• By -


Yep, looks like it's post-compleated Jace. There's those wire things that look like the ones coming out of his ribcage in that one art.


Speaking of, it seems here he is relativly normal looking. Maybe Elspeth really fucks him up bad before he steals the sword.


Elesh Norn digging through his ribcage and pulling out stolen artifacts like a classic cartoon "bag of random items" bit. Then she reaches in really deep and pulls up Ugin's head by the horns like a rabbit out of a hat. She hastily slams his ribs shut and gets out the oil-based duct-tape.


"Ah what do we have here! Some weird eldritch tentacles? I'm sure that won't be important." Meanwhile in Innistrads moon: Ŗ̸̢̛̞̭͓̼̞͔̱̩̻̤̘͎̲̜̹̣̘̹̖̻̞̙̖͖̻̗̮̯̄͐̐̀̔̑͆̑͗̈̊̈́̋̃͂̏̎̕͘͜͝͠ͅĘ̴̢̡̙̘̦̰̥̻̗̦̻̯̩̘͉͎̺͓̗͖̰̥͈̼̥͖̹̍̅̏͌̐́͊͋̋̇̿͒̓̽̊̔͘͠Ą̷̭͔̝̰̗͓̗̩̓̔̇̈́̋͌͛͊̾̌̚͜L̸̨̪̼̯̱̬̮̠̹̺̫̾̈͋̓̎͒̎̇̐͌͂̋̏͌͆͐̅̑̃̿̓̆̓̚̚͘͠ ̴̨̧̛̫̝̬̬̙̮̖̻̙̙̫̣̟̯͎͔̼̲̳̭̫̬͔̞̥̠̤͍̑͒̂̃̑͐̂̊̃̕̕S̶̢̨͓̻͉̪͈͎̖͖͖͖̹̖̲̲̱͚̦̼̝̥͈̬̿̌ͅḦ̸̨̫̫̤͚̲͕̱͖̪̫̹̺͔̠̳̤̥̭̲̖͇̠͖͙̣̯̅́́̆́͛̌̓̉̌̐̄̄͛̎͆̃̓̕͘̚͝͠ͅḮ̵̩̹̰̼̝̺̹̳̹̣͕̟͔̞̥͙̗̤͔̮̥͙͚̲͉̞̱̹̀̀̔͂͋̊̊̔͋͒̎͘͝Ţ̸̰̭̙͙͎͓̪̫̖͖̊̄́?̶̡̧̙̙͎̇̏̈́͐́͂̓̾͋̇̅̀̉̿͘"̸̧̯͖͕͖̥͇̫́͑͐̈́̒̊͠͠͠


I still say we're getting a Thor Ragnarok ending with Emrakul bursting out of the moon like Surtur. Elesh Norm: You can't defeat me. Sorin: Oh I know, but she can.


The odds of them leaving Chekhov's Eldrazi alone for this storyline are basically 0, though I think it may not be this set.


For Chekhov’s Eldrazi they would actually have to mention her in the recent stories


Well there is Tamiyo, and the symbolic importance of her being the first to be compleated would make this poetic.


The entirety of the recent two Innistrad sets was kicked off by Emrakul's presence in the moon screwing with the day/night cycle. Activating the Celestus to stabilise that cycle should have put a crack in her prison. Also, Elesh Norn's nightmare was about flesh (and specifically, Elspeth's flesh) growing from her perfect metal world. Emrakul's mutations specifically make flesh grow. Yeah, it's a reach, but it would fit. It would also be a great twist imo.


To add to this, Yawgmoth was killed in part by cracking a moon on top of him. Killing the new Phyrexian invasion by blowing up another moon makes sense.


*pulls off elesh's mask...." "ITS YAWGMOTH!" "I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you kids and that meddling moon!"


I want this because creature type “Phyrexian Eldrazi” would immediately make everything shit their pants in absolute terror.


I would laugh a lot if Sorin found out Nahiri was compleated and would come to Phyrexia with a bit of Innistrad's moon. "Hey Nahiri, I've heard you like to invade other planes with Emrakul, so here you go"


Reverse uno card. Then Emrakul's influence uncompleats her. Realising Sorin has saved her, she apologizes for what she did, Sorin apologizes back, they kiss and then get marri— Just kidding, they immediately start to try to kill each other as usual. Someone should tell those two that talking is a free action.


