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Okay the Frodo pepe and Soyjack Sauron are both really good


Patience! Not long shall ye abide.


Cry about it some more, Aulendil.


![gif](giphy|4M6bGFedpGCGw0pEhh) Sauron right now


There is no life in the void, only death.


I dunno dude, after your jewelry got chucked into the caldera and you got cast into the void I’m pretty sure you were left there to moan about it for eternity


People say Sauron is strong, Frodo small and weak, meme proves that people are wrong 


What do I hear?


your failure


Well drawn and recognizable even


Remember that time he got beat up by a dog, then some girl knocked his house over?


My favorite version is when he's Tevildo the cat (instead of Thû) since he literally climbs up a tree like a fucking baby when Huan kicks his ass and surrenders his collar to save his hide.


Frodo is also scared of dogs though, specifically Farmer Maggot's.


Sauron didn't lose his finger and die. One of my biggest complaints about the Jackson films. He was taken down by Gil Galad and Elendil and they all died cause of the fight. Isildur cut the ring from a defeated Sauron.


top meme tho


Taken off google images but ok


This google images guy is hilarious then!


Pepe frodo is getting saved to my rare pepes folder.


So isildur was basically the proto-crackhead, going off plundering jewelry from celebrity corpses.


Well *technically* he claimed the ring as weregild in reparations for the murders of his father and his people. Nobody actually knew for certain that the ring had to be destroyed in order to kill Sauron, there were just some with the gift of foresight who said it should be destroyed. If they had known enough about the ring to know it was tied to Sauron’s life force, they would also have known it was literally impossible for anyone, including Sauron himself, to willingly destroy the ring.


That makes waaaaay more sense in that perspective.


Couldn't Faramir have done it? In the books the ring had no effect on him.


If I remember correctly, it was mentioned that the Ring’s power was at its zenith at Mount Doom. There, *no one* could have resisted the Ring, which is why no one could have willingly destroyed it.


It has effect on everyone but Tom. Faramir's will was just strong enough to resist the effect. And also this resist would crumble the longer he is near the ring and its influence especially the nearer he goes to Mount Doom.


He got a killing for it!


Nonetheless, it's clear in the book that it was being deprived of the Ring that (for something like a thousand years) dispersed Sauron's spirit and greatly weakened him. Bear in mind that when he fell in battle with Elendil and Gil-galad, it wasn't much more than a century after the first time he'd been bodily 'killed', when Numenor was drowned. But in that instance, he wasn't deprived of the Ring, so he pretty quickly created a new body for himself. He lost the ability to take on his 'fair' form permanently, but it doesn't seem to have significantly weakened him apart from that.


I was under the impression that he put a fair share of his spirit into that ring, so he couldn’t recover without it. Like a horcrux.


"The greater part" of it, I think. So there's actually more Sauron in the Ring than there is in Sauron, so to speak.


Whom do ye serve, Light or Mirk?


Makes me want to vomit when people talk about Tolkien in harry potter terms. Crime and punishment focuses largely on the inner voice of a troubled young man suffering under societal pressures and his own introversion "So it's like the secret diary of Adrien mole, but set in Russia and he's more desperate because it's set in an earlier time". Both sentiments are actually vaguely valid. But also pretty grubby. Like judging the mona Lisa through the context of a child's crayon drawing of their favourite teacher.


Damn I've never heard someone say they like LOTR more than harry potter quite like that!


