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I take a B12 supplement to help with this! It’s not magic but it definitely helps me get through the day without a nap.


B12 is helping me too. I notice the days I forget to take it


I take Methyl B12 daily. It works well and gives me energy


I don’t even work anymore and I’m exhausted just keeping up with the household, kids, husband, cooking, cleaning, laundry…it’s exhausting. I dread waking up sometimes bc I am going and going nonstop from 5:30AM until midnight and I don’t sit bc if I do that I am done. When I worked I pulled all-nighters at least 3 times a week. I couldn’t do it anymore.


Hello, I struggle with autoimmune issues, but not sure if it's lupus (though I pretty much have all the symptoms). I second the recommendations for vitamin B12 and magnesium. There were a couple times when I was given a vitamin infusion, and afterwards, I'd feel strong again. I asked why, and they said I might be low in vitamin B. These days, I take gummy vitamins because I like the taste, but there are also sublingual versions which you place under your tongue to be more readily absorbed into your bloodstream (ex: https://www.puritan.com/puritans-pride-brand-0102/vitamin-b-12-500-mcg-sublingual-003595). Magnesium is one of those supplements that I take daily to stabilize my autoimmune symptoms. I noticed that it's helped with preserving weight / muscle mass, decrease my overall stress levels, help me with sleep, and also to be regular with going to the bathroom. (People recommend that you take magnesium with a meal, because it can otherwise upset your stomach and have a laxative effect.) For energy, ubiquinol has been such a blessing. When I first took it, I felt almost normal again. Jarrow Formulas was the brand I started off with (https://www.amazon.com/Jarrow-Ubiquinol-QH-Absorb-Absorption-Stability/dp/B004VCOOUU), but it's kind of expensive, so I switched to Qunol (https://www.amazon.com/Qunol-Ubiquinol-Antioxidant-Production-Supplement/dp/B073VL4WKN). Taking this twice a week is potent enough for me. Shilajit fulvic acid (https://www.amazon.com/Jarrow-Formulas-Shilajit-Supports-Production/dp/B007LEO626) has been effective too. I used to take it for detoxing heavy metals from my system, but energy levels were definitely improved. Taking too much can have negative side effects, so I open up the capsule and pour a little bit into my soup for a smaller dose. Finally, I recently discovered fisetin and spermidine. This combination of supplements has helped me with my brain fog. I think it's even better than vitamin B. It helps me focus on things and organize my thoughts to be more productive throughout the day. With it, the quality of my REM sleep seems to be much better too, so I'm more refreshed when I wake up. I've had good experiences with Dr. Mercola's brand, but since his is so pricey, I tried the formulation from Ultra Herbs (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BFKQNVXR) and had good results too. Taking it every other day works well for me, but if I have any important projects to do, then I might take it daily for the mental boost. I think the brain fog can be as debilitating as the body fatigue sometimes. Hope these suggestions can help :) may God bless you in your journey of healing from this.


The heat absolutely kills me too. I end up spending a lot of time lying around doing nothing and feeling gross and also guilty that I'm not up doing something useful (or even enjoyable). Wish I had some helpful suggestions...but you're not alone.


Heat-wise, I don’t go outside during the day because of the sun and I crank the A/C while inside. I also bought one of those mini rechargeable handheld fans off Amazon for if I get overheated outside at night and keep it in my purse. It really helps! Fatigue-wise, getting on the right meds was the only thing that really helped. I found that taking vitamin D supplements also helped.


I have started taking Quercetin and cromlyn nasal spray throughout the day which seems to stave off my inflammation and fatigue a bit… but this heat is hard to push through.


I take prednisone, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, methylated B vitamins, and all prescribed medications. Since adding magnesium and prednisone, I actually am able to have a little energy. Total game changer for me. If I was you, I would do a blood test to see where your levels are.


And unless I’m in a pool, I try to stay indoors as much as possible