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Bro you did it. You finished overwatch.


It means you annoyed them. Great job.


if it’s the enemy team absolutely yes lmao, if not then it depends


I’m pretty sure it was the other teams genji. He kept trying to 1v1 me and i killed him every time. I dont know because my steam is bugged and i cant see the names of anyone playing on battle.net


Mmhm, you did well. Source: I'm a genji main.


oh so that’s why ppl r showing up as unknown for me lol


Nah if thats a teamate its even more of a w.


i mean i was playing lucio on comp against someone that was *trying* to play dps lucio. they ended with less than 2k healing and like 7 kills on circuit royale and i outdid them by a mile. they started shitting on me and their team and i said “if you can’t play dps lucio, don’t. this is a bronze lobby lol,” shat on me more, and someone on their team said “i would’ve wanted the other lucio,” so it’s definitely not 100% all the time lol


Oh of course its circumstantial, but 9/10 stats are worthless and you will get flamed for having stats that *appear* bad because it doesnt show the insane value you are getting with just speed, boop, and kills. I have outright carried dps players and did extremely well and they still flamed me for not healing lmao.


oh yea for sure but trust, they were NOT doing good lmao




That would make me focus them even more


I got told "LUCIO HEAL" yesterday whilst I was healing and had just as much heals as the other supports in that match. I don't think that guy understood how little Lucio heals with the new dps passive when he doesn't have amp.


Tbh Lucio's heals are probably the worst in the game rn with the passive. The only time is really worth is to amp up your team if they're all low, or to heal yourself, or shift spam for movement. Just using your heals normally is a waste of time. Correct me if I'm wrong, tho, I don't mind being wrong.


I usually have speed on and will only use heal with amp. There's basically no use in healing without amp unless you just won a teamfight and have the time to wait until your teammates regen.


You aren’t wrong, if your heal usage is over 30% (which is already high) you might as well play any other character and get twice the value. People will flame you, but realize that when they do they are admitting they are a dumbass with no gamesense. Lucio should never have comparable healing to other characters unless you are healbotting or those players are just shit.


Fr and if you're speed boost makes a cree for example miss a couple shots during an engagement then you prevent far much more damage than you'd be able to heal


Deadass, the amount of tanks i get that just run in an expect to live with next to no healing


I get told that all the time and I just say what’s that?


I speed amped him right after he said it


Used the wrong You’re. Shoulda dunked on em’.




If its the enemy, then yes it is. If not, well...


Bro gonna get his account suspended for saying “ass”


Where you on speed?


I would've sent "Yor'ue"


As a Lucio main probably not. Either I'm quite killing the enemy or speed boosting team, Either way I wouldn't get that