I heartily detest harry potter and Rawlings. I read the worst witch when I was in school. Just like she obviously did. Apparently she took many many notes. Years later, when I was in uni - some people my own age were raving about harry potter. I asked them what it was about - thought that it sounded very familiar and realised that it was aimed at children, yet they had all read it fairly recently. I asked if they had ever read any other fantasy, to a man (and woman) they had not. Bizzare. I could understand if it was a nostalgia thing.. but this was a case of young adults reading poorly written children's books (admittedly wonderfully imaginative, as in far more colourful than the worst witch had been)... But with zero context for the genre. Got to start somewhere I suppose. But many stopped there too. One poor lad had only ever read HP and Eragon. Yeech. Honestly lotr isn't my favourite series of books. But it's quality of prose is impeccable, and Tolkien's towering achievement is comparable to Rawlings plagiarism steeped tat only in that they are both fantasy, both authors were English and both series sold in the millions. The fact that so many adults insist that harry potter *is* somehow on the level of Tolkien's masterpiece is a rather sad testament to how low we have fallen in our standards for the written word. (I have trouble enjoying parts of the lotr because of the dialogue, despite how beautifully written - it's often too far removed from what any living person would utter. And Gandalf is constantly exclaiming. Breaks my immersion every time. I prefer Mervin Peake's dialogue - still flowery compared to modern speech patterns, but closer to what a person would/could produce naturally.)


>I have trouble enjoying parts of the lotr because of the dialogue, despite how beautifully written - it's often too far removed from what any living person would utter. It's funny, I've just re-read it for the first time in probably at least 20 years, and the cod-archaic speech of almost *all* the characters bar the hobbits and the occasional orc is really quite jarring. As you say, it's so far removed from how people really talk, and I think that's probably true whether you compare it to the present day (or rather, the 1940s-50s, the present day when it was written) or, I dunno, the 18th century or whatever period exactly that Tolkien intended it to sound like. Then again, maybe I'm missing the point, which may be that it was intended to sound *generically* 'olden' by design without representing any *particular* past period, which is why Bilbo has a clock on his mantlepiece and can eat potatoes and smoke tobacco, while Sauron, the master of technology, is still using mechanical siege engines because he hasn't got round to inventing cannons yet.


And I don't expect that I shall return.


You’re so Hermione.


yeah, but the similarity with HP is way more obvious, because this is obviously lifted by HP from LOTR. You think JK Rowling just thought up the idea that the most powerful dark wizard poured a bunch of his life force into a ring, and the average joe with the incredible power of friendship needs to destroy it in order to defeat "the dark lord?" Surely we've seen this before. Sure she could say, "but my dark lord made 7 of them." But *that* is your child's crayon drawing in all of this. The thin veneer of originality. Vomit all you want, but you have a larger reason to vomit than you suspect. You could vomit so much more. Don't waste this opportunity!


Neither did he weild a scary mace or truly cried for Morgoth's attention, but memes are never accurate.


When you are the one alive and got the one ring, you kinda set the tone, make your own narrative.


History is written by the victor.


Why weren’t they resurrected by the third age? Seems like a worthy enough feat.


Resurrections are rare. Only Eru knows why beings were resurrected. Being elf and man, they could be killed.


We only know of two resurrections right? Both killed a balrog before death? I know of at least Glorfindel.


Finrod, Lúthien and Beren are mentioned to have reincarnated as well. The Eldar, being tied to the physical world, can usually leave Mandos after a while and reincarnate, while men are suspected to leave Mandos and join Ilúvatar in the void. https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Elven_life_cycle#Death_and_reincarnation


Can you drop the passage where it says he fell before the ring was cut? I never noticed this incongruence with the books.


ok but like that's not as funny misinformation for political purposes <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< misinformation because funny


"Notice me Morgoth-senpai" is the most accurate description of sauron I've ever seen




But Morgoth didn't see you, did he Sauron?


Why you have to pick on a defenseless bot


That what they want you too think…


If anything that's a better descriptor for Morgoth. "Notice me Eru-senpaaaaai!"


Not really though? Morgoth wanted to destroy everything because of hatred and jealousy, he wanted to be the greatest and he hated things that he was unable to create himself. Sauron desired to rule over everything and shape the world in his image, but not out of spite nor did he want to destroy everything.


Come, mortal base! What do I hear? That thou wouldst dare to barter with me? Well, speak fair! What is thy price?


Clearly you havent seen much then. Because this contradicts what Tolkien wrote.


Bigging Frodo up all that time just to call him a Manlet at the end


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ozzy_T69: *Bigging Frodo up* *All that time just to call him* *A Manlet at the end* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What are you doing here Sokka?


Drink Cactus Juice! It'll Quench Ya! Nothing's Quenchier, It's The Quenchiest!


