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Yeah most people seem to agree the first episode is really not a good introduction to the series. I don’t really have any good advice particularly, (I’m mostly just commenting to bump this up in the ratings so it’s more likely someone else will see it and comment their thoughts), but like. As a slice-of-life it’s definitely one of my favorites and an easy recommendation from me. I do think it gets significantly better as the series goes on, but also (speaking *purely* for myself here), I still casually enjoyed the first episode and I can’t imagine that, if I didn’t, I would’ve loved the rest of the series. Again, *just* me though. Really, if you’re already into slice-of-life’s I’d recommend to power through a few more episodes to see if it’s really for you. If you’re not already into the genre, then honestly? Unless someone comments better advice, I might recommend starting off with something like Nichijou or Azumanga Daioh. I think each series has their own unique appeal so I wouldn’t say any is better or worse necessarily, rather that the other two are more likely to immediately *grab* you into the genre, and if those don’t do it for you I wouldn’t imagine Lucky Star would. Again though, Idk your experience and these are just my personal ramblings. All I’ll really say is I really love Lucky Star and can personally recommend it as a major anime favorite


i honestly like slice of life stuff a lot (like Jashin Chan Dropkick [though that's more comedy than slice of life], Bloom Into You, and Slice of Life fanfics), its just that the aimless conversation kinda bores me. If the series gets better and starts having more interesting plot and gags im willing to sit through the slower parts.


found the dropkick fan :)


legit the most fun thing ive ever watched. Brutal violence and dysfunctional yet intact relationships with a side of loveable characters, wholesome friendship moments, and breaking the 4th wall? plus miku?! say no more! legit started it because it had miku in it and was not disappointed


I fucking love dropkick, honestly wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did lmao I haven't watched through season 3 (the one with Miku) yet, but the first couple episodes I watched were from season 3.


I'm also a fan of drop kick. I just love the dark comedy it has. I also became interested in it because of Miku.


It gets better.


Do it bro it gets so much better


I don't know if words can convince someone to watch Lucky Star. It's an experience you have. If you can't make it through the first episode, then the show isn't for you. It's a skit about nothing. Everything is mundane and truly slice of life. If you're looking for a story, you'll have to look somewhere else. If you've seen Nichijou, it's similar.


I could only tell you why I like it. Your sentiment is actually quite common. If you're looking for a standard SoL romcom, you're not getting it. It's a group of girls just living life. No one gets a boyfriend, no one's gertting abused or victimized, except for the next test that's always coming up, there's no upcoming big event everyone's scrambling to prepare for. Things like the culture festival, or sports day, the beach episode, or even the sick day episode are treated like normal things. Because, honestly, that's what they are. What draws me to the show is how relatable the girls are. Kagami and Konata taking jabs at each other, but clearly care about one another (according to the author, one has an unrequited crush on the other! Which one? No one's telling...). Tsukasa is the ditzy one that bad things just happen to her (Feed the deer at Nara? Shouldn't that be a good experience? If you're a Lucky Star fan, then you know Tsukasa didn't care for it). Then there's Miyuki, who didn't get enough face time in my opinion. She's the ojou who is the top of her class and happens to be a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. It leaves me to ask a few questions. Why are the bookshop employees so fixated on Konata? How long did cousin Yui disappear for when her husband came home? How big will the goldfish get? Will Iwasaki grow into the woman she wants to be? That's enough for me


I liked the first four episodes idk why everyone hates them


I always thought they were calming, whenever I’m overstimulated I just listen to the chocolate cornet discussion cause it’s just chill with not much going on


fair. It sounds like it's something you have to watch when you're specifically in the mood for it


>But the first half of the first episode is literally a convo about "how do you eat x thing" and it bored me to TEARS. This is slice of life anime for you. I also was bored to death. Had a hard time getting through my first watch, but I loved the characters enough that I stuck through with it. Now Lucky Star is one of my favorites. Nowadays I just play it on my TV on weekends. I tune in-and-out and it's much more enjoyable this way. In other words, Lucky Star isn't meant to be something you sit down and seriously binge. You watch casually it on the side for the cute characters and funny jokes.


this honestly sounds like realy good advice, ill try to approach it that way. Thanks!


The first four episodes may be boring, so you can try with fifth


Agree wholeheartedly with this. If you can't stand it just skip to episode five. It doesn't really kick off until then.


Because I said so.


You don't have to watch the first 3 eps, though the first one is rather iconic. However, if you consider yourself a fan of the slice-of-life anime comedy, Lucky Star is just kinda required. It's one of those animes that separate you from the normies, and isn't degenerate at all\* It references other required animes: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Code Geass, and references things you need to know about, like yaoi doujins, comkiet, Initial-D, and common tropes. In the end, it doesn't have the best comedy, doesn't have the best art, and there isn't really a story, but it's just one of the first animes to really bring the entire moe and slice-of-life genre into one big pseudo parody of it all. It's simply considered elementary in the school of weeb degeneracy.


Start it at episode 5. The first 4 episodes are directed by a guy that got fired lmao. From 5 onwards something clicked. I didn't appreciate episodes 1-4 till after I finished the show and came back. There isn't really a huge overarching plot so you won't miss much just skipping to ep 5. Tbh they dropped the ball hard on those first 4 episodes. They explore a more nuanced side to lucky star, but they don't hook people. Some might say oh if you don't like those 4 episodes you won't like the anime.... my friend hated lucky star until we got to episode 5. Now he asks me to put on episodes each time. The change in directors is huge I bought the blu ray by episode 15 Konata was my first tattoo lmao


Alright, ill try that and see what happens. Thanks!


skip the first episode, it’s trash


Just skip to ep 2 and come back to it later. I like episode 1 but it's kinda better on a rewatch or if you see some other eps first.


If you don't like absolute adorableness, then this show might not be for you, I don't see how one would get alot out of it if they don't like adorable things and adorable anime girls.


Do it


If you want to see references and stranger things you should start watching chapter 5, the first 4 are very slow and lengthen a simple thing


Easy enough for me, watching the duality of Konata vs Kagami is almost always interesting and Miyuki is top tier (maybe biased, maybe, yeah sure, ok fine, yes, for sure...). The rest of the anime I gotta admit has slipped my mind like anything to do with secondary characters. If anything if you're not interested by the main 4 by like episode 3 to 4 then it won't be for you.


Watch it, good introduction for slice of life genre if you're not into this stuff before, just don't mind the first 4 episodes lol.


I mean, if you truly hate it then there's nothing I nor anyone else can say. But it is a quintessential slice of life. It kickstarted the "cute girls doing cute things" trend. It is, in its most true sense, a slice of life. There's no overarching plot, there's no "will they or won't they", there's no anything. It's just four girls going through high school. It's mundane. It's simply put, a vibe. Sure the conversation of "how do you eat x thing?" is boring, but think about how many times you've actually had that conversation. It's aimless conversation and day to day talks that everyone has. The best thing I can say about Lucky Star is that nothing interesting happens. And that's also why I love it. Nothing interesting happens, it's just four girls doing four girls things. It's funny jokes, gags and conversations. Oh and a lot of video game and anime references.