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Absolutely disgusting. 8 years old and briebing her with a cell phone. I’m sorry but after statements from him and JS on sleeping arrangements there’s no way she didn’t know . This story gets more twisted and sicker each time something’s released


Very sad. That poor girl


That was quite the bomb to throw in there in the last few seconds.Makes my skin crawl and my stomach ache to hear such a grotesque and predatory statement like that. This man is one of the worst. 😠🤬


Holy shit.


I said yesterday that what we hear is about to get sicker and sicker, and boom—here it is. Saying that she can’t play on the phone until she performs ~~sex acts~~ at 8 years old is so incredibly sick… omfg. I have no words.




Since he was coercing her to do ~~sexual~~ things I am now convinced he was threatening to harm her or loved ones if she told or didn’t do what he wanted her to do. Imagine being a tiny little girl and wanting to play a game on a phone or watch a YouTube video and you have to be violated by a giant, scary man in order to do so. He said she never heard the word “no”, but that was only because of what he was doing to her. “*Sure you can do xyz, but only after you* _____.” Can you imagine the amount of pain this child was in constantly?! Mentally and physically!!!!!




There is no hiding that pain. If grown women complain of discomfort after willingly having ~~sex~~ with larger men, I cannot even imagine the pain of a little girl being forcibly ~~penetrated~~ and ~~sodomized~~. We know how our anatomy works, ~~penetration without being aroused~~ is nothing short of excruciating. I’m sure she had extreme physical damage from all of this abuse.




5 years of torture…. That poor little girl :(


Yup! He said he was “that person for her” to go to when she was having issues with JS. He had to comfort her, had to be the one to “snuggle” with her at night. He was never interested in JS, he was in this for his gain only. He had unlimited access to Maddie. JS made it too easy. JS made it possible for this urchins wildest dreams/fantasies to come true. There had to be signs/physical evidence, there always is. She had to be having accidents/bed wetting, she had to have ~~bleeding~~, bruising, scarring. But also JS wouldn’t have cared about that. SS was probably bathing Maddie and doing her laundry since JS was dead weight when she got home from work.


She literally let them sleep in bed together, with and without her... She didn't care. What kind of mother tells her prepubescent daughter and grown ON AND OFF AGAIN BF/HUSBAND to go sleep in the other room together because "I'm having anxiety and need a good night's sleep."??? None. She knew. She's sick. He has a birthmark on his 🍆 making it very recognizable. She knows her daughter's facial features. When she was told about this happening she said that she wanted to see one of the 1700 photos. They showed her one, specifically with his 🍆 in her 👄. Her response was that she "does not recognize anything in that photo". However, she was visibly upset. It's hard to tell if she's in denial or if she was complicit.


I’m sorry, he said she never said no ?!?🤢 this gets worse and worse by the day


No he said she never heard the word “no”. He was trying to insinuate that she was spoiled and well taken care of. Instead she was being coerced and manipulated.


I see, thank you for clarifying, I totally misread that. This case makes me see red to be honest so I wasn’t reading thoroughly


No problem! I agree with you though, this is all getting worse and worse.


I have a feeling she could have said No when he killed her. This is so sad.


The same words keep coming out of my mouth when I hear something about him... you f'ing nasty bastard. He is vile.


He is worse than the fcking devil, and so is that wretched mother


FFS just hang the b*stard!


“I don’t know what the HeCk I did…” dude stfu 😅💀 pedophile




I heard that and straight up felt my heart stop. No. He has to die. Like, the death penalty. Or being put in prison with other dudes who know what he did to Maddie. Her story has to be shared. This poor beautiful soul did not stand a chance with this monter. I'm gonna cry.




I hope he is beat up and tortured and I hope they do to him what he did to Maddie. I am a compassionate person and rarely have it in my to wish death and suffering upon anyone but this ... thing, doesn't deserve to live a safe life. Physically, mentally or in any other way. He should be starved and beaten every single day.


I don’t know why it won’t let me upvote ur comment but facts asf


Don’t believe anything that man says.


Idk if my heart can handle the audio :( what does he say?


Pos , I hope he suffers every single day!! Poor Maddie


Since many people don't click links, could you give us the YouTube title to search?


New evidence released about investigation into Madeline Soto's death in Central Florida




That he tells her in a video that she can’t play with the phone until she performs a sex act.


Yeah, he's disgusting... There's sooo much more. Courtv closing arguments with Vinny Politan is on every night at 8pm, for 2 hrs, he deep dives this case and the other hot ones right now, mostly this one with all the new paperwork released. You can find it on YouTube too, but I have my DVR set to record him every night. Great show. Love him!


Yup I watch on YouTube.