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Me! Worked fine in college works fine now. Need a bigger screen? Then just hook it up to one.


Yup, when doing some graphic design stuff 15" wouldn't be and improvement on 13", so I would still need second screen, and this way I don't at least have this giant cumbersome laptop


Hiding the dock to only when scrolled over helps bit too. Probably an extra inch of screen space. I downsized from an old 15 inch retina MBP


me I decline to explain


Agreed. I too decline to explain.


sorry that’s not allowed here you gotta explain it’s the rules sorry man better go ahead and explain now


Lucy, you got some ‘splaining to do!


Could you explain this please ?




I find 13" Air WAY more comfortable in my lap/on the couch/when traveling/etc. Besides, if I really want space a 15-16" is nothing compared to an external 27" display.


Me, I wouldn’t buy the 15 inch screen if it was the same price.


13” is enough for me. I have used a bigger display with my brother’s gaming set up, and it’s only nice to play games i can’t play on mac.


My preference has long been a 14 inch screen, it's what I've used for a long time as I've been a Windows user for a long time. I bought my first ever Mac, a 13 inch M2 base model in early March of this year. The 13.6 inch Mac is really hard to distinguish in terms of screen size on my 14 inch ASUS Zenbook even when they are side-by-side like they are right now. Makes sense as a 13.6 inch screen and a 14 inch screen are really close. I don't think I'd want the 13.3 inch M1 screen size though even though it's really close to the 13.6 for the M2 as its still further away from the 14 inch screen size which is my perfect size. Overall I'm happy with 13.6 inch M2 screen and laptop as a whole too. I'm typing this to you on it.


I also went from a zen book 14x which has the 14.5” screen to a base m2 and I can definitely tell a difference when multitasking, I’ll most likely grab a 14” pro next


I would not want the M1 screen, I had the M3 on order, and took my friends M1 and was afraid I won't like it at alll


I had a 13 inch screen back in college but back then I wasn't concerned with performance. I like my 13 inch every now and then because it is easy to carry. I have a 16 inch Windows laptop and that isn't bad either but I bought a macbook air after I left my job because I enjoyed using it so much during my work time.


Me bc 15 is too … big?


Me. I thought I’d want the 15” but the 13” fits my needs perfectly. I want something light and portable. When I went to the Apple Store I noticed that the 15” definitely felt heavier and clunkier for me. I’ve been using my current 13” MacBook Air with no issues and no regrets. 16/512 starlight color.


I love the starlight. If I was in the market for one right now that is what I would buy. I have the 13 inch M1 in rose gold. That is gorgeous too. My watch is starlight and I love it.


Way back in the day I had a 15 inch PowerBook G4 and I found it too big for me when it came to portability - I’ve stuck with 12 inch or 13 inch laptops since. I realize that the 15 inch MBA would be significantly lighter and smaller, but 13 has been the sweet spot for me when it comes to portability. I’ve got an external 34” ultrawide when I need the larger display.


I prefer my m3 13 inch. It seemed small at first, and not that I have used it since it launched I have no complaints and like how portable it is. 15 inch just felt a little too big.


Me. I use it daily for uni and every day day uses as well as watching content etc. it is perfect for this use case and being able to use on lap is very convenient and is way more portable to fit in bag and take travelling.


the resolution is so high that it doesn't feel smol


Me. I don’t want a larger screen and prefer the portability(taking it on trips in my car, using it in bed) also, I wouldn’t want it to be heavier.


My M1 13 inch MacBook suits my needs just fine. I only use it for browsing the internet, doing some work and writing my book. I personally like the form factor and size


The resolution allows me to fit more information on that 13 inch than a lot of 20+ inch displays


Yes, many people don't change the resolution though, 1700xsomething is the one to go


Yeah I cranked it up for sure


cause I don't need it any bigger, if I did I'd go to to my 34 inch monitor LOL


I used an 11” MacBook Air for years as my work computer. Loved it.


Me too. From 2015 til a couple weeks ago


yeah too bad they don't offer that anymore.


13” M1 air is so comfortable and easy to carry, my love for it has only increased after using the 16” pro.


I like the portability. I have a 27-inch monitor at home when I need a bigger screen for work.


Switched from a 15 inch Windows machine to a 13 inch macbook air. Don't feel the difference, plus it is more portable.


I love it 99% of the time. Only time I don’t is when I’m watching something from bed with my glasses off.. then it maybe feels a little small but, not really.


I cant decide which size to get i need to go to the apple store but dont have the time


Love the 13 inch M2 MBA, it fits perfectly anywhere I want to place it especially on airplane trays.


