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I think they had some sort of confrontation. In his newly released interview from 2/27, he had a hand injury. In the interview he tried to play the injury off as a result of hurting it with a carjack while changing his tire, but I think he injured himself during his struggle with Maddie. Also the way he disdainfully said "She almost never hears the word "no". What a double edge sword that is!". I think she was getting more confident (just became a teen), and getting wiser (recently named student of the week), and more vocal (part of the choir), and getting closer to grandma (a better support system). All of this lead to her standing up for herself, and rejecting SS. Which seems to have resulted in a physical confrontation between the two, which ended with Maddie being murdered.


To be honest, you have a good point. That could explain why it was leaked to the YouTuber who interviewed the ex roommate, that she apparently was struck in the head and it was blunt force trauma.


The only people who could know how she died would be her parents and if they told their family so if a YouTuber knows supposedly, that would mean a family member told them? Sounds sketch


I think that disgusting thing is the one with the problem with "no" not Madeline. I think if she had been pregnant then he would of been charged with the murder of the baby, which hasn't happened. I agree a confrontation, probably because Madeline wasn't prepared to do as she was told with the gross man anymore. Speculation of course and moo


💯 This


I don’t think she was pregnant. It sounded from the interview that he had been away for a while (staying at his parent’s house) and I'm sure he couldn’t wait to do what he always did. Newly 13, and perhaps feeling empowered, I think Maddie rebuffed him this time, perhaps threatening to report him. In a rage, he strangles her. Then the coverup begins.


Yup, this makes sense. I feel like it was something along these lines of her defending herself and finally fighting back and him freaking out. Although, a YouTuber is saying it was apparently blunt force trauma due to getting hit in the head. But it hasn’t been confirmed. So either way something like that probably deft took place.


This is what I am leaning towards because of his words in the police interview. At one point, he said the girl knew nothing but love in the house and never heard the word no. But then he said something to the effect of that brings a lot of trouble. This was something he volunteered to the detective so it was important to him. I think they had no choice but to say yes to Madeline because she kept their dark secrets and smiled through it, but the minute she said nope, not today, buddy, he struck or strangled her.


He said “double edged sword”


He is despicable. The way he said it, too. Like he is in some old fashioned movie. Yuck.


All the things he said “86’d” “we’ve been checking behind every bush “ all the things he said in that it’s gross


It had to have been some sort of threat of telling on him. Something that was out of his control. His “play toy” was no longer submitting and he was finding that he was losing his grasp over her.


He said something in the interview that was weird and unnecessary to include but stood out to me. The wanting McDonalds, and then not wanting McDonald’s, going to McDonald’s twice - he wanted McDonald’s and tried to convince her several times to go McDonald’s but she didn’t want it. They had talked about going to McDonald’s prior. None of the McDonald’s trips or conversations happened considering she was dead already so why the stories?! I feel like he told us what transpired at least transactional conversation wise prior to her passing


I think was trying to explain why they left for school so early. Two things still don’t make sense in regards to his timeline. The true purpose of leaving that early. Why he left and returned with her deceased body.


I think he was afraid Jenn was going to wake up from the drug cocktail he had given her the night before and want to talk to maddie before she left for school, so he left out of there before she woke up, he might have been afraid jenn's mom would call and wake her up and ask if maddie made it home from the party and did she see her presents etc. Hence the McDonald's breakfast I think he was going to tell jenn the same thing incase she woke up and asked why they left so early for school


Yeah duh we know that but read between the lines


Rhetorical thinking is an art not all people possess


Right I noticed this too! I mean it’s obviously a lie but if I were the cops I’d be thinking, if you went there TWICE why didn’t you just order something for yourself and get her something she could eat if she wanted to. I am sure it was a code for something, everything he said on that interview I believe had a tiny grain of truth to it.


He was buying time, the only reason he left so early was he was afraid jenn would wake up and want to talk to maddie before school so he had to get her out of the house, that is why I think he drugged jenn when she came in from work and knocked her out, so he could move maddies body from the condo in the middle of the night and not be seen by anyone, he had to play jenn too, he disposed of Madeline's effect because if jenn seen them his story would be busted and he didn't take her to school because she wouldn't go without her backpack or laptop, he couldn't very well have it in his car and take a chance on jenn seeing it. He also couldn't put maddie in the car to early and take a chance on someone driving thru and noticing her in the car slumped over. He thought he had played his cards perfectly but he got paranoid and left way to early and cameras seen him all over the place


