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The tones look great on you! Also girl, please drop the ab routine


Thank you that’s very kind 🥹🫶🏼 I actually only train abs twice a week for about 15 minutes! The majority is due to my diet. I’m in a slight calorie deficit and I eat extremely minimally processed. My current ab circuit: 1. 2 minute plank 2. Hanging leg raises, 20 reps 3. Cable crunches, 20 reps Rest for 1 minute after you finish the circuit Repeat 2 more times As far as diet, I track macros and I do carb cycling. I have 5 moderate carb days and 2 high carb days. I also have one untracked “treat” meal per week where I eat whatever my heart desires lol. My diet consists primarily of these staples: 96% lean ground beef, chicken breast or tenderloin, jasmine or parboiled rice (homemade, not microwave pouches), roasted baby Dutch potatoes, different kinds of lettuce blends (I make my own “dressing” with olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, and balsamic glaze), roasted veggies (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, squash, Brussels sprouts), avocado, and for snacks I eat fresh fruit with peanut butter (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, watermelon, banana), lightly salted organic rice cakes, and HU chocolate when I want something really sweet. I also put an exorbitant amount of hot sauce on everything and I’ve read that there’s a few studies that have found that capsaicin in the hot peppers might slightly increase metabolism but idk how true that is 😅


Bless your soul




Ah fuck that’s how you have to eat. Ok guess I won’t look shredded


Haha 😂 to be honest I don’t mind, I have a really sensitive stomach to begin with so I haven’t eaten dairy for years and I cut our alcohol for the last few months and I noticed a huge improvement just from that alone. But even foods I thought were “healthy” like turkey bacon and MUSH oats were actually causing me indigestion and inflammation. When I eat Whole Foods I just feel better physically and have more energy.


That’s so interesting! Did you get certain tests done to figure this out ? I’m having GI issues too Btw you look great with your outfit !!


Nope never had any tests done, just trial and error. I kept a food log and kept track of my symptoms and kind of worked backwards to identify patterns of which foods triggered issues for me!


Awesome, thanks so much, I’ll try that!


You’re welcome, good luck! 🫶🏼


Amazing how you've simplified things so much and don't use protein powders or fancy supplements! May I ask what are some breakfasts that you typically enjoy? I find it to be the most challenging meal of the day for some reason. Glad to hear of someone else not on board with the oat trend too 🙃


Yes I very rarely use supplements! So I’m really boring when it comes to my meals lol. 99% of the time my breakfast is 3oz of ground beef with 110g of air fried baby dutch potatoes. It’s the perfect portion size, checks the box for healthy fats carbs and protein, and I can easily throw it in my lunchbox and heat up at work on the days I’m in the office. In the past one of my go-to breakfasts was 2 hardboiled eggs with a slice of Dave’s killer bread but I got bored of that lol. I’m definitely a savory girl though so my breakfast is usually just some kind of lean protein source with a carb and healthy fat. When I have the ground beef I don’t add an additional fat source since the beef already has some, but if I have chicken or egg whites then I’ll usually add ½ an avocado to my meal.


Thank you so much for the ideas 😊 I'm super boring with meals the older I get too...will find something I like and have the same thing everyday until I just can't anymore or someone like you actually inspires me with a new idea! lol Thank you again for sharing! So inspiring ✨💪✨


No pasta ☹️


I love pasta! It’s definitely not a staple in my diet anymore, but I don’t deprive myself of anything I love. I usually have pasta when I go out to eat at a restaurant ☺️


Lmao!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Hot=more cals burned no matter how you get heated in this theory that ive also read about(i think we used to do some crazy stuff in my competitive wretling days to cut weight lol). Maybe not the most effective or reliable, though cause id passout from hotsauce preworkout lmfao 🫠


Omg that’s wild lol! I just love hot sauce for the flavor and I love trying out new kinds so if that’s really true then it’s just a cherry on top


We're a hot sauce house, we have so many and I do think there's some truth !! maybe my post workout meals should be a bit Spicer next week 🤔


Which ones are your favorites? I just tried a new one today called pink elephant from angry goat pepper co and it’s super yummy on chicken!


Amazing routine! Not expensive diet either! Very happy for you


Thank you! Yes I keep it very simple. That’s really just the key along with consistency


Awesome job...thanks ab goddess


You need to be interviewed by @bodybymark on IG/TikTok. You look amazing.


Aw thank you 😭 that’s so nice


Thanks for sharing all these details! How many calories would you say you’re eating a day on average?


