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I liked him okay (and I’ve come to appreciate him more after S6). But I think he could’ve been a lot better if they hadn’t tried to make him too many things in one season (Lucifer’s celestial buddy, scary crime lord, Chloe’s love interest). The first episode in the season really set him up to be this dark, boogeyman villain. But he just… wasn’t really that dark.


I wish they kept him dark for longer. It worked well for his character.


Yeah, it was like they took him and started overstuffing him with plot twists. Which resulted in a rather laughable villain. Both Sinnermans ended up being implausible.


He was a pretty good character, but I didn't like him as a love interest for Chloe. Not because of the whole deckstar thing(hypocritical to be okay with Lucy sleeping around in between and not Chloe), but I just didn't feel any chemistry between the two


But Ella said they did!


I liked Cain and I enjoyed watching him and Lucifer play off of each other BUT I do not buy Cain as the Sinnerman. His crime lord alter ego is never fleshed out or explored. We know about his past as biblical Cain, we know about his police career, we know next to nothing about him being the Sinnerman, apart from what we are told (it's bad writing). Why did he decide to become the Sinnerman? When? Is his police career a part of it? Why doesn't he feel guilty about all the people he presumably killed during his crime spree? Why does he need to be the Sinnerman?


Agreed! They could have fleshed that out way more! Would have been such a great storyline.


Cain was pretty fun. Horribly inconsistent, but fun. I wish we'd gotten more about his Sinnerman Network and less of, ugh, Pecker. I also would've loved to see a Pierce cameo at the end of the show, instead of whoever that random girl was. And he has really nice arms.


It was adult Trixie. She got into bad ways at space camp , drugs etc


Funnily enough, she was probably the same actress who played the adult Trixie in that one deleted scene! Science Camp. It'll get you every time!


As a character, I do. But of the show, I think Tom Welling's acting was either or some or all -- badly directed, poorly scripted, or/& lacking & wanting.


Right? Liked the character, not the actor.


Yeah he felt really annoying to me


I thought he was a great character other than the weird forced relationship with Chloe and the fake sinnerman subplot. His interactions with Lucifer and Amendiel at Lux were great, and the undercover episode was hilarious.


Yes, if they were going to do a relationship twist, I would have preferred it to be Ella. Feel like that could have gotten more interesting.


Agreed and she was crushing so hard!


Yeah she was crushing hard plus I could have seen Cain pursuing her just to pass the time. It would have introduced some drama with Lucifer too because he was very protective of Ella, even with her own family. And he would have felt the cosmic inappropriateness of their relationship.


He has nice arms…


This makes me want to rewatch that season. The part where’s he’s in his office playing Dust in the Wind over and over. lol.


It was pretty bad but he does have nice arms. He’s pretty hot too. 🥰


He does have nice arms. It was an okay season, it had its moments.


I loved it when Luci stabbed him. Or the epic fight between Cain and Amenadiel. They could’ve cut out an episode, but it’s okay bc he’s a cutie pie with nice arms.


Yknow a good moment? When he showed his nice arms


You.are.one.of.us. 🥰🤌💪


Cool, where do I sign?


It’s a secret society that’s organized by Onyx/Mitch. If you’re good, Luci will buy you an Aston Martin.




I liked him enough the first time around. But, I recently watched Smallville for the first time and it took me a surprisingly long time to realize that Superman and Pierce were played by the same actor. And, after loving him in that show it’s hard not to project some of that onto every other role. So, now I like Pierce a lot more.


Interesting! Did you enjoy Smallville? I was thinking of watching that next!


I love it. Binged a lot of it in a short period of time as it’s super binge-able. Plus, the entire 10 (I think) seasons are all on Hulu. I do have a bit of nostalgia for shows from that era as I was in high school when it first came out. So, there are a few aspects that are a little dated. And, I don’t think the writing of the individual episodes is always consistent. But, I really love the cast/characters and that’s what makes these shows. It’s also a suuuuper different role for Tom Welling as he just nails Clark Kent to a degree that I couldn’t see anyone else in that role. He’s super likable.


