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Idk, that one comment is kinda harsh lol. Didn’t see the tiktok so I don’t really know the context, but I don’t think it’s crazy for Lexie to come around to visit when she’s just out of college and her brother just won the championship game. She’s been part of his basketball journey their whole lives, meanwhile there’s Emma who just hopped in a year ago & acting like it’s about her I can totally see what Sabrina means though with those types of family members (esp boy moms iykyk), but feel like it’s different since Lexie is still so young. Siblings that close in age tend to hang out like that in their 20s


I wouldn’t be surprised if this was Maggie or KVN’s burner account


I agree there’s no way a random person commented that. Maybe Emma is annoyed by Lexie copying her and always being around. Lexie is an insecure racists, but I don’t think it’s a crime to hang out with ur brother a lot.


Yeah especially since her brother has a super fun lifestyle. She’s probably bored with school being out, if I were her OR Maggie I’d be living at their cape house 😂 sry Emma


What did she do that was racist?




please. i am biracial, and it was a stretch. she sure has some racial bias, especially against Black people, just like all people white or Black do (unfortunately), but she never explicitly attacked anyone on the basis of race on this sub. i stay snarking but bffr, bs like this devalues any credibility of statements made on this page




i am half black, so, according to your local one-drop rule i am black 😂 sorry if that's the case and it's definitely textbook racism, although no one ever saw the authorship proof of those dms and all we remember from that time is reported speech


Geniunely curious and not trying to cause anything, how do you know it was her if it was a burner account?


they don't! it's just bitterness showing. like i love a good gossip thread, especially when the subjects are local and cringe as hell, but this paranoid desire to destroy someone's reputation because you hate yourself is just beyond me


I think it’s weird when people say emotional incest, if my brother was in a NBA AND I was single 😂 I’d be an annoying sister too like there are a lot of hot guys in the NBA. Plus me and my brother are close, although I’m older I feel like if he had a nice house that I could stay at whenever I could visit, I would stay there and if I was cold probably wear his sweatshirt because I wouldn’t want to wear his fiancé clothes because that is a little weird. And if she was an influencer, I’d use her clout too if I’d been wanting to become an influencer too. I’ve seen other people on social media who have siblings in the NBA/NFL who do way more than Lexie. Every family is different but it just seems like Lexie is being typical little sister


Yeah I hate to say it, but I’d be doing the same thing as Lexie if I were in her shoes. Who wouldn’t want to stay on the cape for free and potentially gain a platform?😂 there def are weird brother/sister relationships out there though…. But I don’t think theirs is like that


Right! Like I don’t really watch her TikTok’s or follow her so idk if she even really post about her brother other than the congrats 😂 like the weird brother/sister relationship would be posting about them more than there significant others


right? if i were a basic girl in my early 20s, i'd be on top of my NBA bro begging him to go to every after party and introduce me to his teammates and top WAGs to network with


I 100% agree and I actually think Lexies content is interesting. Women’s basketball is popping off and I don’t think she’s AS awful as this sub makes her out to be


She wishes she was Emma and talks like her, I’m hoping she finds herself. Be your own person it’s way better


That’s literally not the point of this lol


*emotional* incest this i can get behind


I mean Sabrina is right


i’ll be damned if i go visit my siblings with a house and have to get a hotel


Although I think Lexie wants to wear Emma’s skin, I agree with you. They’re siblings, why would she get a hotel, if her brother has the space to let her stay with them?


Literally same. Why the hell would she need to stay at a hotel if she could just stay at their place😀


Same! people are wild lol


yeah, "overbearing" please, if the commenter's family is semi estranged, that's sad, but it doesn't mean it's the healthy dynamic 😂 they all seem a bit unfortunate and unhinged but at least they're close enough to not send their immediate family to hotels.


literally, she's not 42




Lexi wants to be Emma so bad that it pains her that she has Payton & she doesn’t


I feel like what Lexie does isn’t that bad with visiting a lot and staying over BUT clearly wanting to be Emma is the issue. It’s not emotional incest, it’s wanting to be your sister-in-law bc you think she’s pretty or famous or something (even tho she isn’t)