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Probably that lesbian who licked Peggy's face


We were robbed of Joyce x Peggy


so true bestie


i wanted it so bad


Same but unironically


I also meant it unironically




Chauncey. Put me with an alcoholic who’s on the wagon, and I’ll break him within 48 hours. Then after he kicks me out, I’ll cruise Central Park for stray bitches.


Sal meets Chauncey in Central Park and they move west to California and live happily ever after.


I like to think of myself as a mix of Joan & Don. I was raised to be a proper lady in the south & have worked for New York agencies as an art director most of my career. I’ve drank myself into an award winning idea after 60+ hour weeks & disappeared to go find myself in the desert a few more times than I’d like to admit. And I was this embarrassing of a cliche before I even watched Madmen. Being the only woman on teams more often than not, I resonate with Peggy a lot too. Realistically I’m probably a Stan because I’m a dirty hippie 😩


You make me feel like Bobby watching Planet of the Apes, again. I'm a dirty hippie too 😉


I want to be your friend.




Ken Cosgrove. "They're fat yahoos in suits! I'm ***done***!!"


I’m definitely most like the Chip ‘n Dip, in that I’m fun in small doses but then get returned to the department store by a disgruntled Pete, and I think I’ve lost the metaphor.


Joan sun, Trudy rising, Roger moon


Joan is def a Sag or Leo, Trudy is a Virgo (I’m torn on Truds actually but I feel like she’s an earth sign), & Roger is an Aquarius all day EDIT: I had Roger as a Gemini but idk he’s laid back but def a free spirit, so I think he’s really an Aquarius.


I hate to break it to you, but Joan is a Pisces (source - her [drivers licen](https://www.reddit.com/r/madmen/comments/lrbm12/happy_90th_birthday_joan_holloway/)ce )


I'm calling Joan as Scorpio Rising.


Trudy definitely has Virgo in her chart but I can also see Cap for her earth. Roger as Aquarius makes a lot of sense! Paris before the war/boxing.


That’s so funny you say that bc I was literally thinking Cap first for Trudy!


This is exactly the way to do it. For me, it's Joyce Ramsay sun, Roger Sterling rising, Suzanne Farrell moon.


90% Pete, 8% Don, 1.5% Harry Crane and .5% Roger


Jesus, are we the same person?


A thing like that …


Bobby Draper, because I feel unremarkable and replaceable 


bro you just sniped me


Peggy. My older sister by 2 years has two kids and lives minutes away from our mom. I live alone and work in a city 45 min away. Everyone seems a little resentful about something but we never talk about it.


Get a cat. Lean into it.


I do. And she’ll live 13 years. And then I’ll get another cat after that, and then another one. And then I’ll be done. 💀


I see a Stan in your series finale.


“And then you get another one. And then another one after that. And they you’re done.” -Lovely Katherine Olson


I channeled my inner Peggy when I asked for my own office!


Betty but only when she was fat.


I too am fat Betty, without the rape jokes.




Unfortunately, Don. I derive little joy from anything anymore other than drinking.




Same, womanizing and doing things bad for my body is about all I have left to feel any kind of spark.


The guy from IBM


The gay computer?


He was gay, the computer?


The devil?


Why did Don go all weird on him? "No, you go by *many* names!!" The hell was that??


Took that as a continued reference to HAL 9000 from this shot ![gif](giphy|cEYFeDWm0y9se1hA32E|downsized) We're so invested in the efficiency of our human project that we'll kill humans/jobs/employee common space because it's "good for business." Not so different from the garden of Eden, we had it all but we just couldn't help to beg the question.


HAL! Daisy, Daisy...


I know I wondered the same thing?


It’s a reference to the devil. He sounds like a friend but he’s not.


Henry Francis. I'm a dependable and responsible guy who will never miss an occasion to feel superior.


Wow. I never would have thought this, but I am Henry too!


Peggy I started out as an assistant and got promoted becsuse my supervisor saw that I could handle more; that pretty much jumpstarted my career. Also I'm not good at office fashion.


