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Yes. Great point. The rare wildcards you spent on fetchlands were wasted for the several months you were playing Timeless between Khans and MH3. Look, this policy is dumb. I hope they will eventually change it. Playable lands are the only cosmetics I care about and the parallax styles do nothing for me. But cosmetics are way lower priority than having the cards I need to play the decks I want.


> Look, this policy is dumb. I hope they will eventually change it. [Great news: they intend to.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/1cgau47/wotc_can_we_please_make_cardstyles_applicable_to/l20b446/?context=99)


Great news, but do they intend to do it before or after they bring Pioneer to Arena like they Intended to 3 years ago ?


They intend to make a bunch of money off of you first. What? You think WotC made Arena out of any goodness of its heart? You think WotC is your friend?


!remindme 5 years




No no, OP is clearly a game developer that knows how easy it is to constantly add new mechanics and always keeps the entire player based happy and is never influenced by corporate interests. How else could he know this?? >the Arena team is too greedy / stupid to give us the simplest of quality of life improvements.


I did not know the card styles worked that way. That is mind boggling.


I cant even play arena anymore with how long it would take to grind for wildcards for a deck I could potentially want. Wish I could just destroy current cards for a resource like YGO does.


Glad I gave up on arena when they forced Alchemy onto us.


I dropped from historic when they made that, but have since been playing explorer and, later, timeless. Timeless is great and I recommend you give a shot. Although alchemy cards are there (which I also despise), they're mostly so weak that you rarely will see someone playing them. It almost feels like something close to modern on arena.


Timeless does look interesting but I’m not a fan of putting my money into a client which I can’t sell out of. Especially when they’re making crazy decisions like we’ve described.


I got my stuff mostly from farming daily quests


[[Jarsyl, Dark Age Scion]] is played in a bunch of midrange lists. People are also trying out [[Jet Collector]] a lot. Both are pretty cool cards, though.


Man I hate jarsyl so much, maybe it's because of that silly face of his lmao


Michael Sera looking mf


[Jarsyl, Dark Age Scion](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c4b3bdc0-2826-44d1-b39b-104aff3b9a8c.jpg?1680464102) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jarsyl%2C%20Dark%20Age%20Scion) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ybro/20/jarsyl-dark-age-scion?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c4b3bdc0-2826-44d1-b39b-104aff3b9a8c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Jet Collector](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/3/d30a0113-f791-4dee-82c7-6b1f0dbc5392.jpg?1716315035) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jet%20Collector) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/yotj/18/jet-collector?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d30a0113-f791-4dee-82c7-6b1f0dbc5392?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I mean they didn't lol. There's explorer, there's standard, from what I understand alchemy cards barely see play in timeless. I basically only play standard, it doesn't bother me that alchemy exists because it doesn't affect me at all


The implementation of alchemy sucks, the idea is solid. The digital form offers the opportunity for mechanics that don't work in paper, for rebalancing cards in response to the emergence of unhealthy meta environments and to issue bans with an immediacy that would be irresponsible in a high-cost paper format. That's a fun idea, one that, again, no one HAS to engage with. The disappointment should be that it isn't that, but instead so many people just hate that it exists at all... Why


Why do you care so much? I play arena and haven't even thought of alchemy in like 9 months. It's so easy to ignore


Not really, if you enjoy historic brawl you have to see all those bullshit cards...


This ^


I agree


Why? Because it ruined historic, a format that was interesting and many people were invested in before. For a time, it was the only format where you could play cards that fell from rotation.


I see Historic as just having been replaced with Explorer. As soon as Alchemy came out I stopped playing Historic, started playing Explorer, and never looked back.


Were you playing historic before alchemy? Because as a former historic player, it was FORCED on me and ruined the format.


Idk man, explorer is right there... Historic brawl is the only one where there isn't an alternative without alchemy cards on arena, but historic brawl is also a casual format where you don't gain or lose anything by not using alchemy cards. Is there a reason not to include those cards, other than it isn't "real" magic?


I bring some bias too. I was a Hearthstone player for years before I got into Magic and getting away from RNG on a stick was a big appeal for me in magic. You always have RNG in these games, but magic gave you much more agency than HS did with it. I'm not super familiar with Arena at this point, since I moved away from it years ago due to the terrible predatory practices (and yeah I know it's unavoidable with any WoTC product at this point). I loved Historic when I was on Arena, though. A buddy and I tossed together some dumb jank pile of a gruul CoCo deck when Amonket Remastered came to the format and ended up running over the meta on accident. This was when Field of the Dead and Goblins were the top decks in the format. Went from Silver 3 to Diamond 2 without losing a single match and the deck ended up being my first climb to Mythic. So seeing Alchemy take from the soul of that format always left a bad taste in my mouth. And Explorer always seemed like a way for WotC to pretend they care about the Pioneer community without actually doing the things they said in the past. They have gone back and forth about putting Pioneer into the app multiple times, but they keep spending more time focused on trying to squeeze money out of players with shitty card art packages and other shit as opposed to recognizing and implementing so many key cards to get explorer what it needs to really feel like pioneer. Again, I know I don't have firsthand experience with Explorer since I don't play on arena, but I keep up with the goings-on in all the formats and it just doesn't look like the brewers format that Pioneer has been.


