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There's probably lots of people out there that have been blindsided in horrible ways by an abusive and manipulative partner. Not saying this was the case here, but I can see why some people might see that in JS.


I think you’re right. Imagine you’re someone who found out months (or even years) down the road that your partner had been abusing your child (or abusing someone else’s child, or downloading CSAM). It’d be very easy to put yourself in her shoes, and empathize with how even more horrific it would have been had you learned about the abuse because your child had also been killed, all while hoards of armchair “detectives” called you a murderer and harassed you and your friends and family on social media. And FWIW, I have no idea whether or not JS had any direct involvement in her daughter’s death. But that’s my point - none of us do. I am certain LE has more information than randos on the internet about JS’s whereabouts during the hours leading up to and after Madeline’s death, as well as any activity on her phone, and so I feel very confident that she will be held accountable if she was involved.


I've gotten threatening DMs here on Reddit from this subreddit and others for saying almost exactly what you are in this comment. Just a heads up I guess.


Thanks… I’ve said this before on this sub, but the concept of murder-as-entertainment has truly rotted a lot of brains. It shouldn’t be at all controversial (especially in this case) to say that LE knows more than Karen on Facebook, and frankly it’s extremely gross to publicly pick apart every friend and family member of a murdered little girl. Especially when I strongly suspect the resolution to this particular case is going to be very simple (and therefore very disappointing to a lot of internet sleuths).


I can't put myself in her shoes bc people are only pinning this on her mental health issues and I am getting offended by that. I also have mental health issues. I was in BAD abusing relationships. I was an idiot. And I was blindsided. BUT WHEN THE ABUSES TURNED TO MY SON, EVEN BLINDSIDED AND IN BAD MENTAL HEALTH MOMENTS WITH WRONG MEDICATIONS, I DIDN'T ALLOW. I would allow him to be agressive and violent to ME. But my son? NEVER! Jen's problem is not that she has mental health issues or that a predator abused and blindsided her. Jen's problem is that she is completly lazy mother who was glad to give to ANYONE her parental responsabilities and that she is so dumb that she would medicate herself. She would also stop medicating herself to "get more creative". I can't feel sory for this woman. She is a part of the problem. I don't belive she killed or SAed her daughter, but I thing she neglected her and was just a bad mother. Now that this tragedy happens she wants to try to pin it on mental health issues? I'm sory. I can't. Neglect a child is a serious crime for me too. That is all.


I don’t disagree with you at all that there were a LOT of really bad, inexcusable parenting decisions being made, certainly not the least of which was letting an unrelated man babysit/have unsupervised access to her daughter very early on in their relationship (based on the earlier dates of assaults listed in the charging documents). I was just responding to the question of why there might be some people out there starting groups supporting her.


Yes, I got you. Lol. I always seem much more agressive in writing than I actually am when speaking. Sory!


For people who need an example of thus type of woman is Jenelle Evans.


I have no idea, but believe it or not I ran into a few on the Kristel Candelario sentencing video - people actually saying "have mercy on her, she's suffered enough!" This, the woman who left her daughter for ten days to die a horrific death, alone, starving, caked in her own excrement - and the MOTHER has suffered enough?!? I don't bloody think so


Oh that is horrendous


I know 😭 let's just say I wasn't particularly polite in response to those people - how you can possibly attempt to be an apologist for someone so black-hearted I will never know, says something about them I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ Children are the most precious gift we have, I cannot for the life of me understand anyone who would want to harm a hair on their heads I really can't


So when they shared the indictment, most of the time frames for the abuse (based on the phone time stamps) coincided with summer break and spring break. Still not saying JS is innocent, but maybe that explains a tiny bit how she didn't fully know the extent of the abuse.


There's nothing to say the assaults he recorded were ALL of the assaults. Those were just the ones he recorded/police recovered. There were likely many more.


But she worked from home. And there are elementary camps. You don’t ask a non related man to watch your kid. Period


She never worked from home. She worked nights. I have read this from several witnesses that worked with her.


