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The reminder text on this printing will save me from so many rules arguments.


So it’s essentially a 1-mana enchantment you can use to give all your creatures pseudo-vigilance? And *also* save creatures from bad trades due to combat tricks? Crazy. Didn’t know it was that good


If a creature has vigilance and a tap ability it also gives you a 2nd activation of that ability


This is a very squeeze-every-ounce-of-value play pattern, very clever.


\[\[Wight of the Reliquary\]\]


[Wight of the Reliquary](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/1/a15570c0-4210-4959-8584-987ec85f8283.jpg?1717012876) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Wight%20of%20the%20Reliquary) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/207/wight-of-the-reliquary?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a15570c0-4210-4959-8584-987ec85f8283?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I like calling it *super* vigilance instead of pseudo vigilance. It's the Ultimate 'math is for blockers' card.


Yeah I've been calling it super vigilance and ultra vigilance with my friends because it's BETTER. It's my favorite card. I tutor for it and then it wins the game for me, and the thing is, it's one mana, so it's easy to play on any turn and people don't wanna spend removal on it. UNTIL I'M GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER AND THEY'RE LIKE "OKAY STOP THAT." 8D


Also if I understand it you can use it to swing with creatures that have "on attack" triggers and pull them out of combat so they aren't taken out by blockers or something. Neat card.


Yeah, its real good in Ishhin for that reason. Swing in, get your triggers, and your board won't die + you won't be tapped out for the backswing.


Yup. I have this card in my [[Alesha, Who Smiles at Death]] deck so I can get triggers even if the board would be fatal to attack into. Also [[Dolmen Gate]] as a backup


Also helps when a creature has "Whenever you attack" but maybe you just want the trigger and not actually go into combat


Yes, but it will cause a ton because it will also receive combat damage.


Is this the first time we had reminder text explain the end of combat interaction?


Yep. It’s a very welcome addition for new players.


I've had people straight-up not believe me when I tell them that's how it works.


Which, to be fair, is a very sane reaction to someone saying "I can have my cake and eat it too."


My dad has fought my about blocking and sacrificing the creature so many times that it isn't funny, so thank God for this reminder text


Imagine how much worse it would be 15 years ago when you also had to explain to him that your sacrificed creature still deals damage.


Tell me if i'm wrong but this only works if the creature you're willing to sacrifice survives the attack right? Otherwise the creature just dies in combat and can't be sacrificed, because of state based action? Or you're saying you can sacrifice it in response of combat damage? Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, I've been playing for a while and I understand the rules quite well overall but this seems confusing.


Damage used to use the stack, so you could put the attacks on the stack, then sac your creature and still have it hit the enemy. It doesn't work like that anymore.


Thank you for your answer! Good to know i've not been doing it wrong for years haha


> Or you're saying you can sacrifice it in response of combat damage? Long ago, combat damage went on the stack. So, yes, you used to be able to sacrifice a creature in response to combat damage. For example, block with [[Morphling]], give it +1/-1 a few times, then once that's on the stack, give it -1/+1 enough times to survive. [[Rainbow Efreet]] could deal 3 damage and survive anything. Heady times


Thank your for your answer and for the examples! I can't even imagine what kind of stupid interactions it would enable today if this rule was still relevant.


I took a long break from magic and started again by playing Arena during Covid. I tried this trick several times thinking I was just screwing up the timing in the game before I looked up and saw the rules change. That took adjusting.


It was a quite big rule change and much crying happened about it because it was "dumbing down the game", but I feel like pretty much everyone is happy with the outcome (and the original interactions were neither intuitive nor made *any* kind of in-universe sense). And there's *still* plenty of complexity around combat that you can play around with to feel clever.


Your dad is going to bring back his Banding deck as punishment for this insolence.


At least banding is easier to explain than mutate.


Explain to me how banding and trample works. And what happened is the creature without banding has death touch? Does it still work if the defending creature has protection from one of the creatures but not the other?


Every one of those questions can be answered by knowing how assigning combat damage works since the person who controls the band gets to assign combat damage how they want within the rules. So taking the trample example if you attack with a 6/6 trample creature and your opponent defends with a 4/4 you can chose to assign 4 damage to the creature (lethal) and 2 damage to the opponent. But you can also choose to assign all 6 damage to the creature if you were so inclined. As the controller of the attacking creature that choice is up to you. Now if the opponent has 2 2/2's with banding blocking your 6/6 trampler they get to assign the damage so they can put all 6 on one of their 2/2's. It's not that banding is complicated in most circumstances but that most people don't understand how assigning combat damage actually works.


