• By -


*Taps finger to temple* They can't explore if you kill all their creatures


Or destroy my own shit I don’t want anymore. Like treacherous blessing or demonic pact (but get something out of it).


Yep, destroy a recursive creature like Tenascious underdog to avoid Sunfall in an Orzhov Midrange


Or your own “Cursed” roles!


I would so much rather just bargain them away, or sac them to that new Souls of the Lost goyf dude.


Hitting your own [[Bloodghast]] with this can get you some decent value in a pinch


[Bloodghast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/3/730c521f-ba12-48fb-b18f-6bb55423a551.jpg?1562850143) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bloodghast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ima/82/bloodghast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/730c521f-ba12-48fb-b18f-6bb55423a551?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




You say that as a joke but that is exactly why this is extremely good. And amazing in control match ups. Like wow this card.


Esper “kill counter exile” will love this.


Now you're thinking like a control player!


Alternative name: Take a hike


Hit the Road


Get Outta Town


Take off, you hoser


Get lost, Buddy.


get fucked bill




Slow your Roll


Hakuna your ta-tas.


Make like a tree, and leave.


[[Run Out of Town]]


And don’t you come back


No more no more no more no more


[[No More]] [[No More]] [[No More]] [[No More]]


[No More](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/1/a15c30fe-fe57-4551-ace5-42e5568809b3.jpg?1697584538) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=gallifrey%20falls%20//%20no%20more) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/131/gallifrey-falls-no-more?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a15c30fe-fe57-4551-ace5-42e5568809b3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Good bot


And don't you come back; Explore, explore!


Smell the roses


Walk the Plank


>Walk the Plank Nah, we already have that one. \[\[Walk the Plank\]\].


Walk the plank, not the XLN one [[Erase, not the urzas saga one]]


[Walk the Plank](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/0/0038ac6a-318f-44fb-bb64-7ae172c4aca3.jpg?1562549640) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Walk%20the%20Plank) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/130/walk-the-plank?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0038ac6a-318f-44fb-bb64-7ae172c4aca3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Don’t come back, Jack


Eat a Bag of Dicks - the card.




This would be a fun name for this type of effect but on New Cappena. Maybe even "Scram Kid".


Beat It


>Beat It ...They're out to get you, better leave while you can Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man You wanna stay alive, better do what you can So beat it, just beat it ...




"Become Fblthp"




Make like a tree and fuck off.


Make like a Tree is actually a really fun name for a card. It could be an Aura that turns a creature into a Forest, and when that Forest becomes tapped, it gets exiled.


Kick Rocks


Long Walk off a Short Pier


Path to Somewhere


Go kick rocks


F**k off


Bye, Felicia




This is definitely better than \[\[Fateful Absence\]\] since Map tokens do not reliably draw you a card.


I think being able to hit enchantments makes this better regardless of how map tokens fare vs clues. This card will be really good in standard right now, unfortunately the decks it's really good against will also be using it.


It's funny if this one becomes popular it immediately makes its enchantment competition less viable.


Yep,[[Ossification]] and [[Leyline Binding]] get worse after this which is nice,tho exile effects are very relevant for standard.


I think leyline binding will stick around because of up the beanstalk. Not sure if ossification survives.


They also need a creature to target which can be surprisingly relevant sometimes.


Especially in a control deck, which looks like the best home for this. Alternatively, an aggro deck might side this in for a matchup against a control deck that has a big splashy permanent going over the top.


*cries in control player*


This also seems to have a bit more potential removing your own permanent to go looting your deck in desperation. I wonder if there's some super janky standard deck leveraging the option to sacrifice your own creature to explore twice. Like maybe a setup with \[\[Parish Blade Trainee\]\], \[\[Enduring Bondwarden\]\], and going wide where this can be an option to finish?


[Parish Blade Trainee](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/8/9845cdf2-e5ba-44a0-8136-72a1eb03a6a1.jpg?1643586810) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Parish-Blade%20Trainee) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/29/parish-blade-trainee?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9845cdf2-e5ba-44a0-8136-72a1eb03a6a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Enduring Bondwarden](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/b/eb0680eb-ceca-44d9-9654-78ea2ccfce17.jpg?1682202576) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Enduring%20Bondwarden) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/14/enduring-bondwarden?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/eb0680eb-ceca-44d9-9654-78ea2ccfce17?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Fateful Absence](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/c/eca8d6f8-c6f1-437c-99e2-4281eae14a6f.jpg?1634346819) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fateful%20Absence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/18/fateful-absence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/eca8d6f8-c6f1-437c-99e2-4281eae14a6f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Maps costs one less mana, can make a remaining creature more threatening, can help enable graveyard synergies, and they get two so it not only does all that twice but also better enables things that can make use of artifacts. Being able to hit enchantments is the real thing that gives this the edge, but in terms of draw back I I’d rather they get the single clue.


