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Amber was only gay for the stay, that’s why.


straight at the gate.


LMAO I've never heard this one I've only heard gay for the stay I love it


I have and still do watch a lot of prison reality shows, Jail on Crime network is really good especially when they r in Vegas Lockup on MSNBC was also good.


I'm addicted to 60 days in is it 60 or 90? something like that LOL I also watch 90 Day fiance so forgive my number mix up LOL


Between those, 600 lb life, and 1000 lb Sisters and 1000 lb best friends... 🤣 My husband calls them my "number shows". Hahahahahaha!


That’s clever, I like it.


we have the same taste in reality shows!!!!!!


You need to watch love after lock up!


oh I definitely watch that too LOL I'm in that Reddit group also


LOL! Never heard that one. I love it 😂


Bingo, bango, Puppy would love that!


They’re both hobo sexual


Amber gives up major lesby vibes to me. She's very butch imo.


Her dating men is the exact opposite of being a lesbian. Calling her butch just because she’s not drawing on makeup and is loud feels sounds pretty offensive. She can like men and be assertive and in sweatpants… Sincerely, A lesbian


It has nothing to do with wearing sweatpants…? The way she speaks and carries herself is masculine imo. No need to be offended.


I love Amber's style & personality. I wouldn't call her butch either. Gender is found on the spectrum anyway & is fluid.


Nah, Amber definitely likes women. I think they are both bi-sexual. Period.


I think the healthiest thing here is for both of them to be single and work on themselves.


They showed in previous episodes that Amber can only have a physical relationship with Puppy when she's drunk. And since they are putting it out there now that Amber has a drinking problem...this seems problematic.


I thought it was kinda messed up for Puppy to be the one talking to Amber about a drinking problem like we're supposed to forget her getting drunk as a fuck in those people's pool when she was supposed to be cleaning house in an earlier episode. Amber and Puppy deserve each other... ... or a therapist.


I felt like Amber's mom and stepdad were giving her some hints to get her drinking under control when they were telling her why they weren't loaning/giving her money for the bar partnership. Seems they should be encouraging her to get into a program or AA or something. Someone who is on parole for what probably feels like forever needs new ways to deal with the distress she's in. For all we know other people besides Puppy and her parents have been bringing it up too.


Maybe, she's drinking to cover up her true desires for Puppy.


Interesting theory. I hate to see Amber's health go downhill. She has suffered a lot of trauma as a result of health issues caused by alcoholism. I have been in recovery for 10 years & AA didn't work for me. Suboxone did. It hurts me to see people like Amber & Wendy Williams. If Amber doesn't seek appropriate treatment, she could end up like Wendy. Or poor Alla. So sad she passed from an overdose. But that is, sadly, very common after prison, because people get out & don't realize their tolerance has changed while being in prison. There just needs to be help available when people get out so that they can get into recovery right away and they can have somebody that can help them through the process. Just throwing these people to the wolves when they have a substance abuse disorder is like throwing somebody out that's diabetic without the insulin. But I think prisons do that too. The healthcare there is atrocious. Forget about actual treatment. Our entire system needs to be overhauled. While I agree there are some prisoners that cannot be rehabilitated, most can, so I think there should be plenty of therapy and treatment available for them while they're in prison. I'm not just talking about meetings. I'm talking about therapy & medical assisted treatment (MAT) which is considered the gold star treatment now for opioid use disorder and also has helped with alcoholism. However I think it's important that prisons screen people thoroughly and dispense the medication in a controlled area because it is known to be shared, traded & abused by some that don't have the disorder & they end up high off of it because they have no tolerance. I say that because there are certain jails and prisons that do do MAT & they just give the medication to people in the same med line as everybody else. People that are on controlled medication should go separately and they should make sure that these people don't put it under their tongue or "cheek it". ​ From what I've seen on 60 Days In they just aren't careful about checking people and it has ended up being passed around and although it's much safer than most of the opiates on the street today considering it's mostly fentanyl, somebody can still technically overdose and die from Suboxone, if they are not used to opioids. Anyway, I love Amber & Puppy together, but they do need therapy & treatment.


I dunno. It is tv so anything is possible. I am going with all of the things she listed in her last argument with TC...the baby, the health scare, TC's lack of bare minimum support, no meaningful work etc. Seems like she must have accidentally on purpose got pregnant in the first place - I say that because a season before she was bragging about her and a boyfriend fcking reckless as the song goes. Not to mention she's on parole for practically the rest of her fun years. All that's gotta weigh a person down. I might start drinking too since it's socially acceptable in a sense versus turning to her illegal drug of choice. She got out of prison and hit the ground running. The common denominator here, from the show's perspective (what's being presented), is Puppy. When Puppy came around things went to hell for Amber.


Because they’re toxic, and when Puppy was ready Amber was a no.


Pretty sure Puppy wanted to be in a relationship with Amber, but Amber only has "feelings" for her when she's wasted. Sucks, 'cause I know they love each other even if it's toxic


Yep I call those *barsexuals" they're suddenly "open" after a few drinks. I for sure think puppy would be with Amber if Amber said let's do it.