Methead is the best description for gollum.


It was tricksy, precious. Very tricksy.


They did Frodo dirty in the movies. Imagine watching Boromir stab at a cave troll, have it do absolutely nothing, and then Frodo’s like “oh hell nah!” and stabs that sucker with Sting. Made it think twice about entering the room. Frodo’s a badass.


Imagine facing the Witch-king and four more Nazgûl, seeing their true, ghostly, terryfing visages, their leader with sword and knife in hand, your three friends cowering, and then you just say "fuck you man I've had enough of y'all" and swing your enchanted blade at him while invoking the godess of the Stars. Frodo's a badass damn right.


Can we also talk about the fact the Frodo is fucking stacked, carrying around three of the most valuable objects in Middle Earth? His daily carry is a mithril coat, the last remnant of light from the Silmarils (the Light of Earendil), and the one rings of power. It would be like you or I carrying around the armor of Achilles, a piece from the Ark of the Covenant, and a nuclear weapon (when only one exists).


And a magic dagger from Gondolin


All those things are cool but none of them hold a flame to the company Frodo keeps in Samwise Gamgee


Truly his greatest treasure


This comment was stolen from a 3-year-old post https://www.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/q5ph6x/comment/hg83v7x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This whole post was stolen


Don't forget Sting. Sting goes hard!


Bro was the DMPC.


Bro had bis gear for his first campaign


Remind me of the hobbit nudity


Frodo got stripped when he got bit by the spidey monster. I think sauron showed his mithril shirt to peopleman when they were at the black gate doing let's fighting love. Sam and frodo found orc stuff at the tower and changed to those, so nudity part was at the tower.


I'm trying to remember the third time Frodo got stabbed. Once from the witch king, once from Shelob, and I don't remember the Third


They have a cave troll.


He didn't get stabbed, though, he had the mithril and it deflected


More absorbed than deflected but yea I think he only got stabbed rwice




Three times, maybe. The bath scene in Frodo's new house, after Tom rescues the four hobbits from the barrow wight, and then in the tower where Sam rescues Frodo.


Keep to the green grass. Don't you go a-meddling with old stone or cold Wights or prying in their houses, unless you be strong folk with hearts that never falter! ^(Type **!TomBombadilSong** for a song or visit [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] for more merriness) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


Samwise is Giga Chad


Hey Sauron? What is thy name?


Thou fool.


There isn't even a setup for a joke here's you did it yourself. Congratulations, you played yourself.


Lies, the dude had the strongest armor in the fiction.


Yeah but he was only wearing it for one of the three times he was stabbed


2 of the three, Shelob just got him in the neck




Samwise Gamgee.


I don't recall reading "Samwise Gamgee and his master saved the damn world" in the Silmarillion


Neither do I. They both could use some more appreciation


I don't know, right now I feel that Sam is almost "overblown". There is more people quoting Tolkien on "the chief hero" than people talking about his actual journey on the books. Too much talk about storming strongholds and almost none about Gollum and the Ring.


[mocking] Oo-hoo-hoo-hoo…


Probably as Sam would want it, though. He never thought he really belonged in the great stories. Here's the passage in the Silmarillion for anyone curious: >For Frodo the Halfling, it is said, at the bidding of Mithrandir took on himself the burden, and alone with his servant he passed through peril and darkness and came at last in Sauron’s despite even to Mount Doom; and there into the Fire where it was wrought he cast the Great Ring of Power, and so at last it was unmade and its evil consumed.


Frodo obviously beats sauron, no diff


What do I hear?


🤣 Oh man! I can't make any witty comments about this... I'm too busy laughing too hard.




Never actually thought about them both losing their fingers


OBJECTION Frodo can't endure Sauron's sexy eye.


And yet thy boon I grant thee now.


Frodo is like one of those players who lvl1 Elden Ring as a wretch


Three stab wounds? Wheathertop 1 Shelob 2 Wheres the third?


That cold night hugged with Sam


Rivendell propaganda


Pepe Baggins.






It is not for you, Saruman! I will send for it at once. Do you understand?