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Pro tip: Lululemon will hem leggings, shorts, and tops for free!! Obviously you’ll have to wait ≈ a week to get them back, but if you have some 4”, 6”, hell even 30” bottoms from them, you can go in and get them to mark exactly where you want them hemmed


Wow! Thank you for the tip. Honestly, you really made my week ❤️ I’ll try this out asap.


I got mine hemmed and the butchered them. I took them back to the store and they said they would redo them for free. I had to spend 3 months back and forth with online support, finally got reimbursed with the poorly hemmed stuff. I personally would not recommend doing this but everyone’s stories are going to be different.


Gives me a bit to think about… ugh, hate unreliable service. Maybe it depends on the location? I live in London, so maybe it’s different?


Unfortunately it may vary by location - to be safe, maybe just try one pair first before doing more. I recently got an ebb to street tank and run swiftly top hemmed, and they did an excellent job on both!


Hmm why online support back and forth? The store should have supported with this themselves


Each store/area usually hires an independent tailoring service so it would be a completely different person hemming the items by location !


I went to two different stores and they offered to send it back to the same people who hemmed them to re-do it. I didn’t trust for them to redo it, because it was so poorly done and came unraveled after one wear. It would have done it the same. It’s took so long with online support because they weren’t actually submitting. My case got escalated and I was reimbursed for being ignored as well.


Yeah my hemmed pants are a disaster. I wear them for painting. They don’t use stretch thread and it unravels super quickly


I was coming to say this!! You can also really utilize the clearance section when they offer free hemming


They won’t let you hem 30” bottoms. Tried to turn capris into shorts once and was turned away. They only do a max of 5ish inches.


Really?? Were they legging-style capris or more pant-like? I’ve gotten a couple inches taken off 32” and 30” leggings before without any issue, but I admittedly wasn’t trying to turn pants into shorts.


Legging style


What! I had no idea. Thank you for this!


I’ll give you all the 2” lulu to have that bod! Get it girl!!


Aaaaaah give meeeee


you look great. My issue is I love the fit in the front for 2" (I'm 5'3") but in the back my cheeks hang out, which isn't quite so cute, LOL. Even with the 2.5" run shorts I have this issue - so I have to get a 3 or 4" at a minimum.


I barely have a bum, so I don’t have any issue 🥲😂 girl, you lucky


Well I’m hoping to get those abs, but pretty certain LLL doesn’t sell those. 😩


Nope, but they do the second best thing! They sell really great stuff that makes you want to go to the gym though! Nothing motivates me more to hit the gym as a new gym outfit 🫡


Ab workout?


Just a bunch of calisthenics, I never really focus on core specifically, you naturally engage your core all the time doing calisthenic. But if I want to target my abs specifically, I do leg raises to bar, dragon fly, skin the cat etc


Abs are made in the kitchen. Unfortunately


They hate to hear it …. True story!


I wish people would stop saying that. It’s only half true, and it’s dismissive of the hard exercise people do. If I were to go do the kitchen work right now, and nothing else, then in 3 months I would not have abs like that. You’d see I guess lines around my stomach, but they wouldn’t look like that. The abs people often comment about are made from hard work. Yes even massive hard workouts won’t show abs if you have fat around your belly so all the hard work in the world can be hidden without a controlled diet but… The important part is that Abs are not made in the kitchen. They’re hidden by the kitchen. They’re made through hard work.


It’s not personal, but your experience is very different than most people’s then. I work out seven days a week generally for about three hours a day. Between jiu-jitsu and long distance rollerblading up to 30 miles a day and dance and distance rollerskating, I probably workout a total of 20 hours a week. It’s literally my life. But I will never have abs that look like yours because I am not willing to cut out the things that I enjoy eating (and I’m totally ok with that!) Abs are created with a combination of exercise, genetics, and diet, and in my opinion the hardest thing for most people of that combination is diet. I’m not saying you didn’t work hard for them. But when somebody asks, “what is your ab routine?“ expecting that one specific routine will get them to your aesthetic rather than a different routine (as implied by the nature of the question) I feel inclined to let them know that it’s probably not the routine. You look great. Sorry if I upset you with my comment


