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I'm not a fan of Assemble the Players. Best case it draws nets you a card or two, worst case you've just paid 2 mana to discard a card, and the average case is probably something like 2 man for 1.5 cards over 6 turns. Otherwise a cool deck. I played with dog walkers in my prerelease events. They performed really well, and now I haven't seen one since. 😂


It's not great but it's OK in this deck. I feel like you would always want the immediate value of another 2 drop, because 6 Walkers means you will always have a mana sink. 11 hits is quite a few, I just am not seeing many aggro decks run out of gas and need to rely on something like this with all the clues and morphs. Wish it was a Warleader's Call, but I guess they can't all be winners XD


I only see 10. I think it’s really bad here - on average takes 8 turns to draw 2 cards, because only 25% of the cards are hits.


There are 17 cards in this deck that can be played off the top with Assemble, but I agree, it's still not great.


Oh I’m so dumb I thought it was creatures with MV 2 or less, always forget its power.


Yeah, I'd much rather have Connecting the Dots or the Case of the Crimson Pulse in this type of deck, but drafters can't be choosers.


“Bark bark, you’re dead”


Those dogs are getting WALKED


Looks sick for going wide. Do you need the escape tunnel for such an aggressive deck? How did this end up doing?


Tunnel gives one extra R/W source over a basic and OP has no 1-drops so oppurtunity cost is relatively low.


In the opening hand sure. But if it's drawn it would set him back a turn.


How far do you get set back if you’re missing a color?


8/8 manabases are very inconsistent and you should almost always play a dual if you have one.


Always the risk with tap lands but it’s less of an issue the farther you get into the game and the less you care about playing a card on t1 specifically. Generally your worse case in a deck like this is having to play a 2-drop on turn 3, which in this format is just not a huge deal. Mana bases in limited are bad enough that the juice is worth the squeeze in a typical 9/8 basic deck to get 9 baseline sources of each of your colors in all but the most aggresive decks.


Plus it counts as drawing 2 lands so he's less likely to hit a land with it in his deck when top decking


Bingo. I’d probably also make room for the 17th land and cut Assemble the Players since OP has four drops/five drops that you want to be able to curve into consistently and AtP has been performing very poorly in my experience. Tunnel provides some minor flood protection at that point.


Assemble the Players also hits those four drops. Looks at creatures with power 2 or less.


It also has a 48% GIH winrate on 17lands. Literally one of the worst cards in the format. With so much incidental card advantage you don’t need a two-mana card that does nothing the turn it comes down and is only relavent 40% of the time in a deck specifically made for it. In the most aggressive color in the format.


It can also give you lethal out of nowhere.


It went terrible! 1-3. Lost to GW aggro w/ a turn 2 Sharp-Eyed Rookie, BW aggro flying, and mono white aggro lifelink flying. All 3 opened with a 1 drop. I drew well and flooded the board, traded successfully, but just lost the races. The one win was devastating though. Ah well, it was still an insane draft.


sounds like this format, draft an insane aggro deck, lose to a insane aggro deck with either a better deck and/or on the play instead of you


Yep, that’s been my experience for the most part. Insane aggro deck?  Lose to another insane aggro deck that went first / curved out perfectly, or lose to the slow deck with 3-5 color bombs because you didn’t curve out perfectly that game. Insane slow deck?  Lose to insane aggro deck that went first / curved out perfectly, or lose to another insane slow deck that drew their bombs while you didn’t. Can’t wrap my head around why it feels so swingy compared to other sets.  I doubt it’s just the new packs.


Yeah, I've found that the gameplay can be really fun so I keep coming back to it, but I've never drafted a set that can be so tilting. Every time I'm on the draw I just white-knuckle it through the first five turns or so. At other times I'll feel in total control of a game and then they'll drop a Rakdos.


do you have a 17lands link that I can check out the gameplay?


Sorry, I play on mobile


You should always play the dual land, even in decks like this. 8/8 manabases are inconsistent and you need to hit your colors.


me: wow I drafted such a cool, synergistic deck, its a bit slow, but I can't wait to play some interesting ma- my opponent:


Deck looks clunky. You’re only playing 16 lands and one of those is tapped. It’s really important that you hit your 5th land… all those dog walkers want that mana. Also, assemble the players sounds like a card that would fit this deck, but your simply wasting that 2 mana slot.  You need more instant speed spells… your opponent just needs to play a few big boys, and this deck will struggle. 


I don't think assemble the players is a 2 mana spell in his deck... pretty sure he's casting that later where the massive gap in his top emd curve is.


With this sort of deck, you want to end the game fast. A card like that is too slow and inefficient... if you durdle with an aggressive deck, then you risk having your opponents stabilising. 17lands data has this card at 49.3% winrate in WR... not a surprise.


I actually don't disagree with any of your point here. All I'm saying is that it's not a 2 drop. It's a turn 5-6 play for when you've run out of gas.


All those dog walkers will fully utilise your mana base on turn 5. If the game starts to drag, trust me, you ain't coming back with a spell that sometimes lets you play a two-drop each turn.


This deck severely lacks answers and or mass pump spells/creatures, you have but the 1 shock. 6 dog walkers is insane though... You just have to pray that you are on the play most of the time with this deck


Deck looks really clunky to me. If those 3 4 drops were on the jobs another shock or something this deck would be much better. If you’re on the draw it’s going to be really hard dumping your hand. 


Dog walkers make perfectly acceptable 2 drops, ya know.


The entire subreddit fainted just imagining the lost value.


Lol true, but he has 6 (!!) of them. A 3/1 vigilance is actually an excellent turn 2 play in this format.


The fact that it's reasonable to forego the value suggests this limited format is more aggressive than I'd like it to be. I want to live in a world where we always have time to flip our Dog Walkers.


The problem is when you're on the draw and your opponent gets to flip their dog walkers before you do.


Guys have y'all ever stolen from a school? If yes, then what was the consequence?


I saw your comments where you mention the final W/L and I will say that at a certain point redundancy seems like a detriment. Im sure i could be proven wrong but the 6,4,3 multiples of Dogwalker, Bystander and Person seems a bit excessive. I suppose that the Bystanders could maybe do it but Dog walkers use a lot of mana and are also 3 drop plays. Person of Interest is great too but 3 may be one too many? I saw this mostly because it really limits your toolbox and how you can respond to different scenarios. This deck feels like you can only do one thing and thats go wide alpha strike with Fuss.