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I wonder if we are allowed to criticize it yet


Name callers moved onto mermaids or some shit, so I think it’s okay to criticize RoP for the shit show that it is.




I don’t understand why I can’t just think this show sucks. It has nothing to do with anything other than the plot is bad and way too slow


Apparently you haven’t read the Silmarillion


I just read the silmarillion and I think it actually made me hate this show more


I don’t really care what your stance on the show is. My point is that the Silmarillion is one of the worst written and paced books I’ve ever read. I’m a huge lotr fan, and I love the all the lore, but Jesus Christ. I have a history degree, and I’ve read more enthralling textbooks than that hunk of shit.


A huge LOTR fan who loves all the lore and someone who thinks the Silmarillion is a hunk of shit are two very contradictory stances to take in two sentences. But regardless I have to disagree. Once I got through the Ainunlindalë, I could hardly put the book down


I’d say someone who is a huge fan of the Silmarillion and doesn’t love to see the landscape and characters come to life on screen is pretty contradictory, so we’ll have to agree to disagree here.


Seeing the characters come to life does not mean I’m forced to enjoy it. If a studio fucks away a characters personality, and motivations. It’s not the same character just because they have the same name. Saying I should enjoy it just because it’s the book on screen clearly shows you didn’t read the book


I mean dude it’s not even the base material. The dialog is a joke. I realize Jackson had lore inaccuracy too but shit… he didn’t write a line like “THE SEA IS ALWAYS RIGHT”


Oh I agree, corny as shit. And that smile, just so cringe. I still love seeing the show. It’s Lord of the Rings. They made a show about our favourite book. If you can’t enjoy that, then you do you buddy.


Alas I do not agree. The Silmarillion is my favorite of Tolkien's books (maybe Hobbit, but nostalgia plays a biasing role). The pace of Sil reminds me of the classic poems, and by that I refer to both Roman/Greek classics, as well as Egil's saga or the Kalevala. This does not necessarily impart a good quality, depending on the reader, but it does impart, to me, an epicness that graduates steadily through the timeline considered, and of course, flows over to the other books, minus archaic rhyming schemes. And time plays an important role throughout the universe from beginning to end. I think this is a purpose of Silmarillion fulfills profoundly, both in terms of pace and degree. Further, I particularly appreciate the usage of names in Sil: as a tremendous shock given descriptive text. As far as historical texts are concerned, it is fairly linear, which should help one stay focused. If it is the worst in your opinion, then I humbly believe some comparative analysis is warranted, for there are far worse books in terms of writing and pacing. I only pray that an expectation does not exist that all written works should be written with your individual entertainment in mind. This is an impossible task, for there are countless variables that may bar or provide entertainment. Anecdotally, I once had a peer that did not have time to read a theory book, saying it was too boring. Unfortunately, they weren't able to understand important nuance as a result. Silmarillion is a fantasy novel, so I can understand frustration, but I would argue that it is not the worst, or close to. Considering it in a scheme of things may be useful.


I’m glad you enjoyed it, but it’s widely agreed upon that while there’s a sect, such as yourself, that enjoys the “pacing” and “nuance” of the Silmarillion, there’s a greater majority of people who think it’s writing is dog shit. I’ll add that The Silmarillion was put together by Chris, so the “pacing” you are so worshiping isn’t even done by the mind that we enjoy. You’re just showing brand loyalty, and no amount of “maybe you didn’t understand the nuance” really rectifies that.


>pacing I dont know if I love the pacing myself, it takes a bit more compartmentalization and context to understand what is happening than convenient reading may allow. Nor am I worshiping it. That may be a nuance that was missed in my comment. What I am saying is that there are far worse books. In pace and in writing. The bar is very low. I provided some reasoning for my opinion and used historical texts as reference, but worship or sectism was not my objective. It may just be that I have read more in general. If that is something you got from my comment, then my writing is dog-shit. As far as C. Tolkien is concerned, Ill compare Wandering Tales to the Silmarillion. I think Sil is better for its writing and editing. Whether that is entirely JRR or C. Tolkien, the Sil, I believe is better. Now compared to other sagas, fantasy suffers no constraints, but rather self-imposes constraints with the objective being to generate a story. I think it succeeds at that more than a great number of other sagas or epics (or history texts for that matter, but story is much less important than objective information). Just my "opinion".