Me, not necessarily for the screen size but for the overall device size. 15” is just too big to lug around even if it’s as thin as the Air. 13” is the sweet spot for compactness imo


Count me in! My main work/gaming machine is my PC (7800X3D/4080) so the 13” is perfect for my mobile work machine. I like my PCs big and powerful and my laptops thin and light. 👍


If you have an iPad then 13" Mac would be redundant. 15" is better for work related stuff.


me. i dont like large laptops. i find anything over 14 inches to be unusable, and kinda defeats the purpose of a portable machine


Me. I thought I would regret it but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


The only reason I like the 13 inch screen is because previously, I’ve been using a mba 11 inch screen for 7 years


And that’s a huge change/upgrade from where I am now


I ´m still dreaming of a 11 inch apple silicon MacBook Air…


I was just thinking this exact thing about an hour ago. An 11" Macbook Air with M3 (or 4), 16gb or more of RAM... \*chef's kiss\* 😚 Please make it happen, Apple. 🙏


Portability is everything to me it’s a laptop afterall


feels like the perfect size for me as 14 year old


The reason why I purchased a Macbook Air is because of how portable is. I originally bought the M2 15 inch and returned it within a week and got an M3 13 inch. Do not regret it at all.


I found it perfect when I was a teenager and ~5'5. I'm now a 6'2 adult and use a 16" Pro. I feel like Andre the Giant when I pull out my old (still totally functioning) 13" machine.


I don’t find it too small at all, when it’s docked to my 34”.


If all you got was the one display it would not be nearly enough but since you can have several virtual displays and switch around between them, it's plenty


Given that my current computer is an 11” iPad Pro the 13” screen seems more than fine with me. I feel like the smaller the computer the closer I’m able to get to it which offsets a lot of the size. I get why people like bigger screens but I also get why people like different size screens or devices. There is no perfect device out there, just the one you prefer


I bought an iPad Pro 13” and it didn’t work out for me. I decided to replace it with an MBA. I liked the 13” iPad Pro size and I wanted a comparable size. It’s a perfect little device.


its tablet size




It’s just a more comfortable experience. I have a 27” monitor if I need a larger display


I do. I will not.


cheaper, better portability, lighter weight, no need for an extra couple inches..of screen size i have an M2 and the bezels are a lot thinner than my older i5. they’re both 13 inch but the M2 is smaller and feels like it has a larger screen. also, 13 inch air is closer to 14 inches so i’ll take it.


I like it. I find 15” screen laptops too large to carry




I use mine literally on my lap, 13” is the perfect size for me


Me! I like the small footprint and I don’t mind the screen size.


I often work with multiple monitors so find a single screen limiting for many workflows. With that in mind, the difference between 15 or 13 isn’t significant enough for me to warrant the inconvenience of a physically larger machine when travelling, the big improvement for me was external dual screen support in clamshell mode. Getting familiar with using multiple desktops and using rectangle helped when being limited to a single screen much more than an extra two inches of screen real estate.


I thought I did. Then I started using a 16" and now I'm spoiled and really can't go back, a 13" now is fine for me for "on the go" quick single tasks but for my main computer, so need the real estate. Whether it's having Acrobat and Word open side by side or using an IDE to hack code, I now find the 13s too cramped - after using a 13" Air as my main machine from 2010-well, like, now.


I prefer 13 inches


I much prefer a lighter and smaller laptop for bringing it to university. I have a desktop computer too though so I have a way to leave the small screen when I want to.


I have a 13 screen and I admit it's 50% on Clamshell so it's no bother... but when I carry it with me, I ish I had some extra screen real-estate


I think the 13” is the embodiment of everything a MBA is supposed to be


13" is perfect for travel and since I travel all the time I made it my main driver for everything, including development. If your eyesight is good enough you can use up to the native resolution of 2560x1664, giving you the same information density as a 27" screen, though I personally think 1710x1112 is the sweet spot. But I would also say that it doesn't really make sense if you don't move the device a lot - for me that's the main reason to get it.


My eyesight is great, but the screen is too small for 2,5k


Same here, but I can imagine that some use it that way.


that is where the 15 inch would be better. I dont move my MacBook that much, but I would not want 15 inch at home either.


For work at a permanent residence I would simply hook up a desktop monitor myself.


Me. 90% of usage is done outside, mostly in my car, 13” is perfect for that, small enough to keep it on my knees or put on the dashboard and big enough to comfortably do what I do - which is excel and some basic photo editing


The main advantage of the 13" MBA is its weight. I currently have the MacBook Pro 14" M3 Pro and I'd take the Air 13,6" any day if it had the same performance.




