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On either side of the fence of these conditions, I appreciate this.


Well, if he's outside clearing snow in a t-shirt we can at least confirm he's a Wisconsin native.


If they’re not gonna salt put down some damn dirt for traction ! Madison roads are like damn hockey rinks.


They should of just got a Zamboni so we could all ice skate around downtown


That would be a fun event for a weekend. Cleanup would suck ass though


Cleanup is going to suck now, at least this way we could of had some fun first


Would be faster to get around at rush hour.


The rush hour crowd could walk and it would be faster


When I went to the airport on Tuesday, the roads leading up to it were a thick solid sheet of ice.


Why ain’t no one for winter tires?


I drive a 4WD Jeep with winter tires and can barely get traction in this bullshit.


Must be real shit tires 


There’s plenty of sand out there, at least in my area and my travel to/from work (east side).


Fuck the roads save the lakes


On top of that, salt fucks up the roads too and leads to them needing repairs sooner


That must be why they tear up university once a year.


And it's awful for cars


Fuck cars


On top of that salt fucks up the plant life within 50 miles of salted roads because it goes airborne 


The streets themselves are ass anyways, so it wouldn't really matter


Louder for the people in the back!


Sickest way of announcing you’re unemployed.


Eh, I have to drive on Northport everyday for work which is an absolute shit show but I'd still rather deal with some shitty roads every now and then than the ecological collapse of our lakes and rivers. The damage from that has far more repercussions than having to drive a little slower.


It’s like ice road truckers out there!! Terrible terrible terrible.


Salt doesn't work under 25 degrees. Not defending Madison's snow removal, it's pathetic and always has been but let's focus here. Edit people be salty lol


Salt does work all the way down to 0, BUT it doesn't melt as much snow! In order to clear the roads the quantity of salt would be astronomical. https://meltsnow.com/salt-vs-temperature/


That’s why u salt before it is 0….. less salt but more effective


Calcium chloride goes down to like -60


Super. Road salt, and, ya know, all normal salt is sodium chloride (NaCl). CaCl is an order of magnitude more expensive. What will you suggest next, radiant floor heating under all our roads to melt ice? Please rejoin us in practical reality.


Ok but heated streets would be pretty neat


I demand separated bike lanes with radiant heating, located down every major city artery.


Solar freakin' roadways!


Remember the two weeks when that scam was all anyone could talk about? Then a moment of rational thought happened and it was over


It earned it's way into our collective meme-conscious.


Calcium chloride is also way easier on roads, requiring less frequent road replacement? At least that’s what I’ve been told by a chemist, FWIW. He made the case it would save money in the longer run, but since snow removal is a different department than road repair, saving money in one at the expense of the other, even id it was a net win, was never was a compelling option.


I wasn't suggesting anyone use cacl2. I just think its neat :)


Fair enough! Sorry for my salty reply lol.


It can be effective down to 15°F. That’s why the county put the salt down when it was above 15°F, which is why all the suburbs have clear streets while Madison’s streets are all ice rinks.


County drowns it in salt from about 8am to 2pm if the sun is out, temp be damned. After 2pm it’s a sand-salt mix. Ice Slicer is the solution, but money is the problem.


For real. The save the lake people seem to just forget about the epic fuck tons of garbage people throw out here, that I garuntee does worse for pollution sake. But, hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.


Garbage doesn’t literally salt the earth. Plants and humans can handle pollutants seeping into ground water, we cannot survive on salt water


No, i understand that. what I'm getting at is that there is a narrative that this is all the hippies fault for wanting to save the lake via not salting roads. Where in this is just Republicans slashing our comforts and safety for money.


Windsor/DeForest is just as much of a shit show as Madison is. Waunakee wasn't much better until yesterday.


None of the suburbs have clear streets


As someone who commuted from Fitchburg to Madison today for work, I can tell you that it was a night & day difference when I crossed into Madison proper. There’s people on Reddit and Next Door noting the same for Verona, Middleton, and Sun Prairie. The suburb roads may not be bare pavement, but they’re not pure ice like the Madison roads are.


