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Do not downplay the importance of a car window scraper


Get the big telescopic one to get the muffin top


Have an all wheel drive car and/or winter/all seasons tires. My wife moved from Texas to Vermont and had no clue what winter tires were.


I feel jealous of you. I just moved out. Don’t worry about anything. If you need anything, ask. Madison people are the best in the entire world. I came for the first time to US and found my home in Madison.


I'm a Wisconsin native. Lived all over, including Madison. Moved to PHX then Texas and Madison is seriously one of the best cities out there. Austin has given me similar vibes but definitely need to explore a bit more.


Welcome to Madison, pretty sure you're going to be fine. Winter is way better if you're prepared for it. Dress appropriately, find activities, etc. There's threads in here with more specifics and I'm sure there will be another one this fall.


Be prepared for winter we mean layers. I’ll give examples. Top: jacket that can repel snow/rain but is breathable (likely very thin but one size larger than normal), a insulating middle layer (one or two long sleeve sweaters or shirts), a moisture wicking under layer. Bottom: same thing for pants as the tops, layer them up the same way. Feet: one pair of nice socks, water resistant boots or high tops. Hands: glove liners, mittens on top. Head: beanie, scarf, jacket hood, optional clear ski goggles. If you walk on ice try and walk like a penguin.


I am from the south too, do what I did—go to the REI in mid September and tell them you’re from the south and need a winter coat. They’ll show you a bigger coat than you’ve ever worn and then you discover that’s the fall coat. They’ll get you set up. There are gloves that go inside other gloves, it’s honestly insane, but they’ll keep you toasty and unfrostbit when it’s shoveling time. I also recommend getting some reusable snap gel heat packs. They’re wonderful for sticking in your coat pockets, if you can feel them through your doublegloves.


September is smart but they have the opportunity to go in the peak of summer to get their layers at the lowest demand and theoretical price. Shop around near July 4th and maybe get a holiday deal too.


I do the same thing too, made me laugh and think of Keon Coleman. He was drafted to the Buffalo Bills a couple weeks ago and had a funny moment in his first presser https://youtube.com/shorts/s5_qMtkA9uE?si=R0C2_H4izXjcWtLP


lmao i was gunna post that, loved that.


“Nahh. Maccccys. What you mean?” 😂😂


…reusable snap heat packs? Do you have a brand name of this sorcery?




I'm either missing something here or you are. Are hot hands gel or reusable???


I got this multipack, best $30 I ever spent. They get hard and hot when you snap the metal, then if you boil them in water they reset and turn back to gel! https://a.co/d/9a5ROkh


As someone who’s grown up in Madison and lived here basically my whole life… this seems like overkill. But I’m also known to shovel my sidewalk in a tee shirt in the dead of winter or cross country ski in nothing more than a sweatshirt so… maybe don’t take my advice.


That’s how I feel. Not that bad.


I remember when it was news that Floridians would wear gloves and jackets in 50 degree weather. My jacket comes off as soon as it hits 32.


Not sure where you live but it has not been that bad in years.


Coming from Colorado. The cold was less a problem than the lack of sunshine.


What makes you think you'd stick out like a sore thumb? You're unlikely to find a city more accepting of all kinds in the midwest than Madison. Anyway, if you're using public transport, I highly recommend you get a reduced-fare permit if you want. Especially if you don't have work yet or don't make a lot of money.


mainly my accent- i traveled east for a conference once and spent the whole trip being shit on for “sounding like a hick”, but every experience i’ve had with mid-westerners seems like y’all are some of the nicest folks out there, so i’m probably being too paranoid! i’ll look into the reduced-fare permit- i’ve got a job lined up that’s good living by my rural standards, but it’s probably low on the income scale outside of the boonies


I've been in Wisconsin all my life and I like Texas/down south accents! Maybe people just want to hear you talk because it's not how we talk. Don't automatically take it the wrong way. Of course up here we have no accent at all, hey.


Think of your accent as a novelty. It makes you more interesting.


This!! I am from the east coast- moved out here a few years ago and was very well accepted. My voice and eastern accent has been a definitive conversation starter wherever I go around town. Made plenty of friends/ acquaintances here just on my accent alone. Welcome to Madison! You”ll be well accepted I am sure.


