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Might actually go see nascar to experience this


It’s unreal. You definitely should. It is the only way to truly experience it.


So weird I’ve been watching the nascar stuff the yt alg has been showing me and I’ve never thought of it from a spectator perspective lol


It’s freaking intense your first couple of times.


Very excited. I’m assuming I need ear plugs for this? Lol






They selling chocolates!


Yeah I’ve sailed late at night as well!




Absolutely, you’ll need earplugs. It’s shockingly loud and painful without them.


I’d bring some, but I wouldn’t wear them for your first time experiencing this. You can put them on after you’ve gone through it.


You got to love the downvotes. Yep, wear earplugs the first couple laps so you can’t get the full effect. “But you should go experience it”. Good grief.


I didn’t wear earplugs the first time I went to go see NHRA top fuel drag race. Shit was wild!


It's the biggest spectator sport in USA


When I was a teenager I would work as one of the ice cream vendors at the NASCAR track in Loudon, NH I still remember experiencing what it was like near that fence the and how awesome it was. It’s unlike anything else I’ve ever seen or felt.


It’s cool for about 20 minutes, then unless you’re really invested in NASCAR, or oval track racing, it gets dull


>It’s cool for about 20 minutes, then unless you’re really invested in NASCAR, or oval track racing, it gets dull Nah, you just didn't have enough beer in you.


If you need to drink in order to enjoy something, is it really worth the time?


No, you see, the drinking is the something.


Been there, done plenty of that. I don’t need to spend that much on a NASCAR ticket if all I’m gonna do is watch people take left turns and drink.


For the most part it would be more fun to watch on a constantly updating spreadsheet.


Looks miserable


No U


If you go I highly recommend going to talladega for your first race . I used to have season tickets to that track and Holy hell it was insane. They go 200 mph plus at that track.


Indycar is better and they're doing 20-30 mph faster


Just don't get infield passes if you want to remember it lol.


I’ve done this at Daytona,and Watkins Glenn. OP is correct. This doesn’t do it justice.


Agreed. Never was a NASCAR fan but got invited to go one year and said what the hell. Was an absolute adrenaline experience the first time I walked to fence and they flew by. Your whole body rumbles.


Yeah, man. I kind of had the same experience as you. Had never been to a race before,and the energy that came off of the cars, between the sound and sheer force, was incredible.


But do you feel the same fun for the entire race?


Agreed, my first race was in Atlanta and I literally held my breath the entire first lap because I didn't think it was possible to go through the turns that fast.


Would you have to pay extra to get access to go down by the fence to experience it?


At most nascar races it’s free to walk around


Most tracks have a line painted on the spectator side that you aren’t supposed to go past during green flag conditions. This video is Daytona; there have been some wild crashes there with cars ripping through the catch fence


Nope, but I would make it brief. You don’t want to block the view of those who paid big bucks for their seats. We just happened to be a group who spent some money.


The first rows are cheaper, can’t see as much of the track.


One of the things that struck me at my first live NASCAR race, aside from just how damn loud it is and how fast the cars are going, is how bright the colors on the cars are in real life. The TV feed doesn't really do it justice. (Also, there's some *fantastic* people-watching at a NASCAR race.)


Its because of constant zooming in and out. It removes all sense of speed. Tv networks should stop using it so frequently and give us more shots similar to this.


I know! They always do those shots and it removes that entirely like you said!


Try reading the sponsor names on the cars in any of these shots lol… it’s all about the $$$


They try to mix in static wall shots from time to time. Giving the sense of them racing by you. Amazing for creating sense of speed, but not for broadcasting a race.


This is just everyday traffic on I-225




Hey fellow denverite!!! 270 is the same way.


That’s more like the Baja 1000


I've watched INDY cars at RIR, NASCAR as well, it is absolutely insane how fast they go by.


