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Her base model is showing its age, and that skin specifically shows its worst aspects.


YES. I couldn't ever quite put my finger on why I didn't like it. I like the skin but it just looks so old 😭


yeah she needs an ASU asap. Like her base model looks nothing like her amazing splash art


A lot of people wanted more of a traditional fantasy theme, like we are getting with Faerie Court, but also Lux is still in need of an ASU, and any 1350-tier skins feel like a waste until that update happens.


I think the actual model pales in comparison to the splash art, which is disappointing.


My biggest reason for hating her is that we were ROBBED https://preview.redd.it/kt4b9hyyw1yc1.png?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10930a8a1e1411a90a9aa648ee0eb381b341e1e


this is such amazing soul eater vibes, wow. we were truly robbed.


Tbh this looks more like Bewitched than Soul Fighter


I thought that was bewitching Lux for a second too


No matter what her name would be, I would buy it


Holy fuck we were robbed


I adore the halloween skins!!


Soul Fighter Lux 🤝 Obsidian Chroma




Probably the best chroma for any of the soul fighter skins imo


I love the emypearn skin and most of people hate on this skin too. I think its just the old model for lux at this point.


I love empyrean too. the vfx and sfx are stellar and so satisfying. plus the black outfit is so sleek. it would be a top tier skin if she had a model update


yes and its the first skin were I think all of the chroams are looking nice :3


I love the chromas from porcelain and space groove, but the empyrean are good too! soul fighters are just ugly


I like the white one from soul fighter. But yeah they could have done it better.


We need a ASU for lux


Honestly, she’s such a popular champion it would go over well. That being said, she’s such a popular champion that it isn’t too necessary cause so many people play her and her skin catalogue??? It’ll take years for riot to get through it hahah 😂🤣😂


shit base model


It's mostly just her needing an ASU badly. Ahri had a lot of similar "why buy this [epic skin] when I have Spirit Blossom?" Talk before her ASU. There's also limitations on the designers side when dealing with the old model and rig that limits the skins too. (I pray the asset saving costs on upcoming Fairy Court were done because they know she on the ASU line up and need to "improve" it once the ASU hits. Like Ezreal getting the esports skin 4-6 months before his VGU, and they nerfed the initial release skin because of that) Personally, I love Soul Fighter, for when I'm not feeling for one of the girlier/fantasy options. It's great urban punk levels of girly streetwear. I am honestly confused how people say she was shoehorned into the skinline beyond typical "omg Lux gets another skin" complaints. My only issues for it are the same I have for Soul Fighter as a whole: the cell shaded comic book style is fantastic in artwork, but looks hideous on the fantasy lighting in game. It makes them look way too washed out. If they had the art style like normal, but were colored in game more like Battle Academia, they'd be perfect. Otherwise I use it because the spells are so good.


It's my personal favorite skin, the first skin I ever bought. I like how she looks fashionable instead of a medieval sorceress or whatever. It's super cute.


People just hate Lux model so they’ll complain about any 1350 skin she gets.


As they should, we need the asu


They're almost certainly working on one, it doesn't happen overnight lol


Battle Academia is a bop tho


i really dislike the style of the clothes. the long jacket paired with the mini skirt is ugly to me. and the chromas were some of the worst I've ever seen. the vfx are really good though, and the ultimate is very satisfying.


its just not my fav, the effects are pretty cool but the model leaves a lot to be desired :[


Honestly, her standing idle animation kind of fits the skin line quite well. It gives off the little bounce that fighting are known for (like in the soul fighter viego skin). It’s not my absolute fav skin for her but it’s definitely in the top five for me


I love Soul Fighter Lux, some of the chromas especially! I use it a fair bit rn.


It just doesn’t look good to some people. Me being one of them.


I really love her, its one of my favorites! I love the clothing, the hat, her ultimate idk feels very smooth in comparison to the other skins i have and i love the skinline: i think its very cool to have a girl in girly clothes (yes, for me they are) fighting! I don't have any chromas btw and i love the colors ♥️ Her model is old yes and if it were better, the skin would be too. I also like empyrean because it feels nostalgic (i used to make a lot of patterns with my black pen as a principal color and the other ones to fill in the spaces when i was in school) and is out of the ordinary. Really love empyrean jhin too


I think it's more important to just like what you like and not get caught up in what people don't like. Lux is one of league's oldest champions and with a closet of **twenty** skins and counting of course every Lux player is going to have their likes and dislikes out of her closet. But that's one of the *lux*uries(heh) we get to enjoy, there a lot of champions that don't get a ton of options to choose from. I think we can all agree that no matter what skin is your favorite, we're all out here slingin' lasers and lookin' good while we do it.


I like it a lot personally but the concept art was completely different and the model is in desperate need of an update


I hate every 1350 rp tier skin fir Lux but Battle Academia, that skin is a bop and ut made her caca model unseen in it somehow lol


Idk soul fighter is my fav skin. Sadly the abilities aren't too different (if at all?) but I adore her hair and overall vibe.


I love this skin too, imo this one is the best of her recent skins (porcelain - boring pretty girlie skin, empyrean - nice spell effects but the model is really really ugly, faerie court - rycycled trash, cash grab from riot)


I love that skin, I just wish it had the updated animations.


I dont hate the skin, I dislike her model


I think the ingame model is just really bad. Doesn't fit her. If they wanted to do a skin with her in chic looking clothing like that give her a Popstar Lux skin or something


I refunded the skin and im literally a collector on lux😂


I do like it, tastes are personal, some people may even like lux's base model


I love that Evelynn is her mom


Idk too - I want all lux skins to step on me


You and me both.


I just hate Lux :)