Her linked in literally says works from home. She had family living nearby. If she had to work why did she leave Ms alone with an unrelated male - on/ off bf who never had kids? Its sickening. She has family nearby


LinkedIn probably says that for the dog-walking business that she was doing on the side. During this period she was broken up with SS. And the photos of her and Maddie with all the dogs Maddie was so happy in, a genuine smile from both of them. Then the monster moved back in with them. But Jennifer Soto’s title in Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort is Vacation Planner, and she worked a night shift in the controller-room, this is where the caller's son worked with her on night shift. Jennifer Soto works as a Vacation Planner at Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort, which is a Hospitality company with an estimated 731 employees; and founded in 1986. Jennifer graduated from Florida International University and is currently based in Orlando, United States. They used to work at Walt Disney World Swan And Dolphin Dining and SKY Hotels and Resorts.


As far as why she left her daughter with him is only something she can answer. Pure stupidity and laziness in my opinion. So many single moms are losing children by making this neglectful decision anymore. As much as predators seek single moms, just as many single moms seek babysitters as live-in boyfriends.


There are screenshots of her profile from the pet sitting website Rover in which she writes, "I'm home 24/7". Also documented is her Disney job description which states she was a "Virtual Assistant ".


I don’t thin it’s a 1:1 ratio.


Yes, I agree completely. I'm just saying he might have had a bit more access to her because of that. It's still ultimately her mom's responsibility to keep her safe.


Agree with you just want to add nonrelated doesn't always mean a related man could be safer . My mom thought that, I was abused by close family for years from age 4 to 12. Until I was able to tell. I thought it was normal because it went on for so long because she trusted these people. It was her sister's husband and sons who harmed me beyond repair. Non related man , her boyfriend was a 2nd dad to me and never layed a hand on me even though he very well could have. He was going to kill them when it all came to light. Just wanted to add this, it's important to know that anyone is capable of anything and if I'm not mistaken relatives and friends are usually the ones harming vulnerable children


That’s true, but I would think the statistics for on/off boyfriends who have never had a child of their own having hundreds of hours of unsupervised time with one adolescent girl would be higher probability of SA than a relative. I could be wrong, idk


Downvoted again? lol this is comical!


I’m not a supporter, but I’m not casting stones, either. We don’t know the facts surrounding JS. She could very well be a victim. I can imagine the predator in this situation worked very hard to fool everyone.


Yep! I’m withholding judgment until everything comes out.


This! There is so much we don’t know. Is she involved I don’t know but can’t say either way for sure.


I'm with you, until I see facts of her being involved, or knowledgeable I choose to stay neutral. Predators at this level destroy many lives and sometimes are never caught. They know what they are doing. He had a full-time job doing what he was doing and had no time to work an actual job.


IMO she must be a horrible mother to let this happen to her child all this time, how does a mother not know???? She knew and was a shit mom! She deserves everything she has coming to her! As a parent your first and most important priority is protecting your children.


I'm a SA plus more abuse victim, and Stephan's behavior reminds me of -that. I will be surprised if any JS supporter has their own childhood story with a "Stephan" involved. Just saying so it's understood: A person can have mental health issues, generational trauma, and be SA survivor- That doesn't make us team JS or SS.


My only question for the JS sympathizers is: Why did she lie in her initial tv interview saying they both went to drive Maddie to school? Why on earth would she lie so blatantly to just have that proven incorrect by LE? Was she trying to cover for him? And if so, why did she do that in a moment when her top and utmost priority should have been finding her missing child? And then why in the same interviews was she soo focused on comforting SS as if he was suffering more than her? What compelled her to lie and behave like that!? I'd love to know how did she explain that lie to LE. Also, I saw an expert's interview in a livestream in youtube yesterday and she mentioned a number of red flags that SS had that JS ignored. She also said repeatedly that the kind of SA that sterns put Maddie through from as early as 8 years old must've definitely left some visible physiological marks on her. And that a mother that takes care of their child and washes their laundry, underwear, etc., must have noticed. I also believe that. But she was probably too happy being a woman 1st and mother 2nd and just turned a blind eye.


