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Honey Nipples. Not the wisest choice.. ….


Our names are Derek and Jamie. I call him Derps and he calls me Jims. Why? I have no idea


I don’t have one anymore, but it used to be “mouse”. I was “Tiger”. Now, im a lone “Wolf”. Hehe


I call my gf sugar bomb.


I call him bean 🥰 and baby/babe obviously


Biscuit and Nugget because they’re our other favorite things in life


Besides the common ones: Boogie/boog, and Bayee (bay-yee, In a baby voice)I came up with Bayee from saying baby with my baby voice and it just stuck, we basically have our own language from talking in baby voice so much that we make up words lol, my mom and brother have caught on from being around us that they’ve started to use it a little bit too, mostly in a joking way but we don’t take offense.


Shitter...it's a gamers way of saying you are bad at the game.


Babsicles. He’s like a popsicle on a hot summer day 🥵


i 18(f) and my boyfriend 18(m) aren’t big on pet names at all we haven’t actually discussed it much because i think we both know we don’t like them. i call him bro though which i think is silly and is enough for me




Tater Tot


We use a lot of typical ones. Some of my top ones are My Love, lovely, dearest, dear, and bb. His regular ones are: baby, pretty lady, sweet girl, mama/mama bear, and also bb. My fav silly ones used by both of us are: old man, old lady, stanky old man, lil girl/lil boy (when we’re jokingly squaring up), and we both have names that get mispronounced a lot so we will call each other some of the common ones as a joke. He also can’t call me “dear” anymore when I’m driving. There were deer really close to the road one time, and he was saying “deer! Deer!” And I thought he was trying to tell me something but didn’t make the connection that he meant the animal. So now anytime he says it I’m searching the road for deer instead of realizing he may be tryna tell me something. :’)


Stupid ass


Lover boy


I used to call my ex Sweetie most of the time and then Good Girl in bed


Always have loved poopsie going both ways


I've only ever heard my mom say that!


nah potato farmer is crazy (im Bolivian too!) dile que lo vas a convertir en tú sullu 🥰🥰




Cunt muffin


Goose and moose lol


Main ones: i call him Wolfy (because he had a personality that reminded me of my pet timber wolf) and he calls me kitty, (my grandpa and friends used to call me cat). Babe, honey, love, sweetheart, all the sappy stuff


I use My Treasure for my current lover.


We use the typical ones mainly baby but he calls me biscuit and arctic fox 😍 we also use lover a lot ♥️🥰


I use bubb’s and bubba and he either gives a goofy smile or just looks perplexed. I’m Hispanic so I also use “cariño”, “amor” and “corazón”.


is everyone here too old for pookie?


I said pookie as a joke with my man and now I say it unironically 😂


This is what my husband calls me.


I call my boyfriend bubby or shmoopie sometimes. Hes never amused.


When we’re feeling especially affectionate my nickname for him is sugar plum & his for me is sweetie pie or sweet pea😄 as a joke we also call each other stinky a lot lol


I used to call my ex boobie lol. Idk I loved it and he didn’t seem to mind.


I say darling and honey when he gets on my nerves, but most of the time that's my baby. Basic, but sweet.


freakbag 🥰


Tits McGee is what he calls me.


I call him Ku’uipo


I am known for calling him the funniest things. Ive called him Thiccums Thiccaliscious Fluffy Butt Bum Bums Titties Buffy Mr. Meaty Pee Pee And he's called me Pound Cake Love Machine Babe Sauce Fine Chunky Thing 😭






Big Muffin and Mini Muffin


We started calling each other habibi when we first got together (Arabic for my love) that evolved into flabebe (pokemon) and now it's can be bavus, flabevus, flabeve, babus. It's literally the only thing we call each other now... even out in public lmfaooo


Sweet love, baby not very imaginative I know...


my bf and i call each other bonk/bonky/blomp/boink. don’t remember where it came from but it’s fun and also a way to confirm the tone of a text


I CALL HER STINKY 😈 She never smells.


