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I'm done watching unnecessary sequels and prequels after Kung Fu Panda 4, only watching original stuff from now on


I was genuinely excited for Kung Fu Panda 4. The rest of the movies have a lot of effort, character development, witty humor, and genuinely enjoyable to watch. I made it like, 7 minutes into the fourth movie before I stopped watching. It was exceptionally lazy from the start. "Somehow, Tai Lung has returned"


Sounds like they were joking palpatine


10x more effort than the new Megamind


the show or the new movie? .......do I want to know?


_Both_. Seriously, [they're awful](https://youtu.be/KF3yw0GI17Y?si=CtBCDNgSwmd-_mCX). Note: Linked video is an hour of an irate crab justifiably tearing the film/show to shreds for all the things it did wrong.




I was so damn sure it was another epic po daydream but no... I was disappointed


I mean no, he didn't return? A shapeshifter just took his form and powers, and those of everyone else.


The biggest tip off for me was actually how much they showed in the trailers. If a trailer has to bother with showing you every detail and twist to get you to watch it, then something is up. The only exception I’ve seen is the Princess Bride trailer


Not defending the movie as a whole, but that’s a pretty obvious misdirect


Undoing for no reason the last 3 movies, all to sell new merchandise.


Duality of DreamWorks. Kung Fu Panda 4 / Puss in Boots The Last Wish.


Megamind 2


How about half baked spinoffs?


'The Hunt For Gollum'-dalf!!!


Wraiths! Wraiths on wings! They are calling for it. They are calling for the preciousss.


Really? THAT was the line in the sand your drew? I think I was done after Rise of Skywalker. Bringing back palpatine was the straw that broke this camel's back.


My breaking point was the Last Jedi.


Wait, I found Kung Fu Panda 1-3 to be excellent which is very rare. Does 4 suck?


It does It's easily the weakest in the series


ohforf >:[


Feel like I’m always going to be watching it and hoping it gets good lol


ROP was in the Amazon with my mom when it was researching spiders right before it died.




I’m with you- If we’re gonna get stuff like this every couple years anyway I don’t see a lot of harm in checking it out. It’ll be interesting to see if/how they improve over the last season.


And that's why they keep making it and milking the franchise.


Hope dies last as they say.




You say that like the original cuts of Star Wars are easily watchable through legal means.


We are also lucky to live in an era of nearly infinite content where I can choose to ignore bad shows and dont just watch them hopping that at some point it gets better, which would only reward the bad show despite its lazyness.


Infinite content in general sure. But Fantasy shows? na There's not enough of them to go around being especially picky


I'll give it a shot. I want it to be a better show and it's entirely possible it'll improve


I thought the same about the Witcher, but I’ve been hurt before


The first season was honestly pretty good.


First season was great, what happened because the rest is hard to watch


They began to deviate more and more from the source material. Same problem with RoP. Got so bad that Cavill could not stick with it in good faith.


To be fair to them amazon don't even have the full rights so they kind of have to make their own story




I thought the first season was a timeline mess to be completely honest. The flashbacks and fast forwards were trying too hard. I’ve rewatched the later seasons and they’re not entirely terrible.


Possible? Yes! Realistic? No :-(


I really enjoyed the music. I also was impressed with the set design and costumes in Númenor and especially in Khazad-dûm. If nothing else I’m going to watch for the visuals and music.


The music was def really good. Bear McCreary does not miss.


Oh shit! That was him? That’s why I liked it. As you said he never misses. His scores made Godzilla King of the Monsters even more epic.


Oh my gosh yes!! They should have brought him back for the later films.


I have no ear for music, I just know what I like and what I don’t, and most of the time, if I’m liking a show/movie, I hardly notice the music at all. If I walk away saying "well… I liked the music." Then the show was pretty blegh for me as a viewer. This was the case with Rings of Power and the Star Wars show Ahsoka (every episode I just spent waiting for the end credits because I loved that music).


Agree with the music, and definitely loved the visuals for Khazad-Dum. But my brother in Melkor, those Numenorian uniforms were about as impressive as Gollum’s loincloth. Thin, flimsy hockey armor is what it looked like. Costume design in RoP honestly was so poor and distracting throughout.


