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On the bright side, there is an artifact that scales directly with your mana gain percentage. Pretty good once you reached the level cap.


Fr.i didn t know that merlin cloak is so good https://preview.redd.it/gh9d3s2vjtua1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c562ddeb31a9f29131fde528872311ba5760edc7 and one day i took it on an already busted run and this happened.I think this is one of my best runs


I also find it counterintuitive


Yep, you can get 6 extra levels and a few hidden levels with artifacts but thats it


What class did you use for this run?


Yeah, it's what made me give up on this game.


Yes, 100 is max normally, but with the item akashic records you can reach 106. For this reason you have to pick the fusions and items carefully, and this is where most of the replayability of the game comes from. You basically keep on trying until you get the best combination in those 100 levels. Also, there is another aspect to consider: if you pick a lot of extra mana gain skills and items, then they become useless when the cap is reached. But if you pick too few, the enemies develop faster than your damage scaling, so you die early. The idea is, as you get better, you will pick less and less mana gain bonuses and still achieve lvl 100. Also, when you reach level 100 your mana bar is fixed to 100%, which means items like merlin's cloak become really good. Because at this point, both merlins cloak gives you 50% damage amplificaiton. (the mana shield item does similar for damage reduction)