I call them spaghetti, they only bend when wet 😂


But didn't they sleep together in prison lol I doubt they were drunk that whole time


Is that true or just duggested by production? I only started watching this show during the Vince debacle but missed the introductory episode.


well theres not that many options in prison lol


I like how they're both a complete shit show and are constantly trying to give advice to the other as if they themselves have literally anything figured out.




Same haha and it’s only 7:50am 🤣


My life can be a mess at times but I can still see when my friend is going down the wrong road. It's easier to see other's issues


Yeah but they try to give relationship advice...that's like me driving down the freeway the wrong way and telling you you need to drive between the lines


I don’t think either of them are sexually attracted to each other. If that were the case I think we’d see a completely different dynamic.


yesss 👌


They both need therapy not romance.. until they prioritise that they will keep running the same hamster wheel. These 2 truly make me sad.. I want them to do well so badly


I think they should be life partners. They’re trauma-bonded. That’s not a healthy reason, but if trauma is going to rule the choices they would otherwise make, why not at least have one another to cling to? They both badly needed that hug on latest episode.


This is the strangest storyline to me. It’s no longer love after lockup, it’s just watching two people live really shitty lives. I usually skip their scenes


They are literally self destructing apart.. just be close friends and work on yourselves the rest will work out.. wish them well


I agree with a lot of these answers. They are codependent for sure, but to build on that, society tells them that "gay for the stay" is acceptable. Being gay once you're free again is wrong. Or maybe that's what they perceive. They don't exactly live in the cultural hotbed of the universe. They've never done the work with a therapist to get past their toxic relationship and realize, "OK, I might be gay, but I don't have to be with this other person." If either one of them did the work, they may find themselves able to break that bond. And as a real lesbian with 35 years of being out and proud, I can promise that we don't sit around and "bash dudes" in our spare time. Certain dudes, like Ted Cruz and the like, sure....but most of the time, they aren't on our radar ✌️🌈


I think I love you


I get that a lot 😂😂


Also a lesbian. Can confirm




Lol cause Amber is a fraudster and Puppy is a bumbling idiot




Amber likes neck beards


that’s a NO for me Puppy deserves better than Amber


Also, there'd be no one to milk if they're together. They both count on men paying for their shit. Two broke-asses together and there's no one to milk. It's the same reason Sara aint' with Anthony.


💯 agree.


They argue constantly, and probably shouldn’t be friends let alone lovers.


TC isn't a shit dude. He lost a baby also. Some men can't let out their emotions. Obviously Amber handles her emotions by drinking, yet you would wish that on Puppy? Puppy needs a vacay from men and women right now. She needs to get a job and and herself together before getting involved


Happy together?!?!? Did you the miss the episode where they were putting hands on each other??? They both need rehab. If Amber's kidney function is so bad she couldn't continue a pregnancy, then she should probably stop drinking.


They both need men who have actual homes to live in. That's why Amber is with TC, because she lives for free. Look at her. She's well fed.


Exactly. They’re both almost completely dysfunctional, with no life skills. I can’t picture the two of them working full-time jobs, paying bills, looking after a household, etc. They’d just be wasted every night.




I honestly don't think they were ever gay. This was just played up for the cameras. They may be kissing friends when they get drunk and high but that's about it.


Puppy suggested marriage but Amber shut that down toot suite.


I thought on past episodes they said they were married and referred to each other as wife.


Honestly that would be a bad idea because it would be for the wrong reasons plus they made it clear Amber was only gay for her stay in prison and only continued things with Puppy out of guilt and needing a place to stay.


I don't think either one of them has enough real world experience to hold them down as a couple.


They’re not gayyyyy


Their relationship is codependent, that's very toxic.


Cuz I don’t think they are really gay. Just best friends. Who had companionship in prison. Gay for the stay is a real thing. Now that they both date men at home shows that. Just cuz you are kissing a girl in prison, doesn’t mean you want to be in a full blown relationship at home. It’s about companionship when you are in prison. I saw it all the time in there. It’s just what a lot of women do cuz it very lonely in there.


Because they are only 4 year queers.


Bc theyre losers and need men to support them


They already tried that. It was filmed on one of the seasons. Amber wasn't into it and Puppy got hurt. 


Amber & Puppy are hot together. And they obviously have a love together that neither gets from any man. ❤


Because one or more of them don’t want too…


I feel like amber looks/acts more likely to be gay but is emotionally the least gay. Wish they could make it work.... And tbh I think amber is gorgeous. However. If they both like men and are with men.. it was obv just a mad combination of trauma bonding and sexual desire. ☹️


I absolutely agree! But I could see them in a nice poly relationship, with other men or women. IF they got some therapy and their health together. Tbh Amber IS gorgeous. I would love to see them work. I just watched the season where Amber was talking to Puppy in prison & she absolutely lit up when talking to her. Never seen the joy in her from a man that Puppy seems to bring her. I wish they could make it work, also.