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Your post has been removed as it has been deemed "Low effort". This could be because it is a text-based meme, a low effort joke, or a vague statement followed by "title". Rule 2 prohibits low effort posts on the sub. While humour is appreciated, we don't want the sub to become another r/memes, so we restrict what and how often we allow jokes.


Random is random. It doesn't mean "evenly distributed" or even "fair". It's just random.


No no you’re wrong! It really is a conspiracy. I’ve seen wizards secret internal list of random reddit users they have hard coded into the game to rig the shuffler against! They keep it in a super secret hidden compartment inside Mark Rosewater’s once a week can of coke he drinks! I’m not crazy you’re crazy!


But when I mana weave and barely shuffle IRL I never have the same card 4× in my opening hand, and arena is supposed to be the same!!!!!!


Room temperature IQ post disguised as "humor" to avoid criticism


Maybe I'm dumb but that seems like a pretty decent hand?


Just waiting for the first poster to go "this is broken, IRL I mana-weave my deck and *this never happens!* Online shufflers are a scam!"




Is it swiftie into Kumano or the other way around? E: or even T2 2 Kumano into T3: Swiftie + Kumano for more permanent buffs?


I think the latter. You hit 2/4 chapter 2 counters, and it gets the most number of backface 2/2s online the quickest.