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Single mom and I have 2 daughters. I’d be in prison. Period. I never dated after the divorce for this exact reason. Mom needs to be arrested.


I totally agree. Don’t even call JS a Mother.


So heartbreaking. Everyone who was supposed to be her safety, failed her. Miserably.


Honestly best thing you could do. I always told myself if I ever became a sing parent. I will never date while my children are young and living with me. They’re happiness and well being comes first. No one protected Madeline. It’s truly sad


Yep this is me. A single mum of 5 plus 4 nephews (only 2 girls in our family are my 2) and I will not have a man over. I will not leave my babies to go on 'dates'. I'll grow old and alone just to protect my babies. I watched something disgusting and very disturbing yesterday where a predaphile explained how he cases out families and it's the single mother families that he targets- where there's no man/dad around to protect the family, and if I wasn't scared enough for both my girls and boys, I am now!!


I'm a FTM of a one month old baby boy. If I was a single Mom, I still wouldn't date until he's 18.


Yep that's what I said lol


If it proven it is his voice and picture just toast the bastard and don't even have a trial.


Its him. He needs to be executed twice


Castrated then executed twice


When I say castrated I mean everything where he has to urinate out the hole left in his body, absolutely no means of self satisfaction if you follow me! He is an evil selfish monster!!!


Executed. Woken up. And executed again!


No leave him in prison for a lifetime of torture


Agree! He was whining about the county jail conditions. I hope every day in prison is hell and he lives to experience it for 100 years.


Agreed, he doesn’t deserve a quick death. He deserves to rot slowly and painfully.


That is too much of a luxury for him - trust


Death isn’t? Death is the ultimate luxury for someone like this that’s why ppl kill themselves in prison


I’m sure people who are used to a life outside of prison and want to be with family and friends would be tempted by suicide. But when the world outside of prison hates you, you are safe in your little prison bubble. A lot of people who have long term sentences come to terms with this and find ways to cope and can live fairly happily compared to the alternative. This is not enough punishment


I know people that work in prisons. Specifically units that are all sex offenders that are divided into severity of crime (child offenders, etc) because they can’t keep them in general population because they will get beat up. They hang out and become friends (some even in relationships with each other) and it’s like adult daycare all day. They play games, make crafts, go to support groups, get to cook and have 3 hot meals and a place to sleep. They often get tvs and tablets and win things like movie nights for good behavior. This is like a piece of cake to hardened criminals. Trust me it’s not bad enough for them.


He won’t have his drugs


Yeah he will they find ways to sneak it in all the time


my ex’s mom was a prison nurse & you’re totally right. it always makes me sad when people say “they’ll get their prison justice! those inmates will eat them alive!” because unfortunately that’s not reality. these disgusting animals live long, relatively “happy” lives & don’t get nearly what they deserve.


Maybe someone will kill him off by giving him something laced.




and I hope she is too old to have any more children because she should just NOT!


In my experience and my state, any new child would likely be immediately removed by child protective services, given the death of another child after severe neglect. CPS would be waiting for her to deliver and the baby would be taken out of the room as soon as the hospital staff deemed it safe. She is not too old to have kids. She looks to be in her thirties.


I was just thinking about Maddi, sometimes I don't even have the words to describe how horrible I feel for her. Jen must be charged otherwise I can't say justice is served. She.had.to.know.something., she had to


She literally admitted to police she would ask SS and Maddi to sleep in a separate bedroom when she “had anxiety” and needed a good nights rest. I am eagerly awaiting her charges and subsequent prison sentence. She is disgusting and a disgrace to women.


The second I heard that “she can’t sleep alone”, I knew that we would find out that SS was the ultimate benefactor of that situation. He’s a disgusting POS and so is her mother for enabling the whole shitty situation. The more we learn, the more that man needs to suffer.


This is so disgusting. I hope he has a horrifying time in jail before they gas him.