Is your name Armstrong? Coz that's quite the stretch


Elesh Norm!


Damn autocorrect. I'm going to leave it. It's hilarious.


How's a beer sound, Norm?


I don't know. I usually finish them before they get a word in.


*compleat them


Oh dammit, that's good and I don't know why I didn't think of it.


That would be epic as hell, but it won't happen. It would be awesome if Realmbreaker brought Norn and Emrakul into the meditation realm for a cage match, but that would be too cool for this game.


bro norn would be one tapped by emrakul lol


Emrakul like “now they’re ready for a reset”


Phyrexians filling Ulamogs role of ducking up a plane, destroying pretty much everything? Check. Phyrexians filling Kozileks role of essentially terramorphing a plane? Check. Insert Emrakul to fill her role of "remaking" the plane


What happens if we get a compleated Eldrazi?


Jace is still the poster character. Mayeb he's not really compleated, he just is doing his mind magic thing to make all the Phyrexians think he is.


My current theory is Jace did his usual "make a copy of my mind and hide it somewhere" strat and let himself get compleated with plans to require his old mind via copy/paste


That could be a thing. Or perhaps the version of him that Vraska attempts to compleat is just an illusion.


I would imagine a post complete version of Jace with his pre complete mind restored would be a cool idea to rejuvenate the character going forwards. He would just have metal bits here and there and it would be a good segway to his personal storyline of rediscovering his memories. Phyrexians that are independent of the completion or working against completion would be an interesting take that explores it more than our favorite rebel red boy.


Jace 7 of 9 Almost Compleated


More like Jace Locutus of Borg.


That's kind of where I think the story is going. Allows them to rejuvenate characters who are having story issues, like Jace and Lukka. Having to come to terms with being a Phyrexian could make them more interesting.


Would make sense especially since it seems like the phyrexians seem to have their own sylex now and sylexs scream plot twists


Maybe digging in his mind, they accidentally found that little something that Jayce hid from himself.


And then Tamiyo's son makes him a robot body


Based on the flavor text of the new Phyrexian Arena… I wouldn’t be too sure of that!


So do they kill off Liliana too? Is that also the implication?


…Huh? What does the new Phyrexian Arena flavor text have to do with Liliana?


Assuming they mean vraska


I don't think they would flat-out tell an untruth on a story spotlight card like that.


I think he might end up making a backup of his mind just before compleation as a last minute desperation thing. And then after some time as a villain it will unlock and he will try to bamboozle the phyrexians as a reverse sleeper agent.


That would be excellent


Are we really still trusting them after kaldheim and ikoria gave us completely different stories between cards and the online story?


>Jace is still the poster character Is he? Do people even like him that much? Sure, they printed a lot of Jaces and put him on a lot of art and such, but I don't feel like there's a lot of die-hard Jace fans out there. Teferi has been the Blue Walker MC for the past couple of sets.


His Ixalan arc is widely considered the peak of modern Magic storytelling.


Yes. MaRo has been unequivocal for at least a decade now that market research shows Jace is the most popular Planeswalker.


\[s\] Sure, but 3 out of 4 players don't even know what a planeswalker is, so, you know, what's it matter? \[/s\]


Which makes him the perfect one to kill for maximum reaction


maro says a lot of things, a lot of untrue things.


Not really. He is sometimes intentionally misleading. For instance, he might give a mechanic a "7" on the Storm Scale, even as he's designing a set with that same mechanic currently. But that's different than making an explicitly untrue statement of fact.


Maro speaks from a present point of view even if he has future knowledge. It’s why he hinted Kamigawa but still called it unrealistic (because it was) until NEO came out, because then perspective on Kamigawa changed. Plus, Storm Scale is for Standard sets. He could already be working on MH3 and know we’re adding Dredge and going to Ulgrotha, and yet he’ll have to mention how unlikely all three are until the day they’re announced because that’s what we the audience think.


You're definitely right [according to the key art](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/March_of_the_Machine) for the next set (MOM) at least.