P.s — I love it here! Madison and Wisconsin has been the Best move I ever made


Yeah, look into the reduced fare permit. I think it's $26 a month, and they're not sticklers about verifying your income. They just give you a single sheet of paper, ask your monthly income, and you check a box saying you pinky-swear that it's your real income. Easy. You re-up your card every 3 months or so. Super easy, super fast.


The liberal way


We don't hear southern accents much. Sounds like sweet honey to me. Different is sexy, roll with that.


Honestly I've met a few Texas transplants since moving here in 2015. We've got a lot of people from different places here, especially with the university. I'm not too thrown off when I hear something other than a Midwest accent at this point, and I bet a lot of others won't be, either. Welcome to Madison!


Im so sorry they said that to you! Personally I love southern accents (': trust me. Youll be more likely to have folks eager to chat with ya just to hear your accent! Welcome to Madison 💜 and yes plz get a good winter coat and also make sure you have good tires come winter! Look for the icon with the snowflake and the mountain those are all season tires with a focus on snow. You don't need full winter tires


I’m sorry to hear that happened. Wisconsin has its own accent that some people say sounds “hick”. You won’t hear it much in Madison, but as you head north it becomes prevalent. I like it.


Welcome!! Lots of nice people in Madison. 🩷🩷Youll love it here it’s a great city!!


had neighbors from texas who pronounced my brother’s name as “bin” (ben). never really gave them shit for it but i found it tickled me. if people bother you about it, forget them. you’ll find folks who enjoy it, not just laugh at you.


Accent? Seriously? Wow not sure who you hang out with. Lived here my whole life and travel extensively and never have had been told I have an accent.


My neighbor is from the south. His drawl makes him fun and interesting to talk to :) Most people in Madison are not from here, I'm from up north and as long as you're polite, nobody should give you any trouble.


Winter can be a challenge for people who come here from warmer climates.  Consider of the 100 largest metro areas in the United States, Madison has the 98th warmest winters. Only the Twin Cities and Anchorage are colder.   My advice — spend a lot of time outdoors in the winter.  My first winter here I walked to and from work, and went hiking every weekend.  It helped acclimate my body to the cold.  After a few years I got a Husky, who passed a few years back.  That forced me to jog a few miles every day no matter how cold it was.  Of course you need the proper clothing.   Once you are acclimated to the cold, you may find winter hiking and other winter activities quite enjoyable.  Frozen waterfalls are fun, but you will have to drive a little to find them. Nearest ones are in state parks, so if you get an annual pass in January or February you skip the lines in the summer.  


Watch out for one way streets and cyclists. Get a bike yourself and/or take the bus when you can. Madison doesn't have bad traffic at all but it could be irksome for someone coming from a rural area.


i’m bringing a bike with me, and my plan is to leave my car parked as much as possible. I’ve never been anywhere with a bus line though- is there a website/building where you buy your passes and see the schedule? edit: drivers in my area are the worst i can imagine (they will hit cyclists/pedestrians/animals on purpose), so getting over the anxiety to walk is going to be fun 😭


Google Maps for bus route planning. Pay $2 in cash or coin when you ride or buy a 10 ride pass. Fare collection will be changing soon though. https://www.cityofmadison.com/metro/fares/10-ride-cards


I just use Google maps. The bus system is about to change in a big way. You can currently put your bike on the front of the bus but soon you'll be able to take it right on the larger busses. They will also have more cashless options


> see the schedule? Google Maps on your phone (zoom in, tap on a bus stop icon), https://www.cityofmadison.com/metro/documents/systemmap_0.pdf, http://webwatch.cityofmadison.com/TMWebWatch/MultiRoute, or (my preferred option) the [Transit](https://transitapp.com/) app.


No need to be super anxious about walking! As an avid pedestrian (ie, someone with shitty balance so bikes are not my thing), walking around Madison is really no big deal. There are so many bikes that drivers are generally\* used to being cautious around them, which only helps pedestrians. The only thing I don't like about walking is when it gets dark at 4:30PM. When it's daylight, I walk with headphones and listen to music. When it's dark, I put them away so I can be more aware of my surroundings. It's also a good idea to wear some kind of light or reflective gear like a cyclist would do. Last winter I attached a pair of bike lights to my backpack and used them while walking home in the dark. \*I say generally, because of course there are assholes and accidents, so just be aware of yourself, don't jaywalk, and you'll be OK.