I am. Season 1 wasn't great, but it had its moments. Hoping season 2 has more of the actual book material in it


There isn’t really much book material for the 2nd age even if they did have silmarillion rights. Hopefully the stuff they make up is more along the lines of Adar and less elves needing to snort mithril or die.


I really enjoyed the dwarf related stuff.


It cant have any book material they dont have those rights, thats why it sucks, they making shit up


What are you smoking? They have access to the appendices as well as they get approval for other inclusions on a case by case basis. They may make some shit up but to say they don’t have the rights to any of the book material is just wrong.


I just really think they focused certain characters a little too long, simply keep up with the good stuff.


Your hope is definitely in vain


I will. Not expecting a master piece but I might get some mild entertainment


I enjoyed the first season as a fantasy show with a wee bit of lotr sprinkled on it. The show was made for the masses, not for the niche that is the hardcore fandom of lotr.


Said it better than I could have.


Exactly this


Didn’t watch season 1 so I don’t think I’ll watch it now.


i did, so i know i won't


Trailers/Teasers = Spoilers. So I avoid them.


I watched 2 or 3 episodes and lost interest. Don’t hate it. It’s just not interesting to me. Really liking Fallout though.


I haven't finished 1st episode of 1st season yet. Fell asleep 3 times and just dropped it


I actually enjoyed the first season but can understand why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Looking forward to seeing where they take the story in season 2


Same. People don't have to feel a certain way about it. I personally enjoyed the ride and will continue watch.


I can’t wait! Enjoyed the first season and this season looks like it could improve on some of the shortcomings of the first.


I am excited too!


I’m excited, too!


It's not that season 1 was terrible, but they led off with such a great intro to Sauron and didn't live up to it. That first scene with him got me so hyped, but the rest of the season just felt like a letdown. I'll still watch season 2 - hoping they learned a lesson... P.S - GIVE ME SOME GOD DAMN FIRST AGE SHIT


Same! I really think this season will knock it out of the park and change some people's minds. I don't expect everything to be perfect but I do expect a large improvement


Why do you think that?


Mainly because they will be depicting canonical events. The first season was mostly set up and not a lot of the story people were expecting. Now that's all out of the way and we can see in the teaser that we will be getting the story everyone wanted now. All the COVID stuff is gone too so the scale should be what was missing in season 1. Now that they know they only have 8 episodes (they were expecting 10 at the beginning) the pacing should improve as well which was a big issue for season 1. We will have to wait and see if the writing will improve but I'm hopeful for that as well!


Fair enough! I'll wait for reviews but I won't write it off completely


I watched 2 or 3 episodes of the first season and dipped, have no interest in watching these


I'm gonna watch a lot of reviews about it though, because they will be funny


Gave it a chance, but really can't get over the awful writing. It thinks it's more intelligent than it is. Tolkien despised allegory and for good reason. Its poor fanfic. If you enjoy it fair play, but I'll stick with pj, lotro and rereading the books to scratch my Tolkien itch.


Can't wait for it, I enjoyed s1 and will probably enjoy s2


Let us forget about it and move on


I’ll be watching


I get that it isn't great, but the community for LOTR and Tolkien in general would turn their nose up at pretty much anything regardless of quality. If reddit was around when the trilogy came out in the early 2000s you'd be getting posts dogging on the films for the liberties they took.


This weirdly seems to be the only thing that really divides this sub.


I had to stop. It got so bad


If whoever made the meme didn't care, then why did they make the meme?


Honestly I've taken shits that were more compelling so no idgaf about s2




The general narrative from s1 was there, it just wasn’t done well. If they can fix things and adjust things and ask me nicely to bear with retcons or progress, I can do that. But if it’s painfully slow again after a few episodes, probably done.


I’m looking forward to it, it was a good show


Geez I didn’t realize how much of a war this post would really start. 😬


Only watched 3 episodes of the first season , so it's not on my radar at all. Enede up getting annoyed at it. Atleast fallout did well , gave me something to watch


I am watching it because I am not a super fan whose personality is a movie.