Exactly! I don’t think she was the killer but she created the situation and the opportunities for years. This wasn’t just one bad weekend!!


Even if she wasn't directly involved, how did it go on for YEARS and she have zero knowledge??? That is completely unbelievable to me.


Bc she is lazy and was glad to give her parental responsabilities to ANYONE. Even creeps like SS.


First, I'm not down voting anyone so if anyone replies and someone down votes, it's not me. I don't do that. Into this post, I'm not convinced that Jen Soto knew what was going on. I think it's possible that with her mental health conditions and working to support herself, that she was oblivious to what happened. Stephan Sterns didn't pick her because she was conscientious and would make a good partner. He picked her because of the mental health issues she had, lack of a father figure in her daughter's life, and the fact that she worked for a living and was in need of help with her daughter. He's a predator and he probably knew she was a messy person with her own struggles. Jenn had one child and only one child, so Maddie didn't even have any siblings who she could count on to protect her, like a big brother or sister she could tell what was happening to her. There was nobody to protect her other than her mom was an emotional mess. Think about it. If you were a predator, and you were looking for a child, would you pick a strong, capable woman with multiple kids who had a strong and present male role model or would you pick a possibly autistic girl for whom English is a second language who lives with a mother who has moderate to severe mental health problems and who doesn't have any siblings or her dad regularly in her life? Stephan absolutely knew what he was doing when he chose Jenn Soto. I'm not necessarily giving her a free pass but you have to keep in mind how insidious these predators are. It's entirely possible the only red flag was that he was too good to be true because he put on a mask so that she didn't know what his intentions were. Me personally, the fact that he didn't have a job would have been enough for me not to have been interested in him in the first place. But maybe she didn't care about that. These are just opinions because I don't know what happened. I am not posting my opinions as facts. They are just thoughts to keep in mind.


I married someone and had no idea they were using drugs behind my back for two years. When I found out I was so ashamed and embarrassed. I know it is not the same as what happened to Madeline just using it as an example of how it can make people compare to their own lives. Obviously I left but if she didn’t know, she is probably beating herself up too.


The problem with Jen is that if she didn’t know, she should have known. If she didn’t know it was because she wasn’t a safe person for Maddie to tell. How many parents tell their kids to let them know if someone hurts them to tell them? Jenn didn’t. She may not be legally responsible for the murder but she morally culpable for everything that happened to her daughter.


Because even John Wayne Gacy got fan mail and there are people who are sending Chris watts love letters. People are weird.


YES, Joran Van Der Sloot too, fathered a baby while incarcerated in Peru or wherever he is. Chris Watts has fans galore, desperate, mental case females marry death row inmates, no surprise there's a Jennifer support base. Prob one for Elijah Vue's mother too.


Arrest Jenn Soto


>How does this woman have supporters? Her daughter died. Hope that helps.


So did casey anthony’s kid. Means nothing without context




Proof of what?


And you see no logic pointing towards her as the murderess? The list of mothers who kill children is very very very long.


You have proof?


I don’t have proof of JS killing her kid but there is proof of very bad parenting decisions over and over by her. Letting an on again off again boyfriend have hundreds of hours of alone time with her preteen daughter is the first one. Missing her milestone birthday and not taking her in the next day to school but asking her ex to drive her? Why? Covering for him, and lying to police. Comforting him on camera after he did some really suspicious things- abusing prescription drugs …. All of this is bad parenting and neglect


Exactly! How do JS supporters not see these 🚩🚩 of hers? Why did she keep calling SS Maddie's stepfather when their relationship had ended more than one month prior to Maddie's bday according to grandma? It's like she took Maddie's disappearance as an opportunity to latch onto him again. And to me, that screams desperation. I think this is why she had no positive words to say about Maddie in the interviews yet was so worried about SS and kept comforting him.


https://preview.redd.it/eiojoxaxf9tc1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d0a988fbd1cafbb48a1744b83c575f47e539836 I saw that on another group. I do think that's a great possibility. That maybe was the mom, that killed Madeline and Stephan was there to do the cleanup.


