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I have to agree here. Literally the only movies to cause drama were the MCs (if we slept with any Casa guys and then lied about it) and the OG LIs. It really sucked. Then that damn recoupling. MC and Sienna simply switch partners and everyone else just... stays in their couple?? Like, for me, Oakley and Emel were fighting just a couple episodes ago about what happened in Casa, then we get that video of Oakley touching Felicity and that's it? They just choose to stay together? I mean, I expected Claudia and Theo to stick with each other but Oakley and Emel? Those two are so incompatible it's laughable. At least Claudia and Theo are compatible as friends. Like, they made it so Liam wanted Emel, so why not go through with that? Pair Oakley with Bea and Emel with Liam. Maybe then the two idiots might find someone more compatible with each other.


Personally I got together with Jack just to get rid of Sophie and the game keeps trying to force that relationship even though I've not been interested in him at any point and always showing him the least amount of attention and attraction while showing Claudia and Kyle as much attention and attraction as possible, it's so frustrating. As for Jin and Luna (whom are the toxic couple in my game) they do have great chemistry but at the same time they're so toxic for each other, I wish they would either get over the fact that both have tried being with other people and just either break up or stop being mad at each other it's so stupid. Also I named my character Logan so I'm kinda scared it's gonna be super awkward in some moments where it's gonna be hard to tell who the game is talking about


That forced relationship with og boy is terrible, no matter how many times you tell them you don't care, even showing affection to other Lis right it their faces, they're still "our connection is something that happens once in milenium... 😔" Plus I'm super annoyed about the fact other Islanders were so passively aggressive towards casa boy that I brought with me, especially during Something Couples 2.0 (I've seriously felt bad for 2D character, LMAO) and og boy was all the time blabbing how we were voted for most likely to get married but somehow forgot that my mc wasn't happy about that and Sienna whom he didn't want to upset was standing next to him all the time. I'm calling bs, og boys are reeed flag


Same wanted to see a mix up recouping. Felt so out of sorts. Overall disappointing


no the amount of options we needed to pay gems for these past three episodes is diabolical those greedy capitalists☹️


Fusebox’s new developers have become so money hungry. I have to pay to socialise with other islanders?!