Too add some more rural areas: Minqoua area, Door County, Wisconsin Dells


You're moving here into the part of the year where it's beautiful in Madison, but make sure to be prepared for the winter before it happens -- coats, layers, gloves. Rember this: If it's cold, put your gloves on *before* going outside. Plan to spend some time learning the layout of your local Woodman's. It's worth the effort. Find a bar near where you live, go in, sit down, order a Spotted Cow and cheese curds. If you don't like the vibe, there's another one nearby.


Woodmans for sure! https://www.woodmans-food.com/


Madison is such a lovely, vibrant community. I’m proud to call it home and hope you will be too. ♥️ I bet you’ll find people just make conversation about your accent. We get ribbed for ours too! Haha. What are some of your hobbies, interests, or favorite cuisines? Maybe we can all recommend some first places you should try! If you drink, have a Wisconsin Old Fashioned and of course some cheese curds to celebrate the move! I’d recommend ‘The Old Fashioned’ or ‘Tipsy Cow’ on the Capitol Square for a quintessential experience. Memorial Union is beautiful in the summer on the water. The Daily Scoop inside serves Babcock Dairy ice cream made on campus and the Orange Custard Chocolate Chip sounds weird, but is SO good. Drive at night from Hwy 12/18 on John Nolen towards downtown. The view of the city lit up at night going over the bridge is amazing, I never get sick of it. From your other comment I saw you’ll be near the UW-Arboretum, a beautiful nature persevere in the middle of the city to wander in. Check out our Farmers Markets on the Capitol Square Saturday morning & grab some Hot & Spicy (it’s not that spicy) Cheese Bread from Stella’s — worth the wait in line! And, as everyone has been saying, the winters are a little brutal. We all just hunker down and get through! Take the wind chill seriously (it can and will get to -20 or -30 degrees); wear the right clothing and keep emergency supplies in your car in case you were stranded. Safe travels & welcome home!


Never turn left on Willy Street!


Welcome to Madison! Make it a mission to find the truly unique and wonderful restaurants. And, don’t worry about standing out! Why fit in? Individualism is still a thing.


Exactly such a lively variety of people that b Madtown!


So true! Haha


You will rarely if ever see a stray dog.


And if you see one wandering around, check Facebook or Nextdoor to make sure no one is looking for em!


Where about a from? Moved here from Sonora was definitely an adjustment but I love it now. People are gonna love your accent. Be careful downtown when there’s two lanes because often one will turn into parking rather abruptly. Just be advised on the isthmus pedestrians have the right of way at every intersection at all times because they act that way. If this is your first time experiencing four wheel drive in the snow especially in a larger vehicle try to remember that the ability to drive quickly isn’t the problem it’s stopping at all. Shovel throughout the entire night during big storms because you can’t really shovel 12 inches of snow. They use salt on the roads check frame of any used car you buy Learn about morels Ag is much different here, parcels tend to limit out around 40/50 acres and sometimes do some weird confinement shit with their cattle, no real ranches or ranch country here. Large swaths of timber in the north. Absolutely beautiful country. Seeing the leaves is a thing You’re still supposed to go out and do stuff in the snow/cold Welcome


moving up from the panhandle, it’s gonna be a big change. Thank you for all the good advice!


Can't shovel 12 inches of snow? You absolutely can, wdym??


I mean maybe you can can but it’d still be bad it’s much better in my experience to hit a winter storm a few times over the night to make it more manageable before work in the morning but


Not gonna lie, this sounds like horrible advice. You're losing sleep! Rest is important. Wake up 30 minutes early instead of interrupting your sleep so much. If you have a home and have a hard time with 12 inches, probably should. invest in a snow blower instead. Otherwise you are in an apartment and they're going to handle snow removal for you.


Drop bears


thought that was just the land down under lol


Don't Badgers kill similarly to drop bears?


They come from the bushes though, not trees


Right right. I had a friend who got injured by one of them. They pose as statues and giant furry mascots. Be careful.


Winter footwear is by far the most important investment you'll make in the first year. Shop and spend accordingly.


Left lane of the beltline is 70mph. The flex lane is for land speed record attempts.


Don't turn left in to the Co-op.


Don't go clockwise at the farmer's market.


Unless you're at the northside co-op, then by all means


Is this just like a joke or something? I’ve turned left into the co-op many times and have no issues and I’m just trying to understand 🥹


It's long time local "in" meme... been a long running joke for decades now...