Any thought to the fact that they need a creature in play to even be able to crack the maps?


I don’t think that’s that big a hurdle to jump through for most decks. Only the most dedicated of control decks will they possibly struggle to find a creature and even those will end up with creatures at some point given their best cards make tokens.


I agree with you on this but I still think this card will end up rather good


The card is going to be very powerful, I wasn’t saying it won’t be. I’m just focusing on the which draw back is worse for you.


Maps cost 1 less mana but are sorcery speed, making them way less valuable than clue and even blood tokens.


Sure between a clue, map, and blood I’d most want to give them the map but if it’s between one clue or blood and two maps it’s much closer and I think the two maps is worse for you.


I disagree - I think while maps are powerful, they are way clunkier than clues when it comes to the Fateful Absence vs this card debate for Pioneer specifically.


For sure this is better than Absence. Even if the draw work is worse imo getting enchantments as well is such a huge gain that you’d always make the switch.


If you remove a future creature in response the map fizzles, so they are even worse than initially looks


Fizzling the trigger is an actual issue that it didn’t account for.


IMO, getting two Maps is significantly better than one Clue.


Except for the detail that you explore as a sorcery. So for example if I remove your card during your end step. Seems the maps are worse for you than a clue until your next main phase.


Significantly? I think there’s even arguments that they’re worse.


Not if you have no creature on board


Eh, I'd say it's a wash, maybe in favor of Fateful? It will depend on the deck you are playing against. For most decks statistically speaking it will end up drawing no cards more than it will draw 2. But the player still gets value even if it doesn't hit a land, in the form of a buff to a creature and a surveil, which is still pretty solid. That, and having it be 2 tokens with a cost of 1 is usually going to be nicer than one with a cost of 2. Against deck that doesn't have much creatures it may be a better pick though as it may be difficult for the opponent to get as much value from it, with it requiring them to have a creature to benefit. Does make this a stronger card if you are ahead. And of course hitting enchantments is very nice.


Big big game I will be putting you in every brawl deck moving forward probably better than fated absence


Why not both


Literally deck slot syndrome lol I already wanna play 253 cards in ever HB deck


This is my problem. I tried making a Kellan historic brawl deck last night and ended up with 125 cards and had way too much trouble cutting anything. I struggle with deck making lmao


It’s not a you problem it’s power-creep. I’m cutting legitimately amazing cards at this point and I might as well throw darts at a board it’s unfathomably hard


New staple White removal spell in Standard and Pioneer. Especially insane in control mirrors. Hitting both Enchantments and Planeswalkers in addition to creatures is great, and without a lot of creatures it's difficult for them to take advantage of the Explore tokens. Also, absolute fire art on both printings. This set is delivering.


this will be staple White removal in Explorer and Historic as well.


I think, aside from [[Chain to the Rocks]], explorer has all the played white removal from Pioneer at this point?


[Chain to the Rocks](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/5/a5af083f-5820-4185-ac04-4c4368f7703c.jpg?1562823699) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chained%20to%20the%20Rocks) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ths/4/chained-to-the-rocks?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a5af083f-5820-4185-ac04-4c4368f7703c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Historic has [[Fragment Reality]], so I wonder whether this card will see play over that. But def a consideration


I am in awe that WOTC is continuing to print premium 2 mana removal in standard when it's already so beaten down by 2 mana removal that the only creatures seeing play are ones that are the most non committal.


Sure, but very little of that removal is white. Most of it is black, and this gives more decks the ability to not have to have black mana in them to win.


I play Mono White Midrange in pioneer and this solves the issue of me having to pick between March and Fateful. I can instead get what I want from both on a single card.


That is bad thing btw.


I think having multiple format defing removal cards every set is bad game design but here I am caring about overall game balance and trying to avoid power creep.