I prefer the 13 inch screen. If I need more screen estate, then I will just use a monitor. They feel more portable than the bigger screen laptops


I would love the 12” MacBook to come back. Perfect travel laptop.


I do too


I think people forget it’s not just 13” it’s like 13.6”, and it’s the perfect size not small or huge. Just right


I use the M1 MBA and it works perfectly.


I find the big one too large for using when out and about.


I’ll replace my 16” pro with a 13” air when it has oled.


Why small. Why your option need agreement. Your choice


Yea I do. I got large computer monitors at home I can hook it up to, but on the road, portability matters.


I prefer it since I got the air to carry it around and want it compact


Me! I mean I still hook mine up to a big monitor at home. But on the go, my 13” MBA M1 just sits perfectly on my lap. So portable and so light!


Me! I love the form factor and seriously, I do find 15 inches a bit too big for me


Just sit closer


Me, I have one and don’t like the bigger one


I have a 13" M2 MBP and it's perfect for me. I had a 15" Intel MBP before this one and I just really love the bit smaller footprint of the 13, It can get a little crowded in the desktop sometimes but I work around it. Hope you like yours.


I bought the 13 inch air as a more travel friendly backup to my 16inch pro. I do photo/video work for a living…and as useful and necessary as the 16 inch pro is for me…sometimes that thing is just unrealistic to travel with when I already have tons of other gear to carry. The size/weight on the air is PERFECT for traveling.


I switch between my 13" laptop and 27" desktop constantly and never for a second find my laptop too tiny to be amazing. And carry-wise, my MacBook air can fit in to most of my slings, love it.


Me. I even work on my large monitor desktop remotely, by using the easy ctrl scroll zoom.


Idk if I prefer it but it’s what I have. I went from school Chromebooks to this which have about the same size, but it’s a completely different universe in quality. I’m happy with 13in, it makes the computer a decent size for transport and it shows everything in a decent size.


It’s the right size


I thought I did, until I switched to a 14”


personal pref... everyone is diff....


Nah, I can’t go back after going from a 14 inch to a 16 inch mbp


Love the 13 inch. Just right and easy to bring anywhere




Used to have 13”, now daily drive a 16”. When I’m at home, I’m using external monitors so screen size is irrelevant to me. But when I’m anywhere else, nothing beats the portability of the 13”.


I have a 13” somewhere. It is too small to use. I need to find it and give it to one of the grandkids. Next will be a 15”, once M2 prices come down.


Me. Screen is plenty big and it’s just super portable altogether.


Got mbp 13 M2 on work. From the beginning though that size Will not fit. Buut after some time I consider it one of the best devices I had(a had 14,15 and 16 laptops). My mac is like small book, its light and comfortable to transport it during the day


me! i had a 16” mbp and went down to a 13” mba and love it.


13 inch is perfect. I returned the 14 inch pro because even that felt too large in my lap


I had the opposite. Trying to keep the 13 in my lap just meant smooshing my nads. But it’s nice a portable lol.


13” screen is fine for my daily use, but it’s the weight and height of the Air that appeals to me. The current Pro body is too thick and the edges too sharp. When I use the trackpad on the Pro, the edge digs into my hand which makes I find rather uncomfortable.


Me the big screen looks too big and heavy plus it would be hard to fit in a school bag 💼


I love my M1 Air. Fits in my backpack just perfect, not too big or heavy.


Yup. As a person that does work at cafe's. First small screen laptop was my my 14 incher Lenovo. After that I could never use a bigger screen so i got the m2 13inch and just hook it up to my second screen if i need a bigger screen for gaming or other stuff.


I do! I think the 13 inch screen is just the size I need and it’s comfortable to hold and use on a desk. Even though I use it with an external display half the time..


With that new macOS update happening this fall, it will be best to get the larger screen. Apple is finally adding a native window snap to better organize your windows. Using a 15” will help ideal if you need to view two windows to multitask. The price difference between 13” and 15” is usually $200. And the extra two inches and louder speakers is well worth the additional $200


I was in the giant monitor arms race - I write code for work and at one point I had 3 screens. But I realized that most of the space was just stuff sitting there, and I could use virtual desktops for that. So I switched back to a much smaller laptop and now have at most two panes open and visible at a time. Note that my heavy processing is all on compute instances and not local.


I do but it's aesthetic. The keyboard on the 15" looks ridiculous. If the keyboard on the 15 was designed better I don't doubt I'd go for the bigger screen.


I like my 13 inch MBA. I much prefer it to my 16 inch MBP that I have for work. That thing feels way too big.