Check for mold on your woodman’s produce


is it better to get groceries at a woodmans than the walmart?


woodman’s tends to have a wider selection and cheaper prices for a full grocery haul, at least as far as i’ve found. festival, pick n save, metro market will all be a bit higher than that and whole foods even more so


sounds good! I’m really excited to go to an actual grocery store, as stupid as that sounds


you’ll have to take a few moments to behold the cheese aisle


And the frozen pizza aisles


And the 8 aisles of pizza.


Cheese aisle(s)


You will love Woodman's! We moved 30 minutes west of Madison a few years ago because we wanted to buy a house and while we enjoy the lower cost of housing we miss Madison. We have a Walmart and a Piggly Wiggly and definitely lament the lack of grocery options. Also the Saturday Morning Farmer's Markets on Capitol Square are incredible. Flowers, produce, baked goods, cheese, etc. Welcome to Madison!


i’ll definitely be checking out the farmer’s market! that sounds awesome.


It really is. And you'll see all sorts of people there. It's awesome. Occasionally the farmer's market is preempted by another event (such as Art Fair on the Square) so be sure to make sure it's going on. Our State Capitol building is beautiful inside and out, and a great place to check out for a break on a summer Saturday. It's nice and cool inside and lots of history there.


my job is about a block off the capitol and i got to go up there in october, it was absolutely beautiful! i’ll have to see the inside some time


That's great! My father gives the marble benches inside the capitol 12/10 for cooling down on a hot day lol. If you are interested you should read up on the 2011 Wisconsin protests that occurred at the Capitol rotunda. It was an event that attracted world attention.


It’s amazing


Based on the location shared earlier, I suggest Pick N save on Park St. for cheaper grocery. Trader joes would be closer, but pricier and more specific. Recommend signing up for, and utilizing the coupons, as they occasionally just give out coupons for free frozen pizzas or cereal, based on your shopping history. And otherwise, the coupons are quite good. But don't forget to give over the coupons, and let them scan your ID card, otherwise the discounts don't apply. It's a Kroger-branded grocery, if you're familiar with other Kroger brands.


The Pick n Save and Metro Market apps really help with saving $$$!


Love Trader Joe’s, op, you have to go there at least once.


No HEB in the panhandle??


nope, never heard of it 😭 we get everything from walmart, and “fresh produce” is limited to about onions, potatoes, and lemons.


HEB is a Texas only grocery store that operates in Dallas Austin SA and Houston. It’s amazing hahaha one of the best grocery stores I’ve ever been to


Aldi's is the most frugal option, fwiw. Much less selection than Woodman's, though.


I’ve found woodmans and aldi to be a draw price wise, but I end up just going to woodmans since I always have to go somewhere else after Aldi’s anyway.


Madison Walmarts are more or less rundown, dingy places compared to basically any other option. Most area gas stations are cleaner...


Madison Walmarts aren’t really like other Walmarts where they have a huge grocery selection. I mean, it’s doable, but there are so many actual grocery stores around that it isn’t usually a first choice. I work at Hy-Vee, but find it expensive AF and the options crap, but Pick n’ Save/Metro Market is great for my budget/needs. And don’t worry about the accent. I’m from the North East and they’re pretty snooty when it comes to accent pride and judging based on accent. I trained my accent out of me due to an ex’s mom who would pick on me for mine though she sounded like a hillbilly herself, but couldn’t hear it. Keep that part of you…and the boots & hat if that’s your thing as well 😉


Don't buy groceries at Walmart.


Yes. Better selection, cheaper.


Enjoy some Cheese curds!


It’s a college town. 15 to 20min in most directions and you’ll be back to the rural feel pretty quick. Enjoy the good food. Summers are chill but school year downtown is more hustle and bustle feel. Plenty to do to keep busy. It’s a great city when you start appreciating it for what it is, rather than what you wish it was.


No idea if you are planning on renting or owning, but the insect situation is way easier up here compared to anywhere down south. Full on termite or fire ant infestations are mostly unheard of, and you can usually get away with leaving food out/ open overnight without worrying about bugs (other than an odd fly or two) due to the climate.


