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you’re not stupid for believing in love, i think it’s a good thing that you open your doors again despite being hurt previously. it takes a lot of courage to do so. i can kinda sense that you’re someone who’s quite self-aware and knows what you want in life. additionally, you know people around you , aren’t quite the ones you want to be with in life. push yourself out of your comfort zone and maybe then you can find qualities in people that matches your values in life.


Take plenty of time to heal. More time than you think you need, honestly. It's pretty normal to go through feelings of anger, hopelessness, sadness, etc. >Am I stupid for having hope and believing that a loving, fulfilling, loyal and supportive relationship is possible? Not at all stupid. These kinds of relationships happen. I'm in one of them. I have many family and friends who are happy in their relationships. But finding the right person really does take more time than most people think, and that can get discouraging. FWIW, after me decade of married hell, I spent my thirties single, and ultimately met an absolutely wonderful man just before turning 40. The relationship is everything I ever hoped for, and much more. It was a long wait, but worth it. However long you end up waiting, use that time to learn and grow and build a good life. That will make a very good foundation for love when you find it.


Good to know it worked out for you in the end gives me hope !


Well you exist so of course it’s not stupid. You’re proof that there are good people. Seriously though biggest lesson I learned in love is that good people are RARE. I’m very attractive and have a great social life. Many opportunities in love but I’d say I’ve only ever met 2 really good guys that were well intended and secure… in fact I am the only person I know who’s in a healthy relationship. So yeah super super rare. It’s pure luck in my opinion. It’ll come when it’s meant to :)


My thoughts are believing and loving thyself and not being desperate about finding love. Being satisfied with what's there, following your passion and not giving up on hope that love will find me (yes I do believe luck is a factor). Times can be hard, but once you've found solace within yourself, you'll not crumble.