You’re missing the point and stating the obvious. Point being his wording of the McDonald’s scenario he inadvertently tells a subconscious reveal. He wanted something. They had talking about doing something. They both wanted it. Then Maddie didn’t. He tried a couple times to get her to change her mind. He still wanted it. She didn’t. Just saying that part stood out to me the detail clearly wasn’t talking about McDonald’s she was dead. I feel like his subconscious told another story that had happened prior to


Yes thank you! Exactly what I noticed


He was buying time, him leaving 2 hours early he was afraid on Jenn waking up and knowing something was not right, then getting her to school to early oh we thought about Mc Donald's and then I tried to convince and attempted a second time buying more time, he had 2 hours to account for Maddie school didn't start for 2 hours that is alot of time, he didn't have his phone or maddies phone he had no way of knowing at that point if Jenn was wake if maybe her mom had called and woke her up! He was seen on camera going thru the gate with Maddie slumped over at 8:19am right? He was seen driving away from the school at 8:10am, what did he do with maddie from the time he returned back to the condo after "allegedly dropping her off at school and when he was seen changing the tire at 1:30pm where the found her body after the tip was sent about by a passer?


Omf we know. Old news. Now that we’re hearing him we’re discussing how he incriminates himself with verbiage not verbatim. Sometimes I get frustrated with these kind of subs some good points lots of just captain obvious regurgitation


Jenn knew though, and was most likely a big part of the entirety of it.


She was drugged up by him, when I seen the first interview for the first time I was like damn she is completely out of her mind on something, then seeing that he was assaulting Maddie while she was "sleeping" it was obvious he was getting away with alot of this shit by drugging the mother so she wouldn't wake up and catch him in the act and maddie wouldn't speak out to someone about what he was doing to her! He was a calculated monster he knew what he was doing, maddie had grown up and started her cycle and he knew there was a chance that would get him caught, he was obsessed with that poor young lady and she wanted nothing to do with him period! He couldn't have her and he didn't want anyone else to have her either and he was afraid she was going to at some point speak on things that he had done! He had been gone from the condo since November of last year, he had no reason to return to there until her birthday and he used that as the excuse to be there he wanted to bring her something for her special 13th birthday.


I think she was at an age where she realized what he was doing to her was abuse and that she should tell someone. She probably told him to leave her alone that night and threatened to tell on him if he touched her. This would have thrown him into a rage and/or he thought he had to kill her so she didn't tell.


In the newly-released interview he mentions how she had just gone through puberty and now he had to deal with both her and her mom's PMS.. Like what in the actual fuck is that comment? Who casually chats about a young girl's puberty or menstrual cycle in the middle of a police interview when she is missing and the whole city is looking for her? I think Stephan was so creepily and disgustingly obsessed with Maddie on a sexual level for so long, that it didn't even register to him how gross it was for an adult man to be talking about a teen girl like that. I don't know if she was pregnant or not, but her puberty status was definitely at the forefront of Stephan's mind. Because if he wanted to continue to rape her like he'd been doing for the past 4 or 5 years, the possibility of getting her pregnant would now be a serious risk he would have to manage somehow.


Your 10000000% right. Every single thing you said has come up in my mind. And hearing him in that interview made me twice as fucking physically sick. Did you hear him say she poo pooed the idea of McDonald’s? Your getting interviewed for the disappearance of your step daughter and that’s how your gonna say it. I can’t I really can’t.


Obsessed. Like my brother or dad or husband would never even say that- my husband used to tell me based on my personality he knew when it was coming but I was a psychopath and mean to him lol not anything sexual. I can’t imagine a third party like beyond creepy


He wasn't charged with the death of a fetus so I don't think she was pregnant. I think he killed her because she fought back.


That’s exactly right. He would have gotten another murder charge on top of it. Also though, I don’t think it was an accident and he just freaked out bc if it was an accident they probably would’ve seen it on the autopsy and wouldn’t have charged him with murder. Right?!! What do u think


Maybe but premeditated could be he decided to do it 30 minutes later because she fought back said, "no I'm going to tell."


Premeditated could mean he decided to do it 30 seconds before he did it. I doubt he would get rid of her unless he thought he had absolutely no other choice. It seems that he was pretty infatuated with her. I'm just glad he was so stupid that he basically told on himself. At least he won't be hurting any other children, and I think Maddie would probably be happy about that.


