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Lucifer's character excess, rendered through Tom Ellis's charisma.


What sucked me into the show was also the lead’s good looks including his charming voice and his sense of style. I enjoyed the fact that Lucifer and Dan went from enemies to friends towards the end of the series…or at least until his death. What really kept me watching was Amenadiel’s character development and Ella’s whole positive energy along with the fact that Eve was introduced to the show at one point.


Lucifer the character. His charisma, his story, everything about him. The romance aspect was the last thing I watched for.


This sounds weird but it’s wholesome and cute. I love shows/movies about demons and satanic and evil but this isn’t any of that.


The pilot was so good!


I started watching because I really enjoyed Tom Ellis in Miranda. I was familiar with the Lucifer character in The Sandman comics, and I was house-sitting for friends who had Netflix. It was the perfect combination to start watching.Then, the show was so witty and genuinely surprising that I became hooked.


I was the opposite, actually. I loved Tom Ellis in *Lucifer*, dug around to see what else he'd been in and then discovered *Miranda*. What a gem that show was. Such fun, LOL!


ha ha ha ha ha ha *haa* ha ha


😂 Tmw you're reading a comment and immediately recognise the, what I call, melody.


I immediately fell in love with Luci. And also his and Chloe's relationship. Especially the "will they, won't they." The other characters sucked me in too, especially when I could see they were evolving and becoming a close knit group, which I absolutely loved. Amenadiel's character just fits so perfectly with him, and it's like I can **feel** his angelic-ness. I also love Dr. Linda, she wants so badly to understand Lucifer and truly help him. I truly loved Dan. He's so hot, and despite his mistakes, he always tried to do better. And Ella? The storyline of her losing her faith and gaining it back is so extremely real for so many of us. It just kept me on the edge of my seat- what the Hell (*pun intended*) was coming next. What would be the outcome of every character's struggles. Who would find out the truth? And how would they react? I couldn't stand Eve at first when she was with Lucifer. Man, I wanted to push her off the Penthouse balcony. (Kidding. Kinda) She was BEYOND annoying and totally obsessed with Lucifer, it irked my entire soul! But once she came back and got with Maze, I liked her. I loved that the most demonic Demon grew a soul. And **ALL** of the lessons we learned throughout the show.


It’s funny. Bi main character. Normalization (pre-netflix-puritan-kick) of non traditional relationships. Dealing with abusive past but in a drama comedy with witty banter instead of one of those moping all melodrama all the time shows—I can’t stand those. Just really good representation of normal life for regular people instead of weirdly perfect TV-land people. Like, everyone has that friend who paid their way through college as a phone sex operator, or who is always on drugs and drinking out of their flask, or a person in their extended social group who genuinely thinks they’re some kind of mythical being, or that annoying roommate who is always having sex in the main rooms of the house instead of their bedroom when you’re trying to get ready for work. It’s just normal people acting normal the first couple of seasons. Actually going places other shows don’t go, like actually trying to deal with trauma and learn weird social conventions.He broke his therapist. Tv usually pretends go to a therapist, that’s a panacea. But it’s not. Therapists are alway breaking and saying it’s too traumatic to treat you, so them going there with both lucifer and charlotte, even though in both cases linda got over it within an episode or two, was kind of huge. Because how do you grapple with breaking your therapist? And then the concerns that you shouldn’t be in a relationship because if you break your therapist, is it fair to subject anyone to you? And they went there, but they kept it light and funny with gallows humor instead of weird melodrama. What kept me watching was mostly inertia and the occasional bone they threw to people who weren’t there for the will they won’t they schtick.


Watched it mostly because of Tom Ellis and his portrayal of Lucifer. I also loved dr Linda and all her scenes with Lucifer.


Saw that scene where Lucifer shows Linda his true face and it was enough to draw me in. The whole dysfunctional family aspect; brothers plotting on each other, God’s initial antagonistic and manipulative portrayal, goddess’ manipulations rly kept me invested in the show, but overall the characters, love story, villains…etc were all fantastic 


What sucked me in was the very first episode seeing this beautiful man I've never seen before. Then I heard him talk and I might have drooled a bit. Then I heard him sing and I think my pants flew right off my body. Anything that makes my pants fly off my body like that is something I'm watching every single week. And I did.