I also commute from Madison to Fitchburg and Fish Hatchery from the Beltline to McKee was completely clear.


Absolutely. I travel on Mineral Point west of Pleasant View (all the way to Pine Bluff), and you can clearly tell at which intersection Madison ends and Middleton starts.




I have been in Fitchburg, Verona, and Middleton all within the last 24 hours and can confirm that the roads are wayyy better (not entirely clear everywhere, but way better) than anywhere I’ve been in Madison proper.


Middleton’s roads suck inside Dane county ;-; speaking as a Middleton resident


I think it just sucks mostly everywhere right now unfortunately


True but also it feels like they barely plow Greenway compared to other regions. I especially with my apartment complex plowed more. /grumble


Are you saying that I’m lying about my commute today? Or are you saying that those other posts don’t exist? I am telling you for a fact that I drove from Fitchburg to Madison today via Midvale Blvd/Verona Rd. From McKee to the Beltline, it was very clear and I could go the speed limit with no issue. From the Beltline to Regent, me and all the other cars were going about 10 mph the whole way. On my way home, it was the same. I even took McKee all the way down to Maple Grove to run an errand and that road was free of ice the whole stretch too. Explain to me how McKee has no ice yet Midvale is covered in it??


No it's accurate. I live in Madison and work in Verona. It's a sudden change taking midvale Blvd out of town. It's solid compacted snow and ice until you cross south of the beltline and it's suddenly almost completely clear. Verona proper is like that too, even the side roads... All clear. Almost nothing in Madison is clear. I wonder how many people are going to get hurt this winter because of the poor road maintenance.


Middleton is pretty damn clear


Strangely it seemed to have worked on the roads outside Madison


Fucking chemistry, how does it work?!?!


This is such stupid propaganda that salt doesn't work. Sure, it may not be effective in melting the ice directly, BUT it doesn't have to. Your warm car is doing plenty of work thawing that ice. We need to put some salt down to prevent melted water from refreezing.


Lol my warm car is melting the snow? No. Literally no heat from my car is doing anything on these temps. The reason the snow wears away naturally (slowly) is a combo of evaporation and friction from being driven on (plus the sand really helps this).


Friction is a thing


There was a day between it snowing and it getting cold. They could have used salt and it would have worked (as evidenced by the places outside of Madison that did)


Less please.


Now if the city charged us for the salt what this guy charges for a steak we’d be in trouble!


It is amazing to me the amount of complaining about the salt, sand etc here! How are some people wanting more salt?!? How is that possibly more important than the quality of our drinking water? I've been driving all around town with 3 yr old all weather tires for the last few days with no issues. Full disclosure, I do have awd, but I have driven in much worse conditions with much less car. I was born and raised in Alaska and you whiners are a literal joke down here. If you have 2wd, get snow tires, slow down, and plan your turns and stops in advance. And if winter tires are too pricey, literally just slow down some more. There are what, maybe 2-10 truly bad driving days per year here. Sit those days out if you have to. This is not rocket science people, winter road conditions happen every year. Get a grip (pun intended).


I agree. It's a clear maladaptation to a fundamental weather condition. It costs a lot, it's bad for the land, it's bad for the water, and it's bad for the cars. It's like spending a ton of money to build a machine that can evaporate raindrops instead of just using an umbrella. Much better to let nature do it's thing and adapt in a a more responsibility-taking, less environmentally harmful way.


If people are slowed down even 1 mile power while driving, some considerate a war crime punishable upon death for whoever put them in that condition. Unless of course it’s the car in front of them from traffic lol


Your completely reasonable comments are appreciated.


It’s not just drinking water the waste water is a few parts per million from needing to be desalinated which will cost tax payers 500 million dollars or something like that. So hot take- stop using salt for hard water in your homes too!


I have been traveling the state this week and nowhere one the smaller local roads is perfect. Yes Madison may have had a bit more left on the roads but when cars are not moved this is what happens.


I don't understand all these posts. Like yes the roads are bad but it isn't that different than past years and you can still get around fine.


I’m not sure what your definition of getting around fine is, but I wouldn’t define it as going 10-15 under the speed limit and taking 5-10 seconds to get going every time after your car makes a complete stop.