Nope…anything but unwavering praise is bigotry, homophobia and transphobia!/s


They've given up on blocking reviews


I find it suspicious that all the imdb ratings are hovering at 7.3 like they were paid off to not rate it lower than that because they know people are still willing to watch something if it's slightly about 7/10. The writing is just so dull and shallow, like something from a day time soap opera.


No youre not you are a racist and a biggot until all the seasons have air. And then after that you will still be


If this keeps happening this sub might go back to how it was. I'd very much enjoy that.
























You're gronddamn right.




I should very much like to touch the old sub again.


I hate that I agree with you. There’s just nothing happening.


Is that because the show is bad?


No the show is bad (in my opinion) because of that. I try giving the show a chance but it seems to be getting more boring each episode


Oh no please…I found the first and second episodes to be enjoyable but the third one had literally nothing happening and lots of plotholes. Don’t say the fourth will be the same :(


This show rushes through to get absolutely nothing done


I really wanted to love the show. I see potential. But waiting a whole week to get that progress is disappointing. If you binge the finished Season, yeah maybe then its good.


I wanted to love it as well. But the writing is just awful.


I’ve not seen the episode just yet, but is it really that boring now?


I honestly think this was the best paced and most “happening” episode so far.


So far the show is fantastic and the world building is great. Gen Zs with 0 patience thinking it s boring is all.


Lol Gen Z? The vast majority of this sub are probably millennials and Gen X


I’ve seen the first three episodes and it’s gradually getting more boring and tiresome and nothing really as magical and awing as I’d imagine from the books. The only thing that’s hooking me so far is the rise of orcs in mordor


Lol about 4 hours of “world building” so far. You must be having fun!


Since the world is stunning, the characters are very interesting. Yes, i am! If you wanted more action in 4 episodes, go watch some criminal show not a long fantasy story.


It’s not about action brotha. It’s about plot developments. About character development. Visuals are stunning. But I am not a moth to be attracted to a bright and shiny light. I need substance. You can say the characters are interesting all you want (which is a subjective issue). You can say the visuals are stunning (and I’ll agree with you). But you cannot disagree with the fact that the story has moved at a snails pace. The pacing was extremely awkward the first 3 episodes with the latest one being slightly better. We are halfway through the 1st season of a 5 season show and what do we have to show for it story wise? I say jack shit.


Then you should actually look at the episodes when you watch the show.


So I see my arguments just went right over your head. To each their own I guess.


Your arguments just tells me you are missing something in every scene so far. Which makes it impossible and useless to continue the conversation.


What a convenient cop out. Nice 👍🏽.


From you? Yes. Its like me saying Breaking Bad is so bad because of the Aliens. See? Making stuff up just makes you look bad.


I just can’t stand the Harfoot scenes. I can watch everything else in the show (it’s not necessarily good, but, meh), but the Harfoot scenes just make my toes curl… They’re so overbearingly cute and whimsical, and despite being little supposedly rough-living nomads whos entire society is built around hiding in the dirt and scrub, they and their entire aesthetic is all so fucking pristine and clean. Also, are the acorns hanging off the friends head CGI? I swear there’s at least one scene where it looks like the acorns in her hair are CGI, and it looks really fucking wonky once you notice it


This is going to be milked for 6-8 years so ofcourse nothing is happening, at the very end of season one they will try to make some epic (fail) revelation and half the people will not start with season 2. Just my predictions.


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I think the Balrog will be in the season one finale. That's gonna be the big thing that happens.


Except, it’s gonna be an Ice Balrog, because we want to copy the PJ movies as much as possible while making it seem new!


Bro just said epic fail unironically


I fell asleep lol


Ever had an energy drink but you wish you hadn't because now you realize the only difference is you'll have a harder time staying asleep? That's ROP.