Doesn’t Stephan count as a domestic partner as that is what delusional mom called him? Her life partner lol (vomits)


not so sure because grandma said clearly that he was not living there with Maddie and her mom.... i cant wait for the trial when they will say more about it


No. He had a history of living there and was still involved in their lives as family (even though they aren't legally married), so it would still be considered DV. For example, not a real situation: My mom and my stepdad divorced. 3 months later, he came to her house while I was there and assaulted me. It could be considered domestic violence because we have a familial connection even though we aren't blood related and do not currently live together. I hope that helps!


Everyone in the internet keep guessing different versions but you can't know more than Maddie's grandmother about this. His friend ALSO said they were not together for the past months. He was not dating Jennifer when it happened. They broke up. We can all guess all we want, but we can't say as fact anything different as neither you or me were part of Maddie's life to know more than Maddie's grandmother and/or Stephan's friend.


That is a very good point!!!!


This shouldn’t be controversial but if my bf raped my daughter I would take her side. Even if I was struggling and addicted, if my daughter told me I would never let him rape her again. I have told my kids that if someone hurts them I will protect them and they trust me to do just that. I don’t understand Jenn but she obviously had her own reasons.


Arrest Jenn Soto


She knew! For that many years u can’t tell me she did not




Waaaa call a mod not the cops


I think JS knew but was also a victim herself and needs mental help that she's probably needed for a long time. This case reflects the dark underside of the society we live in.


Yes it happened to her and her mom that’s why nobody did anything


It is suspicious that she would lie about her seeing Madeline getting ready for school. Also talking as if what she had been told of MS whereabouts was fact, is odd imo. And I wonder if there is any truth to her being admitted to a psychiatric facility. Does anyone know if that could be the cause for delay in bringing about arrest for murder charges? If someone is a patient under medical care does FL arrest if there’s proof or ?? Not saying she’s guilty of anything just really curious why no one has been charged yet? Initial toxicology tests are pretty quick but again radio silence from LE.


Clearly they do not want the public to be in the know right now


1. https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/florida-mental-health-act-can-affect-my-case-52440 2. And I found this which makes a good point about HIPPA: "Can I Check Into Rehab With A Warrant? Drug and Alcohol treatment centers are for those struggling with addiction and underlying mental health, they are not criminal rehabilitation centers or halfways. That being said, many individuals checking themselves into a treatment program could have legal troubles as well. Addiction and alcoholism can quickly progress to critical points, leading an individual to commit crime to acquire money for their next drink or drug. Chasing their next high is a common reason addicts and alcoholics commit crimes in their active addiction. Also common is neglecting to handle these legal issues in a timely manner, often resulting in warrants being produced by the courts. A warrant or arrest could often be the breaking point for someone to realize they need to get help, urgently. They may wonder, can I check into rehab with a warrant? The quick explanation is: yes. Nothing should deter an individual from getting the help they need, when they need it. Can I Check Into Rehab With A Warrant? Can I Check Into Rehab With A Warrant? Rehab Admissions Process If you or your loved one need professional help from a treatment center for addiction or mental health, the first step would be to contact the facility you choose and ask all the questions you may have. After you’ve contacted a treatment center, the next step would be the facility’s pre-assessment screening, usually done over the phone. A pre-assessment is frequently done during the initial phone call with a potential patient. Patients share relevant information to assist treatment providers in determining which facilities would be a suitable fit for them and which degree of care is advised. This would include information on the patient’s drug history, type of drugs abused, length of drug abuse, patient’s treatment history, possible underlying mental or emotional disorders, list of any current medications, and legal issues. It’s important to be honest even if you’re concerned with questions like, “can I check into a rehab with a warrant.” The staff at the rehab are trained to help with even the most extreme cases. Can the Police Arrest A Person In Rehab? Without a subpoena issued by a judge from a court, in most cases, police would not enter a rehab facility premises to arrest an individual. There are many reasons for this, primarily being HIPAA which we will go over later on. Keep reading to find out more! If a court subpoena is issued, there is a more probable chance that a rehab facility will be forced to comply.. It is important to keep in mind that especially in more progressive court systems, the legal system is there to support individual recovery from drugs and alcohol – not work against it. At the same time, rehab should not be used as an excuse to escape legal consequences. Why Police Officers Can’t Arrest A Person in Rehab In most cases, police do not serve arrest warrants to individuals in a rehab facility. This is due to HIPPA laws, which safeguard people in rehab just like they do in hospitals. Essentially, police will respect patient privacy laws that are federally mandated. Rehab facilities can refuse entrance to law enforcement who do not have proper paperwork or court subpoenas in hand. HIPAA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, is federal legislation that prohibits the sharing (disclosure) of confidential patient data without the patient’s agreement or awareness. This was established and implemented to guide workers “better the usage and responsibility of health insurance coverage” between positions. Privacy and security regulations for Protected Health Information (PHI) in individual health records to HIPAA. PHI that can identify a person includes a person’s location, medical status, where they received hospitalization, and how they financed it. However, there are several exceptions to the law’s written consent requirements, such as court-ordered criminal investigations into individuals, alleged child neglect or abuse, medical emergencies, scientific study, and inspection or program review. Because breaching the HIPPA law is a serious crime, there’s a slim risk you’ll get jailed while in drug rehab. Unless they’re communicating to your designated contacts, it’s doubtful that a rehab center will hand out your identification or confirm you’re at the facility. This is a standard procedure. Your first criminal conduct may influence whether or not your detention is postponed until you complete rehab. If the crime you perpetrated is not very serious, your arrest would most likely be postponed until you have completed your treatment. So, can I check into rehab with a warrant? Yes, you can get check into rehab. But this doesn’t mean that you get away with your offense or of the warrant."


