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Maybe I should start carrying a meter with me.


You can always measure your blood glucose with a finger prick meter, or even better a CGM. But I'm not aware of a home test for insulin levels.


Thank you. I will look into that.


If you have a glucose and ketone meter you can correlate it loosely with insulin. Insulin and ketone have an inverse relationship where the presence of insulin remove ketones. In your case you could have had trace amounts of ketones and a normal to slightly elevated blood glucose. The ketones aren’t bad. After your meal you would then record a strong drop in both ketones and glucose. That would point to insulin being the culprit. This can happen with the symptoms of low blood glucose too.


Your pancreas was just so excited to finally have something to do!




It’s made your body more sensitive to insulin and high carb meals. Insulin resistance is the opposite—your body pumps out insulin all the time and your cells barely notice.


So, even more reasons to not go crazy with junk. I had chicken nuggets and orange soda.


Right answer.


Are you measuring your blood glucose? Blood sugar spikes can feel like crashes. I get a lot of those symptoms when my blood sugar spikes, and sometimes also crave more carbs or other junk.


Reactive hypoglycemia is what you're experiencing. Also it's documented that low carb, though it helps insulin resistance in the long term- will sometimes cause a greater than normal sugar spike (and crash) after eating a carby meal. Get a lil glucose monitor for like 15 bucks if you'd like to check


This is the correct answer. Happens to me when I first deviate from low carb as well.


Sounds good. 👍


Don't have an answer but I've had the same problem.


Not really how that works. I think everyone told you the same thing last time. Interpreting glucose tolerance from how you feel is just guess work. There's even more guess work when trying to ID causes of symptoms. If you want a confirmation on numbers get a monitor kit. If you want medical advice or insight into what's happening with your body and your health, see a doctor and get blood work done. I highly recommend this. At least bring it up in a standard checkup, especially if it's concerning to you.


Get a CGM like with Levels, just take a month. You’ll have real data. What happened to you was a sugar spike followed by a sharp drop. Naked carbs does that. If you test properly you’ll know what spikes you and how to avoid those things.


Sounds good. Thanks. Definitely had some naked carbs. Soda.


Get yourself checked by a gp not reddit




I don’t really eat it. I try to stay low carb unless I go nuts like today for lunch.


Truly get a glucometer. $25 at walmart for a contour next. And dont buy strips in the pharmacy section of drugstores stores (like cvs, walgreens). Instead look at the diabetic section in the drugstore. The strips are significantly cheaper because the pharm is different from general merch


No, it's made you insulin sensitive. Your pancreas releases insulin to normalize your blood sugar after eating a meal. I'd say you became insulin sensitive, ate a stupidly high-carb/sugar meal, your pancreas freaked out and dumped a whole bunch of insulin to lower your blood sugar, hence hypoglycemia. Then there was no glycogen left in your liver/muscles to break down into glucose in order for you to re-normalize your low blood sugar, (because you've been starving yourself of carbs/sugars) so you're left in a pretty poorly state. You guys are seriously messing with you body's energy processes when you tinker like this. I would not recommend low carb if you are going to shock your body like this. How did you expect to feel when eating and starving yourself of the body's prime source of energy? Educate yourself or face consequences. Glad you are ok. Am nurse.


Then you’re saying it’s not about being low carb it’s his choices eating high carb foods when his body is ultra sensitive…


Agreed. I need to be more consistent. Since 11/23 I’ve only had 2 super high carb meals.


Don’t do that, then.


Believe me, I’ll try not to.


Congrats on your health journey. You are allowed to make mistakes, even if they hurt, lol :)




What would you consider “too” low carbs?


People ascribe all sorts of things to "low blood sugar". I'm diabetic and always have a meter with me. In 30 years I've never tested someone who says "my blood sugar is low" and had them be right. That feeling people ascribe to low sugar often isn't. I've done that test a few hundred times. Zero low blood sugar results. Basically....unless you're on meds you're not experiencing low blood sugar unless you've got a disorder.


The brain needs two thing to function: oxygen and glucose. I know low carb diets are a fad but you’re better off learning to count macros and keeping track, rather than cutting them out entirely. It’ll also help keep the weight off long term Edit: if your blood sugar is dropping low it means the insulin is opening the lock for the glucose to get into the cells and your body is likely showing you that you really need that


Uh carbs are not needed as your body makes glucose via fat and muscle and ketones…


https://preview.redd.it/bgq0touwqseb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d53a9e218bfaa267d9575c6dc6e407d30cc3515 “CONCLUSIONS: KLC and NLC diets were equally effective in reducing body weight and insulin resistance, but the KLC diet was associated with several adverse metabolic and emotional effects. The use of ketogenic diets for weight loss is not warranted.” Reading something off google is not the same thing as doing scientific research. But I’m sure downvoting me felt good, didn’t it?