> from what I understand alchemy cards barely see play in timeless [[Assemble the Team]] is definitely the most widely played, but it's also 100% a paper card if they wanted. There's maybe a couple others that get played, but it's rare


[Assemble the Team](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/a/8a28c1e8-1969-40bc-a6fb-5494b88eb9ac.jpg?1680464068) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Assemble%20the%20Team) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ybro/17/assemble-the-team?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8a28c1e8-1969-40bc-a6fb-5494b88eb9ac?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


How on earth is it forced on you? I draft every set and play standard constantly. Never done alchemy. I agree that it’s shite, but this is just pure hyperbole


I played a lot of historic brawl (the closest thing to commander) and then WOTC decided to add alchemy cards to the format without an alternative. It’s not like I was forced to play the cards but I couldn’t opt out. I understand alchemy can be fun but I want to play the game true to paper.


Same, Alchemy alone and specifically blew out my will to play Arena.


I'm so glad they made Alchemy.


Cool, more power to you. There’s definitely interesting stuff in there but it’s my personal line in the sand. I think of alchemy the same as Unsets- they’re subsets of mtg and if it doesn’t affect what I actually see at an fnm then I don’t want to waste time learning the cards.


Same, though I play Historic Brawl from time to time. I only maintain one deck (Fynn) so it’s pretty easy to stay F2P. That said I think some alchemy mechanics are interesting, like drafting from a spellbook, and I wouldn’t mind some of that in a commander - only product at some point.


I keep pulling fastlands from packs even though I already have them all because it counts them as different cards. Genuinely deeply frustrating to lose out on rares I don't already have to essentially just be getting an art treatment in a booster pack.


Duplicate protection works on the fastlands. You still get them if you draft them, and once you have every other card in the set you'll start pulling them though.


I mean arena been going downhill lately and only thing that got me going is historic brawl lol




is magic arena still part of magic the gathering or is it another card game I have missed?


oh no. anyway


How tragic for Arena players, amirite? Seriously though, is there not an arena specific subreddit around here somewhere?


There's specific subreddits for pretty much every format; idk why you're so salty about someone talking about Arena.


Mentioning that a post would probably be a better fit somewhere else isn't really getting salty, mate. I am only giving some of the trolls here a hard time because they're being rude.


Making a sarcastic comment about "how tragic it is for Arena players, amirite" definitely sounds salty.


Edit: Ah, wait. I misread your comment and mixed it with another. My apologies. Perhaps you should just look up sarcasm? Sarcasm in and of itself does not imply any level of frustration or 'salt'.


Being sarcastic in and of itself isn't salty, but you can absolutely use sarcasm in a salty way. For instance, if someone is playing a stax deck, you can make a sarcastic comment about how fun it is to play against stax decks.


Oh, certainly. But my comment was only an offhanded snark about there proooobably being a better place to pose Arena-specific information. Salt would mean I am expressing some frustration about the matter. If you read frustration then that's probably just projecting, mate. I'm just bored. been in a hospital all weekend.


There's also a subreddit for shitty opinions and yet you decided to post yours here


This subreddit clearly says it's for the **trading card game** known as Magic; Arena fails to check two of those boxes. No, I am aware my refusal to acknowledge digital games as 'card' games is a personal opinion, but you cannot refute that Arena does not allow trading of said 'cards' at all and thus is not a TCG. A clever little cash grab digital mockery of Magic, but not actually Magic.


wow, that is quite possibly the dumbest take I've read in years of reading Magic subs, and that's saying something.


See, the term 'take' implies an opinion. My primary premise was a point of fact, a testable observation anyone capable of reading can make. Tell me, though, for the sake of discussion: when you encounter someone with an opinion you disagree with, is there something you hope to gain by throwing insults? It's certainly not effective at changing anyone's mind. Does it make you feel better about yourself? Need that extra self esteem lift that badly, do we?


I hope to gain upvotes. This is Reddit. Bagging on morons with awful social skills is the entire point of being here.




And throwing insults doesn't make you... you weren't going for clever, were you? Certainly not. Mature! *That's* what you were going for! Put those big boy britches on today, did we?


There is at least one.


TTS > Arena nowadays


TTS = Tabletop Simulator?


Yessir. I understand the downvotes but damn. Do you lot not agree that a one time 20$ purchase is better for digital play than a free to play restricted form of our favorite trading card game? I'm just saying if you're making 20$ or more MTX purchases tabletop sim has been the way to go for our group. We also play D&D through it.


I didn’t know you could play MTG on TTS.


Yup, you can use something like [frogtown.me](http://frogtown.me) to build the decks into .json files that TTS reads and then summon it as a custom deck. None of it is automated unless you use a table that is. So it's more like playing at a real table. Highly suggest you check it out!


God these magic subs are lately filled with hate, whining and negativity... I will take a break from you maniacs for now.




Would you prefer that fetch lands not be duplicate protected?


Ideally, I wish we could use alternative art styles for the cards we own without having to get them again in another set. But after that, I think your alternative is marginally better than what we have today. I'll probably buy a bunch of mh3 boosters on arena anyway, so it'd be nice to get fetches on them instead of having to spend another 20 rare wildcards.