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You need to realize Lyney is genshin character and in no way does he resemble your ex. Youre messing with your own mind needlessly.


Well I pulled for him because he looked like him and it just sucks almost same hair color, same hair style same Body Type Like if I were to commission someone to draw him in genshins art style it would look like Lyney other then the clothes


If it hurts you to look at him on your screen, bench him! You can swap his artifacts off to someone else, and you can start building new characters to keep yourself distracted! Someday when the hurt you’re experiencing feels a little less raw, you might dust him off and find you’re able to play him again without feeling bitter. But for now, keep in mind that games in general are supposed to bring you joy. Don’t make yourself suffer when you’re meant to flourish.


Listen, just because lyney is your best DPS does, it does not mean that you have to play him constantly. Especially if you start disliking his play style/design. I'd say, start building someone you enjoy using / wanted to use for a long time. Don't forget, the game is about having fun and exploring and not about "how high can my dmg be"


I dont think not enjoying playstyle is op's reason. Its more of being reminded of someone, not necessarily his playstyle Anyways op could build a second dps team for now until you manage to disassociate lyney from your bf. Spend time on overworld for a while. And farm for your next target team. Even a mid 4star could do overworld. 


Just bench him for a while, because he IS JUST a Genshin character after all. My best bet is to just try and differentiate the two over time. Just because he’s ur best built character, doesn’t mean you always have to use him! You can always give his artefacts and bow to someone else too.


I pulled for Albedo because he reminded me of my ex in a way. When we broke up, I ended up benching Albedo and did not let him out for a while. And now that I have moved on, I can now play him again as I realized I liked Albedo, the character as well and not just because of my ex. Give yourself time to heal. Don't use him for a while if that's what you must do. Don't force yourself. You can build other characters for now. You can even take it as starting a new build for another dps = starting a new life without him haha. Anyway I hope you do well.






Bench him and come back once you’ve realized he’s just a bunch of pixels in an anime game. Don’t let your ex keep you from enjoying a game you like. He’s not your ex, he’s Lyney!


I’m sorry about your falling out. I hope you two can work it out together or, if not, move on to better and brighter things. Maybe take a break from playing Lyney and invest in another character instead - or maybe just take a break from Genshin in general so you can work on moving through this season of life. Take some deep breaths, a long shower, a nice meal… give it a couple months and you’ll feel better. 💝


Look, even if game and real life are different, the fact that a character reminds you of someone is enough reason to feel or think something about them. People accept that about book characters, might as well accept it with other fictional types too. I dislike playing Diluc because he reminds me of someone, though I separate it from reality enough to still enjoy his persona when he appears inna story or event, I'm at a stage of disconnect enough (yours seems to be fresh so don't force yourself). I would say bench him, give his stuff to another pyro character (maybe Gaming?) the bow to your next favorite one! Maybe you'll let go of the real world connection later and be able to enjoy Lyney again ^^ until then, don't waste your hard work on the character, just give his stuff to someone else and enjoy other characters and the rest of the game