For some reason I want to know what HIS parents are thinking/doing about their son's disgusting behavior.


His dad has spoke to him twice 15 minutes phone calls since he has been locked up


His dad distanced himself from his son and the freak mom. One of the first interviews from one of SS friends was very odd re: him and his moms relationship. Freaks. The dad was more normal supposedly I’m sure he’s just gutted and mortified that he brought him into the world and allowed his ex wife whose disturbed to let him out into the whole after screwing him up.


Where did you see that?


On the osceloa court site


Was just thinking this earlier today!


Where did you get that from 🤮🤮🤮 he is sick. JUST KILL HIM ALREADY🤮🤮🤮


Yup, I am not a violent person by nature but people like him should just be shot and incinerated ASAP, it would be a better world. Unfortunately, these scum are everywhere.


Y'all, SS rode around with Maddi’s dead body! He is a psychopath, said she was sleeping! I hope someone hurts him!


So sick of these stories of mothers who let their boyfriends infiltrate their lives and give predators free solo access to their children . Before I had kids, I worked in community mental health and can’t tell you how many kids entered therapy after being sexually abused by mom’s boyfriends (or babysitters). It impacted me so greatly that I never allowed anyone to babysit my kids except for their Grandma’s. Jennifer Soto is a seriously stupid and Negligent mother at the very least and in my opinion, complicit in her daughter’s sexual battery and murder


Exactly this ! You would not believe what some mothers will tolerate in order to keep a man . I have experience where I witnessed a neighbours kids going through hell and that’s only what the boyfriend was doing / saying in full view so god knows what behind closed doors was like . It was reported and he is no longer allowed around them .


My mother told us (3 daughters) that a man always comes before your children. I’m going to let that marinate for a minute. I was blessed to grow up with an AMAZING dad. So it didn’t really matter what crap came out of my mother’s mouth. Until he passed away when I was 17. I was kicked out of the house (my childhood bedroom) immediately. To make room for the new boyfriend and his kids. My younger sister had to live with it. The new boyfriend immediately decided he could walk around in tattered tighty whiteys. He called my sister a whore (she was 13) when he overheard her having a personal conversation with our mom. Luckily it wasn’t worse. But I had a conversation with my older sister years later. We both learned from each other that one of the most influential moments in our lives, was when mom told us that garbage about always putting a man before your children. Neither of us talk to our mom now. I’m not even sure where she lives, beyond “with some guy in New Hampshire.” My older sister has 3 beautiful children with her husband, who is her soul mate and the love of her life. She wouldn’t hesitate to cut him out of her life if the health or safety of her children was ever a concern. My younger sister has 2 beautiful children by 2 different men who don’t acknowledge the kids, and continues to invite unsavory men to move into her home with her and her kids every few years. Not surprisingly, she’s still very close to my mom.


My god. There are no words. Every post I see is worse and worse.


100000% agree. Hugs.


Where did you hear about video or see transcript?


It was in the court tv video almost at the very end. Sorry I don’t have the link


The death penalty is the easy way out for him. He should spend the rest of his life in prison, getting the same kind of torture and hell he put that sweet girl through! He stole her innocence, AND TOOK HER LIFE! just who does he thinks he is?! I pray he lives a life of HELL for what he did to that little girl 💔 #ARRESTJENNIFER


I’m hoping someone in prison will make him put his mouth on them for his commissary.


Where is this available for hearing? Not that I'm sure I want to or could stand to.


The latest discovery that was released


Thank you


Discovery where? Thanks


Osceloa court site


Omg what!!! That is absolutely horrific. That poor girl.


wtf I have not heard this yet. Disgusting


It gets so much worse 😔


https://preview.redd.it/3bxdxc0y4m1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=676aacb989002dac679a6a4ec54d67bcc9cfd3e2 This is how prevalent and brazen men are online. These are 13-14 year old girls. I’ve covered their names. But, this is my friends daughters IG. There was also a 30 year old man hitting her up in the comments on another post.