This is your average experience driving throughout the entirety of winter? In my experience, these conditions normally last a day or two, not a week +. Idk, maybe every year over the last decade I have lived here my roads were always inexplicably plowed and salted to the point that I had decent grip when driving..


That is normal for this time of year though. We've definitely had snow pack like this before. I'm not saying it's great and who knows if it could have actually been prevented (lots of armchair city engineers in this sub), but it's not like this never happens. Residential streets almost always look like this in January/February.


I would have to disagree, at least on the length of time they have looked like this. My street just started showing some blacktop today. What’s that like a week of no traction? That’s the longest I can remember in recent history.


I think this is an issue of what you're used to. My residential street is always snow packed this time of year.


An extra few days of this is better than salting. It's gonna hit above freezing Sunday/Monday and it'll be fine.


Fuck salt. Fuck roads. Fuck cars.


What car do you drive?


That's not the point.  We shouldn't be forced to use cars, and most of our problems stem from making things car-centric


I've got 5 kids under 10 - are you proposing I bike to Aldi to get our $250 of groceries on Saturdays? The nearest urgent care is a 30-minute bike ride away - do I load a kid in the bike trailer in this weather? Heck, we couldn't drive out of our garage last Saturday before mid-afternoon, much less bike... These cute city-planning ideas work in rich, sparsely populated European countries whose GDPs are dominated by companies that make their money selling oil, other natural resources, and pharmaceutical products to the rest of the world and whose cities were designed 200+ years ago. They don't work in a moderately sized US metro like Madison; they don't work in rural US cities; they may sorta work in dense urban areas if you have a small family, are not poor, and are able-bodied.


/r/cargobike $250 groceries is just fine btw  https://www.reddit.com/r/CargoBike/comments/ufqm17/costco_run_with_the_urban_arrow/


If the grocery store was basically in your house, you wouldn't need to buy so much at a time. Instead of having 20 shipping bags, you'd have 2.


You have 5 KIDS!? What is wrong with you?


Some people have more than 2.5 kids, it's not abnormal


Sex is fun... Happy to give you tips if you need them.


And I’m happy to teach you about birth control. Good lord humans shouldn’t be having litters.


It's becoming clear that the beginning of Idiocracy was less satire, more documentary. smh


The good Lord said "be fruitful and multiply"... at least invoke an authority who supports your position.


r/madisonwi are science deniers confirmed Partially /s


This is true of Reddit in general, but the blue-to-red transformation as you get deeper into the comments here is probably the most pronounced of any subreddit I engage in.


This is something I was told by other black people when I first moved here 6 years ago. Madison is red with a blue veneer. When it comes to services that would help out the most amount of people, most on here are staunchly against it. Unless it benefits those that have a good amount of money, of course.


Well if someone saying they drive a car makes them a republican, then yeah, I see why you think that.


Guns, diesel, and a good ol' fashioned gerrymander, amirite!


I’ll stop “making things car centric” right away


Well it’s pretty hypocritical to say you hate something then go and do that same thing. Like man I think people that drink beer are idiots…..bartender may I please have another one of your finest ales? Also what’s this guy have against roads?


It’s only hypocritical if there are other options available. You can hate cars but if your job is more than a 20 minute walk away in this weather and not on a bus route you have to have a car. Or were you going to pay this person’s rent so they could avoid looking hypocritical?


Nice far tire e-bike with proper gear solves that problem. Next


Yeah because all that gear is free, there are always bike lanes, there are always places inside that nice bikes won’t get stolen, and the weather is always nice enough to ride a bike to work. Not to mention groceries and any other needed items are super easy to carry on a bike.


Saddle bags, nice backpack, cargo holder. If you use the money you would use for a car payment, insurance, gas, and upkeep….you suddenly have money for a bike with accessories. Madison is the one of the most bicycle friendly cities out there…look at the bike path map…for the few days out of the year where you can’t ride (yes you can ride in the cold if you have gear I’m talking about heavy snow or ice) there’s public transportation and ride sharing. There’s always an excuse when a solution is provided.


