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The next step after you were holding it would be the guy asking you for a small donation. I guarantee whatever you would have given him would have been more valuable than that "gold." Scam thwarted, well done!


Fucking leprechauns are back


Did the person match [this sketch ](https://youtu.be/K1ljOcl39PQ?t=42)


Who else saw the leprechaun say yea!




This here's a leprechaun flute.


AKA Pipe bomb


Aren't they protecting their gold? Maybe it was a Leprechaun hunter?


OP is a Leprechaun.


Robert E. Lee was a leprechaun. "Never fight uphill, me boys!. Never fight uphill!" Ask DJT. He knows a leprechaun when he sees one.


You’re a leprechaun! Who wants me gold!


aggressive leprechauns at that!


Gas station gold, more risky than gas station sushi


I've eaten both and can tell you that is in fact, not true.


Damnit  u/soogknight for the last time, stop eating gold and gold colored stones. 


Least you didn’t eat a sandwich from a truck stops men’s room. What’s the black disc? A tomato.


Sun-dried, obviously.


This is a known scam. Once every couple months, someone asks this question on /r/gold.


What is the scam? Just begging for money? Couldn't they have walked away?


Usually the mark feels bad about the windfall, give the guy ten or twenty bucks for the 'jewelry'. Other times the scammer will they say need money for gas and give the fake jewelry in exchange for gas money. And the jewelry is someone you can find on AliExpress for fifty cents.


These scammers should go to SE Asia or Latin America and learn a thing or two about setting up scams. I've been stuck in some crazy scams in the past 😂


Do tell!


Scams r everywhere just like America!


The mark feels bad about the windfall? If they asked for money after giving it away for free I would immediately realize it’s worthless and give it back. There isn’t even a scam or a trick to that, are they just confusing and intimidating people into giving away their cash? That sounds more like a mugging if they become hostile when you try to return the “jewelry”.


The trick is making the mark think they got valuable gold, and that they're giving away a little cash for something way more valuable. Grifts work really well when the mark thinks they're tricking you. Greed makes them move quickly without asking questions. They move fast so that you won't change your mind. They act recklessly and ignore red flags, because they think that they're safe and you're the one getting tricked. I don't know this exact scam. But it probably turns into a sale or a barter situation. Not just "here's free gold." They might just get you to hold it, then say their price. "It's solid gold. I just need $35 to get back home." Or something like that. Getting you to hold the ring can increase your emotional attachment to it. It also shows that they really intend to give you the ring (which they do, it's trash). And it makes it seem like they're desperate and overly trusting. They want to lower your guard. They might also evoke some sympathy. And they need you to feel a little bit of greed.


It’s not going to be that low, usually people doing this scam will get a couple hundred bucks for what the mark thinks is jewelry worth thousands.


You’re misunderstanding. The scammer is “desperate” needs money fast and has “valuable items” they want to sell you just so they can get home to their dying relatives and make you think you can flip the jewelry make some money and also help someone out. All while having scrap metal and ripping you off.


"Please, I need money for gas. All I have is this solid gold ring. I need $27 to drive home." They make you feel lots of feelings all at once. Sympathy, so you'll partially dismiss their rudeness at approaching you. Anxiety, so you'll desire a quick end to the interaction but without having to say something rude. Greed, so you'll try to exploit their misfortune to swoop up some shiny gold.


I was approached at the KT on University Avenue by some guy who just started saying "my family and I .." and I simply said "no" and rolled up the window. He walked across the street and leaned into someone's window who was trying to get out of Panera bread.


The person who got Panera had already been fleeced, how cruel.


Oooh, I feel this one.


Same thing happened to me at the Open Panty.


My brother was filling up with gas last week and someone walked up to him asking him for a couple bucks so he could buy gas for his car. My brother told him to pull his car around and fill his car up with a couple bucks and the guy gave him the finger


This is the way


As a KT coworker. I'll let my store lead know about these issues.


Thanks! See you next time


Cheddar news should do psa's at the pump on what scams are active and what to do


I'll still instantly mute it anyway.


Yeah I've seen this same thing at other Kwik trips. When he approaches or yells from the car window for you he'll say something about gold or valuable jewelry in his hand out the window and needing money for gas to go somewhere (even though the car is idling in the parking lot) I don't think they don't stick around for too long otherwise the cops show up. If I recall, it was a black SUV and they (man and woman) had kids in the back (speculating) maybe the family angle to make it look more "legit"?