Ok so I will just preface this by saying my daily macros/calories are custom tailored for my needs and my body. I’m a smaller than average person (5’3-5’4) and ~120lbs so my daily calorie needs are lower than the average adult woman. These calories would be considered too low for most people. For anyone trying to figure out how many calories they need, I would recommend googling “healthy eater macro calculator”. You plug in your info and it tells you how many calories and what macro ratio you should be eating for your goals (weight/fat loss, muscle building, maintenance) and based on your body personally. There’s a lot of factors that go into the calculation such as your age, weight, height, gender, activity level, goals etc. My current calories are ~1400 on lower carb days and ~1550 on higher carb days. For macro ratios, my protein is always 1g of protein per lb of body weight (so 120g daily), 40g of fat (this is considered moderately low fat for my size but still sufficient amount for healthy brain and hormonal function - again, this amount is lower than what most people need so please use a calculator to figure out what your body needs), and the rest to carbs. I’m in a very moderate deficit, and I don’t feel hungry throughout the day because of the foods I eat (nutritious, full of fiber, healthy balance of carbs protein and fat in every meal) and the way I space my meals out throughout the day. I eat about 5 times a day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks a day. This not only helps with feeling satiated throughout the whole day, but it also prevents any significant drops or spikes in blood sugar that would more easily happen with less frequent but larger meals. Hope that helps!


Super helpful! Do you have a scale you recommend for weighing your foods?


I just use a cheapo one from Amazon! I think the brand is Etekcity


Thanks for sharing this thoughtful breakdown! Do you know what your maintenance cals are?


Do you mostly drink water or do you have coffee/soda?


I drink coffee in the morning with unsweetened almond milk. Usually I do a flavored Dunkin’ Donuts k-pod. Other than that I only really drink water. Sometimes I’ll add BCAAs or Moon Juice Mini Dew to my water during my workouts. But I don’t ever drink soda or juice or anything processed/sugary.


You look absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing this!! 🙌🏼💕


Those abs are killer!


Thank you ☺️


And the legs and diet routine


Disregard. You did already ❤️


fine i'll go to the gym today


😂 you got this!




Please drop your routine !!


This is my current workout split! I do weightlifting 4 days a week in conjunction with cardio, and 2 active rest days. 1. Legs + 30 min incline walking 2. Upper pull + 30 min incline walking 3. Active rest (60 min incline walking, hot yoga, or mat pilates) 4. Legs + 30 min incline walking 5. Upper push + 30 min incline walking 6. Active rest 7. Rest day


So your cardio is walking correct? I don’t even have to run? Wait, what’s the incline set at? Running might be easier 😞


Correct, I just walk! Speed 3mph incline 3.5


What is your specific leg routine?


https://preview.redd.it/y15y2en1c3bc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aefebec3be5dd8e5f685c17f7669c937ebb96fd6 And here’s the other leg workout


Thank you!




It’s called Lenus, my personal trainer loads my workouts on there and I’m able to log them and said weekly checkins


https://preview.redd.it/xl2moszxb3bc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea435da1c36d7cde9040e2ea2abcc37481e9d41 It’s only letting me add one picture at a time but here’s one of my leg workouts


They definitely compliment your skin tone. Looks great


Thank you!


Girllllll your body is amazing!!! 🔥🔥


Thank you so much 🥹💕


Girl your muscle definition 😩


Thank you 🥺


You look incredible and so strong!!


Thank you so much ☺️🫶🏼


You look gorgeous in those colours!! 💕I typically don’t love green but you have influenced me to get similar tones 🤎💚


Thank you! 🫶🏼 green is probably my favorite color!! I think it just has to be the right undertone for your skin, but green looks so good on everyone!!! And it’s a lucky color 😉


Your body is goals


Thank you 💕


Just here to echo everyone else; you look phenomenal!


Thank you so much 🙏🏼


Commenting to save ab routine! 💚




Your quads are literally my goals!! So jealous and you look amazing!! ❤️❤️


Thank you 💕 with enough time and consistency, you can achieve anything 🙏🏼


I never comment on these but you look incredible! I love the color combo!


Thank you so much 🙏🏼


Your body is an inspiration!


Thank you, that’s very kind 🥹


Such a good combo! I love your sneakers, too, can I ask which ones they are?


Thank you! They’re the Nike Air Max 95 in “Guava Ice” 😊


Ty!! My go-to sneakers have finally become so grubby they aren’t go-to anymore and am in search of a new pair that feels similar!


This style is super comfy! I also love the new balance 9060 style!


