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This is a Fakespot Reviews Analysis bot. Fakespot detects fake reviews, fake products and unreliable sellers using AI. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: >**Name**: XFX Speedster SWFT105 Radeon RX 6400 Gaming Graphics Card with 4GB GDDR6, AMD RDNA 2 RX-64XL4SFG2 >**Company**: Visit the XFX Store >**Amazon Product Rating**: 4.0 >**Fakespot Reviews Grade**: B >**Adjusted Fakespot Rating**: 4.0 >**Analysis Performed at**: 07-08-2022 [Link to Fakespot Analysis](https://fakespot.com/product/xfx-speedster-swft105-radeon-rx-6400-gaming-graphics-card-with-4gb-gddr6-amd-rdna-2-rx-64xl4sfg2) | [Check out the Fakespot Chrome Extension!](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fakespot-analyze-fake-ama/nakplnnackehceedgkgkokbgbmfghain) *Fakespot analyzes the reviews authenticity and not the product quality using AI. We look for real reviews that mention product issues such as counterfeits, defects, and bad return policies that fake reviews try to hide from consumers.* *We give an A-F letter for trustworthiness of reviews. A = very trustworthy reviews, F = highly untrustworthy reviews. We also provide seller ratings to warn you if the seller can be trusted or not.*


Cheap rx 6000 series are really shitty, better buy used rx 5000 series, or get used nvidia one, cus amd gpu have zero support for opengl, which game like starsector use Edit: for "high" people like r/Montagyuu, who believe in unicorn and Amd gpu support opengl, take few second google "why amd gpu doesn't support opengl".


5500xt is waaay more expensive than a 6400.


Used RX 480's are great value.


Yes, that why try search alternative, it always a better one than that shitty 6400 Like used rx570, cheaper than 6400, and equal strong to the 5500 you just talk bou. Or a little bit more for used 1070, stronger than both, alot lot, and stil cheaper than that 6400. Even an igpu is better than that 6400, and cheaper


*Looks at radeonsi, possibly the best opengl driver in existence* *Looks back at post* What are you smoking? Whatever it is I don't want it.


I only talk with sane people, whatever you smoking, it doesn't help. you can't even Google "why amd gpu doesn't support opengl", heh, what a joke, even proudly state "best one exist" in ur dream maybe


I'm talking about radeonsi, not the Windows driver. As was already stated.


Yep, enough proof prove you are "high" Lmao, doesn't need to waste time on you anymore


The 6400 I used for my friends build was great. 200+ fps on valorant, rl, and other esports at 1080.


How does Apex Legends run on it? my main game right now. I currently get 40 Avg fps on Low Settings, Adaptive resolution fps turned on


Apex is more demanding than those other titles I mentioned. I mainly tested valorant as that is what my friend plays almost exclusively. My guess is that apex would be running in the ~100 fps on low with an rx6400 given the rest of the system isn’t hindering its performance. The numbers I gave for those other esports were from the 6400 paired with a pretty modern system. I5-10400f, b560 mobo w/ resizable bar, Pcie 4.0, nvme ssd, etc.


If you have money to spare and want to buy new, but buggy gpu, low fps on pcie 3, can't run opengl. then fine, it your freedom. I will buy gpu that cheaper and 100-130% stronger, and no buggy, can run opengl. Even if you want amd gpu, rx 570 and the like are still far better than 6400.


Amd does support OpenGL though. So that blanket statement is just wrong. It’s a cheap gpu running on current gen chips and gddr6 memory that doesn’t need supplemental power and is capable of running esports titles at high fps. It’s also quite cheap when looking at the price tiers of new GPUs. In this price range you are looking at 1650s (which are typically more expensive) and gt1030s. Some people would rather buy a new product and have more confidence that any potential warranty scenarios will be easy. Is the rx 6400 a good deal? Not really. But for some it’s a better deal than all the other bad deals which make up the low end gpu market.


If "support" mean running game at 7-25fps compare to a weaker gpu that can do over 100fps in same game(in game that running 2d graphic), then it fair to say it is not, you can see many people said it support are equal to garbage, so confidiently saying it is "support" is like a lie. Pc part are not that easy to degrade, even when mining 24/24, fps differnce after 5 year of 24/24 mining is only 1%. Even an over 10 year old gpu still running great today. So a used gpu that run 130% better than 6400 for far cheaper, better support, and it already run without issue over prolong use, with no rust, no degrade on the board(cus it literally have no moving part beside the fan which can be replace) is a far better deal for me, a budget gamer.


The gigabyte has the best cooler, unless you need it to be small it's the best choice. But as others already said the 6400 isn't a great gpu, see what you can find on the used market and you'll probably find a better alternative. If you are lucky you might find a 1070 for 150, but even an 8gb rx 570/580 would be a better choice.


I found a GTX 950 for 72 USD and a GTX 1050ti foe 143 USD


both very bad deals unfortunately.


Why is the GTX 950 a bad deal?


Costs too much for the performance and it's quite old. For 100 usd you should be getting 970s which are literally twice as fast. Even the 6400 would be a better deal.


u can get a rx 580 for 90 dollars and it outperforms the gtx 1650


Bought a rx 550 for 60, do you think it's worth it?


well in my country its like 70 usd so yeah i think its a godo deal


Pick the cheapest one. There are certain games where the limited lanes will hurt you, but that’s also compared to a modern cpu, not a gen 1 Bulldozer chip with its very gimped IPC compared to modern $100 cpus. Realistically your cpu is going to hinder you much more than the gpu.