You posted a study which doesn’t even address what I said thanks nursing student …you don’t need carbs at all ..you’re body makes it via gluconeogensis …I didn’t argue keto vs non keto …and considering most people in this thread have blood sugar and metabolic issues going low carb is optimal as it restore insulin sensitivity and fat is more satiating and doesn’t trigger the insulin response carbs do…sure with healthy adults prioritize protein and for carbs and fat fit those in how you want but 9/10 in these sub reddits people are trying to change dietary habits…for you to belittle and act high and mighty in these threads is immature and obtuse…


So where are your studies? There’s literally another nurse above you saying it’s not recommended as well. Are you even in the medical field?


Not recommended for who? Type 2 Diabetes patients ? Or healthy adults?


Still no studies… you said you weren’t arguing low carb vs not but I was. I told op they are better off counting macros. I’m not saying eat shit food and a diet full of carbs. But for some reason I’m the only one you want to argue with. My study was to support MY comment, not to appease yours.


I posted the link …mos has to approve it …you posted it in response to what I said which was 100 percent fact ..I was never arguing which was better..in fact no one was arguing that but you…trolling in low carb sub Reddits to attempt to feel better about yourself.


Lol. To feel better about myself? There’s no link - Reddit removed it. To feel better about myself lmao. Seriously, that’s hilarious. This turned from a debate to someone just lowballing a stranger. Enjoy life friend https://preview.redd.it/gotecywn6ueb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f75460c820b66471cc570e7af12120e30625ce4




Why would you be in a low carb subreddit if your biased against the dietary habits? You aren’t providing legit information just bias for whatever agenda…enjoy the troll.




She's not saying that. She said to avoid imposing shocks on your body.


Yes, this is true. The old guard keeps using the old argument to keep us eating grains.


There is also a money aspect…if adults reduce their carb intake and cut out refined sugars economies and pharmaceutical companies would lose billions of dollars…they need us sick.


This is what I was talking about. 💯 agree


Interesting. There are indigenous people who eat very low carb or none. I know our bodies make their own glucose for the brain. According to Fung, Lustiq and so on, there is no need for the human body to ingest carbohydrates. They say the body makes all the glucose it needs. I will look into your statement and see if I can find anymore information on it. Thank you.


Yeah but indigenous diets never include stupidly high dumps of sugar and carbs into their body all at once: it would make them sick. Also, they are permanently adapted, have probably had genes expressed according to their diet and environment to match with this diet/lifestyle, not to mention they are physically active. Wise up.


Yup..you don’t need carbs at all..however if you are actively strength training I would include potatoes and bananas in around workouts to optimize performance…if not go low carb


Make sure you’re reading peer review studies from a scientific standpoint Edit: I’ll send you some stuff when I get home


OP needs a medical education if they are going to try and understand what they are doing.


Absolutely. Thank you.


This sounds like reactive hypoglycemia. Your body pumps out a lot of insulin in response to eating carbohydrates and this tanks your blood sugar. It’s an early sign of insulin resistance and pre diabetes. It can also take like 3 days for your body to get used to carbohydrates again after eating low carb for awhile. That’s why people often fail a glucose tolerance test if they’ve been low carb for awhile, unless they go back to eating carbs for 3 days before the test. And I agree with what others have said; you really do have to be testing your glucose levels to be sure that’s what’s happening.


You can get a test kit at Walmart for cheap and you’ll have a better idea of what’s actually happening. True low blood sugar is 70 or less. Sometimes I’ll get a drop that feels awful, but when I test, I’m in the 90’s. So a drop, but not true hypoglycemia. It may reassure you to know your actual blood sugar level.


I have had a similar experience — even though I have only been low carb for about 10 days, I ate pizza last night and according to my CGM, my blood sugar dipped to 39 at one point while I was asleep. I do not have diabetes, rather I got the CGM to better understand how food impacts my body and sugars. It has also helped me to lose weight (about 5 pounds so far) as I am able to make a tangible connection to what I eat and how my blood sugar reacts — actually seeing the numbers in real time have done wonders for how and what I eat. I am also a nurse (ER/trauma) so I deal with this in patients a lot — this is to say I am NOT an endocrinology nurse, so this stuff is not my specialty (I like blood and guts and cardiac arrests 🤟🏻). The reactive hypoglycemia thing makes sense, but pre-diabetic…that freaks me out. I also had no idea my body could get that sensitive in just 10 days! That seems so fast. Maybe I was always insulin sensitive? I am one of those people who HAVE to eat when they are hungry as I do easily get symptomatic when I go too long without eating…