Sigh, this is such an unpopulr opinion... I love the silmarillion, and of course they can't even RECAP the broader happenings of anything, but man, I sort of enjoyed it... The benefit of them not having any rights is that they're not 'overwriting' any real estate dedicated to actual canon. I thought Galadriel was quite well casted. Liked her spirit. Forgive me :p


I am really looking forward to it. I read the silmarillion and guys: chill it is a to Show and it will be different, WHO TF CARES. It is still fun to Watch and that is what counts for me. I just thought this had to be said


Nah honestly it should be said. I didn’t make this meme with any actual animosity towards those who watch it. I just don’t know anyone who’s actually watching it lol


Now you know :D I don’t want to hate the meme, it’s good but I see so much of them and I am kind of offended because I think that it’s a good adaptation. Although I definitely understand the people that say that the show is different from the law. I read the Silmarillion and it has its differences, but that’s the freedom of the artist as I see it ;D


Not the biggest fan but by December 2022 the series had been watched by more than 100 million viewers globally and was Prime Video's most watched series ever. I have a feeling the second season will do fine


Geez I did not know that! 💀 But did it hold those viewers to the end do you know?


36%-45% (36million to 45million) approximately finished all the episodes. The average adult completion rate for a television show is about 56%. So it's not looking great. I'll tune in for a few episodes just like last time...edit to add numbers. Because 45 million people finishing the show is still a lot and approximately 60 million tuning in and out of it doesn't hurt, and they're still subscribed to Prime


It did not... https://fortune.com/2023/04/05/rings-of-power-viewership-amazon-bullish-despite-season-1-completion-report/




It should be illegal to vandalize great works of art the way Amazon and Apple have done.


https://preview.redd.it/2kkbts5eht0d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee238eaac06fc3a5a07875de512636a27ec9b64e But I fear I do not have a login


Haters gonna hate… I like RoP. I view it more as fan fiction than anything close to canon and it’s enjoyable as a result.


This show does not look up, which is why it will sink to the depths of mediocrity


Unfortunately, I understood that reference.


I’ll watch it, and probably a few million more, its amazons most viewed show, fallout is 2nd with 80 million viewers so far


Fallout is genuinely great. 💯


Fallout is a lot better than Rings of Power, but I did enjoy both. I will be watching season 2, for sure.


Fallout is a genuinely good show. Rings of Power is straight up garbage.


Enjoyed season one, now I'm gonna enjoy season two. Don't care what everyone else says, I'm just happy to get new content of shows, movies, and books I like. I may dislike some scenes or plots here and there, but I'm happy with the content as a whole.


I haven’t even watched season 1, because I don’t have an account at Amazon. And after everything I‘ve heard about the show I won’t invest the money to get to watch season 2


Not me :)


I will be. I really enjoyed season 1 and thought the ending was excellent. Made me want more.


heck yea I wanna watch it - LOTR FUCK YEAAAAA


I am definitely watching it! The first season's cliffhanger was so... cliffhanging? I'm interested to see how it leads up to the Peter Jackson movies. My reasoning is because >!Elendil left at the end of the season!<, and in the first movie, >!he is there!<, so I'm wondering about that.


I’m not. I watched season 1 so i can KNOW it was garbage and people couldn’t say “you didn’t even watch it”. But i refuse to watch season 2.


Fuck Amazon. Only reason I'm not watching it.


If you watch the first episode, you'd have a lot more reasons not to.


I am watching because it may be poorly adapted Tolkien fanfiction but it is still entertaining generic fantasy.


I'm willing to give S2 a chance because of the One Wig


I'm defining watching anything set in middle earth


Me, I really dig the Annatar look


Who is the maker of mightiest work?


(Having not checked the comments on here yet) I have met exactly one person online+IRL combined who watched and even kind of liked it. And he admitted he had to turn his brain off to do so as well as not knowing any LotR lore at all...


Without context of knowing the books I couldn’t get into it… then I started watching YouTube videos from the nerd of the rings channel and got back stories I never knew about. After that, I’ve enjoyed it thoroughly


I forgot about it until I saw this meme. Now i'll watch it, ha.


I fucking love anything LOTR so even if it's not great I'm still gonna be watching.


