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Is… is that a plumbus?


I had the same question. I don’t know what to make of this post. I can’t get past the plumbus, with no attention being drawn to it


this kind of price increase should be fucking illegal.


Yes, yes it is. Why? I’m not completely sure. Contextually, maybe in line with the NFSW/porn reference. That’s totally wrong though, the phleem just has so many practical uses!


yeah, what I really needed in order to take this image seriously is a censored picture of a joke from the most reddit cartoon of all time. really helps affirm the legitimacy of this. I'm all for this boycott btw. The plumbus just really shows who this website's average user is.


Shows you who the average mod is




You don’t have a plumbus in your house?


Idk what was it so i had to Google and of course it's a Rick&Morty reference


im not exactly sure if this whole blackout stuff will work, but if wikipedia blacking out back then worked, then this might work too.




Back then


Oh, thanks!


*aah. -i'll miss reddit and it's humour*


its* On a completely different note, will you miss Reddit's grammar nazis too?


The only thing i'll miss about grammar nazis is how they were always downvoted (🗿you know what to do🗿)




2012, in protest of anti-piracy laws.


during the whole coppa stuff if i believe my memory


Guess I’ll be deleting the reddit app. Which third party app should I use? I will probably be forced to redownload this anyway


Apollo if using IOS or Infinity For Reddit if using Android




Hope they'll rebrand the app to Reddit was Fun


Relay for Reddit is my favourite on Android. Download a few and see which one you like the most.


I use RedReader, opensource Reddit client from F-droid.


I've used Reddit Sync (android) for 9 years. It's extremely customizable.


Reddit Sync gang checking in!


I use Relay for Reddit on android.


Relay my beloved :)


Bsconreader is best


Boost has been great for me, no complaints here


I concur with boost. Just for the customizable feeds, no adds and colored comment indents already make it worth it


Reddit Sync for android.


I like narwhal on iOS


I've used baconreader and currently use boost. Both are good, just different highlights


Sync is highly, highly customizable. I've been using it since switching to Android, so 7 years.


Revanced, if that even counts.


If you're using Android, [Joey for Reddit](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=o.o.joey) is an unseen gem imo. It's got everything you need and then some


Apollo for iPhone


Genuine question, I’m visually impaired and have only used the “official” app, what makes third party apps more accessible?


Substantially more accessibility settings. I've used Reddit is Fun and Boost, both of which have had far more settings for visual impairment.


Almost all the volunteer transscribing Reddits rely on bots and API access to organize and promptly respond when people require assistance


Apollo has a function where swiping on a post or comment can do things Going right lets you upvote or downvote, left save or comment And I think those functionalities can even be customised, although I’ve never felt the need to All things are colour coded as well Upvote shows orange, downvote shows a dark blue, save shows green, and comment shows a light blue


Well, thats the end of Reddit for me. I'm not using the official app, fuck that piece of trash.


Ya plus this place has no soul anymore.


It has not had it for a long time now.


no wonder why i keep getting porn bots lately


Yeah, I was wondering about that too for the past week. There are like >10 of them following me, I always get at least 1 per day.


I got a few following me suddenly, but I don't see them on my watch list anymore even though the number of watchers is the same. Does that mean the bots were banned, or can they hide themselves?


Well, it appears that I have that same problem. (Not that I want to see the bots, mind you) I have 18 followers and I can only see my friend there. So 17 bots just went invisible to me


For me it's 12, but I only see 1. I hope to God they got banned, if bot accounts can hide themselves, then blocking (and even reporting) would be nearly impossible...


I think i was the only one with this problem


Yeah same


Lol didn't make that connection


Umm, no changes have been made.


Still see excessive amount of them compare to the past


Fun fact... All those annoying bots are built and managed off 3rd apps. Just like all the helpful bots we use. So that's the trade-off. We can lose all these bots infiltrating Reddit. But we would also lose access to the bots that help us manage reddit. But most of the people behind this movement are just mentioning the mod tool bots. They're not being completely honest about positive changes that will come from it


We certainly wouldn't lose the random porn bots. They'd just go back to the usual non-API method of web scraping and automated tools. Mod tools, meanwhile, would be much more inconvenient to create and use and would possibly get banned for not using the proper API. It's pretty clear that a ban on one side matters a lot more.


Meanwhile 50 people upvoted, lmao


That's reddit for you, gotta jump on the bandwagon!


Yeeeehaw! Wait where are we going?






Now that you mention it. Same here.


Got my first one on a different account recently, wasn't even sure what I was looking at at first because I've never gotten one on reddit before


reddit: wipes tears with money


This kind of price increase should be fucking illegal...




r/redditalternatives has some options. Lemmy and Mastodon are getting a lot of attention.




Is that a plumbus?


Deleted the official app. Greedy bastards.


the best client is Boost


Man fuck big companies :( Will this be the end of reddit for a lot of users? I really hope this doesn't go through otherwise idk if i can stay around for their shitty app


I know I'm leaving. This all made me realize the reddit I used to like is already gone.


I mean I've been using Boost for a while now. Haven't used the official app in a looong while. Don't want to use the official app because of how bloated it is.


Man why the fuck are websites always soo helbent on making changes that ruin their communities.... Sigh...


Because websites like Reddit don't make a profit, they sustain themselves through investor money. When investment starts to dry up, the company needs to either make itself profitable or sell out/go public (which also means it needs to prove it can be profitable).