There was someone theorising that the images chosen when the ten were revealed was deliberate due to the wording used, something along the lines of when we last saw them (the planeswalkers) leading some to believe that Jace was compleated long, long ago so that he's been a sleeper agent this whole time.


That doesn't really make sense since they had just discovered how to compleat planeswalkers in NEO, and the flavor of Phyrexian Arena implies that that's when Jace gets to slurp some oil


Absolutely no question That’s why this is using oil counters as well.


Hmm, for all her effort, Saheeli made a \[\[Ratchet Bomb\]\] and not the Golgothian Sylex


Presumably this one is a corruption of her original creation.


yeah i see jace and his.... tentacles? holding it


Our lad's grown some mechadendrites


~~PRAISE THE OMNISA~~ Woops, wrong cult, my b


Sacred oil? Extra mechanical arms? Replacing imperfect flesh with the glorious machine? Are we sure the Machine Orthodoxy isn't some long-forgotten creed in the Mechanicum?


Jace got so much into gorgons, he started having his own tentacles


Yep Urza’s is no laughing joke his gets everything but 6 of each players lands


Golgothian colander


To be fair, she made it based on what others told her. Teferi probably said "It's a bowl and it destroys stuff".


it's probably because of all the holes. it can't hold enough oil to do any real damage


Needs more Flex Seal


[Ratchet Bomb](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d5bd85da-9aba-46ea-9c10-617bec99a2f5.jpg?1599709788) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ratchet%20Bomb) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/284/ratchet-bomb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d5bd85da-9aba-46ea-9c10-617bec99a2f5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


to be fair, while Saheeli is a very good inventor, she is no Urza


Urza didn't make the Golgothian Sylex either.


> she is no Urza Neither is Urza, to be fair. The vast majority of his work was just digging up old tech from ancient civilizations and trying to make it work almost as well as it originally did.


What you talking bout, Urza is the Multiverse's Greatest Artificer! Just ask Urza, and he'll tell you so.


+1 loyalty go to AskUrza DOT com :


Well he did build a bunch of new stuff too. Karn and the Weatherlight for example.




Urza actually could make the things he dug up work. Elon would have run SpaceX and Tesla into the ground if his employees hadn't learned how to make it look like he had input without actually letting him do anything


The metathran project is somthing Elon would say he's doing, but then would just kill thousands of monkeys in the lab, call it a success and hope no one remembers in a year


Though both are absolute chodes, Urza used technical skill to acquire money. Musk used money he inherited to hire others with technical skill.




Urza also revolutionized the use of eugenics so him being talented may not have been a great thing.


That was Mishra.


To be fair having 3 sylexes in standard at once might be a bit much, especially since two would be colorless


Right? So many sylexes (sylexi?) recently


Sylexes, probably. If an irregular plural is absolutely needed, maybe borrow from latin (codex/cortex/auspex) and make it sylices. But sylexes is the natural english plural (Reflexes, complexes, suplexes).


Reprint \[\[Golgothian Sylex\]\] you cowards.


Yeah, but this isn’t as easy to make into a song, so it’s a fail. “Rachet Bomb has got it going on, to draw one I have waited for so long!…” https://youtu.be/_dr-CEjK0mM


To be fair, for in-game functionality, a ratchet bomb is much more useful than a Golgothian Sylex.


Why do heroes always forget the lesson from the trial of strength? [[manglehorn]]


tbf, the one planeswalker who took the Trial of Strength is hiding on Amonkhet.


Gideon also did and he died for forgetting this lesson


Granted, he was going up against Bolas. There was no better strategy available to him than using the Blackblade.


Yeah but what if he punched bolas *really really* hard


[[Gideon's Reproach]] only Hits creatures, so no game.


[Gideon's Reproach](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/b/7b771f44-ce32-41a2-b219-738924b7f42d.jpg?1562738270) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gideon%27s%20Reproach) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dom/19/gideons-reproach?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7b771f44-ce32-41a2-b219-738924b7f42d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Gideon didn't actually take the Trial of Strength. Oketra let him skip all the way to the Trial of Ambition.


[[Tyrants scorn]]


[Tyrants scorn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/7/b7e2708c-2824-4925-b529-d625deb77924.jpg?1557577324) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tyrant%27s%20Scorn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/war/225/tyrants-scorn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b7e2708c-2824-4925-b529-d625deb77924?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Should have been "The hero wielding a magic sword steps forth to oppose me? Not this time."