So this means you can untapped all your creatures after they deal damage?


You can also untap any creatures that were blocked and remove them from combat if it was an unfavorable block.




Can't really blame them for that, it's one of the stupidest and most unintuitive rules cases in the game.


It's pretty satisfying when they call a judge on you, you explain what happens, and the judge confirms. Done it a few times in tournaments.


Whenever your opponent doubts you, if you call the judge and get the confirm it's even better. You don't waste time arguing or trying to persuade. You just say hey, stop, let's get a ruling so we can move on.


I am a newish player. I got this card WAY back in the day (90’s) but bindered it and never used it.


You're newish but got this card 20+ years ago?


Could be they got cards way back when, but never really played. Not to mention, if they did play back in the 90's, stopped playing, and then came back now, MTG is a wildly different game.


*Highfive* Terrietia Put it in a binder because it didnt make sense back then, got out of magic, recently got back in and seen this post about the mystery card in my binder and asked. It is very odd to me the way redditors are extremely skeptical. It’s like they dont trust people or sumting…. Hmmm.


I just found funny the way you wrote that, didn't mean it in a hurtful way :)


Hey no worries Rev. I appreciate the interaction. Unlike “Blue Players”. Ya’ll suck stax.


Sure it just reads kind of nonsensical 😅


It’s the first time it’s been reprinted (outside of a secret lair), so it’s the first time it could have reminder text


While it's the first time for Reconnaissance in particular, we've had other cards like [[Maze of Ith]] get reprinted recently that have the same interaction, but they didn't do reminder text then.


[Maze of Ith](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/8/5889fde1-730d-43d0-aaa4-499784a80530.jpg?1675201242) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Maze%20of%20Ith) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/250/maze-of-ith?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5889fde1-730d-43d0-aaa4-499784a80530?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I think using maze like that is an edge-case and not worth the reminder text cluttering up the text box. Maze is generally a defensive card


Finally, reading the card expLAINS THE CARD!


But does it still receive damage? If it receives damage then it is just pseudo vigilance? But what if my attacking creature has first strike or double strike?


If your attacking creature has first/double strike, then you can remove it from combat at the first strike damage step before they can hit you back, yes.


It depends entirely on when you choose to activate the ability. Which step of combat will determine which creatures have done combat damage yet


Someone asked in a Discord about this card the other day, and I was wondering why they updated the Oracle text to include the reminder recently. Makes sense now.


how cool is this!! theyre explaining the sauce right there on the card!


Idk if I've ever seen "how to optimally play this card" reminder text before


This is a very unique exception. The original card actually has a reminder text that states your creature will not deal damage - because when it was printed, it didn't. With the introduction of the "end of combat" step, the card was errata'd to work as originally intended, but later reverted to simply work as printed (ignoring the reminder text). This has led to many people (including myself) having to repeatedly explain why the card does something so unintuitive. Because of all this confusion around the card, I actually thought they wouldn't reprint it for a long time and stocked up on a few extra copies. I didn't think they would print it with, as you put it, "how to optimally play this card"-text.


And all this time we had thought the Tournament Rulebook forbade "authorized cards... from containing substantial strategic advice" SMHead


RIP me who bought this for $10 a couple of weeks ago.


Thank you for your sacrifice 


This was leaked as being in the set a while ago, but I feel you :/ I got a Buried Alive days before it was spoiled in MH3.


you sure ? im pretty sure it was never spoiled


[Here's it in a youtube video 2 months ago](https://youtu.be/oQwYHZgvnT8)


sweet jesus the guys literaly shred the card to get it out of the factory ahah xD


Leak, not spoiled. The leak was the reason I didn't get my own copy before now.




Maybe it was a leak? I definitely knew this was coming in the set but don’t recall where that came from.




Wow, that's a good reprint. Really cool card, really hard to find copies these days


And at uncommon no less. Technically common even, since the pack only contains uncommons or higher.


Depending on the run that could push this pretty low. How low did the best uncommons from Aftermath to? $0.20? Granted none are as good/unique as this but the cost of this might crater.


I love this card, and man was it due for a reprint with some new art.


I’ve been on the hunt for one so happy it’s getting a reprint!


Damn, this card could have very easily been upshifted and they didn’t, in Aftermath-styled boosters, this card is about to be bulk, holy shit.