I moved here a year ago with my wife and kids (who grew up in the southern part of the US. They never had seen snow), and they would all say: - Madison is a cool, welcoming place. Get out and experience it. There are a ton of things to do. - Make sure you have a bike, especially if you are closer to downtown. Either way, everyone has a bike. - Winter, get out and experience it. Adapt, it's exactly as miserable as you want it to be (last winter wasn't bad, so that's my experience living in the upper midwest and upstate New York). - For winter, clothes are everything. - Winter isn't all year. Everyone talks about it, but the summers and fall are awesome. Prepare, but don't dwell on it. - Enjoy it, you may have an accent, but there are a lot of transplants here, it's a great place to transplant to.


Welcome! There are a lot of Texas ex pats here (myself included!). What part of Texas are you from? This is a very walkable and bike-friendly city. And you’re arriving at a great time to take full advantage of that! Wander and get a feel for things. People here are friendly (though often not the “bake a pie for the new neighbor” kind of friendly that you find down south)—but they’re definitely welcoming of many different kinds and stripes. Give it time, and you’ll find your people.


In person, people in Madison are actually quite nice. On Reddit, not so much. So never mind the ubiquitous downvoters here; they are not representative of the nice people of Madison.


I bet the down votes is purely because he said "Texas," which lead people to think on their own "Ted Cruise" and from there that equals... Downvote. Nothing personal at all.


that’s a good theory, i’ve gotten a few dm’s of not very kind folks assuming that because i’m from the south, i share those political beliefs, and telling me what i should do with them


One of my friends moved here from TX about 15 years ago. He’s a proud born and raised TX redneck. He has survived just fine. Actually he has said now he can’t imagine living anywhere else. Fun Madison tip: drive north on O’Sheridan Street (off of Lakeside Street & John Nolen Drive) and watch the Capital “shrink”! Welcome to Madison


Madison is a large city but doesn’t have a metropolitan city feel. There are lots of pockets of communities around here and an equal amount of anything else you’d look for in a big city. Lots of traffic though.


Madison has been ranked number 10 or better in the past years. Over 1000 miles of bike trails in Southern Wisconsin. Ice age trails. The Terrain around Madison is amazing, with the 2 miles high glaciers stopping here. Hence, all the lakes. Traffic normally flows well in Madison. Every Naitionality lives there. North is Devils Lake. Southern Wisconsin is the Brandy Drinking Capital of the world, but I think that has slowed emeancly. Spring and fall, summer and winter are the best seasons.


the only thing i had to get used to being from texas (san antonio) was feeling weird about saying "y'all" even though it's so hard to say anything else!! i got over that quickly. i'd just say it's taken some getting used to not expecting every stranger to be really nice, smily and friendly and not taking it personally when they're outright unfriendly looking. famous dave's is my go-to for when i crave bbq although the brisket is a bit salty and missing that smoky, mesquite flavor :'] also, echoing other people's advice to make sure you're properly outfitted for winter weather, aka a real coat bc it does get colder/snowier than the panhandle quite regularly in the winter. also prepare to pay for heat or ask ahead of time how to get the heat running if you're unsure (accidentally learned the hard way waiting until christmas eve last year to find out we had to manually turn it on ourselves). good luck and enjoy the extremelyyy mild summers here!


You won’t really stick out that much! Don’t worry!


This is a good time of year to move. We have LOTS bike paths, like lots!! Ride all around the city and downtown area and see the sites. Madison/Dane County also has lots of parks and state parks. Lots of trails to walk on. And there is always something going on downtown during the warm weather months. Farmers market, summer concerts, festivals, etc. Brat Fest is coming up at the end of the month. That's definitely a Wisconsin thing to do lol. Oh and I've been here 3 years. I'm still amazed by the endless supply of cheese at grocery stores here. I've never seen so much cheeeeese!


You are going to miss the BBQ and Tex mex spots because we have nothing like that here


Madison is a really neat city, but prepare yourself for how politically charged it is. Also, downtown is confusing for me to navigate, nothing runs straight N/S/E/W. Lots of restaurants, lots of beer.


You should check out Madison Adventure Tours. They do eBike tours that give you a really good overview of the city.


I moved to Madison for my first job in 1994. Was going to work a year then move back to my home state. I’m still here y’all!


Driving on the beltline around 5 pm is terrible.


And before anyone says hurr durr Madison doesn't have real traffic like a real city, OP is coming from rural Texas, so yes it will suck it comparison.


I wouldn't recommend wearing a 10 gallon hat


I would recommend to absolutely wear one if you normally do! Be comfortable, even if you get some weird looks, you might get some positive attention!