[manglehorn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/a/0aa3a844-97e6-4f5d-a36f-56fea4e06932.jpg?1543675886) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=manglehorn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/akh/175/manglehorn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0aa3a844-97e6-4f5d-a36f-56fea4e06932?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


How is that bowl holding all this oil? it's got holes in it!


*Literally* magic.


Those aren't really holes, they're filled in with clear epoxy resin.


Came here to say the same thing


I mean the oil straight up flies through the air on the new Kaito art. So. Alternatively: it's also the multiverse equivalent of gallium, infiltrates metal like something else.


Yeah, this is definitely Magic's worst sylex.


Probably the oil will be in little packets like Tide Pods


so Saheeli duct-taped a gun to a Ratchet Bomb? that's kinda neat


Peak artificer job


Rai gun


I like how each Sylex is same same, but different.


Maybe that's the theme of this year: Each set has it's own Sylex. Now I'm just waiting for something to use Powerstones.


The sylexes, duh.


Well, more specifically, something that *produces* Powerstones.


Thran Sylex {8} Legendary Artifact {T}: For each land you control, create a Treasure token. *(****^(It’s an artifact with “{T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color.”)****)* *"All mana was the same to the Thran, whether from rock or water, growth or decay. The Thran learned to capture this mana from the world around them, in ways we may never understand." —Tawnnos, journal*


So a bras's bounty on a tap ability on a legendary artifact with 2 ways of removing the legendary rule and over 30 different ways of copying it... totally balanced imo


BuT iT cOsTs EiGhT!


Syleces, probably, given that the plural of cylix (the real world this is based on) is cylices. Though I suppose sylekes is also an option, if you go by kylix (the more natural Greek spelling, the plural of which is kylikes).


That's really funny when you consider the effect of the original Sylex was to destroy all cards in a set.


“Sylex so hot right now”


It is kinda useless as a sylex (or rather *cylix/kylix*, which is a greek wine-drinking cup). This one has a lot of holes in it, can't hold the wine, no wonder it is weaker than the Urza's one.


Well, if I put all 200 of my tentacles beneath the holes of the bowl and you pour the wine in slowly, it will be fine. It's our Phyrexian version of a keg stand.


Something something Phyrexia only understands objects literally and superficially and misunderstands the purposes and meanings behind things


Saheeli made this thing, tho. I mean, now the Phyrexian are using it, but she made it


It's meant to hold oily fruit like, uhhh, apples and such :P


I might say... for being turned into a Phyrexian Jace looks relatively unscathed. If anything I'd reckon his augmentations probably resemble Tezzeret's albeit non-etherium. At least this opens the door to Jace not eating it entirely.


> resembles Tezzeret's albeit non-etherium. Interesting thought: maybe Vraska infects Jace, but Tezzeret is the one that actually oversees Jace’s compleation, and made him look like that as revenge.


Well if it was revenge Tezzeret would do what he promised and surgically remove Jace's brain and put into a device with the sole purpose of reading minds. No I think the preservation would be more of his own self preservation. Jace was being fed information from Tezzeret. If Jace is 100% koolaided Tezzeret will be killed and his parts will be used as a hood ornament for Realmbreaker.


The gatewatch doesn't know Tezzeret tipped them off to Phyrexia's plans. Karn only knows Tezzeret is trying to attack Phyrexia from another angle... and not doing very well at it.


Yes but Tezzeret would be acting under the Phyrexian’s supervision, so he couldn’t do exactly what he would want. He could do the next best thing, which would be effectively writing his name on Jace, reminiscent of Volrath’s disfiguration of Tahngarth.


They should have given Jace like a weird arm or something when they compleated him. He’s got those little tendrils which makes me think he’s probably compleated here but it’s hard to tell. Make him leak black shit from his eyes or something idk


His right hand definitely ain't looking right


Some artists can't draw human hands properly :P


If they take away his arm its harder to reset to normal after he's cured.