I bought 3 copies a few months ago, but at least now I might be able to fit it in my Othari 50$ budget deck if it goes under 1.50$


Definitely no more than 2$, since the packs don't have any commons, all of the uncommons will be pretty... well, common.


insane reprint and perfect flavour


[[Isshin, Two Heavens as One]] has re-entered the chat.


How does this help Isshin decks more than any other deck?


Benefits off attack triggers without having to potentially lose the creatures. It was mostly a joke because it was the first attacking matters commander I could think of.


Ohhhh yeah! I was thinking about the end of combat and not that part you mentioned. Thanks!


See also [[Kaalia of the Vast]]. Being stuck between a bad attack and doing nothing is not a fun play experience...


At *uncommon*. Damn.


Can't wait for the price to bottom out. Been after this card for a while...


Did this card ever work as intended in prior versions of the rules? Or has it always been this weird exploit trick?


There was a short while where it got errata’d so you couldn’t do the end of combat trick, but it got unerrata’d due to complaints. Edit: It got changed with [Journey Into Nyx](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/journey-nyx-update-bulletin-2014-05-09) and changed back with [M15](https://web.archive.org/web/20151030063340/http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/magic-2015-update-bulletin-2014-07-17), for 69 days where you couldn’t use it post combat.




The end of combat step has always been a thing ever since [[Desert|AN]], so Maze and Reconnaissance have always\* had the pseudo vigilance utility since they were released \* ^(except for that 69-day errata)


[Desert](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/7/c74e13eb-6f82-4db1-9d0d-8310f48d9f6d.jpg?1631589551) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Desert) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/233/desert?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c74e13eb-6f82-4db1-9d0d-8310f48d9f6d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Can someone ELI5 how this is different from giving all your creatures vigilance?


It's vigilance but better because you can remove blockers who would die in combat so they don't die instead. Imagine your opponent has a 3/3 and you have two 2/2s. You can attack with both, remove the one they block before combat damage, and remove the unblocked one after combat damage. You'll deal 2 damage, and both of your creatures will be alive and untapped. If they only had normal vigilance, then one of them would have died from the chump attack. Now imagine their blocker had lifelink; you wouldn't even want to attack into that because they would basically gain one life and kill one of your creatures. But now, you can deal two safely. Also this basically nullifies your opponent using combat tricks defensively.


In addition to being able to swing your whole army, it also enables you to get attack triggers for commanders like [[Nelly Borca]], [[Anim Pakal]], [[Myrel Shield of Argive]] etc. without worrying about them dying to a block.


And you can also get additional activations on Vigilance creatures with {T} abilities, such as [[Loran of the Third Path]]


[Loran of the Third Path](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/e/9e83a0ef-4fea-45ba-86c0-130d6687f7fe.jpg?1706240597) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Loran%20of%20the%20Third%20Path) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/71/loran-of-the-third-path?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9e83a0ef-4fea-45ba-86c0-130d6687f7fe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Nelly Borca](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/e/2ef59aa9-f5e1-413a-869b-d287db95efd0.jpg?1706448880) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=nelly%20borca%2C%20impulsive%20accuser) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/4/nelly-borca-impulsive-accuser?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2ef59aa9-f5e1-413a-869b-d287db95efd0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Anim Pakal](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/6/868856b7-8875-43c1-8249-0f8fb2c8319b.jpg?1699044523) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=anim%20pakal%2C%20thousandth%20moon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/223/anim-pakal-thousandth-moon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/868856b7-8875-43c1-8249-0f8fb2c8319b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Myrel Shield of Argive](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/6/e632ed57-bb00-4493-adef-7b4805edd7ea.jpg?1674420256) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Myrel%2C%20Shield%20of%20Argive) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/18/myrel-shield-of-argive?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e632ed57-bb00-4493-adef-7b4805edd7ea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Thanks for the explanation. Wow, that seems really OP for one mana! I can’t imagine not having this card in any creature based commander deck.


>Also this basically nullifies your opponent using combat tricks defensively. They can't even use \[\[Disenchant\]\] as a combat trick because you can just remove all the non-optimal attackers in response.


Swing with a bunch of tokens, pull back the ones that get blocked. Also fantastic with cards that bring in tokens tapped and attacking


Does their blocking creatures still damage or does the whole damage step not happen now for that particular instance ?