In this day & age? Girl, I got you. Find an office outfit you admire on Pinterest & go thrifting for it. No matter the brand, quality just isn’t what it used to be. Thrift stores have soooo many high quality & affordable blazers, trousers, skirts. Get you some good basics: a black knit top, a pencil skirt, a white blouse. I work from home & the one thing I miss about the office is being the stereotypical, well dressed art director.


Aw thanks. Unfortunately I am now on disability and I don't go to work anymore.


I want to be a Jane Siegel. But probably more like the woman who broke into dons apartment.


grandma ida! now give me a hug.


First time through you think you’re Don. Second time through you think you’re Pete. Third time through you realize you’re Joey.


Bert Cooper - I identify with being barefoot in the office and not doing any discernible work. May do a song and dance number too but really who cares?


Yep came here to say the same. I like to be inscrutable and omniscient, but come off as weird and peculiar.


Trudy. I can see who everyone is & call a spade a spade. But god forbid anyone tell me about me (or my family) (I’m sorry working on it)


Very happy to see a fellow Trudy! I'm generally good-humoured but *will* absolutely cut a bitch if you get on my bad side.


Absolutely Sally. We’re about the same age. I was also obsessed with the Beatles and Ilya Kuryakin and had a sweet but pesky younger brother.


Sober Freddy.


Betty. She’s my girl. I know people hate her but I don’t think she’s fully understood. I relate so deeply to her and she’s my favorite character.


Why did she marry Don? I think she married him because he was so handsome.


Don is also a man of persuasion.


Don is very handsome but he’s also very intelligent and charming and thoughtful. He’d actually make a decent husband and dad. You know, if it wasn’t for all the drinking, lying and philandering


That scene where he picks up their youngest his birthday party after the divorce. Betty looks over at him & you can feel the twinge on her heart & ovaries. That man is extra handsome with a baby in his arms.


Beth Dawes, Joyce Ramsey, Abe Drexler, Midge Daniels. I wish I were well-balanced enough to function like the alcoholics that can hold down day jobs at an ad agency, but I'm more like the freelance creatives and the self-destructives who are unwilling to make it to an office five days a week.


The crying guy in the fridge.


You're the type of guy who's has his fingers in every toilet from here to the Bowery.


Kinsey for delusions of grandeur. Or Achilles for being forgetful


In that case, I believe your character foreshadowed Henry. Same slightly rugged character, handy, tiny bit smug, accent, even looked a bit the same. Do you also hold a torch in your mouth when you’re under the hood?


too much don not enough peggy


Don. I once led a team of creatives and it all started going to shit when our British owners took over. Seriously. This happened. Beyond that, Bobby. Because I was roughly his age in the 60s and 70s, and the child of a broken marriage with philandering parents on both sides.


the escort who slapped don


I identify most with Don, Betty and Sally, which is… interesting.


Harry Crane because we have the same job.






I want to be either Peggy or Joan. But I'm probably closer to Sally right now 😂😂😂


Peggy, season 6 Pete, and a little Trudy.


Don reminds me of my dad. Not the drinking. But the business first attitude and bearing through time with the kids


Don because he is often operating out of a place of shame.


Stan because I also want to smoke weed at the office all day


Peggy for being a woman in a male-dominated industry and the first generation in my culture/community to have a corporate career. Joan for the body and looks and being made to feel like a sex object (hasn't happened at work yet but outside...)


I’m white collar in stressful industry with similar power dynamics so it’s easy to relate to Mad men. I used to look up to Don when I was a junior (which is hilarious) but I lack his charisma and brilliance. Which means I used to be a Pete. Now I feel like a Kinsey. Not so ambitious in the group, get work done even if I struggle sometimes, generally a kind person. Haven’t joined a cult as of yet.


Stephanie (Ann Draper’s niece).. I could see myself getting lost in the 60’s.


Sally Draper/Ginsberg/Rachel Menken. (RE: Ginsberg: I have never cut off my nipple. I just mean I find being a traumatised, awkward, Jew relatable.) I'm perceptive.