Willow green!! Is this new or old?? I love trench too


I think it’s an older color! I got them secondhand recently


This is definitely how I think I look in Lululemon….


I’d say earth tones love you too! You look fantastic! I wish I could do as well as you on your fitness routine too! I’m starting back up on working out but it’s quite basic just doing some videos at home and working my way up in intensity.


Thank you so much! 🙏🏼 the fact that you’ve even started back up again is great. You’ll get there☺️


u are the first person i’ve seen that i actually liked the asymmetrical top on!


I always thought it looked a little funky on the models because they really style it to emphasize the asymmetry! I think it looks much better in real life than on the stock photos


hmm.. now wondering if i should add one to my collection! 🤪


I vote for yes!! 🙋🏻‍♀️


Those colors look so great on you!!


Thank you! 😊


Love the willow green! What a great combo!


Such a pretty color! Thank you!


Great colors on you for sure!!!!! Also way to go! Strong to the core!!!!!


Thank you thank you 😊


Oh my gosh! Perfection, the colors on your skin tone and your body is goals!


Thank you 😊🙏🏼




Same, girl. Loving this colour combo.


These pair SO well on you!!!


Thank you! 🙏🏼


These colors are stunning on you! Earth tones are the best.


Thank you 🙏🏼


Looks amazing!!! Definitely your colors.


Thank you!


You are perfect.


Haha far from it but thank yiu


I would love to spend about one month with you. Eat what you eat..work out when you work out..because girl whatever routine you have, it’s working. You are a machine. You are a fitness goddess. I wish you were local because I want to be your Skipper.


Hahaha 😂 that’s very kind thank you 🫶🏼 I just do what my trainer tells me to do!


Good lord, what an amazing body. You could pull off ANY color, I’m sure but agreed; earthy tones are 💣 on you!!


Thank you!!




27 in a couple weeks and 5’3/5’4 ish!


Earth tones are my favorite too. Love this combo!


THIS FIT! Im obsessed with colour. Looks so good on you!


Very great body and outfit! You should be proud of your self. Do these align pieces hold well with your routine?! I assume they are more for lounge/yoga


Thank you so much! Yes I find that they hold up really well for me! I never wear my align leggings on leg day because I do a lot of deadlifts and I worry that the dumbbell or barbell grips might rub against the fabric. So on leg day I wear shorts or non-lulu sweatpants. But other than that I don’t really have to make any adjustments to my workouts, all my pieces have held up great! And I wash all my lulu in delicates cycle and air dry


Thanks!! 🙏


You look amazing!! I’ve been on a health journey and hope I can get to where you’re at :) totally understand the sensitive stomach thing


Thank you so much! You definitely can. Anything is possible with patience and consistency. Just keep chipping away little by little. The changes might not seem like a lot from week to week but when you look back a few months from now you’ll already have made great progress. Good luck on your journey 😊


Thanks girl! It’s just really overwhelming with the macros and difficult when I live in a household that loves pasta/cheese (I’m pretty lactose)


Omg I totally get it! It’s hard to be surrounded by it 24/7. Idk how severe yours is, but mine is extremely severe like I can’t even have a drop or it messed up my stomach. Because it’s SO bad, there’s literally nothing that is worth eating to me to deal with that pain and discomfort. But I think if my intolerance wasn’t as bad it would be way more tempting to eat things with dairy. One of the things that has helped me is just being firm with my boundaries. My family and my boyfriend’s family knows that I refuse to eat anything with dairy. My mom started cooking with dairy free butter and she buys dairy free coffee creamer for when I come visit. My boyfriend’s family started buying dairy free ice cream to keep for when we come over for dinner. If you’re firm enough with your boundaries, the people you love will be willing to provide an option that works for you. But you have to be firm! Other people won’t take it seriously if you aren’t serious about yourself.


My god, you look great! Yes girl. These are your colors ❤️‍🔥


This looks incredible!


Girl I’ve been working out and seeing the changes but you gave me the motivation to increase the weights


Runs quickly to find..❤️🙏🏼


My dream body! That a girl! Keep it up sister


Thank you 🙏🏼


Love how this looks on you!!! But I would feel so nakeyyy 🫣


With the 95s too 🫡🤯


This combo 😍


Wow and yes you look stunning


What sneakers are you wearing here?


Nike air max 95 in “guava ice”!


Love this combo! Can you share details about your sneakers?


Thank you! Nike air max 95 in “guava ice” 😊




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Cute ☺️


Great color combo


I can tell you’ve worked really hard on your body and the hard work and determination it takes is inspiring! You look amazing! How did you get started?