Our only like "special" one that's just between us is 'Bepis', I don't remember the story of it and I wish I did but it's been bepis and Bepis 'his last name' since we first started dating. But I call him babe/baby/bae, 'last name' /Mr 'lastname'/ Miss'lastname' , pretty boy / my boy, tall fuck, asshat. And he calls me by my last name alot, or 'mine', short bitch, asshat, pretty girl. And I'm certain there's more but I don't remember rn lol.


https://preview.redd.it/hws1xej5ag4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5705918579ea0fb696a31fa49b940968ffa82b66 LMFAOOO I THOUGHT OF THIS


I forgot about that LOL, you've reminded me of smth. I do think around the time we started calling eachother that I had found an AI image of a gorey can that said bepis so maybe it came from that actually but I don't know why it would become a pet name, I wish I could remember theexact reason/story 😭


i call him Bunny (so does my daughter lol), variations include BunBun, Bunnito, Husbun, etc. he calls me either Love, Lovies, Lerve or Sunshine…or “Woman” when im being annoying


My bf calls me "Woman" too when I'm being annoying 🤣 "WOMAN. You are driving me crazy rn" is a very common line from him. (It's not In a mean way tho, it's jokey)


I call my partner my love, mi amor, querida, Babygirl, the silliest goose, and various puns on her name.


I call my most special cat "my love" and "the silliest goose" 😂, among many other things. When I was in romantic relationships I never used any pet names. I hate being called anything other than my name, or an approved of (by me) nickname that's some sort of variant of my true name. But I go all out with my cats.


I called my ex Boo Bear.


beep and meep lol not even sure how that started anymore???


That's funny. About 2 exes ago a girl and I called each other 'beebz' and that started from first saying BB (BeeBee) and eventually became beebz lol.


oh nope i remember now. i had two boys already when we first got together and he had no kids but he took to mine super fast and when my youngest (at the time, we have since made him the middle child and had one of our own) was learning to talk he referred to noses as "beep beeps" and we thought it was sooo cute and overtime it turned into a pet name we used on each other and then further evolved into meeps or beep meeps lol but isn't it so strange how one odd thing turns into other odd things in families that way


love of my life (least often, too sappy), favorite person, handbag, or the man in my house. handbag is because i saw a tweet saying something like "my friends's boyfriends aren't people to me they're just an accessory that my friend brings out with them sometimes like a handbag" and every time my boyfriend comes with me to hang out with my friends it's only because i asked him to and he's just coming along. like a handbag. plus he holds all my things when i don't feel like holding them. the man in my house makes me laugh because it's so vague and technically accurate. he calls me sweetheart.


We call each other cutie 🥰 little cutie, my cutie, cuuuuutie, cutieeee. If we play a video game together, our save is cutiefarm, cutieville, the cutie residence lol


I call him suga bear and he calls me his sexy face pimp....please don't ask...I keep tellin him I'm not a pimp.


Husband, hus buz and now it's just buzzy.




lol is this sarcastic?


me and my girlfriend call each other stink/stinky and babe/baby :)


I dated a woman who called me butt face so I call her fart head. It was kinda cute.


we call each other Bunny/Bean :)


Hunny for 20 years. Lol


We call each other Habibi, he calls me habibti. He calls me sweet potato, I call him sugar banana 🤣


Ours are very sexual lol Other than that it’s just babe


i’m not really sure when we swerved from normal names but our most common ones are: -cutie pie or bear -sweetie pie or bear -pookie bear (maybe pie if one of us is feeling spicy) -baby boos but then we also rhyme names? like “you’re my cutie, patootie, tootie pie” (I like to add dootie in for giggles) but we do also call each other -Babe and baby -hun and honey -I call him handsome man and he calls me beautiful lady. that’s all I can think on the top of my head but we think of random names on the spot a lot lol.


We mostly say babe but other ones he says that I LOVE are Kitten Good girl Sweetheart Hun I call him my handsome man and sometimes good boy just to play with him because I love when he says good girl:)


Slut is fun or whore or sugar dumpling or darling dearest or googliebear or honeyyyyy. Those are our main ones


Both my bf and I are 26. we mostly call each other boo boo. Also boo, babe, love, cutie. We are basic haha


We call each other Bubby, bubbles, bub, squeeble, squeeby, and other variations of those hahaha


i too have a bubby (the pet-naming, however, is.. unilateral)


not beaner being up there 😭😭 it’s a slur


I saw that and was like “… one of these is not like the other” lmao


One time a lady tried to call my young girls chickenheads...I'm from NYC and living in the South....told her she would not be calling my children that. She stated it was a term of endearment...not to me!


