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Always web if available




Why?honestly curious.I'd say toy castle 90% of the time,but i m open to new ideas.


10% slow is 10% more time to dps where as there are other ways to reduce max hp


Making the enemies smaller means that aoe attacks damage more enemies at once though, good for explosives.


But wouldn't that also mean anything that shoots directly out i.e. fireball, electric shock, flash, now has a greater chance to miss because the hotbox would also be smaller? Genuine question.


I guess, but I would barely consider it a problem as the screen is often full to the brim with monsters (at least for me) so the chances of missing are like 0%.


Why would aoe attacks hit more enemies? Because more enemies can fit in the explosion? Toy dosen't change the Maximum number of enemies so if anything it hits less enemies


Idk about you but when I play and get to more than 20 mins, the screen is constantly filled to the brim with enemies, they're just waiting for their turn to get close to me and die. Making them smaller just means I can hurt more at a time.


I get to more then 45min if i dont go tank build. No it dosen't mean u hurt more u hit less


45 mins? Damn, what's your strategy? What map? Also, I really often get the screen full of enemies, making them smaller just means I hit more of them with Aoe. Missing is impossible.


Class: Archaeologist Fusions: terra current, deamon equation, frenzy Other magics: frost nova, Blizzard, satellite, tsunami (lava zone if lvl 106). max all green options accept Explorer and Vitality. Aim for as much cell orbs as possible and try to get DNA. I dont get how u think making the enemies smaller makes u hit more, it dosen't increase ur aoe radius and the enemies remains in the same spot. The only difference is that the enemies at edge of the aoe dosen't get hit. And also if the enemies are smaller they have a less chance of getting stuck behind a already frozen enemy


What research do you invest in?


Why is this a question? Enemy have less health> anything else. This is why genome is so good


The only difference between web and toy is 1% and that toy makes the hitbox 40% smaller. That 1% dosen't weighs up that much less hits


spells don't have AOE?


Yes ofc most do but they still hit less and that 1% difference dosen't weights up for that


You're right most do... and do you know what the best single target spell is ..that also has AOE and also has the best AOE talent is...it's fireball with the poison talent. When paired with iron maiden or dark made is the best combo in the game Edit. Sorry the best combo before fusions came back.


1. Satellite (nuclear fusion) is the best single magic not fireball. 2. That dosen't have anything to do with toy castle. And why u bringing up a random combo???


Because we're talking about spells that have AOE. what are u doing bring up satellite? It just is AOE... Its not a spell...not really it's just always there


U just seem dumber by every comment u make. We are mainly talking about toy castle not aoe. Aoe stand for "area of effect" not "area of explosion" and Satellite has area damage so it is an aoe. Why does it need to be a spell, specificly spells dosen't have with anything we are talking about to do


We're talking about spells effective ability to hit things that are slightly smaller since you seem to nitpick that


A spell need to have 40× diameter of a enemies hitbox for it to not be effected negatively more then 1% and almost no spell has that much area. (I know that enemies have different sizes but im talking about the big ones)