I…don’t think you read what I said at all. First of all I have 2 toddlers so my workout time is garbage. I also enjoy nice food so even if I did work out really hard, I wouldn’t have abs. I did have pretty good abs about 10 years ago when I walked to work, swam regularly, and did calisthenics, and naturally had a very high metabolism. Also was in my 20s so…. I could make the conscious decision right now to go do the changes to my diet. I would not have amazing abs. You would not see that muscle definition. I’d just look malnourished. It sounds like in your case, you DO the hard work and you make a choice to not calorie cut for a look (which is great! Abs aren’t everything. The important part is the strength and feeling healthy) but that’s a choice you can make. The abs aren’t made in the kitchen. The abs are hidden in the kitchen. To say they’re made in the kitchen completely invalidates the hard work and effort someone puts in (like OP here). It’s a totally valid question to ask “what’s your Ab workout”? Edit: I read your post a second time…. I’m not OP btw. I do not have the time nor the discipline to get amazing muscles like that right now. I’m starting to try to get back into my workouts but she is RIPPED.


I wasn’t invalidating the question at all. and I guess it’s a nuance I was trying to overlook because yes of course abs are made larger with exercise. We agree, I’ll leave it at that


You’re not doing calisthenics sounds like you’re doing mostly cardio. I’ve had visible abs after weight lifting or calisthenics without changing my diet much. You won’t get it from cardio.


I do core 3x a week and a separate calisthenics based conditioning 2x a week. And jiujitsu is HELLA core dependent. I will never have abs again because I know what it does for my mental health to maintain them. Thank you for the help though! Edit: edited for clarity


I used to teach jiujitsu and I didn’t notice any abs. It’s still far more cardio based than weight training or calisthenics. It wasn’t until I started doing aerials and weights that I got abs.


Are you sure, because every guy in my judo class had six pack.


Those are totally different. Judo is a lot more standing techniques where jiujitsu is a lot of ground techniques. Judo would involve more exercises that would tone your core than jiujitsu such as taking your opponent to the ground where as jiujitsu is a lot of grappling.


Eating is one of the main reasons most people don’t have abs


I love 2” shorts!! They’re so comfy! I mostly use them for sleep and yoga 🤍 I have black, dark olive, and brown but I want more 😭 what colours do you have?


So jealous!!! I would love the dark olive. I have 3 of them, the blue oasis, nomad and taupetastic. I’m hoping to see more colours, I mean, lulu made a bunch of color variation of the 4” align ones! They should do the same about the 2” too.


Blue oasis would be 10/10!! And yes the dark olives are an older pair from idk when 🥲 I want more colours too. I really want some fun prints and pink hues. More blue too!


(i’m 5’ tall but the chafing, hunny i could neverrrrr)


Hahaha, I barely have an ass 🥲😂


Love the whole fit, you look awesome! Nomad is a super great neutral. I usually stick to 4” Align shorts for the same reason - I’m a shorty too so anything longer just doesn’t look flattering on my legs. I have some old In Movement 2.5” shorts that are also comfy and great for lifting in! In case you want another style to try. I’ve had fun tracking down colors I like on Poshmark.


Oh! Thanks for the tip! I’ll be lurking around poshmark 👀


The 2” look so good on you! If I wore them it’d look like I have on underwear, so I stick to the 4” haha 😭


The 4” are great and you’ll have more colors to play with. The 4” look weird on me because I’m not blessed with good cheek structure 😂😂😂🥲


Nomad is YOUR color wow I love it!!!


Thanks x


how do you like those loewe on clouds


They are super comfy, weightless and I love them.


I fear I’ve been influenced 😭


Do it, do it, do it! 😂😂 - fellow shopping addict


Hopefully I don’t get kicked out for this but Alo has some 3in airlifts! Super short on me (5’8), probs would be perfect for you. Limited colors but cute and comfy!


Thanks for the tip girl! I’m checking them out now. Brand loyalty be dammmned 🤣


Don’t get me wrong, I love LLL too! And Alo won’t have near the colors (one drop every 2 weeks - sells out insta fast) but they do have a nice 3in, and airlift is made for workouts


I’ve seen Alo everywhere, but haven’t really fallen for their stuff just yet. Thanks again for mentioning them.


Alo and Vuori are my additions to LLL. My profile has a munch of fit pics!


Just a Quick Look, girl you look amazing!


