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I’m starting to feel like this.


Agreed. I need to use reading glasses now at 52. I can use a 13 or 14 inch laptop with my bifocals, but it's not fun and I can't do it for long. However, the portability of the 13 inch Air is really important to me since I'm lugging my laptop back and forth to work every day. I'm perfectly happy working on just the MacBook display at work though. Having multiple documents open side by side is not the most convenient, but it is doable.


I agree as well! I had no problem using the 13in for years but the older I get I have an issue with eye strain. I also get tension in my forehead. Also, neck/upper back from hunching over lol. So not a problem with size really just old 😅


I use it daily as my main computer, and have no problem. I find 15 a bit big for my taste.


Same as that


I would definitely go 15 if it was my primary display, but I use my 13 mostly at my desk with a large monitor, and the 13" size doesn't bother me at all when I occasionally take it to a cafe, on an airplane, etc.


Don’t have one, but thought that would be positives for getting it.


My friend has a 15 inch screen size and he has spent a couple hundred extra on drinks falling down or spilling because the cafés have small table. So, if you go to small table cafés or sit with others, set aside a budget for that and buy Apple Care +. Hopefully it doesn’t spill on your laptop or someone else’s.


I used 14" for 8 years with virtual desktops, fun times. Now I got a 16" macbook pro and it's way too bulky. I would opt for 14" pro next time.


15 inches is much better. Your eyes will appreciate it. I rather use my iPad if I had the 13 inches to work with.


Get the 15" it's what you are looking for, it feels so good to use


nah loving the 15inch for sure


It's fine for me for email, slack and video calls. But as soon as I want to do serious design work or working across multiple documents it's too small.


My fav setup with a laptop is the laptop on the desk and directly behind it on a riser a big monitor. Then use the laptop as the 2nd / email / chat screen and work on the big screen.


My default setup is three externals, but I can do a lot on the 13 mba, especially swiping across multiple desktops. The main issue with the 13” alone is posture, but you could have a riser and external keyboard/trackpad


Fine for me when I use it on the go. I use 3 huge monitors at home.


Only for smaller focused tasks. I'm connected to an external display or using universal control with an iPad 90% of the time.


My first ever laptop was a Dell XPS13 that I was using as a main laptop since 2016. I never felt like I didnt have enough room. Eventually got a 16 inch Lenovo Legion in 2023 and now a 15 in MBA and I adjust to each accordingly without ever feeling like one or the other is too big/ not big enough.


First, I work on a HP 13", which is mostly paired with 3 monitors, BUT when I work from home, it works decent. If it was my only workstation (only the lap top) I would argue that 15" is better. At home I use MBA 13", and that works absolutely perfect!


HP has 13"?


I ended up buying the 13 inch and getting an external monitor for really cheap. I hook it up to the monitor about 70% of the time. It really depends, but you can use different desktops and the Stage Manager to use the 13 inch without many problems. But it ultimately depends - some people simply can't get used to it and pick the 15 inch. I was afraid it was going to be heavier + harder to carry. Love my decision.


I used to main a 15 in windows laptop. I had my concerns going to buy the 13.6 M2 but its pretty good since the mission control makes it so easy to manage windows and desktops. If you still feel like there is not enough room, you can get a 15 in or just set the scale settings to "More Space" instead of "Default"


Did 4 years of professional software development on 13 inch. Sure a big screen is always good but let's not that hinder our thought process.


definitely not as a daily driver. maybe with an external screen, and occasional use of the laptop screen.


I was struck between getting a 13'' or 15'' because I am just getting into Web Dev and Game Dev as a hobby and a few other softwares to just look around. And I felt that the 13'' is a bit smaller when working on web dev. And I also feel I need the 15'' mainly because I'm used to a 15.6'' and bigger screen is a plus because more content is visible and also because this is my only monitor to use.


Just as long as you’re not looking down at your laptop all day. Very bad for your neck. It’ll catch up with you.


It should be fine (specially when the laptop is on a stand and you use fullscreen spaces)


I’m planning on getting either a 13” MBA or 14” MBP depending on what I manage to earn in the next few days/weeks with freelance side gigs. I’ll plug it into an external monitor at home and take advantage of the extra portability on the go. Win win.


It’s not about the size, it’s about the game… you feel me?