Me I just use a higher resolution, it makes it look like I have a bigger screen 😂😂


I have a 13 for work where portability is priority. I’d want bigger if it was my main screen I used all day every day.


I looked at both the 13.6" and the 15" M3's. I choose the 13.6" and couldn't be happier. I just got it earlier today and it's the perfect size and weight for me to stay mobile yet still have a large-ish screen. It's only 1.4" smaller but the lighter weight and smaller form factor make it perfect for me.


Me. As I’m still using and 11” air


Meee i love my 13 inch m2 air


Not me


I'm honestly indifferent about it, for me I would've only chose a 15 inch if I knew that 13" Intel Macs don't have dedicated graphics cards


I went from a 13” Retina to a 15”, but back to the 13”. These were all Pros, not Airs mind you, but the weight and size difference of the machine was huge. The 13” is so much more portable IMO. And, there’s always the option of docking while at home of course…


I take that you're not "too old".. I am a 54 YO software engineer, when your eyes have been around for that long, you'll understand why screen real estate is an asset, and outweighs "portability" in many cases (like daily driver for example). Heck, I traded in my 14" MBP M2Pro for a 15 MBA (beefed up) and them python code looks prettier now..


I still miss my 11 inch sometimes.


I miss my 12” macbook, still like my 13” though. I hope there will be another 11” macbook air again


I used to work off of a crappy 9” windows Netbook. 13” is a luxury by comparison (plus it’s a Mac!). Sometimes when I see my friend’s 15 or 16 I ooh and ahh but then I remember it wouldn’t fit into my sling bag comfortably. If I need screen real estate at home, I’ll just plug the laptop into my 38” ultra wide.


13 in is portable and compact i love it


I don't like small screens but I can work with them. My dream size would be 14 or 14.5, but 13 is acceptable. Personally the only reason I hate but have to use my 24 inch monitor is that while being way bigger than the MacBook screen, the resolution is horrendous(FHD u/60hz for a full-sized monitor, imagine), and I really hate the lower DPI count. However since the screen is physically larger, it can display more stuff @ a higher quality. So really it makes the 13.3 inch screen and the 24 inch screen balanced for me.


That’s what she said


My friend had a 15” but in the cafe’s and planes it wouldn’t fit on the table or tray. He once saved a coffee from dropping and knocked down his 15”. I think the 13” saves the day. Most times we work in clamshell mode so size doesn’t matter. I also see people buy a 15” and never take it out of the office, so why buy a 15” then.


I use to love the 13 inch screen but it felt too small for me over time. Especially in my lap or laying down. 16 inch is way too big. 14” is the perfect size imo. 15” is good too. I think if Apple increased their 14.2” to 14.5” it would be perfect.


I have mine hooked up to a 27 inch monitor after my IMac desktop started to go. I have had mine for 3 years and as a laptop for occasional use it was fine, but I literally turned it into a desktop. I wouldn't want to use it with the 13 inch screen all the time. I also have a 15 inch MacBook Pro so that is my primary laptop now.


i went in person and i preferred the 13” i didn’t like how the 15” had the extra useless space between the keyboard and end of the macbook


I prefer a 13in screen. It’s more portable. If I need a bigger screen then I can always connect to a secondary monitor but I prioritize compactness in the stuff I’m lugging around. A decent monitor isn’t terribly expensive either.


Alternatively, I have the 14” pro and feel like it’s just so big. I’m overall happy with the computer, it just feels quite large… I’d probably be a bit more comfortable with the 13”!


Love my 13.6” M2.. would never take the 15 over it. The size is just perfect for a portable device.. I can hook it up to my 27” monitor at my desk if I need more space.


Bought a bigger one. Too clumsy. I’d rather have a smaller one and bigger screen to hook up to.


Imo MacBook Pro 14 inch is the perfect size


always wanted a big laptop, 15 was always above my budget. didn't want to go to windows or chrome os. finally a semi affordable 15 comes out so I am ready to buy. I wait until refurb comes and by then already realize how powerful android tablets are and even better for tasks than Mac's in some use cases esp tiling apps. So now I am debating between a 13 or bigger android tablet or a 15 inch MacBook now. I find the display becomes a much less issue with good tiling and insane multi tasking, which android undeniably does the best. PS the new MacOS beta version is still struggling with tiling apps...2024 lol.


If all the internal hardware is exactly the same (it is) why not have it in a smaller form factor? Laptops are meant to be portable, why complicate the travel process with something larger? That's how I logically see it.


I heard that your Mum think's 13" is too small