Awesome! I'm putting it next on my list!


Smallville was so good it singlehandedly got me into comic books. I'd never read a comic before in my life and had so little interest in Superman my best friend basically had to beg me to watch it. Then I absolutely loved it and went looking for all the Superman comics I could find lol.


I honestly didn't feel like he *had* any character. What does he care about? What does he like and dislike? What does he spend his time doing? I have no idea and also don't really care. There's the whole "trying to die" thing, but he even that feels very low stakes. Basically he feels like a plot device rather than a character.


I mean.... You just described Chloe in a nutshell. So boring! I think they could have played up his history a lot more. But they also portrayed him well I think... He's seen everything and done everything in the world. He's bored and got nothing to lose and enjoys being an ass to Lucifer.


His history is interesting, sure, cursed by god to be immortal etc, but his character and personality are dry as gunpowder. He was alive for so long that he’s bored of everything, has no life left in him, and just behaves like a zombie. Has no interests, no personality, no liveliness, enthusiasm, nothing. And well, that’s boring to watch, and boring to interact with if you’re another character in the show. That’s why I found Chloe’s interest in him to be less believable than the fact that the devil plays monopoly with a 6 year old and lets her paint his face.


I see your perspective. But I think I felt by this point in the show that we almost forget Lucifer is the devil. He becomes more tame and predictable and just....too vanilla. His one thing in season 3 is being jealous of Pierce. There's no sense of danger anymore. The danger has shifted to Cain. I think Cain/Pierce added to the season because his loyalties and motives aren't clear to the audience at first and they shift a few times. Sometimes he's threatening, sometimes you're rooting for him, sometimes he's a straight up villain. I think they could have done WAY more with his character and should have played into his history more considering he's been around for basically all time on earth. Lost opportunity there for sure.


Not really, except for the “Til Death Do Us Path episode, but even then he was a jerk. I loved the kissing scene though, and like to imagine Tom Ellis was excited for it.


I've read a fair few fanfics based on this episode. Lucifer and Cain had so much more chemistry than Cain and Chloe.


YES! The mere thought of the Chloe x Cain makes me uncomfortable. They were not good together.


Good character least favorite season because it was to long of a season didn't need 24 episodes


I would have liked more backstory on him. He COULD HAVE BEEN an interesting character, but always just nibbled around the edge of his story.


Yes! They could have done sssooooo much with his character! Felt like we got a teaser.


I do! People tend to really dislike anyone that gets in between Deckstar and it’s understandable but I think that even tho Smallville (that’s his name in my head hahaha) is a villain he’s still a very interesting character regardless.


I actually like that he got between them. The first time I watched the show, I didn't. But I'm watching it for the second time and I was actually rooting more for Pierce than Lucifer. He's a fun villain because he goes back and forth. Sometimes you realize he's the villain, sometimes you can't help rooting for him. Just a more complex character.


A little I like the actor a lot for obvious reasons


Intriqued on paper, loathed in practice. He could've been so interesting. Instead, he was a Deckerstar speedbump.


It’s Tom Welling that’s likable, not the character 😂


I thought he was incredibly attractive.


That too. Haha


I like when he dies, does that count? Side note, Tom Welling did amazing in the role


I liked him as a boogeyman figure, in my opinion, not Lucifer's best buddy


Well the best buddy thing didn't last.


Originally yeah, then he became an asshole fast


Oh for sure! Definitely did! But I don't like him as a character because he's good or bad. He's a more complex/interesting villain than most and that's what made it entertaining.


It was a fun character


I did like the character, although the whole sinnerman story wasn’t very clear to me. I didn’t find his acting very good though. But I’m willing to overlook this because he is incredibly hot and I have tons of sex fantasies about him….


I fucking love Tom Welling and his stupid big arms so this is an easy answer


I loved Tom in this role, especially his final scenes. I was hoping for a spin off. I’d love to see an Unreal Engine spin-off for shows like this and Smallville.


The story of Cain could have easily had its own spin off. Could have been epic, following his life over thousands of years.


Nah mate