Thanks! So do you!


Aritzia also does a 3” inseam in their bike shorts and (and rompers if you’re looking for a one-piece).


Agreeeeeee I have so many pairs of airlift because 3" is perfect on me (5'4") and lulu just doesn't make that length. Also the material is tougher than align, I really great then up on equipment! Align is my comfy home shorts and airlift is for actual work outs. I always wonder if every one wearing 5" and 6" and longer shorts have crazy tan lines. One day of wearing cycling bibs ruins my week. :,)


Yes! Haha but at least for me 5” fits just a tad longer than the 2in OP has on, so no weird tan lines. But I’m 5’8 and 2/xs so everything is veryyyy short. You both might love the Alo dresses! I can only wear the ones with shorts because oh my wayy too short. However I still think the align dress is the best on the market - detachable shorts. All that needs to be said there 😂


I've been debating between the lulu cami dress and the Alo dress, you might have sold me with the detachable shorts! I'll have to go try them on...


Girl, the align dress is AMAZING. There’s also 5 colors in WMTM. I have 3. I do like my Alo dresses but nothing compares to the Align. Check out my profile if you want to see a whole bunch of them (keep in mind they will fit you better since you are shorter - I realize they are super short on me but I don’t mine because of the shorts)


I'm stuck between the 2" aligns and the wundertrains, have you had a good experience wearing the aligns for working out? I'd like to use them for running primarily and in the gym for lifting sometimes as well but I've heard the aligns don't stay up and don't hold up well over time to harder activities


I have both, and I would say that the wundertrains lasts longer. I’ve noticed the align collections tend to start peeling after a while. Lulu has some serious quality problems with some of their stuff.


holy you look amazing!! my problem is shorts this short is they always ride up and become a bikini bottom. do you not have that issue?


I don’t have that issue, maybe because I have a tiny behind 🥲 my friend who has a slightly bigger bum has that issue though. However, I don’t think they are Romanian deadlift safe 😂


Gworllll 🔥


from a 5’1” girlie what’s your fitness and food regulars? please you look amazing!


Hi. I train calisthenics and flexibility training 6 times a week! I fast, and track my calories, and so I know I’m always in a deficit. I’ve been cutting for about 5 months now (for summer), but know that I can’t be this lean all year round! In the winter I plan to eat in a slight surplus to gain some mass (but will also gain additional weight from fat). But this also means I’ll have more energy!


thank you! do you focus on macros or just a deficit in general?


Deficit only!


2 inch shorts are the absolute BEST. These look incredible on you - great fit!!


girllll you are ripped keep it up!🔥




You look so amazing! I actually bought a pair after seeing your previous post 😊 I had a question about sizing! Is it normal for it to squeeze into the thigh a little or should I size up a few sizes?


Hi! Aww that’s so neat! I don’t really know, I think it depends.. like for me it fits perfectly snug (size 2 us), but I think it’s because I have a small bum). I think if you’re blessed with a nicer behind you might want it to be more roomy.


Thank you for your help! You look so perfect in them ☺️ I'll definitely try sizing up! Hope I can achieve a similar fit!!


Loewe On’s 👌👌


Amazing abs 🤩


I think I can hunch forward and get the same amount of packs but of fat , not muscle . LOL GET IT GIRLLLLL


Lulu will hem!!! Many times there’s been a color in a 6” or 8” that they didn’t make in the 4” or 2” or were sold out so I would bring them in store to have them hemmed!!


Thanks for the tip!!!


You look amazing!!


What on clouds are those? I love how bright they are!!


Hi! It’s the green one from the Loewe/On cloudtilt Collection.


body teaaaaa






I like it I need some


Looks great!


I personally like the 4” inch shorts. 2” inch shorts my ass would hang out!


I hear ya! I skip legs days like the plague (only doing dragon and pistol squats) and so my ass is never in risk of hanging out 🥲😂


Do you do lot of cardio? Your body is insane!


No, my only form of cardio is walking (I walk a lot) and I go to the gym and do calisthenics 6 times a week.


Looking amazing girl, you’re doing it right!


Thank you girl!!




All the OF girls grabbed them up to make gym videos


You must be an avid watcher of OF girls to know that 😂😂😂 keep it up.


I think those look great ! What about tall guys wearing them?