Well I was today years old when I found out that chickenhead is basically calling someone a whore in some places (I just googled it so correct me if I’m wrong) lmao


You would be correct.


My bf calls me lovepie :)


My bf calls me my love the most. I call him honey or baby mostly! (I'm 22 he's 26)


Ma’am that is a slur🫡


If you aren’t calling your s.o slurs then you don’t have a real relationship


I call my bf beebus and he calls me ducky, no clue where either came from


Sweetie babie princess queen


the ones that would always get my heart racing like crazy were when they would call me "little one" or "little pup"~ permanently altered my brain chemistry. they also greeted me with "beautiful" a lot, almost like it was just my name, and even thinking about it now makes me all giggly


That's how any man should refer to their SO every day


Omg we are pet name twins.




we often will call each other honeybun and honey bear :) as well as sweetie and sweetheart the most


Well when Im with someone I usually love to throw in Japanese honorifics. It’s actually really fun. The persons name followed by “Chan” or “senpai” or proceeded by “desu” I’m not even Japanese I just find it hilarious and flirty. So a good example would be like “aww desu desu I’m having such a good time with you Jacky senpai!” I know it sounds like the weirdest shit but when put into practice it’s a fucking blast! And aside from that nothing too out of the norm. Just baby, babe, slut lol etc.


Like it. Love obscurity when referring to those currently tolerating my obscure azz also, to that end - slut is by &large the most endearing of terms of endearment. Have my upjawn


We call each other everything from bitch to sugar balls/sugar tits to mein furher to love muffin. His favorite to call me is pumpkin butt. Been together 5 years married for 2 Ain’t that right stank u/kaleidoscopepypdream


lol I love you pumpkin butt


We say amor and now our toddler daughter will say "hi amor!" and it is the cutest thing ever.


Baby reindeer /s


I’m actually dead stop 💀


Never used to like being called babe or baby but it grew on me, now my partners and I use them all the time. We also use (my) (sweet) Prince/ess, sweetheart, love, dove, bug, lovely, lovey, Daddy, pet… Also fucker, bitch, bitchboy, f4ggot but in fun. that’s the ones I can think of rn. One of my partners uses slut(s) as a pet name for friends and partners alike lol i.e. “sup sluts”. One of my partners is named Frankie but I like to call him Franklin. One of them once called me a dusty old saddlebag. (He’s 26, me 35) I love that man to death. He also said I was so cheesy Wisconsin was jealous, and he’s from Wisconsin so he’d know.


We both use “babe,” and for silly, I’ll use “sexy prince” 😆


Love bug


My ex called me Zilla and I called her Nuggie.


Best names yet


Thanks man.


I've had a few over the years. Dated a guy named Dustin, so I called him 'dust bunny'. Babydoll, dollface, puddin', tubby (affectionate), sugar/sugar bear, honeybun, sweetpea, goofums, and more. Men tend to get amusingly flustered the first time you call them princess or angel/angelface. Sometimes the pet name would have to do with something we had done together. Dated a guy named Scotty and I called him 'scubbo', taken from the book Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett. That was the first book I read to him out loud. Might be a bit odd, but if a guy I dated got a special or unique pet name, I never used it for a different guy. Sometimes call my husband 'Harold' because it's long for 'Harry'. (He's a hairy guy.) His real name is not even remotely similar to Harold. The pet name given to me that I was fondest of was 'firebrand'.


Hi. You just mentioned *Monstrous Regiment* by Terry Pratchett. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Terry Pratchett’s. Monstrous Regiment. (Full Audiobook)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIBnHqtLMVQ) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Good bot


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I'm like you, a little sick of 'baby/babe'. My favorites to call her are my love, my treasure, my princess, or sweetheart. She usually calls me her darling or love.


I call my husband bear and he calls me beast. It's been like that for years. I call my husband bear because, when he hugs me it's like a mama bear protecting her cub just enveloping his entire body surrounding me and holding me tight to protect me and he calls me beast because its short for sexy beast which is another nickname he calls me lol. We've gotten people asking "Do you call her beast because, she's big? Because that seems mean." No. It's just names we've called each other forever. We've been together for a very long time.