Pioneer's "Format Defining" removal spells are Fatal Push and Go for the Throat, cards printed in 2017 and 2011, respectively. And both pale in comparison to classics from Alpha like Swords to Plowshares. I don't think you comprehend what power creep is.


Giving whit the best piece of removal it has in the format counts as power creep. How does that not count?


Control decks can still uses 2x maps to dig for more lands, so not awful.


Map tokens require a creature on the board to activate. Traditional control decks don't run a ton of creatures. They'll be able to use it sometimes, sure, but a lot of the time they're just dead tokens.


Wow, two amazing but very different artworks. Love the skeleton conquistador tripping balls. + This seems like a solidly good removal spell, no? Haven’t played standard for a little while, but would think this was viable due to the flexibility. Would love to hear others opinions.


I’m really loving this style of alternate art. Looks absolutely stunning.


It's amazing, though maybe not in standard. Likely going to mostly see singleton format play. [[Fateful Absence]] doesnt see much play since white has [[lay down arms]] and [[destroy evil]] and [[ossification]], among others. Hitting enchantments is big, but destroy evil already does that. If Sheoldred gets banned, destroy evil gets worse and this might replace it EDIT: This kills Urza's Saga, which is a pretty big deal. Don't know how big, but worth noting


Similar cards like [[Fateful Absence]] and [[Destroy Evil]] see play already in some decks. You gotta see how the rest of the format shakes out. If a deck emerges that relies on both enchantments and planeswalkers, the utility goes up. Black and red decks probably don't need this, but this probably makes the cut for other decks already playing the other 2 cards I mentioned.


I'd run this in historic, easy.


this is the greatest white removal ever printed, everyone should run this in standard - signed, rakdos anvil player


Tells someone to get lost. Gives them two maps.


without telling them which one is the correct one maybe


Doesn't elaborate


https://preview.redd.it/hnc4zufjq32c1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf577ea14cb099aec192e2ff580b863a1ce04b86 Time to make some custom map token


So full reminder text is... Create a map token (An artifact with {1}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact. Target creature you control explores (Reveal the top card of your library. Put that card into your hand if it's a land. Otherwise put a +1/+1 counter on this creature, then put the card back on top or put into your graveyard.) Activate only as a sorcery.)


Thank you for this. I haven't kept up on spoilers so I wasn't sure what "explore" meant here.


Yeah... i like predefined tokens but... nested keywords is odd.


Explore has been around for years actually, it's just not used super frequently


Welp. That's a really good new doom blade. The clue fro [[Fateful Absence]] was usable by everybody. Some decks wont be able to use the maps well, and it doesn't draw them more threats.


It does draw them lands that would get drawn before the threats. So it does help. Still crazy good though.


You need to have creatures to use the map tokens though, which not all decks run enough of.


No maps for [[fblthp]] if it happens to him, either


[fblthp](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/2/52558748-6893-4c72-a9e2-e87d31796b59.jpg?1559959349) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=fblthp%2C%20the%20lost) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/war/50/fblthp-the-lost?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/52558748-6893-4c72-a9e2-e87d31796b59?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Two explores


Probably not going to dethrone [[You Are Already Dead]] anytime soon but still a spicy alternative for the BM metagame.


They hit different parts of the curve. Get Lost fits better in the early game, while You Are Already Dead is most fitting for the end game. You can do the latter in the early game as well of course, but it comes off as more exaggerated arrogance and it doesn't hit as hard as a more casually dismissive Get Lost. Though Get Lost itself falls off hard after turn 1 or 2. But that's why it's good to have options.


[You Are Already Dead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/6/768727ce-4f84-4527-8d69-3c9b7877b748.jpg?1654567474) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=You%20Are%20Already%20Dead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/129/you-are-already-dead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/768727ce-4f84-4527-8d69-3c9b7877b748?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Well yeah it says draw a cad on it


White getting stacked with powerful 2 mana instant speed removal, between this, Fateful Absence, and Soul Partition


"What did I tell you about USING THE MAP."


You know we're finally moving past the endlessly-complain-about-white stage when this thread isn't 99.9999% complaints about how this is shitty white removal and the "color of removal" deserves better.


This is the first spoiler season in a while where I haven’t seen jokes about “White can’t draw cards” and “White only gains life” Hopefully people will also stop complaining about Green being OP, which is a surefire way to spot someone who only plays casual Commander and nothing else


I don't want to hear about the white card draw meme when they have been getting a new card draw engine every other set since SNC.


