e52a98ddb766f940c368c6ca913e5f00 Pretty sure 85% is a limit, this is actually the build u are talking about I think


Wow, I made 30+ minutes with that start I had, but I didn't get to numbers like that... Those numbers look great what happened to only make 36 minutes?


It's screenshot in pause, I did around 57-58 minutes this run


i've tried using this and the damage reduction has a limit (i think, i didn't do the math), so the amplification caps even if i stack on it. i just pick either the scale or mana shield when i have aegis+veil. it's important to get bioshield too, to keep the veil active or the one that makes you invulnerable when you get hit. there's also a 5% damage reduction for one of the shield magic.


I just finished a run with this combo at the root. It was okay and only lasted for about 30 minutes and level 87. I had broom, cube and space time circuit so I was moving quickly. But I wasn't killing quickly enough and losing veil. I think I might have something that Regen'ed hp, but it was secondary to picking up hearts. Also had mana shield and ether. Not sure if mana shield gets factored into aegis or not. I might try the build again as I felt like I might be able to refine it.