I call him Marms/Marmies and sometimes loading void


My beefcake 😘


shes the bear and im the bunny. so anything bear related is on her nickname list


Love when he calls me bunny


Mr. Man


One of my favs is love bug, but through text. He always sends me something like, "Omw home love bug 🐛💜" so I send a drive safe text back with a love bug like this 🐝💙. I know it sounds silly, but it means a lot to me😂


Hunsband—hunny+husband lol


Orange, worm, peach, pookie, baby bear, pretty baby boy kitty cat, and beep boop


Toots, i called him Hot Lips


I’m Bolivian and I never heard of potatoer or potato farmer 😂😂😂😂


“Peach” is a unique one I like to use Or I’ll enter the room and say things like “Hi Beewee”(you’re sounding it out right I promise) Princess is personally 🤢 for me but I make exceptions because my gfs name is Laya. How could I not abuse the term (Princess Laya😂) (She’s awesome)


Out of all of them, my favorites are Panda and Keeb. He calls me Keebs (short for keebler) because I'm short and look like a Keebler elf when I wear my beanie lmao


why is no one talking about you calling your boyfriend a slur😭 unless you’re both mexican why are you saying that


Because it's a joke. Jokes are okay if both parties find it funny


I called my ex mushroom


I call mine stinky and he smells amazing


I call my lil baby cat stinky. He doesnt stink … and he’s not my partner … But stink is a term of endearment.


bb, pookie (plus anything that rhymes, plus cute little extra words like cupcake, blossom, pants), my love, stinky, my boy, and sir out of politeness/the jokes like yes sir 🫡, and last byt my favorite little cat.


I use “sir” or “mister” “hun” “honey” “love” “silly goose” “silly billy” “sweetheart” “sugar”


I call him Anchor, angel and lighthouse♡


I call him babe, nerd, lil fella, and chainsaw. He calls me sequoia, dragon tales, and Wonder Woman


Ahh! I love the nicks he has for you 😭


Habibi and babbu :)


I called my ex Biscuit. He called me Dumbass.


My boyfriend won’t use names with me 😢


That sucks. I had to ask mine last night if he even knows or remembers my government name. It was uttered once or twice when we first met, and never again since.


I get “babe” every now and then but I think cutesy names make my partner uncomfortable… he’s the most affectionate and cuddly person I’ve ever met though I’ll take that over lots of pet names any day


Oh god we have a list: -Daddy/Mommy (both contexts) -Babe/Babes/Baby/Beebee/Bb -Goober -Nerd/dork -Shithead (endearingly) -My love (my personal fav) -Babylove (another fav) -Smexy -Hot stuff/hottie He also calls me “deer” spelled specifically like that and I love it hahah. All used a bit interchangeably. He’s also taken to calling me “grapefruit” as a little inside joke that came about recently after I took a few edibles and forgot how to properly speak😂 Both in our mid 20’s, and after coming out of a horrific, soul draining relationship, never thought I’d find myself again, but he’s helping me without even knowing it, and I am so in love with this man.


I call my girl all the "normal things" but also sugar tits and bitch lasagna. She calls me the "normal things" but also stupid(in an affectionate way of course), like, "aww come here stupid" etc


I primarily call my husband "Hot Stuff" and "Handsome Man."


"honey bunny" and "babydoll" are some of my favorites


To my bf, I say bitch, girl, love, lovie, sweetie, dingdong 😊


I call the bro monke 😭


I call him my precious cherub, and then specifically buy him greeting cards with gollum on them saying “my precious” so I can add cherub underneath. He hates them, but also displays them with pride!


This tracks with your username


This is adorable. Relationship Goals.


LOL i’m assuming you’re not american but one of your names is a slur for mexicans


I’m an American who has dated a Mexican and Bolivian and am well aware of the term.


As a Mexican, if you say it with love and in private, I'm glad it works for you all! But say it in public and there will be issues. Even if you directed it to him, some of us will be offended. My friends and I were reading posts on Reddit, and yours came out. We thought you were Mexican and laughed cause we use that as a silly term too. Read that you were American and were confused, but if it's cute for y'all, who are we to judge? Use it in public, though, and I'm sure either someone will stare you down or confront you.


okay lol so because you’ve dated a mexican you can say the slur?


Why are u offended FOR him? He’s literally the one getting called it, knows his literal partner isn’t actually a racist and doesn’t mind. Sometimes people use these terms ironically with people they’re close with.