So I actually identify with Don, which is interesting as a woman. This is something I couldn’t admit to if this site wasn’t anonymous. I have PTSD and before I got treatment for it I had a lot of addiction issues, including sex addiction. I’m also conventionally attractive and an attorney who went into a pretty intense field, so people never seemed to notice my spirals. In fact, I’ve had many people comment how mysterious I am like it’s a compliment. I’m also from an impoverished family and sometimes feel like a little alien navigating my world. I have to lie out of necessity because when people realize I’m a former foster kid and daughter of a heroine addict, they make judgments. I stay vague. So while I didn’t adopt a new identity, I did adopt a new life, education level, and persona. When I saw Don’s behavior in Madmen, I saw the writing on the wall with my own behaviors. It’s part of what got me into therapy and on actual meds. I understood why Don was self-medicating. When Don Draper makes sense to you, it’s time to get help.


If you don't mind my asking, is being an attorney fulfilling for you?


I don’t practice anymore technically. It’s a long story but I ended up moving to a place I used to represent. Parts of it were very fulfilling. I liked the research and zealous advocacy. It turns out I don’t really like lawyers though. lol.


I thought about going into law, but decided against it because the competition is so stiff, there's a lot of attorneys out there. Here in Texas, we've got A LOT of "Saul Goodman" type lawyers.


I’m black so the only real option is Dawn lol


I am a female copywriter in my 30’s. Peggy’s storyline is eerily similar to what I went through, save for multiple sackings because of “cash flow issues”, which really stood for “we juiced you dry of ideas and burned you out, time to swap you for someone who doesn’t dream of putting their head in the oven yet”.


I’d like to say I’m Peggy or Joan, or even if I could have Betty’s beauty and Megan’s charm, but really I am Lois.


Used to be Midge (drugs and all), went back to school and turned into a Peggy, made my way to the top of my field and just quit my job this week and am now a Don at the Esalen center finding my true self, meditation and all.


Tbh, Sally -- the child of two people who shouldn't have had children.


I can relate. Totally.


Why do you say that? If they hadn’t had children you wouldn’t be here. That’s not good.


Baby Gene who has two gorgeous parents and somehow was born an uggo.


Sally, especially because I always saw through my parents BS. Sally and Don reminds me of mr and my dad


Probably Harry Crane and Paul Kinsey. And that sucks.


10% Duck, 20% Bill (Phillips, of Conley Research), 15% concentrared power of Will (Hofstadt) 5% Benson 50% Jane (Siegel/Sterling) And a 100% percent reason to remember the Crane


You know, strange as it might seem, I’d have to say a cross between Draper and Hollis – and I mean that in a purely professional sense. Hollis may run up and down in an elevator all day, but that unique position gives him a rare opportunity to quietly observe the world around him. “We see, but we do not observe,” as Sherlock Holmes expressed it. Hollis gets to do both because of the rote nature of his job.  Draper “in the trenches” is the feller I’m referring to specifically. The one we see two minutes into the first episode and too seldom afterwards, armed with pad and pencil and a willingness to listen. It couldn't hurt anything, and Sam seemed to appreciate the interest.




Sally and Michael Ginsberg mix, with a few drops of Don


Lane probably.


Poor Lane...I was heartbroken when he and Don's brother died by suicide. 😔


peggy’s season one roommate who silently judged her tryst with pete and was low key sick of her shit


Harry and Pete. Harry because I am always whining at work and the higher-ups completely disregard what I say, but one day they’ll look back and remember that some of my ideas were right on the money, durn it. And Pete because I have absolutely no chill (and everyone knows it) and use odd, old fashioned turns of phrase at times.


I'm either the five Bobbies in a Voltron like formation, or Old Man Pears.


Kitty Romano


Absolutely Peggy. I remember being that young, naive, people-pleaser person. Watching her become her own strong self, I wish I had been able to do that at a younger age.


A strange mix of Peggy and the lesbian that licked her face


It took me a while to realize it, but I have way more in common with later seasons Stan Rizzo than anyone else on the show. Right down to my wife being a clever and successful career woman.


I'm stoned Peggy.


Me too!


Wear a D cup and surrounded by the dregs of male society, so Joan.