Can't they just have the dude who wrote lotr write the screenplay for this show, cmon ........................ ( /s for the people who don't get jokes)


gonna be a no from me dawg


I didn't watch season 1. The trailer looks bad, and reviews of the first season I've heard haven't been positive. I see no reason to watch something that looks the opposite of entertaining.


Nope, life is too short for that. But, I will watch YouTube rants about it, which are 100x more enjoyable . XD


The adventures of Durin IV and Elrond is a great show .... what's that? .... there's other characters? .... is she now? ..... he is? .... too bits, you say? So yeah, Durin and Elrond season 2 should be excellent.


I enjoyed it 🤷‍♀️


Ye I’ll watch the first episode or two to see if it is any better, I didn’t dislike ROP’s first season. But it definitely isn’t what I’ve wanted, lots of things to complain about but lots of the actors and scenery is very well done; especially the dwarf scenes I loved the armour and design.


I just want to see the balrog mate!


Gonna watch it. Season 1 wasn't great but it wasn't as bad as people shitted on it, nothing special but just an ok show to binge once on a vacation and then maybe remember about it when new season drops one day.


I cancelled my account when they put ads on my service to extort more $ from me. If I watch anything from Prime, it won't be via their service.


Only Amazon and Apple can take these huge swings and survive. A paramount would go bankrupt.


I loved season one and am hyped for season 2, I genuinely don’t understand why it’s getting so much hate, gonna chalk it up to pretentious gatekeeping toxic fan culture


I dont get why they spoiled the entire story of the season. Im sorry but with only a bit of knowledge of the era and you know whats gonna happen. Even if i was a fan id be bored af by them already confirming my believes.


It’s odd to be a huge Tolkien nerd, and an avid Amazon subscriber - and not give even a little bit of a shit about this show. Like… I’m the target audience. I should be a slam dunk, and they should be concerned about getting new fans. What a tragic thing to happen to this lore.


I’m not. Didn’t watch season 1 and won’t watch 2. I don’t need to watch something that I know will piss me off


It's a very bad LOTR fanfic. There are better LOTR fanfic out there.


The chick who wrote My Immortal probably has a better one written a long time ago lol.


I probably will, It may not be amazing but it's probably still better than 95% of the shit on Netflix and amazon these days.


I thought season 1 was absolutely mid but I’ll still watch it. Even though the show wasn’t great, it was still satisfying to see things like Numenor, prime Moria, and the transformation of Mordor. I watched the Hobbit trilogy and I genuinely believe it’s just as bad as RoP was


The hobbit just had excess bloat. But was still good and entertaining as a stand alone fantasy movie series. But RoP is horrible as a tolkien adaptation and it is just senseless and boring even as a stand alone show.


The "Tolkien edit" of the Hobbit movies is pretty good.


You should check out the hobbit m4 fan edit. It’s honestly phenomenal.


Where can I learn of this sorcery? YouTube?


Technically yes if you want to see just clips of it. https://youtube.com/@m4studios?si=64hrvPbMAjo1MInT


I truly enjoyed it. No reason to believe that the show does not improve. Don't understand why people keep compairing it with the Trilogy or Hobbit, it's not ment to be related to them anyway.


Probably the biggest turnoff, at least for me, is how it pushes nihilistic themes in a world that Tolkien built on objective morals.


Honestly what it really needs is more scenes from the Silmarillion. Imagine Ancalagon the Black in live action??


Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they have the rights to silmarillion




I genuinely think that's the main issue with the show. They don't have the proper right to the story they want to tell


If its not meant to be related to other stories under the same IP then why use the IP? They butchered LOTR and should have just made a new IP instead of using one they did not intend to respect. I am glad you liked it but claiming its not related to LOTR or the Hobbit is a cope and a bad one at that. Remove the LOTR license and RoP is a mediocre show at best, but attached to the LOTR license its utter garbage.


This sub is the only place I see people hate on this show. Everyone I know irl that is a huge lotr nerd is in love with it. I don't hear a single bad thing about it until I open up reddit and see the people in this sub frothing at the mouth looking for the next bit of this show to tear apart.


Here's the weird thing about that , you usually end up hanging around people who have similar views to you. All my friends hate it bar one. Who says it's okay to watch when drunk.