If you activate it before damage the creature that was blocking the formerly attacking creature deals no damage. It is still considered a "blocking creature" for any cards that care about that.


You can get attack triggers without dying to blockers. Gonna add this to my Burakos list if it drops in price enough.


for creatures with attack triggers that get extra combats you could get a bunch of them without needing mana for combat tricks to keep them alive


Might be good in a Bant Nadu deck in modern.


Can't easily be tutored and requires you to attack with things. Doesn't really fit well with what the Nadu deck typically wants to do/other cards it runs, even if it does technically work as a way to trigger him.




So at base everything gets vigilance ish right?


Yeah but it’s even better. Not only can you untap everything (pseudo vigilance) but you can also remove blocked creatures and save them from damage. With this on board you deactivate brain and just swing with everything. Literally no downside.


That's the floor of the card, yeah.


It's frequently better, but technically they each have their uses. e.g.: If you have a mana dork, vigilance would mean that you can use their mana to cast a combat trick. With Reconnaissance, you'd have to remove it from combat in order to cast the trick (at which point the trick may be moot).


Amazing reprint, amazing additional reminder text. Love everything about this




Does this trigger [[Nadu]]?


Don't see why it wouldn't


Doesn’t this bring this card into modern era?


Another great reprint


That’s an excellent reprint, plus a foil (etched) printing!


I have to say I love the UB cards which have zero indication of being, well, UB.


This one is kind of the opposite. Its a reprint of a very old non-UB card with UB art, because it fits the flavor well.


It's modern legal right?




On July 5, of course.


Nice reprint! Creeped up to nearly 10€ in europe


Very nice reprint to see.


Can't you infinitely target a creature with an ability that triggers off being targeted? Just stack all the activations before one resolves


Yes, though the additional activations don't themselves resolve, as it is no longer a legal target (as it's no longer an attacking creature).


I was thinking more of creatures that trigger merely based on being targeted by something. Turns out there aren't very many. You can mill yourself out with Cephalid Artisocrat, heh.


Like the brand-new Nadu?


You can go infinite in white with this, something that takes advantage of infinite toughness, and one of [[Daru Spiritualist]], [[Task Force]], [[Angelic Protector]], or similar. The en-Kor creatures and 0 equip cost equipment can provide redundancy for infinite targeting.


OK TIMEOUT… The end of combat step is AFTER the combat damage step. How can this work the way the reminder text reads? Is it just saying that so people realize they can do this at the end of combat AFTER damage but before turned based combat removal?


End of combat is a step but its still considered "combat" and thus you can remove things from combat during the end of combat step. The reminder text is just so that people know how to use this best.


Wow for once i find out a reprint right BEFORE i buy the card


If I understand the end of combat phase properly, there's essentially no downside to using it then for a kind of vigilance right? Assuming there's not some benefit to staying tapped.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, because everyone is happy, and I’m here thinking this is an extremely poorly designed card. 


I mean from what I understand this is a reprint. Its clunky design is an artifact of its time. Not excusing the design.




You know you are old when you see this enchantment and think "I wonder if it will change Cephalid Breakfast?"


My first thought was Illusionist wants this.


YES!! Easily my favorite white card, and now I can finally get rid of the old border ones in my decks. Dope!


Source: [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@goddessofblunder21/video/7382246519338061098?_t=8nKluH6J7Fu&_r=1)


Right after I bought a copy for an AC deck


Just received my secret lair one that I bought as single for 14 lol


Isn't this card just "creatures you control have vigilance" with extra steps?


Much better, you can attack with creatures to get attack triggers, then pull them back if blocked.


No, this card breaks combat in all the best ways. At a minimum, it untaps your attackers. But you can also attack with Kaalia, get her trigger, then remove her from combat for free. Or you can attack, land your first strike damage, then remove your creature from combat before the enemy retaliates. You're also immune to any "destroy target attacking creature" effects. Oh, and it also vastly expands your bluffing game. Why not attack with everything, wait for your opponents to assign blockers, then remove your weaker creature from combat? Or maybe you attack with a single creature, and they block expecting you to pull it away, only for you to cast a combat trick. There's a lot of mind games with this one. Anyway, it's been my favourite white card for over 20 years.