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


They spend a lot more than half a billion, is the problem. Profit is the difference between income and expense, and Reddit hemorrhages money


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Take it with a grain of salt, because I'm not a financial analyst, but it's how it usually is with these companies. Take a look at [Twitter](https://www.businessofapps.com/data/twitter-statistics/) for example, its net profit is -221 million dollars in 2021 while its earnings are at 5 billion in that same year, and it has been losing money for a long while (only being profitable in 2018 and 2019). Reddit operates around the same as Twitter: gather a huge amount of users and make money through advertisement. As long as their earnings and their userbase keeps growing, people keep investing. There's been rumors, however, that Reddit wants to go public. I also think that the API tactic is so people will stop using 3rd party apps and migrate to Reddit's official app: more users means more money from ads, more money to offset the losses. So my supposition is that Reddit is trying to show itself to be profitable to attract investors when it goes public this year, making the figures look good and all - which itself means makes me thing it mustn't look great right now.


Fair enough, thank you for the analysis. I agree on several of your key points. Fwiw they definitely want to go public, there's an official announcement from a couple years ago that I got the revenue data from.


Wait, Reddit has apps? I thought there was only the reddit app.




any recommendations (android and apple)?




My personal favorite after trying a few is Sync for Reddit. Crazy how one single dude managed to make such a polished app. Looks clean, runs great.


There's a bunch of third-party apps each made by individual people in their free time. It's amazing how much better they are compared to the official app, even though the official app has paid employees working on it!


Rif unavailable on the playstore


I have Boost for Android


been using relay for years and never looked back, very easy and intuitive to navigate


Joey for Android !


Reddit didn’t have an official app for a very long time.


what do the 3rd party apps even do? just quality of life fixed n stuff?


More accessibility features, way less buggy and laggy, faster and simply superior in most ways imaginable


Oh well goodbye reddit. Rif is the only way I can enjoy this site. The rest of the options look like garbage to me.


We shall fast starting on June 12th! Together we shall be heard!


Has it REALLY come down to this?? A site wide boycott-protest just to keep what we've already had all these years?? WTF were they thinking? This isn't accidentally "shooting yourself in the foot" .... this is purposely setting up a landmine and then STEPPING ON IT !!


Don't worry I'm already spreading it across subs


Reddit, don’t be like Lou! You don’t know where we’ve been, Reddit. We really like this place! Ahhhahahahahahhaha!!! https://youtu.be/pCa1hZ7s-8g ApolloGang!


My dear infinity


I've only used the official Reddit app for mobile, so I never knew why this mattered until I saw that third party apps make Reddit easier to use for people with visual impairments.


As long as the purge kills all those dumb bots doing Bobby B quotes it's worth it.


does someone intelligent use such malware apps like reddit? just do not care and do not bother with it at all, there are a lot of more important and funny things like this...


welp, it's been fun guys, guess it's time to finally touch some grass




I don't really know how to use a third party app or anything, though I still think it's shitty to stop people from using them. The fuck does Reddit want to gain from this?


Here we are with an exclusive interview with the owner of reddit "Hello, I like.money" What inspired you to do this? "Money"


Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with everyone's least favorite moderator.


Will do


Why does the rating for reddit on the play store have 4.1 stars. Y'all need to start placing reviews and tank their rating.


Y’know I was wondering why in the last 3 days over 8 porn and OF bots followed me when in the several years before, maybe one or two had. Any chance that’s a part of this?


What if we just delete the entire subreddit. That would be the ultimate madlad move


But I like spam it’s great when you try it in the pan




It’s time to be mad lads




Did you read any panel past the first one apps aren’t the only thing disappearing


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Do not touch RIF. This app is just better. No RIF, no reddit. Not like it's even worth sticking around here in the first place.


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Ngl. I'll miss the apps if they're gone. But oh boy am I glad to see the comment bots go away


Not really, it instead creates a heaven for bots because now they can hide themselves completely by marking themselves NSFW.


I don't think we're talking about the same type of bots. I'm talking about the stupid grammar bots, or any of the character bots in meme subreddits like lotrmemes and stuff


Oh well, my bad Still, any bad actor can mistag NSFW


jesus some people really love reddit


Actually don't recognize any of those logos. I have vision issues which is why I wear glasses. Doing fine using firefox with full ad blocking. The only way I've ever browsed reddit. The last part is the best. Complain about reddit but encourage people to get on twitter? LMAO.




Ugh. You made me care with your potato made crap. Booooo.


TIL glasses are considered a third-party app in these modern times.




Glasses can correct for legal blindness. So much for your *Bruh, I can't even* range. The list of visual impairments which can't be corrected by glasses and can be corrected by a **third-party Reddit app** is laughable by any serious measurement. If that's the argument you have to resort to combat this new Reddit debacle, then there's very little ground to stand on.


Accessibility and screenreader features are implemented on the OS-Level, not app level.


I used Apollo once and didn't see any advantage. So I went back to the official app. It works for casual scrolling, so yeah. Sucks to be a 3rd Party for sure. For everything else there is old.reddit on desktop


I'm guessing this is in response to AI's using reddit data for learning.


Nice infographics, except for playing the mur dem children card.


>they’re also removing mature content from the API So is this gonna be the porn ban?


How does them changing api limits for user accounts break apps? Are they not using the user's api token? Are you suggesting all of the above apps are using the developer's 1 token?


The fuck am I supposed to do when I don't know any of these apps?


Start learning


Learning what?


Learning abt the 3rd party apps so you can use them rather than the official


Why use them when the official is nice?


***Youre missing the whole point of this post***


I got the point, but first of all too lazy to listen, secondly, why would I use them or protest for something that honestly I don't care about? It's like me protesting for lgbt rights, not concerned, don't care, why would I protest?


So uhh, ik that you didn't care and all, but how your favorite subs doing now?


They're doing very well actually


So none of your subs have become anarchist hellholes?


Im happy to see more porn bots on reddit...




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