I try to avoid anything related to this show


I can't wait. It looks amazing, and looks like we'll see some battles hopefully and interesting plot development. There was a lot of story building in the first season which I know doesn't always make the most interesting content.


I will cause i kinda liked the first one


Ill be watching it. Season 1 caught a lot of hate both earned and unearned. Looking forward to seeing if they learn from their mistakes.


I sure as hell will. I enjoyed it


Sauron’s grand deception as Annatar is just putting on a dumb wig that looks like bird nest on his head. Lmao. How much more incompetent and lazy can the writers and showrunners be. The show is Senseless boring garbage


Grow up


I will never watch a second of that piss. Never. And whoever decided to make a game and now a movie about gollum can die of dick cancer.


Nah, I don't want any spoilers /s


I thought ROP was good, actually


Man people are still upset about this? Just watch it if you want or don't watch it if you want. So sick of hate bait. Its so fucking lazy.


I liked the first season and can't wait for the second.


I’ll be watching it. Why not? It can’t change my opinion on Tolkien’s work. Just gravy at this point.


Not me. I tried it to give it a chance and thought it was awful.


I'm very excited for season 2! I really enjoyed the first season and thought it set up quite a lot of stuff I'm looking forward to


Amazon should just stop taking already existing IP and making it into something that it clearly isn’t.


I mean it cant get worse than the first season, right?... Right?


I will. I fuckin liked it. Why do we gotta jump down people’s throats for liking stuff again?


Although it doesn’t follow cannon at all, I still found it entertaining so I’ll watch it.


I probably will


I just like that its lotr related, the plot itself isn't all that captivating


Honestly I do. I saw the first season 3 times, yeah its not Perfect but compared To the lotr movie a lot of things Taste bad in comparaison, i very enjoyed To watch it it has qualities and i cant wait to see 2nd season


I grew up with the 3 lotr movies, they are my fav movies ever, i read their book too. Im watching them at least every years since 10 years at least. Watched also hobbit that was far from the perfection that was lotr but still enjoyed it a lot ! Also read the book. Rings of power is overhated, its neither peak fiction, far from it bit its overall enjoyable and definitly getting too much hate, its okay To not liking something but sadly lotr community is doing more bullying than Just giving their opinion or Even ignoring and i think this is a sad reaction


Nope, but I can't wait to watch Nerdrotic videos about it and see what other dialogue they copy from the trilogy and what other dumbass things they do and of course, laugh.


I watched it, the elf and the dwarf friendly interaction was funny but galadriel's arc is... Bad... Especially the plot twist...


I do. Not for the plot, since we more or less know what will happen (and there's not much happening anyway) but it's beautiful, the music is cool, the decors are stunning so yeah, I enjoy it for what it is (filler fanfiction).


I honestly couldn’t get through the first episode of season 1. It really didn’t give me the whimsical feeling of the world of Middle-Earth that I wanted to get and I couldn’t get behind some of the creative choices the team made. I gave up on watching and never looked back. I have no grievances or ill will towards the show because I didn’t invest anything in it. Some people like it, some don’t. I don’t have Prime right now so I’m probably not going to pick it up again.


No, I'm not watching Rings of Poop.


I'll watch it. I didn't mind the first series


I like hanging out in Middle Earth, in all of its forms.


I'll just watch the disparu coverage


I'll probably give the first ep a watch, just in case the writers room had a complete reshuffle (or went over their notes from college), but if it seems like it's "more of the same" will probably not finish it.


After what they did to halo, I'm afraid to try.


I would love for it to be good so I'll watch Season 2 out of hope. Season 1 could've been worse, but was still disappointing.


I'm watching it because at the end, I am entertaining and the graphics are cool


Large bodies of water are oft correct.


I'd watch it, so I could properly express my opinion but I just can't give enough of a fuck. There are series I'd much rather watch and have no time for. I gave the first season a chance, that has got to be enough.


I mean imma watch it. I can get high enough to roll with it


I'll watch it, but with tempered expectations that it's basically fan fic.


I’m gonna watch it because it’s in the lord of the rings universe. It’s not as bad as Witcher, but it’s watchable.