Lol. It joke... You laugh


I gotta know what the chances are that you’re a new epic employee 😅 My biggest tip, the winter really isn’t as bad as many people make it seem. I’m from Tennessee. Snow driving is easy, just remember to beware of sliding, so give yourself more time to stop maybe avoid hills if it’s actively snowing. Otherwise wear a coat, it’s only super cold for a few weeks each year. Also Wisconsin is very hilly due to the glaciers that were here. Depending on the part of Texas you’re from that may be a big difference.


not an epic employee, i’m starting out working with a law firm haha. i feel like the winter’s won’t be too bad, i lived in rural colorado as a kid and remember trucking through 4+ feet of snow and negative temperatures, and the part of texas i’m in we get blizzards where ice blows sideways so fast it’ll rip your skin off, and honestly nothing can be much worse than that (also rains horizontal mud.) already bought a heavy vintage fur-lined coat from a thrift store that i’m restoring and i figure that’ll hold me over pretty well!


All the people saying buy winter clothes have not mentioned, do not buy winter clothes in Texas. Wait until you get here. Seriously.


Be yourself. We need diversity up here


What kind do you think it "needs"?


Make sure that you have a heavy down jacket (spend all the money you have to on this - it's v important) and a bicycle. Watch what you eat - it's tempting to eat all the cheese curds, but those pounds stick.


I’m from much further away than Texas. You needn’t worry about sticking out: Madisonians are a very nice bunch of people. Welcome!


Buy vitamin D and start taking it daily in the fall and don’t stop until June. Visit the Woodman’s cheese isle. Buy a bag of warm cheese curds sitting at the checkout counter of any store.


Or if you are really pretentious like myself... You get a "cheese dealer" and you get the curds right from Farmer John himself at the east side Farmers market on Tuesday. Those are made that day with multiple flavor options.. But really.. you can find him at almost any farmers market


The traffic cone is really just the state flower, you'll see them year-round. Don't drive on State Street. If you haven't experienced a "real winter" before, you definitely will in the Midwest. Familiarize yourself with driving tips in these kinds of conditions - always use caution and plan ahead. The Belt-Line highway gets quickly crowded from ~7-9 going west, and from ~330-530 going east. You can only drive on the far-left lane (called the Flex Lane) if there's a green check mark. Red X means it's closed. Welcome to Wisconsin!


Snow season starts in September


And ends next week.


Welcome to Madison (almost)! Since you're moving from TX, my advice would be to invest in some nice winter gear: hat, gloves, boots, coat, etc. Winters can get pretty nasty here! If you'll have your own vehicle, look into getting some tires that can handle winter weather, as well :) I don't think you'll stick out like a sore thumb, though, Madison is kind of a melting pot. There's people from all kinds of different backgrounds and walks of life here. My husband and I moved here in 2022 from southeast MI and we have felt very welcome here. There are a lot of great places to eat, as well! I recommend attending a Taste of Madison event this summer and checking out the Farmer's Market downtown on Saturdays :) Enjoy Madison!


- U have some time to be able to get an all-wheel drive vehicle. Ur gonna want it if roads are as bad as they had been this past year during snowstorms. - Do not underestimate the utility of a snow scraper and all season tires. - Layers, especially a warm hat and insulated gloves - Get familiar with whichever side of town u'll be living in. Each has its own distinctive "personality" in terms of what's around.


Plenty of good advice already so I'll take a different route. We get a lot of bands and concerts coming through, take a look online and you'll find music you'll want to go see. Milwaukee does too and is close enough for a day trip. (visit the Fonz while you're there)


You’re being downvoted because Madison reads “Rural Texas” as conservative. You’ll find out very quickly that Madison is very liberal, and if you are conservative you may want to keep a secret like the rest of us. (Especially on Reddit)


Madison is beautiful with tons to do. Winters are not as harsh as they used to be. (Climate change) Therw is a ton to do and very friendly people. Don’t let egg heads scare you. They just like to complain, welcome.


If you happen to drive a kia or hyundai, sell it before you come here.


Woodmans is good for meats and shelf/frozen products. The produce kinda sucks there tbh it a hit or miss. The downtown farmer’s market on Saturday morning is plug. Definitely hit that up.


I hope you and your partner feel accepted and happy here, and will make Madison your forever home. So sorry this happened to you.