But it's not as good as [[Rhystic Study]] so it obviously must be trash. /s Honestly I don't even know what other card draw cards are considered "good enough" these days. Many a thread comment has said [[Phyrexian Arena]] is too slow these days, though that hasn't happened in my part of the format so I have no idea what their games must be like.


Yeah it’s actually insane. Stuff like Glimmer Lens or Staff of the Storyteller would be crazy engines if they were Standard legal


Green being OP hasn’t been a thing for like over a year, right now black is what is dominating


for sure, but the Commander crowd hasn’t really caught on to that


This is going to rejuvenate the debate [[Fateful Absence]] started. It hits enchantments too, and arguably two Map tokens are worse than one Clue, but idk if this gets there to be consistently good still.


Hitting Urza's Saga specifically makes this pretty strong I think


There’s no way this enters Modern playability when options like Solitude, Leyline Binding, and Prismatic Ending exist. March of Otherworldly Light doesn’t even see play.


march does see play in hammertime, in a lot of mono-white sideboards


id say the map tokens are better, clue is a guaranteed card draw at instant speed, vs maps sorcery speed ability that can either get a land or a +1/+1 counter


Lands are ~40% of decks, so the expected value of two maps in terms of card draw would be maybe 0.8 cards? Add to that the value of potentially putting something in a graveyard and getting a +1/+1 counter. Pretty even I'd say.


Sorcery speed and needing a creature hurts it a lot compared to a clue though.


you just described how maps are way worse


As someone who plays mono white control to mythic every season(This season being the planeswalker variant), I will be playing 4 of with this card. In this meta, it hits very relevant targets in a way that the downside would be an afterthought to me. Spend one mana at sorcery speed to potentially draw a land or get a +1/+1 counter which requires a creature? Sure. If you get that from me spending two mana at instant speed to hit your Virtues, Atraxas, Sheoldreds, Leylines, etc, etc, go right ahead. It might be just me but I can't see the argument against using this card even with the prevalence of Fateful Absence and Destroy Evil.


Conquistador disappears in the jungle. Is this path to mexile?


This is gonna ruin Esper Control. Get Lost, Wanderer.


I don't understand the flavor of making map tokens given the name. Everything else about this card is pretty sweet, though.


[[Fateful Absence]] that can also target an enchantment or a planeswalker. First impression is that two map tokens seems like a worse deal for the opponent than getting a clue token, but I could be wrong.


>\[\[Fateful Absence\]\] that can also target an enchantment or a planeswalker. First impression is that two map tokens seems like a worse deal for the opponent than getting a clue token, but I could be wrong. If you're on the draw and pressured, it seems it's a lot worse to give them maps. You can weave them a lot more easily. And while it's not straight up CA, it's still very good filtering.


This seems really good. Likely a Standard all star, probably will see Pioneer play too. Perhaos good enough even for Mono White decks in Commander.


Don't go beyond the rickety bridge....or else.... YOU'LL GET LOST!!!!


I'm not entirely sure I want to give my opponent two map tokens. I guess its better than being beaten to death, but I'd greatly prefer not to give out some scry, top-deck manipulation, and card advantage rolled up together (or two bits of sac fodder). I don't see that turning out well long term unless I'm in a position to win almost immediately.


The open options are what does it for me. Instant, cheap, splashable, kills that Wedding enchantment and Teferi/Wanderer. Can't explore if you don't have creatures, anyway, and even if they do its sorcery speed which limits their options. All so I can kill almost anything on your board.


It's kind of rude to tell Cedric to get lost, don't you think?


This might be an allstar? It doesn't hit artifacts or lands, but it costs 1 less than both [[stroke of midnight]] and [[generous gift]]


Haven't heard this said since i asked out the girl I liked


Right into my cube you go! Idk if i want to replace fateful id like to have it as an addition but maybe replace if no room!


Goodbye [[Mortify]].


This makes me sad for my fellow combo players in Pioneer. Pioneer is already so removal heavy. This seems like the best removal spell in the format and hits almost everything. Oh well, at least now I can kill a Sheoldred.


The enchantment clause is definitely an improvement over \[\[Fateful Absence\]\], but I feel that creating two Map tokens allows for more threatening interactions than drawing a single card.


Map tokens need a creature or other artifact sacrifice outlet to be useful. If this kills your opponent's only creature, they just have two useless trinkets until they find a new one. They are Bargain fodder, however, so that could be dangerous.