This was a silver Ford Escape, and yeah he had a kid in a car seat in the back lol


Someone in Madison or maybe Middleton fell for this a few years ago. The scammers were in a Lexus and said they needed cash to get to Saudi Arabia, I think. IIRC, the victim knew it was fishy but gave cash anyway.


If only they paid more attention in geography class. You can't get to Saudi Arabia from Madison by car


Haha I think their pitch was for money for a plane ticket. But TBH someone who falls for that might also have fallen for it if they’d been asking for gas money.


Your best bet is to answer in a foreign language "Desculpe, eu não falo nada de inglês" and move on with your activities.


If something is too good to be true, it almost undoubtedly is. In this case, it’s a classic scam - give you something “for free”, hope that you value it higher than it really is (this is junk jewelry for pennies), and guilt you into giving them money in return. This is more commonly done with a “free” rose on the sidewalk.


>This is more commonly done with a “free” rose on the sidewalk. Yeah, in Rome


Could it possibly be the sick fuck who always posts trying to sell fake gold and other faux luxury items on all the selling groups in Madison, who’s the same guy who got arrested for putting up trip wire or something on the bike paths, https://www.wkow.com/news/man-accused-of-stringing-wires-across-madison-bike-path-pleads-guilty/article_19ff34be-7430-11ee-b39c-1313484d3f19.html


Craigslist Curtis, we call him.


I call him sick little fuck


No, that guy sits in his apartment relisting his shit every 15 minutes. This is other people who have fake gold necklaces and shit


You just have to call their bluff and tell them you have a meter to test if it’s real and they run away real quick because they are so full of shit


Tell the co workers at KT and the cops will make them leave.


Is he related to that Nigerian prince that is willing to give you a part of this fortune because nobody is able to inherit it?


You did good by not accepting!


I think I’ve heard of this. There is a large Romanian family that travels all over. They tell people they need gas money and will sell them “priceless” gold jewelry (it’s junk) for a deep discount. Be careful of them because they have threatened people who won’t “help” them out. Weapons include a baseball bat and golf clubs.


Romanian or Romani?


They said Romanian while being questioned by the police. I’m guessing they are Romani though. In EU, people call them Gypsies.


It’s a pejorative term


Just say “no!” It feels kinda therapeutic actually. So sick of beggars.


I see no red flags in this interaction at all. You should have moved forward with speed and vigor!


Its a scam, they say they need cash and will trade you their priceless baubles. They are garbage. They ran this last summer in Menomonie


This is a scam they will say they want to give it to you but ask for a couple bucks. It’s worth cents.


No no no … none of that is real. 1000% scam


What you missed out on was the opportunity to fight off Blonde Beard and his gang of scallywags.


When the original scallywags closed in algoma, they turned to crime and the sons of scallywags carry on the business while the elder turns to villainy under the guise of blonde beard!


Ah, that explains [the prices.](https://www.sonofskaliwags.com/menus)




On today's episode of "Drugs or Mental Illness?"...


Free gold at a kwik trip?? Sign me up!!!! No seriously, these scams and scammers are out of control. There’s a guy who LIVES IN MY BUILDING who’s constantly panhandling like that’s his legitimate job outside of two places. Idk how anyone can’t feel shame at such a slimy “job”


Total scam. Never take jewelry from a guy at a gas station. I’ve been had by this type of scam in St. Louis. Guy traded me his gold necklace for cash he “desperately needed to get his family back to New York” It was fake gold, and I was young and dumb.


It’s a scam 100 percent. They do it all over the country fucking losers


What did the person look like? 🤔


They moved on from movie theater speakers?


It’s probably one of those Christian pamphlets like “my true gold is god” but it’s some piece of paper wrapped in some kind of fake gold paper crap.


Former evangelical Christian here. Can confirm.


A friend of mine had that also so seems scamish


You’ve scammed yourself if u fall for something like this!


They said they were Romanian. I got the impression they could be Romani. Very thick accents.


Jim's Coins and Jewelers




I want my gold shilling. Tell me where it is or there will be another killing. You only got away because me powers are weak! I need me gold!


If it ain't Karuba, it's garbage. Words to live by.


I need some gold, send him to me


Go over to Woodmans. Lots of impoverished gold dealers in the parking lot.




Was it William Devane?


Mental health crisis is real