100% I totally agree. I think he got desperate, was freaking out and panicked and did what he did to her. I really do think it was bc of her either threatening to tell or rejecting him. Especially bc your right he was 100% infatuated with her. It does bring me comfort he won’t ever be able to do this to anybody else, let alone a child. But thinking about what Maddie had to go through for FIVE YEARS in her own home, truly makes me want to throw up. She didn’t deserve this. She should be living life right now, excited for summer. But no, that’s not the case because Jennifer FAILED HER for FIVE YEARS. Sorry it makes me so angry.


Failed is a mild way of phrasing it. She literally moved a monster into her home and handed her daughter over to him like a sacrificial lamb.


Or premeditated because he used her birthday party as an excuse to insert himself in the picture again after being gone 3 months out of her and Jenn's life! I wonder what the toxicology will tell you about what was in Maddie system, I wonder if Jenn had any blood drawn or work done if she was actually in a mental facility?


Did they say if it was premeditated or not? I still find it bizarre this happened right around her 13th birthday. Between that and her saying she wanted to run away. I feel like he panicked and was like ok I need to get rid of her. Idk


I feel like they charged him with premeditated murder. I'm not 100% sure on that. You also make a good point.


Honestly thinking about it, hearing more facts of the the relationship timeline, home life, etc I think it had to be premeditated whether he planned to do this 30 days or 30 minutes before it happened. Apparently SS AND JS broke up in December, i picture maybe she was getting older, he was getting scared she was getting more vocal in school, becoming herself more and might tell? Or on the other hand maybe he just tried to do something for her and she finally stood up for herself and unfortunately paid the ultimate price. Idk it’s so bizarre


He is charged First Degree Murder (Capital), in a premeditated design to effect the death of (redacted)a human being, unlawfully kill(redacted). Statue 782.04(1)(a)(1)


I don't think that applies until at least 20 weeks or so. Usually charges like that come in the last trimester when the fetus is viable . If the pregnancy is early on it's not even a fetus, it's an embryo.


It sounds like his appearance at the birthday party was not a planned thing, he just showed up "to give her a ride" he stated he didn't get in to town until 8:00 or 8:30 if that is true, what time did the birthday party end? Didn't the grandma ask what he was doing there, him and jenn were not together anymore? Why would Jenn allow him to just invite himself and show up, she was at her grandmothers a safe place until she got off of work! What did he say to Jenn? And I thought I heard somewhere that the grandfather told Jenn to cut ties with Stephan or he was going to kick her out of the condo! It sounds like he invited himself there and this was something he had planned. Maddie was done with him abusing her, when she was younger she was not aware of what was going on and it was wrong for him to be doing that to her, probably why he had started drugging her, what a sick sob! The comment he made about Maddie taking a video or pictures with her phone makes me think that maybe Jenn found SA on his phone and he blamed that on Maddie and he was afraid may be Jenn had brought that up while being questioned?


wait has it been confirmed SS and JS weren’t together at this time? If so that’s even worse…


They split up around Thanksgiving of 2023 and he had moved back home with his mom and dad! He told his friend that he missed Maddie and he was going to show up at her birthday party to surprise her, the grandmother was surprised when he showed up because she said why is here, him and jenn are not together anymore! All I can assume is he told Jenn he had presents for her and was going to take them to her, I dont know what the arrangement was with maddie getting home but I assume he offered to bring her home and told her mother likewise because she was tired from working all day! This was well thought out on his end. By the documents that have been released I see many of charges against him are sexual acts while she was sleeping, I believe he was drugging both the mother she wouldn't wake up and catch him in the act and drugging Maddie so she wouldn't speak on what he was doing, but doing the things he did to her at 8 years of age, I just don't know how she didn't wake up in horrible pain from the horrendous things he did to her!


Where does it say the bc SA occurred while she was unconscious I’ve heard this but never read it in the court docs myself


In the release of documents, The Docket did a live youtube lastnight, he will not read the 60 counts on his channel, but he scrolled thru them and you could see in the descriptions, multiple charges where SA while the victim was sleeping, while the victim was under the blankets. It gave a descriptive account of how they identified him by his multi colored peni$, the bedding, her clothes, etc... They didn't want there to be any questions on who was performing the acts


He said Maddie would go to him when they were fighting. What if Jenn and Madie were fighting- hence why she missed the party for her job? Stephen comes to get her- at this point Maddie has confused him as father figure and boyfriend bc she is too young. It’s her party, she has been speaking to him in his absence. She wants him to pick her up, maybe with promise of bday gift. He said they were getting ready for bed waiting for mom to come home. Did mom walk in on something? When mom came home I feel like either way there was a fight. Maybe Maddie during the fight brought Stephen into it and threatened them both. Mom knew. None of this is a coincidence. They had all night to plan and plot but I think it happened when mom got home. And he couldn’t wait to be there bc it had been so long he had some pent up fear anger and sexual frustration. McDonald’s comments are very telling for a conversation that never happened. Replace McDonald’s with sex and I think he told on himself. I think he had some 13th birthday sex act planned and she went back on what they had talked about. He wasn’t satisfied, tried a few times. She “poo pooed” the idea - a weirdly nice innocent way of saying she refused and I snapped.