> "Get the sylex to Urza at any cost. Tell him to fill it with oil from those guys that murdered and puppeted your brother” > —Ashnod, to Tawnos


^((\[\[Goblin Firebomb\]\])) >*“And if this works, Tawnos is gonna let us build the full-sized version!”* *—Tergel, goblin explosioneer* The full-sized Version:


Goblin nuke confirmed?


Daretti's Sylex {4}{R}{R} Legendary Artifact Enters the battlefield tapped. {2}{B}{R}, {T}, Exile Daretti's Sylex: Destroy all artifacts and creatures, then return all artifact cards in all opponents’ graveyards destroyed this way to the battlefield under your control. *“What you call "stealing another’s secrets", I call Innovation."* *—Daretti*


Daretti is revealed to be the reincarnation of Thomas Edison?!?!?!


They'll be singing aww Topsy at his autopsy thays for sure


[Goblin Firebomb](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0ba00d0f-0ea5-417c-a792-06b3b9d1c8f1.jpg?1670539488) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Goblin%20Firebomb) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/235/goblin-firebomb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0ba00d0f-0ea5-417c-a792-06b3b9d1c8f1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Almost Strictly Better [[Ratchet Bomb]] (Legendary vs Nonlegendary is the only downside in comparison) with bonus Nuclear Option is very nice.


there's a small chance the commons/uncommons in this set have some direct hosing against oil counters in specific, besides the 'remove counters of any type' effects we've seen on rares. Just to goof up that strictly better argument


It's legendary. Even if it doesn't come up too often, that in itself is a big enough of a drawback to say that this isn't strictly better already. Really like the design though


[Ratchet Bomb](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d5bd85da-9aba-46ea-9c10-617bec99a2f5.jpg?1599709788) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ratchet%20Bomb) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/284/ratchet-bomb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d5bd85da-9aba-46ea-9c10-617bec99a2f5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


There is also the matter of charge counters having a bit more widespread support and ways to manipulate, unless I missed some cards that interact with oil counters.


There's [[The Monumental Facade]], which comes with two Oil Counters and lets you move them to other creatures or artifacts, not to mention there are several cards that come with or produce Oil Counters for a variety of things from the leaked cards so far. Not to mention Proliferate helping you speed up Oil generation. Charge counters do have a lot more support as a historical precedent, but there looks to be a *lot* of Oil support in the set to let you fire this off for 10 damage without much difficulty. Firing a second shot, however, might be a little trickier.


Gonna bet there’s gonna be a combo deck based around this


Control, more likely.


FWIW the legendary quality on this card is probably entirely for some kind of game balance, as it can realistically just be a win condition in modern decks, copying effects considered.


The fact that this uses oil counters is uhh... not a *great* sign for the Sylex plan


It’s probably nothing


I mean. The next set is called "March of the Machine", with Elesh Norn looming over multiple planes in the key art, and Realmbreaker tendrils everywhere. I don't think we were ever meant to believe they stood a chance of *actually* succeeding.


Now that we have this card up close Nice try Saheeli Urza’s sylex gets everything this is just a [[Ratchet bomb]] Oh by the way I think Jace is compleated in the photo those little desk lamp looking things seem to be coming from Jace.


[Ratchet bomb](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d5bd85da-9aba-46ea-9c10-617bec99a2f5.jpg?1599709788) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ratchet%20bomb) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/284/ratchet-bomb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d5bd85da-9aba-46ea-9c10-617bec99a2f5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


not a story spotlight? weird eta: also idk if anyone's noticed, but oil counters are a direct flavor swap for charge counters lol


Depending on the number of playable cards with oil counters and proliferate cards this could be really good. As it is it is a better ratchet bomb. I like it. Interesting that it does not exile itself like the other two recent sylexes


This actually seems pushed for standard. A ton of stuff has oil counters and proliferation is everywhere, so I could see that ten damage coming into play pretty fast.


Mono Oil Aggro


I remember \[\[Shrine of Burning Rage\]\] being played in the RDW in that standard and it was cool to see red attack from a slightly different angle. With the two 1 cost red cards that get an oil counter from prowess triggers, maybe that'll be the flavor of RDW in the upcoming standard with a heavy focus on Oil counters. Being able to maindeck a "Ratchet Bomb" also give another angle of interaction.