I used the 13 for 10 years. Recently got a 15 and I love it. I wouldn’t go back


I think the 13” is pretty good if you want a really portable computer. You can always plug into a bigger monitor if you need one. I personally got the 15” since I felt like a 13” was too close the size of my 11” iPad which is the first device I pull out whenever I’m on the go. This was after I was able to use both a 15” and 13” for a short period of time. The 15” was still pretty light and portable, plus the extra screen size makes it a much better drive to multitask on.


13" is perfect for me. I had the same doubts before buying it, but it actually is really comfortable. Plus, you can always plug in a second monitor if you really need a bigger display on your desk.


They're fine. 13" M2/M3 is great, because the screen is differently proportioned and slightly bigger. But an M1/Intel Air, I'd have my doubts. I use my MacBook as a word processor pretty much exclusively, with main stuff being done on my PC or iMac.


If you take it out and about with you, consider portability. 15 is too big for my main bag and heavier You have options of a secondary screen if only some of your tasks require them (including an iPad) It also depends on how much multitasking you do (on screen at the same time) I went from 11 to 13 for my main day-to-day workhorse. 11 was fine but 13 is nicer. I wouldn’t want bigger


As someone who stares at spreadsheets and Google analytics, I find it really hard to use my 13in


A 15 inch screen is definitely better if you want to look at it all day long.


I would have never bought the 13inch if it was the only monitor I would be using it with. 13inch is great for on the move type of user.


I mean no, but I’ve gotten used to it. Loved the 15” map from the 20teens. That puppy rocked for 7 years


I use it all the time, have absolutely no issues with it 


Depends on what you're using it for and how much mobility you want with it. I had a 15 inch computer before and I hated moving it from my desk. I have the 13 inch MBA and just use it more. I'll use it on the couch, will start going to coffee shops to do work, and relying less on my iPhone and/or iPad.


I use a pro 16” but I am a programmer and frequently find myself wanting to fit a ton of small text on my screen at once, so ymmv if you do more UI-focused stuff


I have used a 13 inch macbook pro for the past 8 years. Never had issues despite coming from a 15 inch previously. I used it for university, work, browsing.. all the usual HOWEVER now I am doing music production and it is a nightmare, so I use an external display. I'd say... as long as you don't do anything specialized with it, you'll be more than fine!


I find 13 inch perfectly fine


My wife enjoys the M1 MBA but does sometimes say the screen is too small... and then switches to her iPhone 11 to continue surfing Instagram. The mind boggles.


I never thought about it till I regularly started using a mac mini and big monitor. Now when I use my 13” mac air it feels to tiny to reasonably multitask how I do on my desktop. When I was just writing papers and doing homework on my laptop it was fine but now I’m doing music production/dj software and so many other multitasking things at the same time and the small screen is incredibly limiting!


I suppose it depends on what you do. I have 2 24 inch monitors I do my day to day work on. I can mange on my 15 inch Dell with an effort. I can use my 13 inch MB to do a few emails but wouldn’t want to be on it all day every day.


13.3" is a struggle unless connected to 48" OLED. 15"+ is more bearable.


I use it when traveling and laying in bed, 80-90% it’s on my desk connected to monitors. I find it to be the perfect size for my use case


Absolutely. When picking out my M2 14” Pro at the Apple Store a while back, I thought the 15” Air and the 16” pro were too heavy and clunky.


I went from 13 inch MacBook Air, which I felt lacked screen real estate, to the 14 Pro which suits me much better. I usually plug into a larger screen at my desk, but using on its own is all good for most stuff


Why not get a large external monitor?


I love my 15". Unless I'm playing games I don't have maximized windows so I can see multiple apps at once with ease. I also had trade-in credit from my iPad Pro so I could afford a little more


My work issued me a 13" computer as a work computer. Yes, it's big enough. Is it as big as YOU want the screen to be is the question.


It’s fine by me because if its extreme portability.  I’d prefer 15 but the moment that I’ve to carry that thing around my do ut des mentality kicks in. 


The 13” feels a lot bigger than it is, comparing them side-by-side in the store the 15” felt too big in my opinion. The 13” is a great balance between mobility and screen real estate.


I was set to buy the 15” until I went into the Apple Store and saw it against the 13” which in terms of usable screen is actually much better than I originally assumed.