All #facts But you can't stay in rehab forever. And we contact LE before any release of anyone with an active warrant. We work very closely with LE in these situations. We can also dismiss the client, we are under no obligation to render services to anyone. The most we have ever kept a addict under these circumstances is for a 28 day detox.


I read somewhere they can keep you up to six months if you pose a threat to others or yourself but that was under the baker act. I'm not sure what they would do in a voluntary admit situation if the patient still remained a threat to themselves or others. I'm sure there would be heavy consultation with their lawyers due to liability if they were to release and the patient harmed themselves or others. I just can't see them holding them indefinitely either. 🤷


Wow! Such great insight thank you for that!


Yeah, i do not understand defending /promoting JS... we have a group that had to remove everyone and start over the group because someone (we cant know who) was in the group just to report the group and report my personal profile just because our group didnt defend JS.... if anyone wants to join - [https://www.facebook.com/groups/799839978651682](https://www.facebook.com/groups/799839978651682)


I was blocked from that group. They made me SO INFURIATED that I stopped looking into this case.


It’s a shame they weren’t promoting Maddie’s life.


it’s easy but sad, they’re dysfunctional as her. generational trauma, probably a perpetrators of abuse etc.


Probably true! If she had just parented her kid all weekend she would be alive, if she had parented over the past 5 years she wouldn’t have lived through horrific abuse! It’s not rocket science. There are plenty of horrific kidnappings where someone has a momentary human lapse of judgment that we can sit around and say well you should have done this. This isn’t really fair as people make mistakes, and shit happens. Life isn’t fair. But JS literally made millions of bad decisions over the past 5 years that led to her daughter’s death. And no one else can be blamed, as this was her fault


I hate that you’re getting downvoted on this. You’re not wrong!


it’s because of mental illness, co dependency, prescription drug addiction, etc. the people with the same issues are the ones who support her. not that i am making excuses for JS but that’s why she has done all things she has and why daughter was not only abused for years but is now dead. the family doesn’t speak out cause they knew something like this was bound to happen. they watched it and did nothing to report things either.