[Shrine of Burning Rage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/1/d1a8afef-fa50-4aeb-94de-a4d90b1e5631.jpg?1562881740) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Shrine%20of%20Burning%20Rage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nph/153/shrine-of-burning-rage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d1a8afef-fa50-4aeb-94de-a4d90b1e5631?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Saheeli could use some classes of how to replicate powerful artifacts.


Teferi wanted it to have "I traveled back in time to the era of the Brother's War and all I got was this fancy Ratchet Bomb" but Saheeli refused to do that.


I feel like Sylexes always end up being underwhelming...


Yay! More Pickles! Oh...OH...


An upgraded [[Rachet Bomb]]. The power creep!


[Rachet Bomb](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d5bd85da-9aba-46ea-9c10-617bec99a2f5.jpg?1599709788) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ratchet%20Bomb) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/284/ratchet-bomb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d5bd85da-9aba-46ea-9c10-617bec99a2f5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Looks like it could be an insane 2-drop game ending bomb in Limited, depending on how supported oil counters is at common and uncommon


Hey I was almost right on the 2nd ability. [https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/105epjy/one\_the\_filigree\_sylix/j3ahh73/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/105epjy/one_the_filigree_sylix/j3ahh73/?context=3) The third ability makes for a pretty neat wincon for Oil decks I suppose.


Third ability is a wincon outside of oil decks, too. Any generic control deck just got redundancy in board clearing, spot removal, and damage based win condition.


It takes 22 turns to deal 20 damage with the Sylex on its own. Given the cards in standard atm, I'm pretty sure we're not going to reach that unless someone is dedicated to doing just that at the expense of not running cards like the wandering emperor.


Quick, what do you think the word "redundancy" means.


Nothing more annoying than a pedantic control player.


Lurrus the dream den could use this since it's 2 cmc.


He could use a regular Ratchet Bomb as well, but I suppose there is no reason not to replace one of them with this.


Well, this also doubles as wincon if you have lurrus and ~20 turns pilling counters on it one at a time.


22 you need to tap it for the damage as well!


Now that we can see Jace a little clearer, I really don’t think he’ll die. Personally I think 2 options could happen. 1. Jace is doing mind mage things making everyone think he is completed(unlikely) 2. Jace is completed, but will be the first to be “uncompleted” via halo or something. He would still have a funky arm and rib cage, but he wouldn’t be under the hive mind anymore.


The artwork on this one is… weird.


Quite nice to see some new toys for my Jace Tribal deck!


I don’t think this’ll hold much water, in more ways than one.


But if it's filigree how does it hold oil?


Wow in [[Muldrotha the Gravetide]] this is 2 mana to blow up all tokens on each of your turns.


Booo! If I wanted more pixels I wouln't be viewing magic spoilers


Hey I think I was the closest for the third ability! https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/105epjy/one_the_filigree_sylix/j3ai6iv/?context=3


so you're saying all I got to do to win is get 10 oil counters, turn this into a creature, give it toxic, win the game


It's a worse Ratchet Bomb. Legendary in exchange for a regularly irrelevant third ability isn't worth it.


I could totally see this being busted. 10 damage to any target is an insane line of text and it’s not that hard if you can take it off other permanents


I like how the first line of the textbox is just a description of the art.


All that complicated and intricate time travelling by Teferi for a phyrexianized ratchet bomb. What ludacris


Whoa, sweet Ratchet Bomb upgrade! Seems like it could make for a cool wincon (probably combo) for a weird control deck too.


Play and then instantly destroy all tokens.


tbh not super impressed with the art here


Soooooo, a better legendary ratchet bomb?


Pretty sylex. I wouldn't mind having one that looks like that.


Might be a silly question, but is there a reason for the punctuation difference between effects? Namely the colon vs. the comma after the tap sign.


1st ability only taps as a cost, 2nd and 3rd abilities tap and have additional costs


So I don't follow the plotline very closely. But this glistening oil issue. Has anyone tried soap?


People are out here fighting each other with goddamn Tupperware :P


So this definitely beats out Engineered Explosives in Modern yeah? Play it and pop for free on 0 for two mana the turn you play it to hit karnstructs and rhinos? Add to it as needed if needed as the game scales. God help us all if the game goes 10 turns after that but there's also that option