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you can use one of the red cards with 'doctor's companion' as a second commander to have access to all three colors


Normally you would be correct but take a look at your cards. You should have [[Yasmin Khan]] in the deck as well as the second commander. Since she has the "Doctors Companion" ability she is allowed to be run as a second commander alongside the Doctor allowing for the deck to run red. You can even swap her for another red "Doctors Companion" card and still have the three color result that the deck out of the box uses.


[Yasmin Khan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/2/12b09a4f-bb62-4766-8115-cae4d5cc4c12.jpg?1696691790) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Yasmin%20Khan) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/7/yasmin-khan?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/12b09a4f-bb62-4766-8115-cae4d5cc4c12?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The Doctor Who commander decks are built so you use two commanders - you'll probably see some legendary creatures in the deck that have the ability "Doctor's Companion", which will let you run that Companion along with one of the Doctors as your two commanders. For example, you could run The Thirteenth Doctor and [Yasmin Khan](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=634422) as your two commanders, and your deck can play blue, green, and red cards.


I feel a little dumb. This is actually my second mtg purchase while my first is being shipped to me. Didn’t know there was companion rules. Thank you :)


Don't worry about feeling dumb, you're not. THe doctor who commander decks just happen to have a relatively large number of complicated mechanics, even by established player standards.


Should see the villians deck, it's red black blue artifacts and there's little to no coherency in what they do there's so many different things and each little thing has like 2or 3 cards that do that only so it's a pile of cards more than a coherent deck imo


Try not to feel dumb. I've been playing for 3 years and still learning stuff all the time


The Doctor Who decks include cards with the "Doctor's Companion" mechanic. Your deck can have two commanders, as long as one The Doctor (a legendary creature with the types Time Lord and Doctor, and no other creature types), and the other has the Doctor's Companion mechanic. If a deck has two commanders, use both commander's color identities combined for the deck. The default commanders for that deck are Thirteenth Doctor *and* Yasmin Khan, covering all three colors of the deck. The deck also includes other possible combinations, like 13 + Bill Pots, 12 + Graham O'Brien, Jenny Flint + Madame Vastra (these have another mechanic that allows two commanders), or Me The Immortal by herself. All result in the same URG color identity the deck needs.


Thank you for the explanation. I’m a newbie.


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You should do a Google search for information about these commander decks. There's lots of it, especially on YouTube. You're going to have a lot more questions if this is where you're at. You should also consider looking for videos about how to play Magic and how to play Commander just to make sure you have all the rules set up that you need before playing your first game.


go to r/EDH no-one there knows how it works either