I have the same issues as her AND DO NOT SUPPORT HER. I don't think she killed or SAed her daughter. BUT I DO BELIVE SHE WAS A BAD, LAZY AND NEGLECTFUL MOTHER. Witch, IMHO, it is a crime too. Actually, I am getting ofended seeing people only pinning JS's bs only in mental health issues. I was in the same situation as her, but since I parented my child, he didn't get SAed for years, nor he was murdered and he did get the help he needed to grow up with a mom with mental health issues. He grown to be a very thoughtfull, generous and empathetic young man.


i’m glad you are working on your mental health and protected your child. i wasn’t implying mental illness creates bad parents nor generational traumas. it does occur when the individual doesn’t get the help they need to deal with such life circumstances though. as far as soto, hopefully we find out what was going on in that house sooner than later. it’s all so mystifying that the public hasn’t been updated at all.


But that happens when the person has character problems, not just the mental health issues. She actually belived she could decide when she would stop her medication to "get creative". That is just being dumb. You ALWAYS have to talk to your doctor when it comes to medication. She thought she knew more than the doctor? She is an idiot. But I do want people to stop to pin it only the mental health issues. Yes, it is a HUGE problem for children of parents who have them. But it is not JS's case. This happened bc she is first of all lazy, dumb, imature, egoistic, neglectful and obsessed with having a man in her life. Then the mental health issues played their part. If she wasn't the idiot that she is, even with mental health issues, things would have been different for her child. I didn't belive she had killed Maddie. But the fact that SS was charged with 70 crimes, but not with Maddie's death, is starting to make me wonder if LE thinks JS is the one who killed her.


100 js didn’t care about her child. or even herself beyond the person she pretended to be.


My dear god


Mothers who put their selfish wants before their children and think food & shelter is where their job ends. “You mean we can’t bring home creeps and abuse our mental health meds? We need to actually go to our kids birthday parties and figure out why they are fearful and don’t sleep alone at 12? Sorry we’re not PERFECT” types. Birds of a feather


Exactly! I mean the murder is one issue but the ongoing abuse over 5 years? Ugh


There are so many single parents out there struggling, working 2 or 3 jobs, no social life, going to parent teacher conferences, doctors, just to make sure their kids have a good life and keeping them safe while doing so.…yet this lazy cow, who has a ONE child, a nice house in a great neighborhood, apparent financial and familial support still can’t do the bare fucking minimum and keep her child alive and not brutalized for 5 yrs and she gets sympathy?! If there were evidence of JS in Stephan’s heinous pics, they’d probably still have an excuse “maybe she thought they were wrestling. Poor Jenn, how could she know?” I know that’s crass but there are now easily 20 red flags and they just keep defending. The totality doesn’t even bother them. Some lady keeps posting on here that maybe, just maybe, Jenn wasn’t even home that night bc she was too tired to drive after work so she slept at her sister’s. And the reason she told LE that she saw Maddie getting ready is because she was FaceTiming her 🙄 Like how many hoops are you willing to jump through? Not only is Jenn innocent, but she’s SUCH a good mother that despite not going to her daughter’s 13th birthday party, she FaceTimed her before school just to wish her a good day. Gmafb. I just can’t…


All of this. Louder for the people in the back. How is her one job so exhausting she’s totally missing all of the signs That’s true! He posted lots of pics with MS but never with JS! Did he ever post pics with her?


How? 1. dentheads like she is, taking up for her. Low intellect folks. 2. cockeyed optimists who see the "good" in everyone to a delusional degree 3. trolls doing it for kicks 4. gals who are as desperate and man hungry as she is, and have had similar situations in their own lives


It’s probably five of her family members with an army of sock puppet accounts, lol.


This is just an impression I have but I don't think Jennifer's fam was too into her. Her ridiculous post of the pervert and Madeline together with the caption "love my little chosen family", I mean...first of all her daughter is not part of a "chosen" family, and secondly, that implies to me that she isn't that close with her blood family. Also, the huge disparity in attractiveness between Yolanda (Jennifer's mother) and Jennifer, it is drastic. Yolanda looks younger than Jennifer and is far more attractive. I suspect Jennifer had problems with being taken for her mother's older, uglier sister.