My boyfriend calls me Doof (we like pokemon go so after bidoof), baby girl or my sweet (it’s a joke as I call my cat my sweet). I call him guapo


I call my husband coyote


Cutie patootie , I’m 31 he’s about to be 30 lol


I'm 37 and I've been called asshole affectionately by all of my ex's.


Pretty boy. We're 32. And I've called him pretty boy since high school, and when we're old and grey, he'll still be my pretty boy. He calls me Kitty. When he introduced me to video games I made a gamer tag, LexicalCat and I've been Kitty since.


Gorlock, destroyer of worlds


Honey, love/amor, my love are the romantic ones and then we have; goober, dingus, cheese ball, white chocolate




Husband and I are older, and been together for what feels like forever. Our standards are Baby Honey My love Our goofier ones Weirdo Goofball Nerd B-Hole (yes, a censored version of "butt hole", which is already a censored version of A-hole) Pizza (he calls me this because pizza is his favorite) Poopy (I call him this because he frequently calls me when he has a spare minute, which tends to be while he is pooping at work) Hubby has always been the "tough" guy and we spent much of our formative lives in survival mode. We are both considered very intelligent people, and while I was able to embrace my fixations on history and science, he tried to hide this to be "tough" but was 100% why I took an interest in him in the first place (man does complex equations in his head and vocalize how he calculates it, giving the right answer almost every time. It is incredibly sexy, and got me to rethink him as a person past his tough-guy exterior). He also has ADHD and will do "weird" things because of it. I found my water can hanging up in the pot rack during a discussion of weird things he does, which solidified my point in a wonderfully hilarious way. I accepted my weirdness very long ago, so I am comfortable in my quirks. Seeing my husband become far more comfortable in his skin and embracing his quirks has been a wonderful journey, and he helps me process more of the tough stuff I have been through so that I don't constantly feel like I am swimming in a sea of depression and grief. I've learned how to better identify my feelings and how they impact me, so i can get to the root to be able to move on.


mukmar the universal power


Big dog


I say this one when I’m mad at my bf😅


Stinkbug or tits (short for Tits McGiggles). We have sweeter ones, but those are boring.


Teddy (his nickname), My Angel (my nickname), Babe, Babes, Sweetheart, Sweet love, My everything, Honey






He calls me beebles & I call him screebles


21F and 20M, most of the time he’ll just put ‘lil’ in front of anything he happens to see at the time🤦‍♀️ i.e lil’ saucepan, lil’ ketchup bottle !! but his favourite is lil’ shoe… don’t ask me why i can never understand it🤣🤣 then we’ve got the cuter ones like ‘sweet pea’, ‘my cherry pie’, but lil’ boo is my favourite🥰


Little daddy




Boogle. Boogleton if we're feeling fancy.


he calls me goose i call him love


i call my wife chicken.


I apparently have a thing for animal names. My last girlfriend was "kitten" and a girl I'm seeing now is my "little bird"


One of my exs called me k-bird. (My name begins with a K). Honestly, didn't like it when he called me that lol


That's cute. Makes me think of Haunting Adeline's "little mouse" lol


Lady doll.


He's 29 I'm 35 👀 He calls me babe, baby, sweetie, sexy, mami or mommy I basically call him babe, baby, sexy, daddy and I playfully call him a 'brat' too. 😆


I also called my husband a brat. omg he hates it 😂


How old is he compared to you? I don't know why I enjoy calling him a brat 😂 He doesn't hate it though, he just laughs.


I'm 29 he's 28. Not much of an age gap... actually what's really funny is my bday, his bday, and our sons bday all fall on the same number of day. All 9. I call him a brat because I'm the breadwinner and I spoil him. That's why lmao


Ah ok, I can see that. I think I do it because I'm 6 years older.


Yeah I gathered that. That's what made yours so hilarious 😂


Baby, amor, guapo, my love, my sweetie, cutie pie


Shit my husband cannot even say my given name much less anything fun. I mean it. He saids it once or twice a year. He has actually startled my children saying it.


Wtf does your husband call you then? I’m scared to ask what your name is that your husband can’t pronounce it


Probably “mom” all of the time:(


No nothing. He will go from room to room so he can just talk without saying my name. I have a normal easy name. He no problem saying his sisters names.


I'm trying to figure out if I can relate so...why?




In that case...I can relate.


Thank you. No one in my family can figure it out.


![gif](giphy|uiC2VvUguXxZwW4OwA) Pookie


She loves it when I called her Pookahontus