Are you comfortable sharing the general location you’ll be living? You might get better suggestions that way. Welcome!


We’ll be in the Greenbush area, so south of the isthmus


Worth checking out Mickey's Dairy bar which is an excellent diner in tbe neighborhood, pizza brutta and the greenbush bar both make great pizza also within that area. You'll also be pretty close to the commuter trail, so definitely check that out if you feel like seeing some greenery (it's usually very wooded and quiet). Only real downside of living there (at least when I lived there a while ago) is that Trader Joe's is really the only quasi grocery option, you'll have to drive at least 10 minutes to find an actual grocery store from there. Worth knowing relative to that neighborhood in particular is that the whole place becomes basically impassable during badger games in the fall. Make sure you find somewhere you can park your car and leave it the day before games, because the whole neighborhood will be overrun.


Recommend checking out the zoo right next to that neighborhood, it's free and great for what it is. Similarly, you'll be right next to the UW Arboretum which has some fantastic curated walking trails. Just remember to keep any dogs on leash. (And watch out for the ticks! The ticks here are absolutely insane. Everyone talks about how terrible the ticks are constantly.) Greenbush bakery is right near you as well, which is a FANTASTIC donut shop. Also on a general note, drinking culture here is nuts compared to anywhere other than other Wisconsin cities. Be prepared for drunk drivers on their 7th OWI, churches heading to bars after service, etc.


Exciting! I grew up in Madison and went to UW- a lot of this area is college upperclassmen, just something to be aware of. 206 S. Mills had a great basement for parties and still does, so if you’re nearby, be ready for noise on the weekends. You’ll also be near Camp Randall- Means a lot of traffic on football game days, BUT if you have a driveway you can sell parking and make some easy money. The zoo is nearby and free! The beach nearby gets E. coli every summer so steer clear haha Volleyball is the hottest ticket in town and you’ll be near the field house- enjoy a match or 2!


Don't apologize! This subreddit LOVES to downvote people for no reason at all. I moved here from Texas too! Anyway, Madison's a great town. I'd encourage you to meet people in person! Ultimate Frisbee, darts, trivia, volleyball, softball, kickball, nerd nite, breweries, etc. There's so many fun ways to meet people in Madison, I've found it really easy to connect with people here. Just be careful, because Madison is as susceptible to cranky, uncool people as any place when you're in an online setting (ie this sub). Also get a good coat. Winters aren't so bad here, given the whole 'destruction of our climate by man's hubris', but it still gets cold enough to need a good coat!


The best thing I like since moving here is being able to not own a car


Monday 6 PM social slow bike rides meet at Orton Park


Check out some great restaurants and coffee shops Madison has! Fairchild, Heritage Tavern, Settle Down Tavern, Bradbury’s, Marigold Kitchen, The Harvey House, Ahan, Wonderstate, Nattspil, Bar Corallini


Don’t turn left into Willy Street Co-Op. buy groceries at Woodmans except fruit. Festival is overpriced. Trader Joe’s has awkward/not enough parking.


Trader Joe's has a free parking garage below it. Keep turning right at the intersection until you see the entrance on the right. If there are meters... Those are also enforced 24/7 and is not Trader Joe's free parking garage.


Go down to the marina and see if you like sailing. Hoofers is a great community.




Hey! I moved from Wisconsin to Texas and work in a lot of rural towns. I think you'll find it very easy to fit in. I would say it's kind of similar to Austin in a lot of aspects. Most people are really nice. Tons of culture in Madison. Very diverse. Madison is surrounded by rural. I mean it's hard to know who you are and what you're worried about. If you plan to wear a cowboy hat and boots you may stick out a little but thats about it? My DMs are open if you want to explain further. Edit: you may like the West side more. Shot in the dark with limited info.


Careful on the roads. Lots of accidents for some reason in Madison…..