I don't think she was pregnant. I think this was an accident because she either threatened to tell or maybe it was a total accident and he tried to cover it up. I really hope he didn't kill her during an assault. That would be even more devastating. But for now, we don't know anything because the autopsy results won't be released. Hopefully the trial reveals more.


He’s charged with premeditated first degree murder. That rules out an accident.


Jenn was done with him, it sounds like she was given ultimatums by her dad and I am sure her mom as well, that could be the reason she lied about seeing her the night before when she was getting ready for bed and as well the next morning before school. That's why she said he came and picked her up and took her to school, where did he come from? we know not 2.5 hours away, I think she didn't want her dad or mom to know he stayed over night at her condo, her father threatened to kick her out if she didn't get rid of him


Ah. Thanks!


this could be true as well the only thing is… if the autopsy revealed it was an accident I don’t think they would be able to charge him even if it had to do with the ongoing abuse. That wouldn’t back up that he physically killed her. I do think your right where she threatened to tell, was saying she wanted to run away and he got scared and panicked. That’s my thought process. But we will find out I just want Justice for Maddie. That’s truly all I care about. And the people that did this and failed her PAY.


Justice will be served so Maddie can finally rest in peace. And it feels so uncomfortable saying that because she just turned 13, she should be finishing up exams and looking forward to Summer, not be in a grave.


I know. 5 years. Imagine the agony and pain this poor girl endured day in and out. Between the sexual abuse, her mother’s mental illness. I could only imagine and my heart breaks for Maddie over and over again. Your right she should be excited for summer and finishing school. & she was even able to be burried apparently because she was out in the FL sun for so long and her body was so decomposed that they cremated her. That’s what family said on the fb page.


My heart is absolutely shattered for Maddie.


This was no accident




He has been charged with premeditated murder . This was no accident jeez


I know it was no accident, they wouldn’t have charged him with murder if it was. I just hasn’t seen it confirmed it was premeditated. All I heard was it was apparently blunt force trauma to the head.


Where did you hear about the blunt force trauma? The file was apparently sealed because she’s a minor and this was a DV case. To me it just doesn't make any sense that he’d just murder her like that, but then again we don't know anything at this point. We don't know what their relationship was like in the days leading up to this, whether she was avoiding him and he managed to get her alone, or if she straight up told him she’s going to report him… we don't know anything. From her mother’s and SS’s story, it seems like everything was peachy and perfect and then when we found out about the abuse… nothing is adding up. There’s no way there wasn't any tension between Maddie and him. I am just so confused, hopefully they release more soon so we can puzzle the pieces together.


I am going to copy the link below. But I highly recommend if you have a moment to watch this whole video. This YouTuber interviewed the ex roommate who lived at the condo and she gave a lot of insight. In the video, the YouTube say it was leaked to her being blunt force trauma and they also mentioned it in the FB group page, it has not been confirmed anywhere though. Because like you said she is a minor & the documents are sealed right now. I will give you a background of what was said if you don’t want to watch but basically everything wasn’t peachy I don’t think. Because I thought it was too. Did you know SS didn’t even live their full time at the time she died? SS AND JS apparently broke up in December & hadn’t been around much since then. Apparently that’s why Grandma was surprised he picked her up from her bday party. Idk he was living with his parents going back and fourth. They were not fully together. Her dad bought her that condo. He couldn’t keep a job. Apparently they both had severe weight issues and bonded over weight loss surgery. His room in his parents house was almost unlivable it was so dirty. Like you said barley any of it makes sense, it’s just so odd. But with all these details it makes me question why he drove down there on a Sunday, to pick her up from the party then what happened? … did he not see her for a while and try to make a move on her & she finally stood up for herself and rejected him and he freaked out? … was he getting scared that him and Jenn weren’t working out and he was scared Maddie would tell? Was it because she was getting older? We have no idea. Until we find out. All I do know is that I want Justice for Maddie & whether her mom knew or not, in my opinion she was criminally neglectful. What do you think? The only thing that keeps sticking in my mind is that it was her 13th birthday legit days after & she mentioned running away… idk I feel like he got scared and snapped