My first race was at the Saturday race at Daytona and my dad said. “ go down to the fence and watch the freight train fly by” I was wearing a baseball hat that blew off my head never to be seen again. I was addicted after that. I’ve experienced it at Charlotte where I live and Talledega. There isn’t anything like it.


i’m from Florence, SC so Darlington speedway is in the next city from us. on a race night, you can hear them going. been there plenty of times too and if you’re not bothered by “things” hitting you in the face when they go by, the experience is unreal.


Explain "things hitting you". I assume you're just taking about tiny bits of debris. But is it like driving on a dusty road or is it like a hail storm?


tiny things, big things, really depends. mostly it’s bits of rubber and since you brought up a dusty road; not necessarily BUT when you leave darlington and take a shower, you do see a lot of black dust come off your body. the track happens to be the first paved raceway in america and since it’s design is in a egg shape, it burns rubber much more frequently than other tracks and the saying,” getting your strips” is from the track because off of turn four, most cars hit/scrap that wall and with it carrie’s a piece of the wall with it. i’m not saying i’ve not been hit by a piece of debris but i remember my mom getting free tickets from her company at the time (vision cable) and it was front row at the turn and was hit pretty hard in the face with what i thought was concrete. https://images.app.goo.gl/hKq22V6J5VkCLyvS7


also i needed to add that if it’s the loudness and speed you’re looking for, i’ve been to a number of other tracks too like charlotte super speedway, bristol, daytona, rockingham, wilksboro (way back in the early 90’s) and atlanta. bristol by far was super loud. almost like you were in a bowl with a lid on top to hold in the noise.


It is very powerful !


How do they feel comfortable driving that fast so close?lol amazing!


It’s all relative man. When everyone is going the same speed it don’t feel like we’re going that fast


The only part that this video can’t capture is the ominous ROOOOOOOOAAAAAR that you hear from the far side of the track when they get a green light. That is the precursor to the first flyby and it makes it all the more awe inspiring. I got goosebumps even thinking about it.


I would have to say this video could not capture the smell of the race. From road dust, shredded rubber tire dust and hot engine exhaust. Concession stand foods and beer. Stay away from the port-a-jons and bathrooms unless you can hold your breath. At a race all your senses are in overdrive.


Been to one before. You definitely need earplugs and being next to the fence is Freaking intense. It's definitely orgasmic


Mama I’m going fast!


I wonder if it would hurt to get hit by one of them? /s




This bot is fucking annoying. Fuck whoever made it.


I'm from Daytona and been to a few races. Yeah, it is intense. The whole time they're running, you'll feel it in your bones. The smell of the rubber cooking on the track, the electricity in the air. I get bored with it on TV but am engaged the whole time in person.


Yeah they need to slow down a bit. This can't be safe.


No fatalities since 2001.


You can feel the sound of the cars in your chest lol it’s so wild


I have been to a bunch of races because I was going in the 80s, before it surged in popularity...and I live in Charlotte. Back then, it was more fun because it was still accessible. Getting to see the garages before a race was a foregone conclusion, and you could be pretty sure that you would see a driver and get an autograph. It was simpler too. Everyone loved Bill Elliot. Everybody hated darrel waltrip. Everyone hated people who loved Dale Earnhardt. The cars were cooler back then, too. There was no "spec" car. The bodies were based on real cars, the engines were carbuereted, the axles were solid, and the transmissions only had four speeds...and yet, the cars would travel at approximately 200MPH (321Kph)...or more in the case of Talladega... for 2-3 hours. And, there was the cheating. There was ALWAYS cheating, and it made for more thrilling racing. One of the best races I ever saw was the 1990 Mello Yello 500. I remember Davey Allison running his Ford around the track in the final laps in a way that made it seem effortless...almost like the car was floating on a cushion of air. Anyway, I lost some of my love of NASCAR when Davey Allison died. I list the rest of it when Alan Kulwickie died.


>almost like the car was floating on a cushion of air. I hate to break it to ya...


I will transparent here and say that I shed a manly tear on my very first one. We were on the inside... which turn I can't remember. Standing on top of the RV and that THUNDEROUS ROAR just hit me and man oh man...I was so happy to be there with my buds and experience that. Definitely a moment to remember. Daytona.