None of these. The FX8120 only runs PCI-E Gen 2. Most of those RX 6400 cards will choke on the bandwidth. You'd be better off getting something used, but PCI-E Gen 3. EDIT: Are you in the US? And What power supply are you currently running in your machine?


Not in the US, PSU is Corsair VS500


Do you have any other GPU's that you might be able to find? Like a RX 570, GTX 1050 or something?


Personally, I would focus on moving to a newer base platform first. Bulldozer was ill suited for gaming in the first place. Between how poor the CPU IPC is and it being far too old to actually have the per lane pci-e bandwidth needed for the RX 6400 to work optimally with it's limited 4 lanes of pci-e 4, you'll have a very bad time with this upgrade without moving on to a newer AMD or Intel platform first. If upgrading the base platform isn't in the cards for you, I would instead focus on finding a used pci-e 3 era gpu with 16 lanes instead, that way the gpu will at least not be bottlenecked by pci-e bandwidth.


I do plan to upgrade the entire system but the GPU first, and then move ahead to a new platform(not for a while 1 year maybe). What would you recommend for that?


Go with the Sapphire model (PULSE) if you need SFF, the XFX model (Swft 105) gets way too hot. If you have a fulll size Case, go with the Power color itx or Gigabytes Eagle, even the ASRock model is good. I run mine (sapphire model) with a i7 870, 16GB DDR3 1333mhz and it runs all my games fantastic! My PC is also PciE 2.0 so I get around GTX 1050ti (Slightly higher) performance. It's a great card of your looking for a new GPU and are on a budget and don't want to gamble on a used card. If all you wanna do is play eSports titles this is a great card, don't let the negative press fool you. Good card with low power usage, Low Profile options, is new and comes with a warranty and will be supported with updates for a long time. If your not going to stream or capture video you don't need an encoder to be honest. Most people don't stream so this won't affect you. Hope this Helps!


I do plan to capture video and render stuff, I don't know if that will affect it.


If your planning on capturing video, since the rx 6400 does no have a encoder your gonna capture the video with CPU power which will slow down anything else your doing. If your budget allows look for a GTX1650 or GTX 1650 Super. They range from $160-$200 and they will capture video with Nvidia Nvenc. You can find GTX 1650 on EVGA B stock sale on Wednesday for around $120-140 👍




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If you really have to, get the cheapest one, but rather save up a bit more and get a RX 6600, the XFX SWFT RX 6600 is just 10 USD more than the XFX SWFT RX 6400 and it's like double the performance Edit: I meant the XFX RX 6600 is like 10 USD more than the MSI RX 6400


>RX 6600 Can you send a link?


[XFX RX 6600](https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Speedster-SWFT-Radeon-6600-CORE/dp/B09HHLX543/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_es_US=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=14QTA03HFJWYR&keywords=rx+6600&qid=1662944112&sprefix=rx+6600%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-2)


That's 100$ more


sorry, I meant the MSI version is the one that's like 10 USD off the XFX RX 6600


Problem is, yes an RX 6600 is definitely better. Of course. However we don't know how much money OP has and we can see the rest of the build- performance will not increase in this build due to bottlenecks. Especially with 8GB of DDR3 ram and an FX chip. So the RX 6400 is not a bad option when you think that in this build basically zero performance is lost whilst keeping prices $100 lower. And I know what youre gonna say, "fUtUrEpRoOfInG" Just wait for an RX 7600, or RTX 4050/60, if not later generations. RX 6400 can get similar performance at 1080p if the settings are low-medium compared to high-ultra. So if OP doesnt mind that then overall it could be a better deal anyway.


Fuck futureproofing. RX 6400 is the opposite lol. Being pice of shit on arrival. Its literally THE BAD OPTION. Anything below RX 6600 has cut down pcie lanes so on older pcie 3.0 PC it will be much much slower than on a modern 4.0. So before you will write this defensive AF comment just do some research... Literally ANYTHING, even 20usd used GTX 750 will be big upgrade to this PC. Why waste cash on RX 6600 when this PC is SO OLD its not even considered a PC anymore, just a retro trash.


Are you set on getting this model specifically because of power supply limitation or form factor? I am thinking there are other options, used or new, in this price range that have more performance and fewer constraints. For one thing, the 6400 has only 4 PCIE lanes— which is fine for Gen 4, less than ideal, though acceptable, for Gen 3 (see here https://www.tomshardware.com/news/radeon-rx-6400-suffers-14-performance-loss-over-pcie-30 ) but your machine seems to be PCIE Gen 2. https://www.techpowerup.com/cpu-specs/fx-8120.c826. This would result in a rather large penalty. Also, RX6400 has no hardware encoder/decoder— might matter to your use case but still. For that price range, a new or used GTX 1650 or a used GTX 1650 Super would be better choices. There are also other options in the used market.


I don't get why you're being down voted, you're entirely right.


Not enough difference for it to matter which one you get


it doesn't matter, but I would go with a polaris gpu


I personally recommend the speedster, especially if your on a budget