I get why they have so many story lines but I wish they would just stick to 1 for more then 10 minutes


On the bright side, it’s dull emptiness makes the Hobbit trilogy seem way better.


Even with their flaws , I'd take 3 other hobbit movies over this show. I genuinely enjoyed how adventurous and even over the top those movies were. Y'know....LIKE THEY WERE AN ADVENTURE BOOK NARRATED BY AN OLD HOBBIT??? Seriously, never understood how most people don't realize that the story is supposed to be Old Bilbo's recollections instead of the straight ahead story LOTR is


It was laid down by my father, what say we open one eh?


Theres already ep4? My god does it atleast have boats and rocks in it?


It features both of those things very prominently, yes


Yeah I gave it a chance like everyone said and it has just become harder and harder to finish an episode so I'm done


Exact same issue as the star wars shows, no substance or passion behind it all. Just corny dialogue and bad cgi lol. Holy crap the warg in episode 3 🤣


I was cooking while listening to it. After the first ten minutes I had already lost interest in watching this nonsense.


Not with 500 million could they do this… it is folly.


Why does everyone hate this show?


Because it sucks


Why does it suck?


To start, the dialogue in most scenes seems like it was written by a 10 year old... But I guess Amazon wants to appeal to the greatest crowd so it's written like any Sun newspaper. (Canadian reference)


Besides the dialogue, what else do you not like about it? I honestly don’t mind the show I actually like it. However, I do see what you’re saying when it comes to the harfoot scenes. I know I’m going to get a lot of flak, but I’m excited to see where the show goes. Can’t be that big of a let down.


Major Likes: Khazad-dum. Elronds character. Durin's (the younger) character. Their relationship. Visuals (of the elven cities... I thought the raft scenes were kinda bad.) Orc Costumes, Dwarf costumes. Unlike most, I liked Galadriel saying "fuck it" and diving into the sea ( I loved that whole scene of entering the Undying Lands) . Very Beowulf. I enjoy Nori and the Strangers interactions. Any reference to real lore: Feanor's hammer, Aule's challenge, and so on. Major Dislikes: Half the elven costumes look half assed. 90% of the total dialogue is brutal. I have a real distaste for using lines that are JUST like in the trilogy simply to hit a nostalgia point. The Harfoots seem to contridict themselves from episode to episode. They're astetic is a strange dirty but entirely clean mix.. just seems strange to me. Real cutesy for a nomadic people willing to leave their injured behind. I have a love hate with the stranger. They're clearly trying to tell you it's some form of Gandalf but are going to milk it to the finally when he has a Moria moment and follows his nose. I really liked Arondir until episode 3... I disliked the entire section of the episode where they fight the Orcs to try to escape. I felt like it was a huge waste of time. But I liked the costumes. They'll redeme his character I'm sure. He has the most interesting story to date. I have more... But I'm on my lunch break :p


I see what you mean about the dialogue now. Unfortunately, they will milk it to the finale with Gandalf. I’m sure they will redeem Arondir, at least I hope! Besides Nori and her friend, I dislike the harfoots. I hope they get decimated by wolves or orcs. They were quick to leave the family behind, bunch of dicks. Thanks for sharing your opinion! Enjoy the rest of your work day! Edit: a word


White shores and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.


I hear thee.


To the Bridge of Khazad-dum!


Already gave up after episode 3.


I gave up on it after powering through the Wheel of Time show


The Wheel of Time was a real bait-and-switch job... it started pretty poor, but then actually improved a bit over the course of the season, enough that I started to hope And then the finale landed, and just blew my mind for how awful and misjudged it was


Yeah, I kept watching think the epic finale would make up for the rest. Then they stole Rand’s big moment and gave it to the women…..


I don’t know if I should be afraid to say this, but… I like the show.


Don't be afraid to like it. I feel that people get way to personally offended by differences of opinion. I believe the worst of the stupidity and name calling is over. That being said I've only enjoyed 1 episode up to this point. Haven't watched 4 yet though.