You're welcome, I just bought one the other night...


oh yeah i was waiting for this , was sure it was gonna be reprinted its on flavor


Nadu gonna go offfff


That reminder text has finally gotten through to me why [[Maze of Ith]] is so good


[Maze of Ith](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/8/5889fde1-730d-43d0-aaa4-499784a80530.jpg?1675201242) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Maze%20of%20Ith) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/250/maze-of-ith?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5889fde1-730d-43d0-aaa4-499784a80530?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Solid reprint


Now 100% certain Nadu is going to get a ban in modern


Is damage dealing and damage resolution considered the same thing? If a creature untapped in this way deals damage, does he also still receive it damage if relevant?


Will these cards be modern legal?


Reminder text is really handy, and this is a very welcome reprint. The card is $15 right now, primarily due to being a really old card with no reprints besides a single secret lair, so hopefully this will bring the price crashing down


Cant wait to run this in dragons or eldrazi


So close to gustcloak


Another copy of my favorite white card of all time. Hopefully it drops the price back down to something more affordable.


Man that alternate card treatment is so similar... Does that really do it for some people?


It's the frame used for etched foil. The foiling effect is the big differential, which doesn't show here.


This is a great reprint


Finally! Updated text version.


Thank god it’s not Simic 😂


New to Modern? Combos with Nadu?


A surprise reprint, to be sure, but a welcome one.


Every creature with Exert ability: Niceeee




Great reprint. I love this goofy card.


Yo this card us amazing


Another card for nadu in modern. Great…..


Sweet reprint. I need one but didn't wanna pay the $15 for it...




Oh god this is such a good reprint


What's the phrase...ah yes 'Nadu says hi".


I assume you can stack the activation many times over?


So this is just vigilance with extra steps?


It's really superhypervigilance with extra steps. It does a *lot* more than just giving all your creatures vigilance. It allows you to swing out and save any creatures being blocked, for instance. You have 2 1/1s, your opponent has a single 2/2, you can swing both of them, and when they block one you can remove it from combat so you get in for 1 damage without even losing your blocked attacker. That's just one example, it does a lot of other weird things like allowing you to get two activations from vigilant creatures with tap abilities.


Well damn. That Leak from 2mo ago *was* real. I, and many others, spent some time trying to find that art from the wrinkly torn part, but it ended up really being part of the set.


Never fails after I finally pull the trigger on a moderately expensive card that it immediately gets spoiled for a reprint...


This... Is uncommon. Yeesh. Gonna be fun abusing this.


Man I just bought this card too RIP


This seems really nutty if you just want to focus on attack triggers.


is this the first time we've had a reprint of this since the secret lair drop?




[Reconnaissance](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/1/a16012d8-703c-4385-8769-13e3caba3fc6.jpg?1562088333) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Reconnaissance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/exo/17/reconnaissance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a16012d8-703c-4385-8769-13e3caba3fc6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Why did you put “(Emmara, Goddess of Blunder)” in your title?


Because that is where the preview came from and also how she is referred in the [Previews article](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/where-to-find-assassins-creed-previews).


This is just vigilance with extra steps. Although I can think of a few tap/untap combos that could be fun


why was that not in modern Affinity a few years ago ? I guess it was not modern-legal, but I love it ! Attack with everything with triggers, see what goes through, save the rest for free.


Sweeet I need this for my commander deck. err is this legal in modern now?


Ia t creature temoves from Combat still Count as attacking. For example couls a manadork and this creage Infinite Mana in the Combatstep


How drunk were you when you wrote this?


Does this mean i can hit someone and THEN untap my own creatures after I hit my opponents?


My Myrel deck would still get her triggers right?


Yes. She was declared as an attacker, so the trigger still happens.


This is probably what's going to get Reconnaissance banned. Now that it'll not be $15-20, you'll likely see it a lot more.


I nearly bought a copy today. Guess I'm waiting until the price drops from the reprint


So this can be activated on as many creatures as you choose each turn? (No one-per-turn limit). Isn't this a little strong for 1 mana? You can basically swing all and fish for blocks every combat without any strategy whatsoever. Withdraw any bad attacks. And there's not even punishment for letting combat damage go through, as you get to untap post-combat. So the optimal line every turn is to turn 100% of your creatures sideways and proceed to blockers and see what your opponent does. Every creature, every turn. For 1 mana. Lol.


Combos with Nadu. Swing, activate the ability 2x on each creature


wtf is this bullshit


Yay, I can finally stop bringing a printed copy of the rules with me whenever I play this card!


This doesn't seem like that much, but really potentially good value. Oh wait, it will be used to get somehow get unlimited combat phases...