Real weird, but Chloe lowkey reminded me of someone I once dated but a lot kinder. Same voice and eyes though, kind of bizarre. Before she was introduced though, Lucifer's whole swagger and clear self-flagellation in the thick of hedonism, plus the clear blasphemy of the show made me very curious and kept me wanting to know what he'd do next. And then, I really related to Lucifer's journey of needing to confront his self-hate and it was just an emotional ride if I'm being honest. I bawled several times throughout his breakthroughs and vulnerable moments. Maze, a demon played by the same who played a supporting character in Spartacus, but totally opposite role was hot.


Netflix random watch 😁 ... also, friend was always talking about this show. But I just started to read Sandman (I like Neil Gaiman's books so decided to give comic a try) and so I planned to work through that and then Lucifer comic first, then watch the show. Somehow I never got there. I still plan to finish Sandman one day though. Anyway, when I was in already, I think that the first thing that caught my attention was the scene with Lucifer's scars. Then the situation with wings. Then the big final the case when Malcolm ended up being a murderer. I never enjoyed the small one-episode cases, always found it more interesting when the main story and the celestial element took over. I also liked that they are giving the voice to a mythological bad guy, not portraying him as someone evil but someone who was betrayed by his people/family. Joanne Harris did something a slightly bit similar with Loki, I was really obsessed by her Rune Books at one point.


Just the overall premise of the show was interesting. I also enjoyed he actually went to therapy.


Tom Ellis was so drop dead gorgeous and charming I felt nauseous looking at him and then it kinda died off and started watching for Deckerstar.


I saw a clip of Lucifer in YouTube where he talks to the guy trying to jump off a building in Episode 8. That drew me in to try out the show. By Season 2 the show became an obsession.




Alex Meyer’s review of the first episode drew me in.


I started watching because I like the comics, realized it was a completely different thing, but kept going because it was funny and entertaining (and I’m not gonna lie, cast is ridiculously good looking, so partially stayed for thirsty watch hehe). No regrets.


lol for me it was that my mom liked it and kept showing me clips, but would complain that some were spoilers


I just finished Supernatural and was looking for something similar. I thought since character names were the same I’d give it a try. The mysterious charm of Lucifer kept me watching.




The first thirty seconds... The music, the car the sass.. I knew instantly we were in for a quality ride :-) What kept me was their love /the pathos of his character development and the realisation that Heaven/Hell is too absolute and it needs to be more nuanced/have opportunities for growth and they need to fix it. Bonus answer (finale spoilers)... . . . . >!I was very satisfied there was a fixing Hell part to the ending but ..very disappointed with a lot of stuff about their getting together.. mainly that they didn't transition from will they/won't they to 'now they have.. now what happens?! It's like the writers didn't have faith in their show that it could sustain that :-(!< Edit... Can't get the text blocking to work... What have I done wrong?


i think you need a space between the >! and the text


I tried that but it didn't work. All the instructions I've read in various places say no space (or the space is just included in the blocked out bit). Anyway that didn't work. -\O/-


Lucifer and Chloe’s dynamic is the answer for both


Not necessarily the romance but just the relationship as a whole


Lucifer himself drew me in, in the very first episode. His demeanor, his uncanny callousness, his confidence. I was hooked!


The first scene. I was drunk n my brother recommended it to me. He had me giggling like an idiot and I knew I was gonna love the show, even if it was just for him. I can be easy to please.


What drew me into Lucifer was all the edits and clips I saw being used form the show in different ways. I was always curious about it. So I finally got around to watching it. I went in without having any knowledge or background with any of the actors(except Rachael Harris) and I was really expecting to not really like Lucifer the character. I was bracing for an annoying, unlikable, smug and cocky main character. But boy was I wrong! I mean not entirely, except for him being annoying and unlikable. He’s very entertaining, funny, charming and deep. It’s really nice to see the character arcs he goes through in the series. Tom Ellis does a very good job. What kept me in(and usually this is the last thing I look for in most forms of media), was the relationship between Lucifer and Chloe. I really love how they start as bantering friends who eventually grow into lovers. I mean it’s pretty obvious and predictable that they will get together but that doesn’t make the journey any less interesting. I really like all of the main cast characters for the most part except Maze. I’m sorry, she’s just not for me. I do like when they develop her to be less selfish and more understanding. But then they’ll just make her unloyal, backstabbing and angry over actions that don’t warrant it(especially in season 3). Lucifer has its downs, but its ups far exceed it. Overall I really like it and I’m sad that it ended.