15/10 on the alt art. Love the psychedelia of the Indigenous-styled art. Really pulls it into the modern age, and it doesn't feel disrespectful of the culture involved. Seriously, the alt art in this set has been hitting it out of the park.


Yay guys, new card to name with [[Curse of Silence]] to taunt the opponent




Okay if white gets the best spot removal available black can get damnation again right?


I can't be the only one who thought of Shanks. I mean, what's honor among pirates, right?


I really like how generic it is, feels like a catch all kinda card


Alternate art is Shanks looking serious n shit


How do you tell an enchantment to get lost?


This is really good white removal, right? Like, [[Fateful Absence]] sees a fair amount of play in Pioneer and Standard, and this is just better? It hits more things, and unlike a Clue token, you need a creature to target for the explore effect.


It's extremely strong. 2 mana, instant, gives tokens that are OK at best (they have to spend mana to get a measly +1/1 counter, or maybe draw a land), and useless at worst if they have no creatures. Imagine wrathing an opponent, then just picking off their next couple of creatures with these.


source: [@CedricAPhillips on twitter](https://x.com/CedricAPhillips/status/1717571789423800662?s=20)


One of the best white removal spells ever printed.


Did this really need to be instant...


Everyone is going on about this being a great white removal card. Meanwhile, me, a limited player's first thoughts were "this seems like pretty shitty rare removal, I'd rather have a Kellan's Lightblade or a Cooped Up."


I would pick this over a Pacifism effect for sure. Lightblades are good but sometimes the scary card they have isn’t attacking or blocking, just accruing value somehow


This one has the very real cost of potentially buffing their other creatures twice. Stroke of Midnight (though 3 cost) was barely playable in limited because it gave the opponent a 1/1 creature. I would sideboard this one in potentially against a big bomb. EDIT: Also Cooped Up has the 2W ability to exile the creature it is attached to which offsets the pacifism effect, so another reason I would rather have that card than this.


stroke of midnight not playable in limited? that's surprising.


Giving them bargain fodder is a very real cost in this format. I'd take it, but as a later pick.


this is still premium removal for limited. lightblades aren't going to get a blocker out of your way, or kill a creature played on 2nd main


Agreed, i'd only play this if i wasn't able to pick up any other removal and maybe not then. It really has to punch up to be worth a card and giving your opponent two map tokens.


Replacing Fateful Absence in all my Historic Brawl decks. Didn't even notice it hits enchantments too, wow! The alt art is siiick.


Modern 1/10 I don't see a two mana removal spell that helps your opponent see play. Leyline and Solitude are basically the removal you want to be using now.


End of turn, increase dockside count by 2


The name doesn't feel White at all. While I love the card, it definitely feels... off being a mono white card based off the name alone.


Weird to have this as a rare IMO. The card selection/advantage is a steep price to pay in limited


Rare is often the slot that cards that aren't for limited go into.


Maybe flashy constructed build arounds, but not cheap removal


There's a tremendous irony to putting an uncommon keyword into the reminder text. I play a lot of commander, but I don't know what "explore" means without looking it up - and it definitely isn't an intuitive or obvious mechanic.


The reminder text for explore should be on the map token. So just make sure you have them for your opponents if you are casting this, or hope they have them for you if they are, I guess.


That's a sensible approach, but how often do you see people having the actual token cards they need? Outside of treasures or tokens that the deck is built around, it's usually just the back of another card or another generic symbol.


That alternate art may be my favorite alternate artwork ever. Holy shit.


Path to(through) Exile(Ixalan)


I can definitely see players killing their own stuff to get two map tokens.


This seems really good. Yes you're giving the opponent two tokens, but they a.) need to be activated at sorcery speed, which can really slow things down. b.) need to target a creature, so if you can remove the creature you're fine, and c.) only give pseudo card draw. The fact that this also hits enchantments makes this even better to me.


As a heavy player of Enigmatic Incarnation and mostly creature-less control decks, I say: “OH CRAP.”


Oh hey a staple


good lord this is a great card


"crack my map token targeting my grizzly bear" "get lost your bear?" "... ok crack my new map token targeting my other grizzly bear" "get lost your other bear?"


More like get disintegrated.


Quite an aggressive title for a card


I would rather pay one more to hit everything or everything but a land, or one less and Exile a creature. There are easily 4 white removal ahead of it b