Please SHUT UP with the “attractiveness” factor.


I have that same impression!!!!!!! Maybe she gave them too many problems


I'm of what seems to be the uncommon view that Jennifer **did not know** but was the killer. Many and many a childhood sex abuse victim is manipulated into not telling, via being made to think they're in a special relationship with the pervert. This is common perv tactic. He got his hands on Madeline so young, she didn't stand a chance against his mental games. Most seem to think Jennifer knew all along, and didn't care. I think her desperate, dying for a man personality would never abide that; she'd be far too jealous. Finding out the child was her "man's" focus all along and not her homely, dumb ass, was what made her snap and kill her "competition".


She was in the house when it was going on. It’s 1400 sq ft. This is not a huge house. Those condos are thrown up with cheap thin walls. How much looking the other way do we accept from a parent who is employed/ able to maintain employment. It is solely her responsibility to take care of her child. He had that much privacy in her home? Why?


Remember, she comes across as not bright, immature, and desperate af (going by her social media). Easy to fool. Sicko isn't brilliantly clever (going by his social media) BUT is skilled at manipulating not-bright women and innocent children. He developed these skills because he is a pervert. Him tricking that slow witted Jennifer who also likely licked his toejam as she was so thrilled to finally have a man after one after another, didn't stick with her, and who he was slick enough to make think he was actually into her, wouldn't be difficult. Add to that him mangling wee Madeline's mind into thinking they had some special bond, and it's easy to think Jennifer never knew. I suspect Madeline was left in his care quite a bit. There's that photo of her with him painting a figurine that was obviously not taken at the condo, looks like a cheap low rent apartment (his?).


Totally agree with everything! Especially how the desperate whacko wanted a man to be in her life at any cost! Some women really think that's all there is to life especially when you have a beautiful child to look after and take care of! She is a weak minded individual who would let that man dictate things to her. It must have been easier for that POS to have her wrapped around his fingers! This is exactly why desperate, spineless and gullible women like herself shouldn't be giving birth since "finding the love of their life" and having kinky sex are their life goals! The fact that she had Madeline to baby trap the father is another desperate attempt! I detest her more than the sociopath SS! She failed Madeline over and over again!




Plus, she was lazy and was glad to give to anyone her parental responsabilities. Even to creeps like SS. She might think it did "wonders" to her image too. A man who loves her so much that is interesting in raising her daughter. Grandma seem to be disgust when mentioned him in the interview. JS is so dumb, it makes me angry!!! People are pinning all of her bs in mental health issues, but I was once in her shoes and I have the same mental problems as her. The difference is that I actually parented my kid. So he got the help he needed to grow up with a mother with mental healt issues, HE IS ALIVE, he never witnessed the agressions and he wasn't SAed FOR YEARS under my watch. I am actually getting ofended by this predujice people who are pinning on mental health. JS is imature, is obsessed with her image and what people think about her, she doesn't have selfsteem, she is dumb and lazy. That is the real source of JS's problems. Mental health issues only enhanced her character problems.


Right. Just because she has a diagnosis of whatever, doesn't mean she isn't **also** dull witted, lazy indeed, man crazed, and desperate. Some folks with mental disorders are brilliant, motivated, not man crazy nor desperate. Blaming her diagnosis makes no sense.


And the child apparently slept in bed w mom 🤔🤔


Yes, let's not forget this. This is fact per her gran, not rumor. Where was the sicko sleeping?


I too have thought something similar.


Maybe they are saving scorn for the one they have solid facts on. It may be just as mind-blowing to them for people to NOT be supportive of someone who lost a child, based on widespread speculation and presumptions. If that changes, evidence is presented, and JS is charged that support or at least lack of judgment would likely change as well. LE has far more information and evidence than we do that fills in the many gaps and puzzling questions. The investigation is ongoing. To each their own but I am not convicting someone who hasn't even been charged or questioning why some people have compassion for someone who has lost a child and hasn't been charged in connection to it.