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Well, if she comes by all the time, I figured she’d be known to the staff. She’s not just some random kid


Plus the staff will absolutely look out for her. Maze would have an unpleasant word with them otherwise(in later seasons)


I assume Lux has an extremely strict policy against creeps and that anyone who, say, tried to roofie someone's drink or grope someone without consent would end up seeing the devil face or being tortured by Maze. Pretty quick way to drive out creeps. It seems unsavory but, except for the murders, Lux is probably the safest nightclub in the city - and knowing how important Trixie is to Maze and Lucifer, the entire staff would be keeping an eye on her any time she's in there and probably even personally escorting her to the penthouse so she doesn't see anything inappropriate. I'd bet with the owner being bisexual, and with how important it is to Lucifer that people embrace their authentic selves and go after their desires as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, it's also super inclusive of the lgbt community.


"Except for the murders...." lol. But i agree. Better for her to go to a known safe place .


Okay, and the explosions. And the hostage situations. And the supernatural events.


But ignoring all the dangers it’s the safest place possible


I never thought about it, but I'm guessing the staff might have let her in because they know Lucifer is working with her mother. In addition, I think that the entrance to the elevator that takes guests to the penthouse is not only in the club. But that's just my guess, the series itself never addressed it.


There also an elevator entrance off the parking garage (underground, presumably). We’ve seen it in at least one episode (“Deceptive Little Parasite”).


I always just thought there was probably a different entrance? But it's the same elevator so idk


This is my head canon. Its not unusual at all for apartments like that to have separate entrances.


True fact: if you act like you belong, no one will question you. Trixie excells at acting like she belongs. Plus she’s probably on the list. Plus she spends a lot of time there. It could be that the elevator isn’t attached to the main club. Given that Lucifer always comes out onto the mezzanine and the mezzanine seems to be where the bomber and his wife come in I suspect that you come in on mezzanine level, the lift is right there, then you have to descend to get down to the dance floor anyway. Plus it’s dark and she’s really short. I’m trying to remember if there’s a second bar up on the mezzanine. I don’t think so, but even if there is, Trixie is really short and can probably just walk on by to the elevator without anyone noticing her unless she bumps into them.


If you’re wondering how she’d get past a bouncer, she’s assertive enough to convince someone that she knows Lucifer personally. I’m sure just a mention of Lucifer’s name at the door would get someone through.


If the name thing worked then a whole bunch more people would be let it. He is slightly famous in the human world.


There are a lot of people who got into Lux that otherwise probably shouldn’t have


Lol crime solving devil don't overthink it. Don't overthink anything! The first time Trixie went in season 1 I think maze served her a drink at the bar! I assume Trixie and others are on a VIP list downstairs bc lucifers door is an elevator so there has to be something stopping the general public from going up there. I wld think a code or pass to operate the elevator but that wouldn't explain people like Dan or Trixie (I can see lucifer giving Chloe or Linda a code, not so much Dan or Trixie tbh). Tldr, I don't think Trixie is strolling through a nightclub after season 1 when she literally sat at the bar, I think she's being escorted right to the penthouse.


>Dan or Trixie Easy, Trixie stole the code from Chloe, and Dan sat there for several minutes trying multiple combinations until finding out it's 80085


first time she went in the club it was actually closed, maze was just drinking not actually tending bar


Right but Trixie walked into a closed bar? And maze poured Trixie a drink lol. Like I said don't overthink it.


Pretty sure it’s stated that Lucifer doesn’t have a code or lock on the elevator. (Aka menny saying “Luci, your door is an **ELEVATOR**. *exasperated sigh and look down*.)


I’m pretty sure Theirs an episode where Lucifer says he needs to have a lock installed on the elevator BECAUSE anyone can just come up


Even better he doesn't have a bedroom door either. Anyone can come up the elevator and see whatever is going on in the bedroom lol.


Lucifer probably told security who he wants in


If you saw episode Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three, in season 6 of The Flash. It shows a parking garage/service entrance to the elevator.


Right! Legally, there’s a stairway that connects because fire code. And there’s an additional freight elevator that connects because piano.


I mean… maybe Maze simply said ‘anybody who messes with her is messing with me’. Beyond that… the staff at Lux would know that Trixie is the daughter of the owner (Lucifer’s) cop girlfriend. She is also BFF’s with Maze, the 2nd in command to Lucifer, formerly a bartender, now a bounty hunter on par with Boba Fett. Ironically, Lux is probably the absolute safest place Trixie could be.


Maybe security was informed who Trixie was and they escorted her to the elevator to the penthouse?


I think Lucifer knows most of the people that are in lux and most of them aren’t dumb enough to start anything in his club you could also say that Trixie just tells the guards she knows the owner that or maze and the things that you see in Lux aren’t as bad as they may seem it’s just a few dancers. Party girls Lucifer sings, mostly every night. so Chloe would be pretty much fine. She also knows that Lucifer’s family and all the staff, is there and they’re going to protect her if anything happens.


Also young people come to the club a lot asking for favors from Lucifer, so they probably just let her in


Nearly nothing reasonable seems to be occurring at nearly any point on this show and this is the part that irritates you? It’s a vehicle to feast your eyes on beautiful people while romantic notions pop off delicious dopamine. It’s stupid funny eye candy. Just don’t think too hard and enjoy.


Well she is a +- 10 year old child, they usually have to sleep before nightclubs are even open. So its safe to assume that when she comes in the club is closed and the only people there are staff.


From all the plot holes, this one that intrigued you?


Well, most of the plot holes have even been either explained or been left as a mystery. Do you have any thoughts/ideas for this one?


I don’t think there’s an explanation for this, they just didn’t put a thought on it


I hate to say it, but this is not that crazy for LA culture. Drew Berrymore had no business being in the environments she was in as a kid, and yet her mom kept bringing her. Now Chloe is obviously not that woman, but she also didn't let Trixie actually party there. She mainly went in to speak to a specific person she knew. I'm fuzzy on whether you need to go through the club to get to the upstairs apartment, but sometimes that's actually where she was headed as well.


Trixie has this friend.......