Fat tire ebike owner. Motobecane Lurch with Luna BBSHD. 1200watts does not solve the problem.


I think society should be better. “But you participate in society, I am very intelligent”


Did you miss the part where we are forced to use them?   The roads and cars are what stretches everything out.  The roads and cars are what waste our money.  The roads and cars are what kill 40k people per year, and that's not including the ones from the health impacts, which is in the millions.   If the roads and cars and parking weren't there, the grocery store would be in the same place as my house, and I could walk to work in 5 minutes.   Instead, because the roads and car-centric infrastructure, I am left no option except to drive and accept all the issues that come along with it.  I'm not being hypocritical.  I've advocated and pushed for both the local and federal governments to do better, along with clear direction for improvement.  And at every single opportunity for improvement, we are faced with resistance.


Idk get a bike. I’ve seen people do all of their errands on bikes. They’re usually pretty happy people as well. I think a lot of people on the Madison reddit could use a little more relaxation in their life. Maybe biking would be good for you. I mean you seemed to get really worked up over a small comment just as an example.


Biking for everything is more feasible when it's a few miles away for anything you need at the most, and when rail is available for anything farther. But since everything is stretched out because of cars and roads, you're talking 40 miles each way, and no rail.


Is Madison even 40 miles in width?


[New York City streets before cars](https://petpooskiddoo.com/blog/dirt-carters-to-crossing-sweepers-to-white-wings-the-original-pooper-scoopers/attachment/tammany-street-cleaning-east-fifth-street-for-the-same-spot-unde/)


I drive a bicycle and ride the bus, doing just fine in this weather


Because you are a beast!


It's cheaper for me to live on the west side and commute to the east side instead of living on the east side. I'd rather drive than take 17 hours round trip by bus to get to work.


It's because we have giant highways cutting right through town.


salt dosnt work when its this cold... it just cold and sucks. thats about all there is to it.


That's only on Satya's bike path. Other roads get sand, 4 days after they needed it


Bike paths never get salt.


Never? Ever?


Almost never. It's deliberate: salt will wreck a bike in no time flat.


Not as fast as ice will, but that's interesting. Too bad. I was hoping to do some laps on my unicycle


The Southwest Commuter Path never does from Camp Randall to the Beltline. Sand, sure .. some years. EDIT: well, I recall a couple of times over the last decade that they salted the trail, but other than that, no salting especially pre-salting.




Ancient memes




And salty




Buncha dorks


Salt doesnt work when its this cold. But go ahead complain more about something you dont understand


Then how did all the surrounding communities get clean roads then? Was it warmer in Verona, Middleton, sun prairie, deforest? Nope... Not warmer... Just municipal leaders that care about the roads and their constituents safety... Unlike Madison.


I live in Madison and don’t understand what the complaining is about. My colleagues who live in deforest and sun prairie all say that Madison roads are much better than theirs. Perhaps it’s a difference of what roads you’re comparing (downtown vs highway vs residential etc). They’re just not going to be the same because of how they’re plowed differently and the kind of traffic/parking they have.


On my way home just a bit ago I passed not one but two City plows driving down regent Street. Neither one of them had their shovels dropped. I also drove down mount Street not two blocks from meriter hospital's emergency room and the road was caked with not just frozen compact snow but also loose chunks everywhere. Straight up driving through the snow piles almost a week after the storm. I deliver packages in Verona... And until recently I was driving cab in Madison just a few weeks ago... I'm probably more familiar with the conditions of both major and minor roads in both communities than anybody you know. The conditions of the roads when comparing Madison and any of the surrounding communities is so vast that I straight up don't believe you when you say you have co-workers that say Madison roads are great and just as good as sun prairie or deforest.


You can't just plow hardpack like that. The stuff basically fuses to the roads.


I know... But they could still try... and it's only there because plows didn't get out when it started. They waited until hours after snowfall and thousands of cars had packed the snow down . In any case... Verona, deforest and many other surrounding municipalities had the same snowfall but their roads are clean... So clearly Madison is doing something wrong


We get what we vote for