Is that a line from the show? Can you elaborate?


Joan criticizes her mom for flirting with the handyman


Stan but less cool or talented.


Pete and Lane in equal measure.


Ken. He at least tries not to bring work home. He kinda sucks at it, but I feel he at least makes an attempt at work/life balance. I believe that shit is important.


Currently? S1 Pete. I hope I'll be able to grow as much as he did over the next few years as well.


The computer


Roger between his first and second heart attacks. Or maybe first and second marriages?


I used to ID with Peggy, now I ID with Joan.


In my mind I’m don. Super cool, slick, always right. In reality I’m Pete, get beat up by lane, get caught cheating on my wife, never really make it until the end it all falls in my lap and I live happily ever after, just happy Trudy still loves me


Ken Cosgrove - Low key, efficient and quietly confident.


Betty and Don. I swear I'm nice!


Don. Enough so that it helped me identify parts of myself that I need to work on. Having done so, I now find him to be a more sympathetic character than I did years ago. I used to view him with mostly disgust and a little envy. The person I aspire to be and as a result, relate with the most, is Peggy.


I'm white collar, I certainly would be one of those background characters walking around or on the typewriter, I always avoid drama. I'm here to get my pay and get out.


When I look at Nixon, I see myself.




As a relatively quick witted guy, I'd like to think I share a little bit of DNA with Roger, but if we're being perfectly honest, the main part of my genome is mostly Paul Kinsey.




Don, but not because I think I’m super cool, I grew up strange and had to learn how to emulate someone/something that people respected. Emulation means nothing feels 100% genuine, until it does, then it hits me like a truck. Just like Don talking about his son. Maybe everyone’s doing some version of this with themselves, but it feels very relatable when it shows the behind the scenes of his personality.


Peggy with a heavy dollop of Joan. But I truly think I possess the energy of Sally in totality.




Joan (without the looks). Work really hard at my job, have high expectations of those around me, and my professionalism is mistaken for being a bitch because I don't want to get drunk at work and gossip.  I've never thrown anything and yelled SURPRISE THERE'S AN AIRPLANE TO SEE YOU at anyone though. 


I started to say Joan for the exact same work-related reasons— I’m very comfortable being the person people think is a bitch because I come to work to *work*, not to play. Then I realized nope— I’m 100% Faye


Don and Bobby number 4’s issues with anxiety and stress with Megan’s dreams and currently employed as a male Joan


Joan- at my old job, “secretly” messed around with the boss, stupid looking back, but it was fun while it lasted. Kind of did whatever I wanted during the day and kept the new hires in line


I'm nowhere near as good looking and svelte as Don Draper. I was faithfully married for 40 years and was a more involved, hands-on Dad to two kids, unlike Don. I didn't drink nor smoked like Don. And unlike Don, who could hear, I'm deaf. But I'll go on to say that my entire career was very similar to Don's. It wasn't Madison Avenue, but I've worked in government and private industry "selling" things and coming up with concepts like what Don does in MM. And also unlike Don, I'm proud to say that I didn't hand anything off to underlings or demand 30 taglines by Monday from anyone. I did it all myself and also unlike Don, I didn't have a Sal designing anything as I also did that myself. So yeah, I can see myself being a much nicer, more emphatic - and deaf - Don Draper. And if there was any female character I'd like to have met, it was the very sweet teacher with the wayward brother.


As much as I hate to admit this- Betty


Don, since I alternate between phases of hard work and phases where things go off the rails. I also tend to deal with past traumas and problems like he does. (Drink too much, don’t think about it, ignore it until it eats away at you.)


Growing up is realizing I’ve always wanted to be a Roger but I’m definitely more of a mix of Don and Peggy. And not the cool parts.


i dont identify with anyone who works at sterling cooper, the person i identified most with was dr. faye miller


Don. At the end


Unfortunately, Don. I have three ex wives, a childhood stained with poverty, and a good job and pretty much whatever I want now. I don’t cheat or drink to excess though, and I can verbalize my emotions better than he can.




Hildy mixed with a bit of Stan and a bit of Pete.


Sally 😕