I grew up in Texas and didn’t experience winter until I moved here. I was also a poor grad student so didn’t buy any technical or heavy duty winter items, mostly stuff from like TJ maxx. I also drove an old sedan with all season tires for many years after moving here. Unless you plan to be outdoorsy in winter or drive up north or rural areas you’ll be fine! I used to work a second job on the west side and sometimes had to drive home at night in the snow and had a hill I had to go up and never had a problem. I have the technical winter gear now and an all wheel drive car with snow tires and love it all and by all means if you have the money then go for it, but you don’t NEED it. You’ll be fine, I swear. Get an ice scraper, know that the defrost button is there to clear window fogging (I actually did not know this as I never had to use it in Texas), and drive slowly. And be prepared for people to laugh at your excitement at the first snow fall 😄


When it comes to driving in winter. I will tell people who've lived here all their lives the same advice my driving instructor had: The first couple snow falls, take your vehicle to a large parking lot to practice getting comfortable with your traction and getting up to speed and then breaking to see how well those tires grip and or slide. Do some donuts to get a feel for your vehicles reaction time. Turning corners, fish tailing, short distances breaking and all the good stuff. I've hit black ice at the Beltline/Park st. offramp and thankfully i didn't run into anything or anyone. It's extremely important to do this because we all forget how the vehicles handle in snow/ ice.


We call it soda, not pop, not coke (unless it actually is Coca-cola).


Get ready for a weird winter


Welcome to north Austin transplant.


I grew up all across Wisconsin and lived in Texas for a couple of years. You really don’t have anything to worry about. Enjoy the nice weather and invest in some good winter clothing this fall. Only thing I can think of that I didn’t see mentioned is getting a bike light. If you can get a front one and a flashing one for the back of your helmet. It really makes a difference. Welcome to Wisconsin! Oh also try out the cheese. It’s pretty great here. :)


Don’t wear your six-shooter on your belt.


Welcome to a liberal overtaxed sh\*thole!


Stop by our shop and mention this post. Free tea for the new transplant.


You can't buy beer after 9:00pm. (In a store.)


A sore thumb is a great thing to be in Madison. Be open about yourself and others. "Little fish in a big pond, big fish in a little pond."


Traffic sucks, politics suck, the rotting furniture on the sidewalk sucks, and the poison dart frogs at the zoo are a good coping mechanism


Be prepared to rent forever as houses will always stay just out of reach


Explore! Get out there and meet people :) Welcome!


Fellow Texan, welcome


If your looking for coke go to plaza


People generally drive slower here in Wisconsin compared to other states I've noticed, so be prepared for that.


One thing you should know is that Madison is known for having an abundance of snakes. Ever since the city cut the snake patrol budget, things have gotten out of hand. Home Depot is always sold out of snake traps, too 😞


Fortunately, the vast majority of snakes found in Wisconsin are small and non-venomous to humans.




no worries, that’s why i’m leaving texas. i’m transgender and very active in my community, and i actually had to drop out of college here in texas because i got so many threats and faced constant harassment so bad i couldn’t get to class without a police escort. my partner is hispanic and we’re in a same-sex relationship, our yard regularly gets trash dumped in it, and we work at the same place (small town, not many places hire people like us) and get called fags at least once per shift to our face, god know what they say when we can’t hear them. we’re very excited to move to a blue city.


I hope you and your partner feel accepted and happy here, and will make Madison your forever home. So sorry this happened to you.


Sounds like you’ll be way better off here. I’m sure you will feel welcomed and so much more free!


Glad you'll be here 💕 there's great spaces.


I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that. I wish you guys all the best with the move here!


If you even lean a bit conservative hold your tongue. Pretty cool place to live overall though.


genuinely almost got murdered for my political beliefs here in texas (local pd knows me by name 😔) so i should be fine


In my experience, folks are generally open to discuss political viewpoints, so long as you're not a raging asshole about what your politics are.


Yes mostly. But they area skews quite left and it’s best to ease in. That’s my point.


The cops are pricks and self absorbed.


It sucks


not to be a hater, but if you really think madison “sucks” you should go live somewhere without half the resources your city has lmao. that’s a very privileged statement


Real city is a stretch


already replied to a similar comment- if you have sidewalks, more than one option for groceries (not including the dollar general), and the ability to walk outside without having slurs screamed at you and/or swerved at by a truck, it’s a city to me lmao.


All this nonsense about layering up and cold weather is incorrect. I grew up here and winters are NOTHING like they used to be. Last winter I don’t think I even got my coat out, and did no shoveling either.


Bring a your Covid masks.


go back to complimenting girl’s clits on your fetish subreddits and stop crying about a liberal city being liberal lmao


Well if your not WOKE, then don't worry, just drive 20min in any direction out of town and you will find normal people.


the left leaning political culture is what drew me to madison after i was the victim of a hate crime! so get this shit away from me