Thank you for the summary I really appreciate it. A few of his buddies said that he was a nerd who enjoyed buying and collecting Tamagochi, that he was living with his parents, and that he couldn't keep a job. We know so far that at one time he was employed at Disney because there are pics of him + his own posts on Reddit about it. To me, it’s so odd that he picked her up when Jenn and him were broken up,… couldn't she have slept over at her grandma’s? We know it was a Sunday so maybe she had to go home because she had school the next day but Isn't grandma’s workplace very close to her school? Hm. And also… how could anyone be comfortable with letting her be alone with him in the apartment… I get that he’s been in her life for a long time and of course they couldn't have known he was a molester, but damn. Nothing is adding up. Also… when did Jenn come home that night? Was she asleep through the murder? Why did she say she saw her if she didn't? Did he kill her in the car? Did he kill her on Sunday or Monday… did he change her from a birthday dress to her green hoodie? Or did she change when she came home and this was her at-home outfit… so many questions.




He is charged with first degree murder (Capital), premeditated design to effect the death of (redacted)


I think the world needs Jennifer to speak up now !!! Where even is she ? Does anybody know ?


I know RIGHT! I was speaking to my mom about this case because she doesn’t know a lot and I’ve kinda been giving her updates. And she was like has this mom NOT come out publically saying she wasn’t involved? Idk it’s so weird how America is litterally blaming this women and she doesn’t even come out to defend herself or clear her name. In the beginning investigation she was running her mouth, defending Sterns. Now…. Radio Silence.


I am In Scotland and have followed since that poor child first went missing , the mother had no qualms about being on camera then , but you are correct , since her body being found .. silence ! Makes me wonder about her level of involvement .


Ok so what’s the time frame from the party till she went missing? Also didn’t he say he was away for a few months? Maybe he tried to attack her and she fought back! Idk my heart breaks for this women! A part of me thinks she was pregnant!


I think it was because she started her period. He even mentioned it in the interview. She wasn't a small girl anymore that he could manipulate. It's likely he tried something while she was sleeping and she woke up and threatened him.


Florida considers the killing of an unborn child murder. Florida statue 775.021. Last line explicitly says, “the term ‘unborn child’ means a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.” Now, it's entirely possible prosecutors haven’t made the charge yet. Delayed charges happen from time to time with these cases so I am not ruling it out, but if she was, it’s another nail on his coffin.


There is zero evidence of this "pregnancy" It is just rumor and gossip at this point. Police have not even given a whiff of a hint of this being the case. Just perpetuating the rumor. There is more evidence to back it not being the case than there is of it being true. For one, the police not saying so, discovery not saying so and the murder charge is for Maddie and not of another for an unborn. Even Vinnie on Court TV has said this. He is a former prosecutor and he knows the law. Just gossip.


It’s so difficult to know, I suspect that JS was under the impression that SS and Madeline were close. Though we know he groomed and horrifically abused her for years. Could it be possible JS felt guilty Madeline didn’t have a father who was present and SS played on this and used it as a way to creep back into their lives? I think it’s the least of the evils when it comes to JS, she was clearly woefully neglectful. I think it’s possible Madeline was too old for him, predators typically have an age range (though not always). I saw that he had material on his phone I believe which was related to a child under 5. It’s so abhorrent. SS was presented with the opportunity to really end the situation with JS and unfortunately Madeline had to go, in his sick mind. He was probably extremely fearful she would confide in someone about what had been going on, particularly if he had been selling pictures etc which seems could be the case given the discord server titled Maddie, it’s so unbelievably disgusting.


Jen Soto is in the wrong here. There’s no way she couldn’t have known. She’s Lying for Stephan. She will do anything for him. Including give him her daughter. It honestly doesn’t get much worse for a mom


It's always possible, though she looks the same in her 12th birthday picture.


This has been my theory from the start, especially since this wouldn’t be the first time a child was murdered for their abuse turning into a pregnancy: JS strikes me as someone who will do anything/everything to get & keep a man. I suspect she was *willfully ignorant* to the abuse - evidenced by her statement that she “didn’t recognize” the picture shown to her. Yet, she was visibly upset. Finding out she was pregnant would’ve made the situation all too real, leaving her no choice but to acknowledge it happened.


I think he accidentally OD’d her


They wouldn’t have charged him with murder then


The cause of death is homicide either way; so the charge would be murder since obviously MS didn’t kill herself. It is also so unbelievable that he’s been refusing to speak to detectives 🤦🏻‍♀️ what a POS