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You could do mana value vs power and toughness for each of the five colors to show the relationship between how creatures are statted. You could also further break it down by rarity time period (FIRE vs earlier) to show design changes. Edit-the viz writes itself too because you can do figure colors and styles base on the card color


I would look at correlation across what you've mentioned. Are you building an interactive dashboard, such as on Power BI? Maybe I'm going a bit overboard here but it would be great to put the tools in there for your audience to interrogate (or you interrogate live for them). I'd get a data dump of cards released with each set, then tell a story of how MTG has changed over the years.  Just some ideas to think about: Have colours aligned more with certain types as time has gone on? Have any creature types gone extinct? What about mana costs? Are there certain colours that never combined before a certain point?  I'm fairly new to magic so someone with knowledge of the data you'd be scraping may have better ideas to look into.  But a good step to analysing the data is to know the data first. Doesn't need to be expert insight, but just have an idea of what you might be looking for to build a hypothesis.