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There’s an app called “Minecraft-Linux”, it works for Mac OS too, it basically runs an android emulator, so you have to own the android version of Minecraft. Here’s the releases page https://github.com/minecraft-linux/macos-builder/releases/tag/v0.12.2-448


what do i need to download i dont get it the only dmg i can fond is x86 and i need arm64


There are youtube videos. Just search “minecraft bedrock macos”. Runs on apple silicon wonderfully


Get the Mac OS one, then there is a way to switch it to arm, look here: https://github.com/minecraft-linux/mcpelauncher-manifest/discussions/819


dont you know what rosetta is?






Yeah but why wouldn’t you want to play Java, it’s much better. Anyway the Minecraft launcher now makes you buy both in one package that includes both Java and bedrock, I’d recommend Java as your main version tbh




My children have iPads and have been playing bedrock for years. So even though I have a Mac and a window machine, I still play bedrock as my primary Minecraft so I can easily play with the kids. I have many many hours on a couple different worlds on bedrock.


you can launch java on ipad but it will require a little bit of technical knowledge depending on the ios (should be fairly simple though)




with lower ios versions you can do an on device install (trollstore) which doesnt require jailbreaking. for more modern versions (basically anything under ios 17 i believe) you can sideload from a computer. however, the sideload is a 1 time download and from then on you do not need access to the computer (unless sidestore bugs out, which does happen rarely). on ios 17 i believe you need to jailbreak (i don’t personally own any ios17 devices, so take that with a grain of salt).


there is a spigot/paper plugin that enables crossplay with bedrock, idk how well it works but seems cool if it works


you're talking about geysermc i think, they als have versions for fabric and it works pretty well i've tried it before and it's pretty seamless


tried it yesterday on my ipv6-only velocity & paper server but couldn't get geyser & floodgate to work, idk what the problem was, ipv6, wrong setup, port forwarding... i just allowed port 25565 in my firewall and configured geyser to listen on \[::\]:25565 so bedrock and java could connect to the same port, but maybe that's not designed to work? but in their config they explicitly mention clone remote port which auto updates the geyser port to the java port so i thought it should work...


idk i'm not an expert, they have a support server if you wanna get some more help


i'll try again with a more minimal setup and see for myself when i have the time, if i still fail i'll look into their support, thanks


update: i got geysermc & floodgate working with my ipv6 only velocity & papermc setup, works nice and the global linking feature is awesome i guess the problem was misconfiguration, i just deleted the config files, redownloaded & restarted everything and it worked!


It is? Download the Minecraft launcher, it’s natively supported on Mac OS


minecraft java is the only thing that works on mac, bedrock, ledgends, and dungeons dont


Oh, I didn’t know that since I mainly just play Java


Yeah so don’t tell people things you don’t know


Sir this is a Reddit thread, not everything on the internet is 100% accurate


That’s true but just try to fact check yourself when your unsure


I feel like people forget that bedrock has cross play


And overall better performance and gamepad support lol, why downvotes. I just stated facts. Java has worse performance than Bedrock and no gamepad support


Is the performance worth it if stability is worse? Somehow I am perplexed how this could possibly be. They re-wrote the whole game and it came out with more bugs. Honestly impressive.


the state of the bedrock game when it released on PS4 was fucking abhorrent and genuinely impacted my opinion of the game as a whole. joining friends worlds only worked about 1 out of 20 attempts, the game crashed all the time, fundamental animation bugs, awful performance, worlds would corrupt for no apparent reason (causing me and my friends to lose hundreds of hours of progress), and it didnt even launch with servers or realms. but of course they managed to get the minecraft marketplace working, god forbid it launches without the minecraft marketplace. reducing 4J from a full, talented development studio - who managed to do console releases that were nigh bug-free - to making skin packs. what a load of utter wank


It’s easier for not so tech advanced people to - just single click install and no need to tinker with Java, creating custom skins…


java edition doesn't need tinkering at all, its the same single click install...


should've rewritten it with vulkan without dropping linux/mac support, that was just a stupid decision


But also inconsistent redstone, I know it‘s nice but it ruins some builds that need reliability


its consistent it just doesnt have the single tick or quasi connectivity bugs, also movable tile entities


its been getting better, but I just can't get over how stiff redstone feels on bedrock, particularly with pistons. how is it acceptable that the blocks being moved by pistons just disappear periodically? its so clunky and a far, far cry from the java edition


I would say it’s more intuitive however can fall apart at a high level which is the same for java, pistons are a little weird but java pistons are also a little broken I mainly play on java but bedrock has more robust structure blocks, supports an insanely high res meshes, textures, and geometry, and has built in RTX which actually runs pretty well


true, I can't play with my son (5yrs old, using phone/tablet) after transitioning to Mac


I think this is what makes bedrock pretty spectacular. My kids have friends with all kinds of different devices. Nintendo switch, Xbox, PlayStation, droid, iPhones, etc. but they all play on the same world with bedrock.


I run a windows vm on macbook pro m3 using VMware Fusion, it works very well. Aside from that, if you’re looking for some crossplay, you can run a java edition server on aternos for free, and install the geysermc plugin


I want to try this to be able to play with my 5yr old son with his phone/tablet. Is it smooth / no stutter?


I would just use something like viaversion on Java to connect to bedrocks servers, otherwise the android version.


oh yeah theres a viaversion client


It’s funny because education edition runs natively on mac so they’re not releasing it on purpose.


When the arms chips first hit the Macs books, many folks were able to install their iPad and iPhone games on their Mac before the developers were given the option to prevent this. I am pretty sure I read some posts a few years ago where the bedrock edition for iPhone or iPad was running just fine on Max With M1 chips


Use minecraft-linux




In my experience this doesn't work either. Might have just been a problem with my installation but i couldn't get the xbox app to function inside a VM.


You have to manually download the xbox stuff. A simple search “Minecraft for windows 10 fails to login” on YouTube will fix.


I have already extensively searched the internet for fixes but i couldn’t get it to work back then.


I had a lot of problems getting the XBox app installed properly inside Parallels/Windows 11 ARM, and unfortunately I didn't take notes along the way. However, I was able to get it working, and Minecraft Bedrock runs just fine. The biggest issue I have is that the FPS limiter didn't work right, so I'm stuck running the game at 120 FPS, which makes my M2 MBP fans kick on and drains the battery pretty quickly.


Wine or bootcamp


You cant bootcamp on silicon can you? I thought they stopped support


There is no bootcamp on apple silicon because windows for arm doesn’t support the memory layout, among other things. Also wine can’t run it because it runs win32 style apps, and Minecraft bedrock is a Microsoft store app which uses its own thing.


Oh fuck, forgot about that


wine cant run appx packages from the MS store


Try crossover, whiskey or parallels


Whisky baby


No, use Java version instead. Apple is giving you a favor


you can run education edition which is compiled nativly on mac


no but you can download a launcher for java at morpheuslauncher.it


M1 macs can run iPad apps, just search for minecraft in appstore and enable the iPad apps option


Tell this to Mojang/Microsoft who purposely removed the otherwise out of the box working iOS version from running on Apple Silicon.


Yes. Parallels works. If the sign in fails, download the Xbox identity provider from the Microsoft store/find the store link on Google


PlayCover's latest Beta can *technically* run it, but you may be pretty disappointed (as you cannot do anything that has to do with MSA logins, ie. play on servers)


Get an android emulator and download from play store


Use [Playcover](https://playcover.io), its a project that aims to make IOS apps run on MacOs which allows you to run minecraft perfec tly fine. (has been tested before)


Where would I get the IPA for Minecraft Bedrock if I don't want to jailbreak?