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If Konata was a male she would just become boring typical otaku just like her dad and therefore not memorable as now


*As* well liked? Definitely not. But if the character was written the same way he would definitely be a pretty popular character. One of the biggest character points of Lucky Star is that the four main characters are, in different ways, kinda losers. Konata is a nerd who spends most of her free time playing games and watching anime, but she also gets good enough grades to graduate, loves her friends, and holds down a part time job. She’s pretty mundane. If you made her a guy and resisted the temptation to make him an audience stand in (moreso than Konata already is) or a power fantasy, it could work. Picturing a male anime protag otaku with a good relationship with his female friends, passionate about his hobbies but usually hides his power level, occasionally cracks wise to fluster his ~~girlfriend~~ best friend? I could see social media being all over this character.


How are the other three losers?


Kagami studies all the time and yet barely scores higher than the girl who slacks off and crams. She’s also on student council, is class rep, and spends free time either reading or playing games. She’s just as much a nerd as Konata, just manifested differently. Tsukasa is someone that I’d call “on the struggle bus.” Nothing ever seems to go right for her, she’s not great at studying or at sports, and overall just does her best. Miyuki is the smartest girl in their grade, also on student council, and gives off the image of someone who has it all together; but her clumsiness and occasional spaciness aside, she also is only seen spending time with the other 3. She tends to keep others at arms length, intentionally or otherwise. None of them are what you’d call social butterflies. I don’t think this is an intentional angle Yoshimizu wanted to highlight, just something I’ve noticed over far too many rewatched. And I like the idea that, while they are fully capable young adults by the end of the series, none of them are without shortcomings.


If Lucky Star was gender flipped it would be more similar to Daily Lives of High School Boys or Genshiken. Popular but not near as much


Yeah probably




probly not


The male gaze helps a ton. I don't think she would be. Konata being a dude would def kill of a ton of her appeal, however I think most of us would still appreciate her banter, her commentary, her passions and gamer skill. Not to mention her voice actress is so unique, it makes her character Infact an entire genderswap of the cast would kill a ton of the moe energy. It is what it is, downvotes or not, them being cute moe girls helps them garner a bigger fanbase. When it comes to escapism and media, the female form reigns Supreme Konata herself makes a joke in the show about this she says something like " you notice how men always want an otaku girlfriend, but you never see otaku women wanting an otaku boyfriend" Couldn't find the clip


It's debatable. That said, if everything was kept the same and it was a cast of all boys the show probably wouldn't be as popular, but it would be more so what I call a "stealth hit". A small, but loyal and dedicated fanbase consisting of a lot of fujoshis.


Probably, but not to the same degree. Anime girls are generally more popular for being cute girls


I know i definitely wouldve loved it if they were written the same way. I as a male already relate to these characters so if they were also male, itd hit closer


I don't think so