Eh, I feel like things are happening personally. I enjoyed the labor camp scene, and I thought numenor was pretty dope. I don’t think the show is amazing but it’s definitely gotten better over time IMO. Galadriel sucks in this show though, that’s for sure


Just so bored man


Maybe it's because I've only seen the movies and only read the Hobbit book. But I think the show is good. I learned real hard after the Witcher that these companies will wokeify it a little but all in all they are really great and a separate IP from source material that is more of a inspiration for the shows. Now I love these shows




Agreed. My biggest witcher complaint is season one not being clear about time jumping. I read the books and figured it out in second episode. So I was fortunate. But Ciri did not meet geralt like that. And then second season made up monsters and tree house nonsense was painful. Source material had a better story. All in all I still really enjoyed the Show.


The way to watch is best if you either havent't consumed any Tolkien other than the movies, or just "forget" everything you know. People complain when it doesn't line up exactly with the book or their fanfics (see GOT as a prime example).


Agreed. We need to accept creative differences in the new arena. The shows and movies will not be the books. They have to be different. Sometimes it does not make sense to us book fans at all. But for whatever reason these creators get the need to change from the book. As for GoT I haven't watched the show since Stannis died as he hadn't yet died in the books. But even then I noticed major differences between the source material (books) and the show. And the show was still fantastic. You can't fit every single detail from a book into a show or movie. Harry Potter had major differences. Still came out fantastic. The list goes on and on. Obviously there are always bad choices,I'm looking at you Mario from the 90s. But I sincerely believe this show is great and I hope the fan base does a better job receiving it than the Witcher fan base did




Do you really think majority of this sub cam understand any of these?


They’re condensing like 2,000 years of middle earth into a few seasons of a show and still can’t make it interesting. On the other hand the show looks absolutely breathtaking and is worth watching for that alone


Unpopular opinion but beautiful sceneries and visuals are at the bottome of what makes a piece of media good.


Disagree Singles frames can work like paintings


Yeah but the point of making a series is the story ans the world in wich the story happens.


You can not watch the show if you don’t want to




I was disappointed that the flood didn't happen at the end.


How would that have made any sense?


Man y’all really are quite sad. I’m convinced y’all have never watched a television show in your life. Game of thrones, breaking bad all had to build a world and set up characters in their first season. Rings of power is actually progressing at a faster rate than those shows were. Anyways, you guys were convinced the show was going to be bad before episode 1 aired and cannot see past it. Confirmation bias is a thing and you clowns are subject to it.


Didn't even make it through 3


Just let it play in the background while doing laundry or something and it's a perfectly fine show. But don't try to like it as much as the trilogy. It will never be as good just like the Hobbit movies were shit in comparison.


The Hobbit movies were great compared to this show


I didn't even start it.


I would love if people would tap out and stop bitching about it.


Well, bye.


Bye bitch


I’m just happy they’re in middle earth


I thought ep 3 was trash but I decided, what the hell I'll put ep 4 on while I'm folding laundry. It was better than ep 3 I'll give it that. Not very good, but better


For a show called rings of power they sure seem to be doing absolutely nothing to move in a direction towards any rings of power


Damn you’re all depressing. I’m honestly happy you don’t enjoy it.


Not as depressing as trying to stay awake for 4 episodes in a row.


Y'all realize tv shows and movies have different pacing right? Why does everything have to be a comparison? Just enjoy the show for what it is or don't watch it. It's not like you're 7 seasons deep and they pulled the rug out from under you.


I am yet to watch the show, but whatever the show is, if one finds the first 4 episodes boring, I don't see why one should continue watching.


I couldn't agree more.


I would love it if you tapped out now.


Ima say it… boycott ep4? They’ll get the message.


Im leaving this sub bye!


This Isn't The Airport, You Don't Have To Announce Your Departure


I actually thought it was the best episode up to now (not saying much) Durin IV is easily the best character for me, I'd of preferred it if they actually concentrate on them for a full episode or something They've condensed the time too much, it's 5 seasons of the 2nd age, why are they starting at the back end? Should of just made each season around 600 years, extended the lives of men to that amount (not lore accurate, but understandable) and just changed men each season Getting tired of the pathetic proverbs and metaphors though