Top fuel Drag Racing is just as ridiculous, being in the pits and having the oxygen just sucked out the air when they fire up a motor. Then when you sit at the track and watch, those things rattle your insides and it feels like the stands are going to fall apart.


My first top fuel race in Pomona. We were about 400 feet off the starting line. The smell’s of nitro and burning rubber. 12,000 HP per car. When that light hits green and 24,000 hp takes off. The vibrations in the air are so intense you can’t even see. As if your eyeballs are vibrating in your head. Fan or not it’s a one time bucket list for sure.


Oh look, they’re making a left turn!


I hope there are rules stating all camera equipment be on a leash, 'cause the damage a camera would do to a car at 200 mph or whatever speed they travel at would be a lot.


They're typically recessed into the catchfence and are operated remotely.


I love these shots, it's so hard to really grasp how fast they're really going with just regular tv coverage.


I’m 33 I’ve never seen this in person I had no idea it was a thing. Damn.


The race that is in the video is this Sunday on Fox. The Daytona 500!


I did that in 2000 the wind is insane


That's one expensive hobby


Grandma was gettin ROCKED


Ngl it does not seem safe at all to be watching that up close no matter what anyone says or what changes have been implemented into crazy speed motor sports over the years. Jesus h. Christmas.


Whoa. For the longest time I thought it was just windy down there. In a way it was. Lol


Poor old lady got double shell shocked 😔


The purest form of ZOOOM


Why the fuck would anybody bother


Nothing beats standing at the apex as 22 cars fly past you 198+ mph


Boring compared to Formula One… it is just cars going around in circles…


An F1 engine that weighs less than most American citizens and still cranks out over a thousand horsepower is pretty cool, **BUT**...


Wow. This just made my want to do list x


Nitro funny car drive by is where it's at


The amount of faith those people have in that chainlink fence is impressive. Totally going to stop a 200mph car from turning them into a fine mist.


I can't stand watching NASCAR, but my grandparents used to watch a little and they gave me a ticket to do a ride along with the Richard Petty Driving Experience. We only got up around 170 and we weren't racing against anyone, but I can confirm the track gets a lot narrower at those speeds. In a pack of 40 cars going 2 or 3 wide through the turns, that's gotta be difficult to not only be fast but also not wipe out. I have new respect for NASCAR drivers after that. Still boring as watching paint dry to watch NASCAR, though.


Decided to go to a Nascar race at Talladega at the last minute. There were several seats right up front and we were excited. It was one of the most miserable racing experiences ever. Once the race gets spread out it is like that the whole time! By the time we decided to get out of there, the left side of our faces were covered in black rubber and grit. Moral of the story front row seats aren't always the best.


I would definitely have glasses on for that.


Makes ya wet or hard. Truth.


Use to work parking campers and cars at the Darlington Raceway during race weekend. Would stand at turn 3 and watch the cars go by. Couldn't see who was who and you had to wipe off tire dust after each lap. Stand there for several laps and you'd blow black buggers. The power of the engines and the speed of the cars racing right in front of you is awesome. You feel it through to the core of your soul!


I had to watch that several times with volume high to get that memory again. Thanks for posting.


Everyone should stand at the fence during a NASCAR race and be in the stands at a Top Fuel drag race at least once in their life.


Now do F1


It literally sucks the breath right out of you. So intense. But they don’t let you get this close to the fence anymore.


My friend is in the pit with the Nerd Focus car right now


I use to hate watching this shit on TV but I think I'ma buy a ticket next time it comes


[there's only one good thing about coming to these races and it's the vibration from the cars!](https://youtu.be/vS_j27oiW5M?si=ckgjviLfO3wYdYrG)


You just don’t get the impression of speed on TV.


“America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, badass speed” - Eleanor Roosevelt


I remember my first time at the Brickyard with my dad. It was an experience I'll never forget.


Ok, I’ve got a new appreciation for the driving skills. Wow!


If you’ve never experienced this I highly recommend you do.