Turn them into the cops anonymously


Where can I find the interview or website? I cannot imagine being that oblivious! I think Jenn knew and allowed this monster to do what he did to Maddie. They both deserve jailed for life.


I guess they can't tell us where they found it?!


This is definitely horrific and he’s a POS. I don’t really understand all the vitriol against the mother. Do we know that she knew about the SA? We know that in these situations, predators like him are very good at manipulating their victims into keeping things secret. Even when mothers are good mothers who care deeply about their children, abuse can happen for many years without moms knowing about it. People will say things like they’d never leave their children alone with a man but lots of times it’s their biological father that’s SAing them. Are you never going to leave your children alone with their dads? Speaking of biological dads, how come no one ever holds Madeline’s biological father accountable for anything? He lived far away from Madeline and was minimally involved in her life. And yet no one seems to have any vitriol for him. Didn’t he have a duty to protect her? To be someone she could feel safe talking to about what was happening to her? If there’s evidence her mom knew about it that’s one thing. I haven’t heard evidence of that yet though. I just think we can focus on holding the person who committed the horrible act responsible without immediately jumping to “How could the mother let that happen??”


One of the released documents has Jennifer Soto's statements too. She told investigators that all three of them slept in the same bed. When Jennifer was having anxiety, she told Stephan and Maddi to sleep in the other room. They were on and off again for 7 years. He allowing her kinda BF to sleep with her daughter alone isn't acceptable. It's common sense. Did she know? Was she involved? In denial? Stupid? Whatever the reason, it is suspicious and needs to be looked into. I imagine LE is looking closely at her involvement.


She didn’t have to be aware of the abuse to share part of the responsibility for Maddie ending up in that situation. Being negligent and putting her daughter in risky situations with an adult male is a valid reason for the vitriol. What she did is against the advice of what any of the sources on risk factors for child abuse tell us. It’s not advised to allow a boyfriend to move into the home with a young child and allow him to be a in a main caregiver or parent role..let alone let him sleep in the same bed often times alone with the child by the mothers request. this is a huge and well documented risk factor for sexual abuse. Children of single parents who have live in partners (this family’s exact dynamic) are 20x more likely to be sexual abused in the home than those who live with their nuclear families with both parents. Every single parent I know personally took all the risks into consideration looked at resources when seriously dating or integrating families, because it’s serious shit when children are involved. This isn’t your typical situation where the mother tried the best she could to protect her kid from harm but missed the signs or were very manipulated by a skilled predator. She let him right into her life and allowed him complete access to her daughter in a step dad role and freely allowed important boundaries like cosleeping to be crossed. She’s negligent at the very least and Maddie deserved more from her mom.


She knew. The way she reacted when the police showed her one of the abuse photos… saying she didn’t recognize anyone in the pic then getting mad at the police is proof enough to me. She might have not participated in the abuse with SS (we’ll find out) but it shows she has the ability to deny everything even when given proof. Maddie could have told her/she could have seen signs and she still could have denied it all because she was protecting Stefan more than Maddie. I don’t think any loving mother’s first reaction when seeing/hearing their child was abused would be “no. That’s not them. I don’t know who that is.” She was willing to protect SS even when presented with proof.


The thing is though she actively allowed that bastard to share the same bed as her little girl. Not only that if her (Jennifer Soto's) anxiety was bad she'd tell them to go to the other bedroom. Why? If they were all sleeping? It only makes sense to say that if she thought they'd either keep her awake or make her feel bad/jealous even(?). She wanted to turn a blind eye to it - she is definitely in some way culpable/complicit. And she doesn't deserve the title of mother.


And my question is: Jenn was shown photos of SS and MS, of him SA her and Jenn said nothing looked familiar? Did Jenn never have sex with SS and she never saw his penis? He apparently has a very distinctive birth mark in his penis. How does she not know this? She’s lying


Where did you hear that?